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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19094116 No.19094116 [Reply] [Original]

Ok but no because why is this so true though

>> No.19094119

Start over anon, what are you trying to say? Is it related to your pic?

>> No.19094122

no cap here bruh, this capitalistic nightmare we call a country is not bussin' fr fr

>> No.19094123

What's a serving size

>> No.19094125

OP is asking why is his pic related true

>> No.19094127

because for some reasons, people who can"t cook always pick recipe with the most expensive ingredients and need to buy spices they use once

that's probably why they can't cook, it's not only about skill, it's about ingredient management, knowing what's on season, what is the average price of basic ingredients, and knowing how to store things

>> No.19094128

>fresh ingredients
>cooking from scratch
>2 dalla noods

>> No.19094134

>cream $4
>spinach $4
>butter $5
>noodles $2
>garlic $4

Where the fuck is this bitch shopping? And why does she want to cook seafood if she's worried about costs?

>> No.19094137

Humanity is doomed isnt it?

>> No.19094138

Huh? Those seem like normal prices at my local Walmart.

>> No.19094140

Cooking is what you do with the leftover ingredients in the days following the dish you bought them to make.

>> No.19094142

>that's almost $40
no, that's $42 and will probably feed your whole chimp family and make them stink like garlic and shrimp for a week. an improvement some would say

>> No.19094144

They're about twice my local prices, and I don't live in a cheap area.

>> No.19094145

>butter 5 dollars
if that's true, holy shit, America is fucked up

>> No.19094149

that might be true, but if she's using the whole pack of butter for one single serving she's beyond salvation

>> No.19094158

This bitch has no idea how far $2 worth of dry pasta goes, does she...

>> No.19094159

You're not going to use all that cheese, butter, garlic, or oregano in one dish, it will carry over to other dishes you make. Retard

>> No.19094162

This, she could make SO MUCH more with just that, like baked ziti

>> No.19094164

4 dollars worth of garlic (think they're like 89c a bulb at my store) and the rest of those ingredients.... that shit ain't tasting like nothing but garlic, which I'm very much about, but still thats a bad dish

>> No.19094169

Jfc I pity you yanks if you have to pay that much for generic groceries

>> No.19094171

I think the only accurate cost here is the cheese. in the restaurant you will not get a pound of shrimp for your pasta dish lol you will get less than 10 actual very small shrimps that were precooked and frozen in a factory which you could probably get if you looked around for 1-2 dollars. at the end of the day there are wholesale stores around if you want to cook like olive garden I'm sure you could figure it out.

>> No.19094176

Ok but if you dont have any of that in the house you still have to go out and buy all of that

>> No.19094179

this. could feed a family of 5.

>> No.19094184

lol you will never be in any position to "pity" Americans. And notice I did not ask what irrelevant shithole country you're from, nor do I care.

>> No.19094185

That's exactly why you don't buy from supermarkets.

Are all out of season. They cost double now. They always do.

>> No.19094190

>heavy cream $4
>butter $5
>garlic $4
It's over for burgers

>> No.19094196

this. people want to make extravagant exotic meals for every dish, when they should really start planning out a lifestyle in terms of what ingredients they keep as staples and what meals are easy to make from those

>> No.19094197

>butter, garlic or oregano having a season

>> No.19094198

>butter is out of season

>> No.19094199

She is implying it will cost that much for every serving which it won't. You don't have to go out and buy a new bundle of garlic every time she wants to make this dish.

>> No.19094201

I have one shelf in the fridge and barely a third of the freezer space since I share the fridge with 2 other people. Also, I don’t be cooking white people food so there are many ingredients that I cannot reuse or freeze for other meals.

>> No.19094205

>I cannot reuse or freeze for other meals.
skill issue

>> No.19094210

It’s not for me, and that is okay. 2 truth can exist at one time. It might work for u the way u eat meals. But what works for u might not work for me. I know my taste and what I like and can afford my meal lifestyle

>> No.19094216

What kind of taste do you have where only 1 meal uses butter, oregano, or garlic? Also, if you can afford to eat like that, maybe move out of your halfway house

>> No.19094218

These people are -always- purposely dishonest on every level. They lie about prices, serving sizes, everything. She didn't even mention the pasta itself, is the restaurant giving her an entire box of pasta on one plate? These "its just not worth cooking!!" tweets are always lying women trying to justify their laziness and uselessness

>> No.19094222

Is this why blacks are poor?

>> No.19094227
File: 1.62 MB, 429x592, Terry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>woman in op pic is lazy
Color me surprised. She's just trying to justify her life choices after people called her out for selling her food stamps to eat out instead of buying groceries to feed her 3 kids from 5 dif baby daddies

>> No.19094229

well i definitely agree that the woman in question ngmi

>> No.19094231

I avoid watching youtube because all the content is money driven, click baits slaves to the algorithm.
It wasnt like this before, now its all infested with starving content creators.
Instagram tiktok twitter seems like they will follow the same trend of fake shit.
Its over for me, I cant stand it anymore.

>> No.19094233

instantly disregarded

>> No.19094243
File: 38 KB, 592x518, 63c84ceba527b8b08b1632ea_592_518_48682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>17dollars a single serving
>i can eat that 3x possibly