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19103565 No.19103565 [Reply] [Original]

There is one (1) correct choice.

>> No.19103570

For which application? Cramming? Banana Bread? Guineitos? Bananas Foster?

>> No.19103576

I start eating them at 5 and try to finish before they are too 6-ey

>> No.19103584

taste, idiot

>> No.19103585

3 is the optimal flavour

>> No.19103586


>> No.19103589

3. Perfect balance of sweet, tart, and texture.

>> No.19103590

6chads rise up

>> No.19103591

Whichever banana you choose, I always support you.

>> No.19103594
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>> No.19103597

4, more fiber less sugar

>> No.19103601
File: 81 KB, 1074x667, url(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off anon

>> No.19103616

4 for eating raw, 7 for baking with.

>> No.19103739

The correct answer is between 6 and 7 but more on the 7 side
If those are my only options, then easy 7

Also less micros. It's never a good idea eating unripe fruit
Even at 7 you have a decent amount of fiber .

If you want the fiber and micros you eat the peel

>> No.19103741


>> No.19103755

Btw if you have trouble remembering just look at this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RFDOI24RRAE

>> No.19103807
File: 217 KB, 719x400, Screenshot_20230329-034533_QuickPic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll eat them around 4, 5, and 6. Once they're past 6 they've entered banana bread territory. Pic related is what I prefer to use for banana bread. Once they've blackened at room temperature I age them in the fridge for 1 – 3 weeks. They have a pleasant fermented nutty smell when opened. If they've burst open on their own I toss 'em. If they smell repulsive or even the slightest hint of a garbage type smell they're no good and should be disposed of.
Here's the banana bread recipe I use:
3 large bananas
120g butter
2 eggs
50g sugar
Vanilla extract

180g flour
1 tsp baking soda
Half tsp salt

Mix ins of your choice

1. Cream together sugar and butter.
2. Add eggs and vanilla extract, beat until thoroughly combined.
3. Mix in bananas.
4. Wisk together the dry ingredients. Mix the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients until no dry spots remain.
5. Preheat oven to 350°F
6. Pour batter into baking dish and bake for 55 – 60 minutes or until it passes skewer/toothpick test.
7. Enjoy!

Of course you can make banana bread with normal ripe bananas, this is just my preference.

>> No.19103808

The fuck is a micro, I'm not playing starcraft here

>> No.19103811


>> No.19103863


I freeze 7. When you freeze them they take on an ice cream like texture that goes well in smoothies. If you eat these you're a 3rd worlder or a psycho. Most likely both.

>> No.19103865


>> No.19103878

pseudoscientific diet bullshit from the mid-2010s. You can safely ignore anybody using these terms.

>> No.19103910
File: 81 KB, 600x768, banan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not ready yet
still not ripe
make it a ten
still not quite
there we go baby

>> No.19104150

based nan

>> No.19104219

1 basically inedible
2 is edible but too green
3 and 4 are prime for eating by themselves or in cereal
5 is still good but lean more towards cereal only
6 is serial only
7 is not good, wait till 8 and use for banan bread at this point

>> No.19104306

7 for eating, 8+ for everything else. Anything before 7 is shit, the banana gets more flavor at 7.

>> No.19104311


>> No.19104317

Fucking gross

>> No.19104405

>vitamins are pseudoscientific diet bullshit
alright bro

>> No.19104418

It's surprising to me how many people prefer that dry, astringent taste of unripe bananas. It's 6, after the green has disappeared but it's not overripe like 7+.

>> No.19104433

I only eat 7s

>> No.19104462

i have a few bananas on my counter at like 9 or 10
feels like a waste to throw them out but they're to gross to eat

>> No.19104558


>> No.19104560


>> No.19104578

6 and beyond until the skin starts to crack. Why would you ever eat unripe fruits?

>> No.19104582

1-4 are not fit for human consumption
5 for eating
6-7 for baking

The worst is when they go straight from 3 to 7, turning brown while they still have green along the ridges. I don't know why that happens, but I never saw a green/brown banana until 10-15 years ago.

>> No.19104589

>Pic related is what I prefer to use for banana bread. Once they've blackened at room temperature I age them in the fridge for 1 – 3 weeks. They have a pleasant fermented nutty smell when opened. If they've burst open on their own I toss 'em. If they smell repulsive or even the slightest hint of a garbage type smell they're no good and should be disposed of.

This is getting into the "thousand year egg" territory of fermentation. So common for that level of ripeness to result in rot. What's your success rate, if you put a bunch of 6 bananas in the fridge, how many can you expect to be usable?

>> No.19105233

I really like 2. They taste fresh, sharp, and they're not that soft, gritty texture.

>> No.19105237


>> No.19105243

So long as they don't burst on their own at anytime during the process they're pretty much good up to 3 weeks. Beyond 3 weeks they become very hard to handle without bursting. At 2 weeks they're usually all good, at 3 weeks I might have to toss one or two out of a bunch of six. I might try taking them further some day. One time I found a solitary banana at the back of the fridge that had basically mummified. It was shriveled and shrunken from evaporation and its peel was tough and leathery. I could have used it as it had not burst, but I couldn't bring myself to trust it as I did not know how long it had been in there.

>> No.19105252

5 is optimal, 6 is acceptable too.

>> No.19105326


>> No.19106340

7 will contain less indigestible fiber to feed to vile gut bacteria, but it will still contain large quantities of toxic chitinases. Bananas, unfortunately, can hardly be considered food. It is no coincidence that those peoples which consume large quantities of banana, for example in the Caribbean and West Africa, are known for their torpid demeanor and sluggish cognition.

>> No.19106354

It has to have black spots or it's disgusting.

>> No.19106373


>> No.19106375

Ah, yes, here we have today's excuse for the blacks.

>> No.19106383

1 is best to shove up your ass.

>> No.19106392

For just eating on its own?
2, 3 at ripest
For use in a dessert or smoothie?
Inbetween, 4 or 5
Banana bread? 7 or riper

>> No.19106550
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>> No.19106575

7 for smoothies 6 for eating.

>> No.19106683

6 for eating
7 for baking

>> No.19106695

4/5 for peel and eat
6 for peanut butter and banana sandwich
7 for banana bread

>> No.19106722

Won't even touch one until it's at a 6.5 then they're ready to eat or store in the fridge

>> No.19106728


>> No.19106736

Yea this. These muther fockers be eating green ass, tangy, mouth-drying bananas..I'm a 5.5 man myself.

>> No.19106739

and what are we talking girth wise?

>> No.19107751

I don't understand why people like unripe bananas. It's not ripe until 6. What really should be discussed is what ripeness one prefers between 6 and 7.

>> No.19107754


>> No.19107868

Never measured but honestly I'm not too far off girth wise from a normal banana

>> No.19107877

The more ripe a banana is, the more of the potassium the skin has leeched into the flesh, so the healthier it is.

>> No.19107884
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BASED Effort-Poaster
Bonus pts. for process reasons.

>> No.19108244
