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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19095649 No.19095649 [Reply] [Original]

Why does it take cooking YouTubers 40 minutes to explain how to make Mac and Cheese?

>> No.19095661

Ad revenue.

>> No.19095682

because the algorithm has dictated that the videos which get the most views (and therefore the most monetization) are 40 minutes long

>> No.19095698

>40 minute YouTube video
>"Ad revenue"
Why are you like this? Why didn't you just search for something like "most profitable length YouTube"? Faggot know-it-all you are. You really ought to stop, and not just for the benefit of others, sure, it's annoying to us, but it's faggot-defining for you.

>> No.19095706

>Google a cooking recipe
>Click on any website
>Have to scroll for fucking 5 minutes past the author telling me about her family, dog, what she bought her husband for Christmas 3 years ago and 20 reasons why I should eat mac and cheese before I get to the recipe

>> No.19095707

>Implying I'm a "YouTuber"
U wot m8?

>> No.19095709

hate this
it really sounds AI generated too
same retarded format every time

>> No.19095712

kek makes me seethe everytime

>> No.19095714


>> No.19095727

t. salty blog writer who wants everyone to read his diary

>> No.19095737

Way to misgender there, sweaty.

>> No.19095755


>> No.19095774

sorry, "xerems" diary

>> No.19095782
File: 80 KB, 750x787, 4pth0t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Ma'am

>> No.19095784

>see video is too long
>don't watch it
>they get more ad revenue somehow
The ol' algo seems a bit busted to me.

>> No.19097095

>Google recipe
>5star reviews
>Follow recipe
>It's shit
>Scroll down to reviews
>I haven't tried it yet
>I'm making this for my birthday
Why the fuck are you giving 5 stars to a recipe you haven't made yet?

>> No.19097578

This is why you should switch to bing AI, ever since i started using their chatbot i kept getting exactly what i wanted all the time, no bullshit

>> No.19097589

Oh boy I just heckin LOVE algorithms they make everything soooooo much easier! PRAISE SCIENCE!

>> No.19097597

Do you have to act like a fucking faggot everytime you see something that you don't like

>> No.19097619

>don't watch it

But lots of dumb zoomie kids will purely based on the fact their favourite 'e-celeb' features in it. They'll gobble up every word spewed from their mouth no matter what they say - brand (personality) loyalty. These long length videos are not for you and me.

>> No.19097948

to qualify for the privilege of displaying and shilling decently paying ads in the first place, you need family friendly "content" and a long video

>> No.19097955

it's search engine optimization. if you post JUST recipes you less priority with google searches. it's gaming the algorithm, like thumbnails with human faces in them.

>> No.19097982


>> No.19097989

never post here again zoomer

>> No.19097995

its on purpose ya fucking nonce

>> No.19098003

>click Jump To Recipe
>it just jumps to the start of the fucking blogshit spam

>> No.19098005

SEO is part of it but vanity is also a factor. Everyone wants to be an e-celeb and that means adding vapid "personality" to otherwise simple information.

>> No.19098041

Google is a wasteland whose results have been increasingly garbage for a decade. Bookmark a few recipe database sites and go there directly.
Ect. Ingredients, procedure, photos, no BS.

>> No.19098109

>use BBC good food
>its just some interns recipe
>turns out its actually pretty good

>> No.19098166

People love long-form content nowadays. YouTube's algorithm also factors in watch time, so making a 10 hour video that keeps a viewer watching for 1 hour ten times is also weighted favorably because it means YouTube can roll more ads.

>> No.19098196

BBC is surprisingly readable even if it's just simple home recipe material imo