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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19095245 No.19095245 [Reply] [Original]

Why are cocktails so expensive? It's just a little bit of alcohol and juice.

>> No.19095250

Why is coffee so expensive? It's just a few beans and a little water?

>> No.19095253

Why is anything expensive

>> No.19095255

Coffee is like $2.00 for a cup.

>> No.19095258

Drink at home. Also did you just find same random picture on /b/?

>> No.19095265

for ingredients and labor that total 15 cents

>> No.19095277

$2.00 for a cup is less money than $15 for a cocktail

>> No.19095280

It's not a random picture; that's my cousin Adam.

>> No.19095283

the price of alcohol is magnitudes the price of coffee beans

>> No.19095292

pint of vodka is like $5

>> No.19095293

he looks like a homosexual

>> No.19095300

Pretty sure this anon is just a serial killer who makes dumb threads just to post pictures of his victims

>> No.19095306
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based schizoposter

>> No.19095311

You scandalous naerdowell. A 15 dollar cocktail is quite expensive, so it would be more honest and noble to compare it to a 5 dollar pour over from a fancy coffee shop.

>> No.19095323

A license or permit to sell alcohol to be drunk on-premises is difficult to get and maintain. Those costs go into the price of drinks at the bar.

>> No.19095327

reddit post

>> No.19095346

I wouldn't know I don't go on that site. Maybe if you stopped visiting it so much you wouldn't see it everywhere?


I shoved an unlubricated traffic cone up ye mum's ass so far the disgusting whore looked like patrick star. She loved it.

>> No.19095348

facebook comment tier post

>> No.19095359

I don't go on facebook. I wouldn't know... Maybe if you stopped stroking zuckerbergs cocktail you wouldn't see it everywhere.


Want to see a video of me shoving 8 bowling balls up ye mum's ass? Everyday friday we do this thing called anal devastation friday. We're working on fitting the world's biggest traffic cone right up in there. She is truly a determined little piggy whore.

>> No.19095367
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Forgot pic. It's her dream to be the main attraction at one of these parades.

>> No.19095390

You talk like a fag, and your shit's all retarded.

>> No.19095405

I'm going to tell your mother mid fuck that her child is being a brat on the internet again and to take away your internet privileges if you don't cut your shit, son.

>> No.19095409

Don't say shit like this people are dumb enough to actually start using it for justification

>> No.19095410


>> No.19095413

I don't know about that because Im not enough of an alcoholic to know the lowest price vodka at the liquor store

>> No.19095428

When ye mum yawns I can fit 12 chihuahuas up her ass. It's truly remarkable.

>> No.19095440
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What prevents me from bringing a whole bottle of whiskey to a bar?

>> No.19095444

The possibility of getting permanently banned from said bar.

>> No.19095447

confirmed underage b&; no adult has bantz this retarded

>> No.19095449

For pirating their bar experience?

>> No.19095464

You could be taking up the space of a paying patron, you're making a mess, etc. Same deal as bringing your own food and or coffee into a cafe and lounging in there.

Delusional, but also hilarious. I wonder if this npc has any originality left or is his brain completely destroyed from internet brain rot?

>> No.19095467

okay kiddo

>> No.19095476


Your npc algorithms need updating, loser. Ever consider integrating an AI model into them? Oh yeah, you're too stupid to do that! LOL.

>> No.19095477

Can't do what?

>> No.19095484

Your reading comprehension scripts need updating npcbro.

>> No.19095490

Whatever you say, baby boy. : )

>> No.19095494

Justin Hawkins still got it, doe.
As to the cocktails, you're helping pay rent, utilities, wages, licenses, product, taxes.

>> No.19095501 [DELETED] 

In that case ye mum is a pedo scum lmao. Nice job, npc.

>> No.19095507

calm down, champ

>> No.19095508
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>Same deal as bringing your own food and or coffee into a cafe and lounging in there.
I do this

>> No.19095517

Rude, but understandable in today's economy.


>> No.19095528

Also if I was a bartender and you tipped me a buck or two for each of your sodas and waters I wouldn't give too much of a shit really.

>> No.19095539
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I eat at the bar specifically so I don't have to tip

>> No.19095545

you're paying for the bartender's "craftsmanship" and for the 18 year old triple filtered vanilla oak aged siberian vodka (that you can't taste because of the orange juice)

>> No.19095603

broke nigga alert

>> No.19095606

Joe Biden

>> No.19095625

No hotter woman than a pedo mom

>> No.19095653

liquor laws, in most cases

>> No.19095662

Because cocktail bars are sexual arenas, you want to play you pay

>> No.19095664

you're paying for a liquor license, "atmosphere" and "ambiance" and a venue to take a date or get rejected 100 times

>> No.19095710

In Italian American culture, at least in the NYC-NJ area, making coffee is a big thing if you're having people over. You have to offer it as soon as someone walks in, even if they're not expected, so you pretty much have to have a pot on or ready to go at all times. The person who's visiting is supposed to refuse as if it's a big imposition, but you have to insist and say it's no big deal. My great grandmother would say it's "una poca de acqua sporca" (a little dirty water) and put the macchina on the stove right away. At the same time, if you don't offer it right away and you offer it later, the person visiting will think you're saying it's time to leave since coffee is supposed to come at the end of the meal, and saying can I make you coffee is almost like saying "was there anything else you wanted."

Thank you for reading my blog.

>> No.19095730

I just started making my own. it's super easy to make liquor + mixer style drinks and pretty tasty.

I have extreme anxiety and it's too scary to order stuff in bars. there is no menu clearly displayed to explain my options. idk how normies do it

>> No.19095746

Because bars/restaurants have overhead and exist to make a profit retard

>Why does place that sells thing for money charge more for thing than the sum cost of its parts?
Unironically please fucking kill yourself, you're too retarded to function.

>> No.19095785

>there is no menu clearly displayed to explain my options
some places have menus. You can ask for whatever you want, just
a) glance to see if they have the alcohols you want if you're ordering something unusual (for example a pub or dive bar probably won't have campari or vermouth
b) know how to make the drink you want if they've never heard of it or don't get that order a lot
c) don't order something complex or unusual if the bar is extremely crowded and packed like a club

>> No.19095816

>ctrl f "Adam"
>only one result, from OP
thank god /ck/ is filled with normal people

>> No.19096049
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gay adam is very much alive thank you very much

>> No.19096064

Then why are you commenting at all retard?

>> No.19096611

The liquor amount by itself is 7-10 dollars

>> No.19096749

OH boy do I got duuzy for you. You won't believe what the dems are up to. These democrats, nasty people. Nasty. Im just calling it the way it is folks, they said deplorables. isn't an insult. It's descriptive. Anyways, nasty nasty NASTY people. Terrible. You won't believe what kind of scam they're pulling. They call it "small business". What a crock of you-know-what. They get some money, I don't know, out of thin air because most Americans are struggling paycheck to paycheck. Crippled America. But somehow not for them. They get some money, then they buy a property. They do some crap put some tables then hire workers. And get this. They don't even pay em folks! Well not more than they have to. Minumum wage PLUS tips. And they find some sucker, let's call him leeroy. HEY LEEROY, we want you in 5 o clock sharp to mix some drinks up. He mixes them up, shakd stir, whooosh, mixed drink. And get this. They sell it to you, the customer, for $15, $20, even $30 a drink even though it costs them nothing. And poor Leeroy, thinks he's going to get a cut but fat chance. He's a sucker folks but not his fault. And get this, they're raking in thousands, yep THOUSANDS every night. And you know what? I'm a businessman. I ask to see the books. I'm going to let you in on a little secret folks. They're taking 95% of that money straight to the bank. And they're laughing. They're laughing all the ways to the bank. Because they know it. They know they just pulled a hudeeni and ripped everyone along the way. Customers. Employees. Leeroy. They don't care, they just sit back and live off that money, I'll tell you what they buy. Remodeled kitchens. New vehicles. And it doesn't stop there. They ripped every single one of you off too. PPP. COVID Relief. Who's heard of these two? They've taken hundreds of thousands, in some cases millions from you the American tax payer and not paid back a cent.

>> No.19096767

Why is your bait this shit?

>> No.19096769

Thanks for the blog share. I enjoy little tidbits of culture like this. Cheers.

>> No.19096775

Is that the new king of center-left late night talk?

>> No.19096795

Make your own at home

>> No.19096850

It is, and I'm extremely gay
They're just not gay enough

>> No.19096952

This is more like actual Italian culture. Im from the area and the only people who this are 1st, maybe 2nd gens who can actually speak the language. I worked with a guy, Francesco, who had a cappuccino machine in his tiny cubicle at work. He'd always offer coffee to just chat and waste time. I remember because he did this weird chin flick thing - told me it meant "to brush off someone's bad attitude." Don't see this stuff anymore with Amerimutts who only remnant of culture is a last name and a shitty lasagna recipe

>> No.19096974

The ingredients are going to be on average $4 per cocktail, then you add labor, and the bar still needs to maintain itself, and then of course it needs profit, though these places rarely ever do make much more profit. It's easy to see how a cocktail can cost 10 or 12 dollars

>> No.19097009

It's less than 50 cents a drink. It's like Trump said, they're laughing all the ways to the bank at you being this stupid.

>> No.19097031
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adam looks like a great-value version of gaius baltar sometimes

>> No.19097034

The reason most cocktails are overcharged is because of the labor costs of waiters and bartenders + the place has to pay rent and utilities + business income tax.

Commies can't into capitalism math and complain.

>> No.19097088
File: 162 KB, 1080x1153, Screenshot_20230327-100341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a complete fucking imbecile, and not just for quoting trump

>> No.19097100

Manhattans and negronis end up around the $4 mark as well. 2 oz of the liquor itself is more than 50¢. You're the one Trump is laughing at, you probably eat up every single word he says as gospel like good uneducated hick.

>> No.19097103

Why are groceries more expensive in third world countries? Stores only pay a fraction of the cost that it takes to run them in America

>> No.19097123

>capitalism math
you're literally doing the same math marx did, you commie

>> No.19097138

They're for women, and women gladly make a man pay outrageous amounts of money for the most stupid shit you can think of.

>> No.19097155

what about gayus ballsare

>> No.19097481

They get supplier prices. It's half of that or less, sometimes even free. Trump is right. These small businesses are dishonest and need shut down or nationalized.

>> No.19097485

Resuturant and bar owners overwhelmingly vote Democrat.

>> No.19097520

>Why are cocktails so expensive? It's just a little bit of alcohol and juice.
Because people are too lazy and/or unskilled to make a proper cocktail at home without it tasting like shit.

Same reason why you go to a restaurant to eat food you could easily make at home for a fraction of the price.

>> No.19097521

Tbh if its been filtered that many times it should be flavorless anyway, so you dont even need the OJ. Youre literally only getting the bite of the spirit then

>> No.19097532

>They get supplier prices
Yup. Restaurants are not paying the retail bottle price for a small bottle (usually). They are getting it by the case of handles at a minimum

>> No.19097537

Also, alcohol is where a lot of places make their money. For most restaurants labor, rent, and maitainance are the major inputs. So comparing ingredient costs is not very helpful.

>> No.19097604

All you need to run a cocktail bar is 300-500 spirits, 50-70 fresh juices, proper staff that knows how to use them + is able to play the public. And you need enough cash reserve to follow the fads. Because that's what cocktails and the drones who drink them are about: fads.

>> No.19097678

Perfect looksmatch

>> No.19097832

Because one damn good cocktail is all it can take to secure a good night, and if it's a good night, it's a good tip. That price point is for the service helping people have sex easier.