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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19099950 No.19099950 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.19099953


>> No.19099959
File: 122 KB, 491x512, eac1a50d953ec696.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure this is not just the beginning of further restrictions since Germans are not autistic...right?

>> No.19099969

Lmaoing at you Europoors. Can't grill anymore. Come give uncle Sam a ring when you can't stand to eat any more cricket burgers kek. Maybe I'll mail you a picture of a real burger to keep you going, you can even keep it in your purse.

>> No.19099974

literally who is gonna report their neighbors for grilling too much lmao, sounds like a law that will be applied once per year in the whole country.

>> No.19099976

Don't laugh. Every time the Germans go on a rights-restricting spree across Europe, it ends with us having to sort their shit out.

>> No.19099978

>literally who is gonna report their neighbors for grilling too much lmao
the old, bitter widowed old cunts that hate everyone and everything, this just gives them an option to ruin someones BBQ by calling the cops on them for grilling too much

>> No.19099980

bbq-wardens, of course

>> No.19099986

What is the Deutsche equivalent of "Karen"?

>> No.19099988

I mean this is dumb but it's not really a big deal. Europe has a different barbeque culture than America. In America they usually have gas-powered barbeques so they can easily just use a small amount of gas to grill a small portion of meat.

Here in Europe everybody only barbeques with charcoal, so you have to use a whole bag's worth to barbeque anything, which is gonna set you back like £3 minimum. It doesn't make sense to do it unless you have a big group of people round.

>> No.19099989

I can see this happening, especially if you're talking to someone while grilling.

>> No.19099994
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Poland is not stealing enough money through eurofonds from these autists.

>> No.19099998

>Blockleiter (Block Warden), where block refers to city block, was from 1933 the title of a lower Nazi Party political rank responsible for the political supervision of a neighborhood.

>> No.19100011

Germans. They're very autistic about not being disturbed by neighbours.

>> No.19100016
File: 2.72 MB, 362x640, 1674466924197538.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever seen Germans grill ?
Unless it is restaurant or paki kebab stall, shit sux.

>> No.19100019

This is about saving the climate, though

>> No.19100021
File: 1.78 MB, 300x199, jd5640469.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

grilling disturbs people? are germans just really bad at grilling? or do a lot of them think they should only use ovens?

>> No.19100022

you can light and relight charcoal without losing much mass (if any) by just smothering it when you are done (closing vents).

>> No.19100024

Read the OP you dense bastard. Oh my God, is this the level of IQ of the average anon?

>> No.19100034


>> No.19100036

It's just a smoke screen for CO2 measures.

>> No.19100047

Yes, we must protect the (((climate))) by taking away individual rights and increasing government reach. You’re some breed of special aren’t ya?

>> No.19100051

>and the new government's first rule is... no more gas chambers!
a curious move

>> No.19100053


>> No.19100058

Germans only barbecue with charcoal, which is skinky. that's what this is about.

>> No.19100073 [DELETED] 

>In America they usually have gas-powered barbeques
You don't know what you're talking about. Gas grills are common here but so are charcoal grills and every supermarket, hypermart, etc, sells ~7kg bags of charcoal. Gas grills are more convenient for large parties but charcoal is regarded as more classic for single-family meals.
>Germans only barbecue with charcoal, which is [stinky]
And yet somehow that's not a problem in America, with its far more significant grilling culture. The real issue here is not Germany but Munich, i.e. the urban hellscape.

>> No.19100082

>You don't know what you're talking about. Gas grills are common here but so are charcoal grills and every supermarket, hypermart, etc, sells ~7kg bags of charcoal. Gas grills are more convenient for large parties but charcoal is regarded as more classic for single-family meals
Right, but the point is that gas barbeques are actually seen as a valid option in America. In Europe they're unheard of. Personally I don't see the point of barbequing with gas, at that point why not just use an oven? For me the smoky flavour from the charcoal is the whole fucking point.

>> No.19100104

I refuse to acknowledge your pun. Leave me.

>> No.19100121

first the nuclear energy and now this, is germany a shithole now?

>> No.19100157

It's for outdoors tough guy larping

>> No.19100165

And don't ever, EVER blame large corporations who use more fossil fuels annually than a million people ever could. Nope, it's the guy grilling in his backyard that's the problem

>> No.19100176

Knowing germany, this is less abt nwo or whatever and more about pissy autistic ur-boomer neighbours lol

>> No.19100188

Meh, while I hate the fact they are dictating what you do, I have never grilled more than once a week anyway.

>> No.19100195

Went to Munich a couple of times, we actually went to those communal grills in the park and it was nice. I liked the Legoland rides as well. Good people, everyone spoke English to some point, very polite. Beergartens cool although i don't drink alcohol, but cold fritz-kola everywhere
t.slavislav slawinski

>> No.19100202

>literally who is gonna report their neighbors for grilling too much lmao
Oh, how quickly you forget 3 years ago, when coof restrictions caused everyone to instantly turn on each other and rat everyone out to the cops for even the most minor infractions like taking a walk around the block or not wearing a mask in your own back yard.

>> No.19100232 [DELETED] 

a lot of scum bags also bbq and this could be a way to clean up the neighborhood
it is jewwy but that's all you can do without getting in trouble :|

>> No.19100256

found the city-dweller

>> No.19100259

Thank God my neighbours are reasonable human beings instead of whiny cunts.

>> No.19100294

Everyone in Europe is a city-dweller.

>> No.19100296

Except for the people who don't live in the cities, of course.

>> No.19100300

>I just wanted to grill.jpg

>> No.19100301

My understanding of Europe is that all their countries are so tiny that there's no such thing as living outside a city.

>> No.19100307

most knowledgeable murican

>> No.19100323
File: 63 KB, 697x463, laughing moles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plenty of people grilling with gas here in Denmark. I think it defeats the purpose since I want to taste some smoke when I grill, but I suppose it's because it takes way less time to get the grill ready than it does with coals or wood. Definitely not unheard of.


>> No.19100359

Why is the article using grilling and barbeque interchangeably? They're not the same thing.

>> No.19100581

Lmao check out this disingenuous idiot

>> No.19100588

>americans use gas powered grills usually
Lmao no

>> No.19100593

Californians will defend this

>> No.19100598

Hank of the hill is a joke dude

>> No.19100608

Was that Jack?

>> No.19100614

>In America they usually have gas-powered barbeques
Ask me how I know your only experience with American barbecue culture is King of the Hill.
Hint: Hank Hill's obsession with gas grills was funny because most everyone prefers to grill over charcoal. Our campsites and parks even come standard with charcoal grills fixed into the ground so people can cook food for outdoor gatherings there.

>> No.19100642

Can't be. The right hand actually works.

>> No.19100652

I guess you're too fucking retarded to know the difference.

>> No.19100656

Gas grilling offers a different product from charcoal, you're outside and if you're really passionate about the smoke you can throw a couple of briquettes or wood chips in the gas grill.

>> No.19100659

I'll gladly grill once a week if it means others are respectful of those around them. I wish my country had a culture like this. I'm sick of loud greedy fuckwits all around me, without a care of who they disturb.

>> No.19100661

Cooking outdoors is dangerous and not environmentally friendly, it's 2023 guys, quit cooking like a cave man, they literally ruined the ice age and icreased global temps by 0.001 degrees from barbecuing woolly mammoths

>> No.19100675

Keep being disingenuous because you're mad that other people use words differently than you

>> No.19100708
File: 172 KB, 1200x1026, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's right, Europe is actually much closer to something like Mega-City One from Judge Dredd
just endless cityscape as far as the eye can see

>> No.19100709

American grill culture was imported from post war Germany, the American brand Weber based their grills on what the owner had seen while in Germany right after WWII.

>> No.19100714

>you have to use a whole bag's worth to barbeque anything, which is gonna set you back like £3 minimum.
Is that really such an expense? I can't imagine being bothered by less than $5 spent on cooking up a ton of food and I'm a poorfag.

>> No.19100718

Who cares what retarded southerners do?

>> No.19100736

i mean, the stasi was a thing

>> No.19100739

take your twitter lingo elsewhere, redditor

>> No.19100742

Yes, I always imagined all of Europe looking like the Eastern seaboard of the US, and that's also an overly urbanized hellscape I would never want to live in.

>> No.19100747

bbq is a sauce

>> No.19100822

like mohammad and his family will care

>> No.19100826

Good, Germans should be forbidden from eating meat, they deserve this sort of treatment for their poor choices.

>> No.19100834

it’s about immigrant families having grill parties every single day of the week out on the balcony or tiny courtyard stinking up the whole neighbourhood. they do it here too. like the curry stench wasn’t bad enough inside the apartment

>> No.19100840
File: 3.31 MB, 498x362, your post.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>American grill culture was imported from post war Germany

Grilling and barbecue have been hugely popular since the first explorers learned how the natives cooked wild pigs over a fire.

>> No.19100846

Literally Henry Ford invented the charcoal briquette to make grilling faster and easier since it was already so popular people would attach grills to their cars and drive around grilling

>> No.19100857

Germany operates giant strip-mines for shit quality coal, I don't think that banning BBQs is going to change jack shit.

>> No.19100860

what a retard lol

>> No.19100877
File: 22 KB, 600x462, 1612210173692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19100885

>just endless cityscape as far as the eye can see
that's just not true

>> No.19100899


>> No.19100923


>> No.19100942

It's Munich, who cares?
Norhtern Germany is best Germany

>> No.19100948

who cares

>> No.19100964

That's not all of Germany bro

>> No.19100965

Don't remember any of that coz nothing even close to that happened in my country.

>> No.19100983


>> No.19100988

have sex

>> No.19101022

The leaders of the world sat down around a secret table
There was a threat to humankind they must defend against
to fight against godzillas they just simply were not able
doom robots from the future could be met with no defense


>> No.19101035

if only any of you idiots could read or understand this, then this whole thread would be moot

tldr it's one verdict on one specific case. there's no precedence in german legal practice. there have been a lot stricter verdicts too (one defendant was sentenced to not being allowed grilling more than five times a year). there's no general law restricting grilling at all.

>> No.19101117

>one defendant was sentenced to not being allowed grilling more than five times a year
Why? what grilling sin did he commit?

>> No.19101122

you can't make me!

>> No.19101123

beans in chili AND ketchup on hotdogs
he was barely spared the death penalty

>> No.19101139
File: 57 KB, 521x768, ijustwannagrill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Germans won't do shit.

>> No.19101147

you're literally subhuman if you don't live in a huge a huge farm

>> No.19101199

>one defendant was sentenced to not being allowed grilling more than five times a year
Unironically why?

>> No.19101268

Rent free lol.

>> No.19101280

LOL fucking new money bavarian scum. Probably just sued so they could hurt their Russian neighbours who bought their overpriced housing bubble flat.

>> No.19101319
File: 466 KB, 750x1000, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in the midwest USA and had the cops called on me for grilling a few months ago, was just having a beer and cooking some burgers when the boys rolled up with floodlights in my face and hands on their guns asking what I was doing aggressively. Though once they saw I was just chillin' & grillin' they calmed down pretty quick.
Turns out the neighbors that had moved into the duplex I live in the weekend prior called in about a "suspicious white male prowling around the backyard and potentially starting a fire" so the cops had come expecting a methhead arsonist.
Once it was figured out the cops were cool and left and I offered the new neighbors I hadn't even seen outside yet food and drinks, they declined but we are on good terms now.
Pretty wild though, never in my life did I think I grilling of all things would get the cops on my ass and the whole time it was happening flashes of pic related just kept popping in my mind. Guess being left alone can be too much to ask for sometimes.

>> No.19101324

OK Kärënn.

>> No.19101473

Go back to pol moron.

Also: Fuck Munich.

>> No.19101697

Shut up, 'Shart, your even worse than the Germans.

>> No.19101731
File: 331 KB, 719x719, bad government vote them out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19101740

whoops I posted the ironic version of this meme by mistake

>> No.19101746

Europeans. Fucking born and bred to be serfs.

>> No.19101753

The smell of cooking meat disturbs mentally disabled vegans.

>> No.19101761

This is already in effect for most apartment complexes. By contract I am only allowed to grill 5 times a year but no one gives a fuck. They cracked down on a neighbour with a charcoal grill though.

>> No.19101768

Only americans grill outdoors. Since we have technology to cook food indoors so nobody grills outside. Hopefully you americans can develop past a third world country someday.

>> No.19101780

If America was third world we'd be immigrating to Europe

>> No.19101797

All Europeans live in Munich

>> No.19101801

We enjoy our freedom out in the open air and sunshine where we can enjoy nature and each others company.

>> No.19101806

One person in Munich can only do that once per week. grim

>> No.19101837

Yes until you get shot.

>> No.19101849

Karen detected

>> No.19101861

fucking keked outloud

>> No.19101870

You guys haven't been eating real burgers (or any real food for that matter) from the start though?

>> No.19101885

they do in all actuality

>> No.19101886

Were you around for coughvid?

>> No.19101892

>tldr it's one verdict on one specific case. there's no precedence in german legal practice. there have been a lot stricter verdicts too (one defendant was sentenced to not being allowed grilling more than five times a year).
>if only any of you idiots could read or understand this, then this whole thread would be moot
actually this raises a lot more questions:

You mean there's MULTIPLE court cases on how often someone can grill?

How often are the courts ruling on grilling frequency?

How is this enforced? Do you have to fill out an official grillen requestenschleiber form with the local municipality prior to lighting charcoal, or the grill police come to put you in jail?

>> No.19101906

only good posts in the thread, the rest is irrelevant circlejerking about the funny smelly euros

>> No.19101918
File: 65 KB, 328x186, 4 horsemen.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit restrictions on grilling!!! WW3 just around the corner!!!

>> No.19101919

I don't live in Munich

>> No.19101930

We use charcoal often for say at tailgate you won’t have a big gas grill you’ll just use a small charcoal one for burgers

>> No.19101936


>4 times a month
>basically every weekend

I see no reason to complain. If you have more than 4 barbecues a month you're probably an artery clogged obese tub of lard.

>> No.19101953

>I see no reason to complain.
I agree, there's no reason to complain about your neighbors grilling as often as they want.

>> No.19101958

that's what munich wants you to believe

>> No.19101982

That's just a conspiracy. I'm 600km away from there and in a different country. I can grill whenever I want.

>> No.19101997
File: 57 KB, 754x597, b0eada8d7d36376f9329c146116118a607c8b1fb9db8ab05d809cf83b0f4d907_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19102024

You do know that people also grill lean chicken, fish, and vegetables, right?

>> No.19102077

goodnlook enforcing that when I can't even walk 10meters without stepping into dogshit

>> No.19102103
File: 59 KB, 600x760, 1512790381718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The keep the grill going nonstop

>> No.19102163

That's a pretty gay ass barbecue. If I'm gonna barbecue I need real mans food.

>> No.19102172

Germanics, especially the Swiss, love enforcing random restrictions on their neighbors.

>> No.19102436

The german fears the perpetual grill

>> No.19102726

>Seppo doesn't know that his burger patties are 60% sawdust and offal

>> No.19102735

If £3 is too expensive for you to consider grilling then you should probably reconsider life choices

>> No.19102791

We eat 100% beef faggot, your people invented the bug burgers

>> No.19102862

who the fuck lives in Germany?

>> No.19102993

Oh, so it's the people that disturb the neighbors and not the grills. That makes more sense.

>> No.19103018


>> No.19103098
File: 878 KB, 1707x2560, peruvian-chicken-recipe-8-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wouldn't eat gay ass pic related, I need 50% fat ground beef for my quadruple patty burger GOD BLESS AMERICA
many such cases

>> No.19103479

German, Swiss and Luxembourgish cunts LOVE to report on their neighbors.

>> No.19103490


The amount of idiots just gobbling up OPs disinformation is just baffling.

>> No.19103495

In Germany you can't mow your lawn on Sunday. Sounds crazy and tyrannical, but in practice it's great. Guaranteed no mowing noise all day. My brothers in Christ you haven't known peace like this in your life.

>> No.19103502

And that's a good thing. You want to play king get the kingdom to back it up.

>> No.19103503
File: 142 KB, 1200x800, shashlik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed. A real grillman likes grilling everything, every day, and that's why this law marks a new era of German persecution. Truly the worst thing happening in Europe right now.

>> No.19103508

You can almost bet it was some idiot grilling with wood or charcoal all week on the balcony of his 300 units apartment complex or commieblock. Good luck trying to air dry your laundry when you have one of those idiots around, prepare to walk around smelling like a fast food employee, people really love that.

>> No.19103520

jews. refugees. self hating whites.

>> No.19103583
File: 281 KB, 689x652, ok-merkel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there have been a lot stricter verdicts too (one defendant was sentenced to not being allowed grilling more than five times a year).
TIL that Grilling Law is an entire legal specialty in Germany.

Do the judges in your Grilling Courts use a pair of tongs instead of a gavel? What are the habilitation requirements for acquiring an official Grilling License? Are there specialist Grilling Gymnasiums? Is a license holder entitled to be addressed as Herr Grillmeister? Is there still a national ban on high-capacity Assault Grills after the 1989 Oktoberfest Bratwurst Incident? What happens if you violate the Reichsgrillgesetz? Are there still Microwave Reeducation Camps?

>> No.19103588


>> No.19103608
File: 17 KB, 474x474, nations-where-gardening-is-illegal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quiet, Goebbels. This is the greatest /ck/-related injustice since New Zealand's corrupt government outlawed home gardening to force dependence on the commercial grocer cartel. It's 2023 and poor New Zealanders are still forced to hide their radish patches as if they were cooking meth.

>> No.19103649

you should kill yourself.

>> No.19103652

I just imagined a German HOA and it made me welcome death.

>> No.19103658
File: 349 KB, 600x462, grilling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disgusting. Germans should be rioting over this.

>> No.19103660

*I read >>19101035 as understand it's not really a widespread grilling ban

>> No.19103663

This is a lie.

>> No.19103694

who fucking cares they deserve an authoritarian state quite frankly

>> No.19103787

youre a russian?

>> No.19103954

>HOA decided your lawn is 1/8 of an inch too tall and tries to get you evicted

>> No.19104252

not yet

>> No.19104265


>> No.19104284 [DELETED] 


>> No.19104304

>air dry your laundry
People still do that? Don't you have driers? I've only ever seen Amish people air dry laundry in all my life.

>> No.19104379
File: 38 KB, 960x591, IMG_20230115_150715_477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lol germans banning grilling
>americans not long ago

>> No.19104389

>out playing basketball at 10am
>someone called the police on us and they arrive at 10:55 and say we can't play during quiet hours (in the mornings till 11am)
>say ok and sit around for 5 minutes and then continue playing
it can't be understated how anal germans are about this stuff

>> No.19104396

to be fair, noise like loud music and bouncing balls makes people crazy if they're exposed to it for an extended period of time so i can understand

>> No.19104400

Ich will um Himmels willen nur grillen!

>> No.19104425

shitty buildings and materials let the sound in easy.

>> No.19104431

the article was pulled from a civil court case in Bavaria involving two neighbours. smoke from his grill was going into the unit above or something.

>> No.19104438

Imagine being German.
Biologically incapable of living a good life while also knowing one exists.

It's like that Dante thing.

>> No.19105267

Electricity is expensive, 76°F air comes free.

>> No.19105277

>Electricity is expensive
I'm so sorry for the absolute state of where you live, anon...

>> No.19105440

>literally who is gonna report their neighbors
Germans. Wait till you find out about the Third Reich and the DDR

>> No.19105557

Brüdern... Wir sind ganz erledigt...

>> No.19105577

Yeah, we're all drinking too many greedy gulps of water, killing the environment or something whatever yada yada so hand over the $20,000 in taxes