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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 175 KB, 1024x1024, curryrice031568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19088759 No.19088759 [Reply] [Original]

Curry rice is delicious.

>> No.19088763
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>> No.19088769
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Curry udon is delicious.

>> No.19088776
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>> No.19088780
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>> No.19088803


>> No.19088853
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>> No.19088856

fucking shite. a big pile of dishes with nothing in them

>> No.19088857

Yea I love pouring my dinty Moore beef stew over rice too, based that it’s a staple dish in Japan

>> No.19088961
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>> No.19088965

Is that a baby elephant fetus in the top middle bowl?

>> No.19088977
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>> No.19088995
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Kinchaku tamago

>> No.19089006
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>> No.19089019
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>> No.19089030

Ah yes fugu indeed

>> No.19089031

Post the recipe dumbass

>> No.19089032

>implying OP can cook anything at all

>> No.19089033

It genuinely tastes like nothing.

>> No.19089038

that's not even the main problem

>> No.19089047

Most people just make it from the boxed roux. I made curry tonight as well. Just followed the directions on the box.

>> No.19089055

What is?

>> No.19089057

Well they wash the living hell out of it so no wonder it tastes like nothing

>> No.19089060

it's expensive and can literally kill you

>> No.19089089
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>> No.19089118
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>> No.19089150

Oh wow, talk about a blast from the past. I used to have a bunch of these infographics saved back in the day - there was a whole series of them. Then I deleted them when I realized I didn't like meat.

>> No.19089157
File: 1.00 MB, 2048x1536, Dactylopius_coccus_(Barlovento)_04_ies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I realized I didn't like meat.
You must really like to eat pills to stay alive then

>> No.19089238
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It's preferable to eating meat, yes.

>> No.19089440
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>> No.19089446

How many years have you been doing this and where do those vitamins in the pills come from?

>> No.19089745

Is this a westerners take on Jap food?

I really enjoyed natto the few times I have had it. Smells hilariously bad, but the taste is nice. Kind of like washed rind cheese.

>> No.19089837
File: 685 KB, 809x809, Screenshot 2023-03-25 at 11-07-23 Fujii Stainless Steel 3-Way Rice Washing Bowl with Perforated Strainer 21.5cm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would pic related be worth 27 USD to you?

>> No.19089861

I just use the bowl for my rice cooker. Should function nicely and be useable in with more than just rice. Little exoensive, but not overthetop.

>> No.19089962

Just fuckin use a pot

>> No.19090454
File: 2.64 MB, 4624x3472, IMG_20230315_195515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

had ramen at a restaurant the other day
there was a lot of pork belly meat but it wasn't as good as cashu
now I wanna try out my own ramen

>> No.19090463

I just use my strainer to wash rice
this thing looks like it'll just eat tons of space

>> No.19090954

I just arrived in Japan yesterday. I'll be travelling to all the big cities. AMA I guess

>> No.19090990

10 years and idgaf, anon. I'm flattered that you're so enthralled with my dietary preferences but it's getting weird now.

>> No.19091007

Do you have 3 absolute favorite non sushi foods from nipland?

>> No.19091019

I made this once. Turned pretty good, degozaimasu. Didn't follow any recipe or anything. Just had a general idea of the ingredients and whatnot and went for it.

>> No.19091029

I love a ton of Japanese foods, even ones that contain meat. I just don't eat the meat. Three that immediately come to mind are kitsune soba, nikujaga, and kinpira gobo with renkon.

>> No.19091032

do u liek mudkipz

>> No.19091085

I want to hang out with enbie

>> No.19091226
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>> No.19091476
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>> No.19091746

Reminder curry rice is just British naval curry sloppa but made by nips.

>> No.19091859
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>> No.19091869

Its only weird because youre defensive because deep down you know youre a faggot

>> No.19091884

Yes, it is.

>> No.19091886
File: 44 KB, 640x360, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever you say, tomod8. I'm heading to the depachika to pick up some sweets. Have a good one.

>> No.19091898

What is the sad looking cabbage thing upper left? And what is the fetal pig thing in upper middle?

>> No.19091900

How fat are you

>> No.19091906

It's... cabbage. And >>19088995

The sweets aren't for me. They're for my coworkers.

>> No.19091907

How fat are your coworkers?

>> No.19091910

curry is a delicious british food

>> No.19091918

Not at all.

>> No.19091920

Oh, nice. Not even one of them?

>> No.19091924

Are you a gril? You talk like one.

>> No.19091936

One is, but I'm not getting sweets for him. He's trying to lose weight anyway.

Why do you ask?

>> No.19091969

Good for him. Do you think it's easier to become fat in Japan? Difference between westerner and native?

>> No.19091973

Because a man would have been a lot more aggressive after being called a faggot. Also picking up sweets for coworkers doesnt sound like the kind of thing a man would do.

>> No.19092010

It depends a lot on your lifestyle, I suppose, but generally it's pretty hard to get fat in Japan. I'm from the US, so I'm used to food having a lot more sugar added to it, and a lot more oily and fatty foods overall. Plus the portion sizes when eating out are far larger in the US than in Japan. Obviously you can get fat here if all you eat is fast food and don't exercise, but Japan has much better public transportation which leads to more walking/physical activity out of necessity, and there's a much wider variety of "fast food", or ready-to-eat food, that usually doesn't have a lot of additives and includes healthier options.

Fair enough.

>> No.19092054

Interesting, kinda like why actual french people are skinnier even though they eat richer foods.

A lot of the cooking seems to be lighter in general. Just a lot of salt.

>> No.19092080
File: 262 KB, 1200x952, hoto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i learned about hoto a long time ago, and its become a staple on my menu, but i never see it get talked about so am mentioning it here
for the uninitiated, its essentially a type of udon soup, but the broth is richer and filled up with various things, like a nabe
i like making mine with pork, potatoes, kabocha, and daikon, and napa cabbage at the end is a must. its a very stick-to-your ribs stew thats great on a rainy day with a cold beer. kanpai!

>> No.19092093

making your own ramen can be a very demanding but rewarding experience. ive enjoyed making it for friends a couple times, except the noodles. i cant find the lye they use in traditional noodles, and trying to bake baking soda made them taste like pennies.
if anyone has a good recipe for noodles let me know

>> No.19092124

Why do you talk like a massive faggot?

>> No.19092136

I yam what I yam and dat's what I yam.

>> No.19092158

why do you come across as so insecure?

>> No.19092169

Based and very funny yamchad, but honestly it's better to ignore the losers and deny them of what they want.

Imagine being such an enormouse loser that the only way you can get attention in your life is by impotently name calling anonymous strangers for no reason.

>> No.19092171

He's just another rootless citizen of the world

>> No.19092273

so baby gurl how fat are u?

>> No.19092277

macaroni salad a staple of japanese cuisine

>> No.19092541

To be fair, Japanese people do love that kind of thing. You'll see macaroni salad, potato salad, and a version of cole slaw everywhere.

>> No.19092581

174 cm and 53 kg, so I'll let you decide. Although the portion sizes in Japan are significantly smaller than in the US, they're still plenty large. I still can't finish an entire serving of ramen by myself.

>> No.19092605
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>> No.19092610
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>> No.19092620

how hot are you from 1-10?

>> No.19092629

btw i am 190cm 100kg and at least 40% body fat. ill let u decide

>> No.19092652

Just order food grade lye on amazon it's not hard to find.

>> No.19092691
File: 92 KB, 473x649, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About as hot as a pack of mild Vermont curry, friend.

>> No.19092792

You should have visited Kyushu instead, you weeb retard

>> No.19092809

There's a place I order from sometimes that has really good teriyaki beef bowls. I order one with a ramune and a doriyaki recently and it was great.

>> No.19092864

can you fucking not?
It's just another miso-dashi + whatever veggies broth noodles for fucks sake, in this case it's flat noodles that can be found in countless other cuisines

>> No.19092943

Why do you speak like that? How old are you? I hope for your sake you're a child because if you're an adult that's just embarrassing.

>> No.19093733
File: 463 KB, 1065x1466, A1NevzDsyxL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Japanese curry blocks are are just this - common gravy mix packets - plus curry powder. And curry powder itself is just a mix of spices that can include but is not limited to coriander, cumin, fenugreek, cardamom, ginger, cinnamon, cloves, and turmeric, depending on which brand you buy. And spicy spices like red pepper, black pepper, chili pepper, and cayenne if you like it spicy. If you want just the color then simply add turmeric.

And keep in mind most of the included dry spices and seasonings in either the curry blocks, curry powder, or the gravy mixes can be substituted for the fresh kind if you're not lazy (fresh garlic instead of garlic powder, fresh bell pepper or chili pepper instead of dry pepper, fresh ginger, fresh turmeric, fresh onions, etc).

>> No.19093753

Jap curry is thickened with a roux.

>> No.19093758

Yeah and the gravy mixes have that too, you know.

>> No.19093763

They have a slow cooked mixture of butter and flour? Can you show me one that has those ingredients?

>> No.19093767

The curry blocks do not contain butter, they have vegetable oil, just like the gravy packets.

And anyway, the point is for thickening, and the gravy mixes have thickeners that give you the desired texture the same as the curry blocks. it's a no brainer.

>> No.19093772

So the inferior to homemade packets use the same thickener and a nasty oil instead of butter. What's your point?

>> No.19093784

I'm confused what you mean now. All I said was the curry blocks are just gravy mixes plus curry powder, which is true.

You argued it's not true because the curry blocks contain roux for thickening.

I pointed out that the gravy mixes do contain starch thickeners for thickening just the same as the curry blocks, hence my point still stands.

And you mistakenly believed the curry blocks use butter which I corrected you by saying they actually just use vegetable oil.

I never said curry blocks or pre-made mixes are better than doing everything from scratch.

>> No.19093797

Well you misunderstood what I was saying, and disagree that using only fresh ingredients to make a curry will be better like you said.

I'm confused as to the purpose of your original post. Just a friendly reminder of the obvious?

>> No.19093843


>> No.19094653


>> No.19094940

>It's all just nasty bland curry rice

>> No.19094946

Just buy Indian curry mix

>> No.19094949

I went and god curry yesterday :) i did white rice, hot curry, premium sausage, and croquettes

>> No.19094955
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Whoops forgot pic

>> No.19094966

There's not enough veggies, especially potato and carrot, but it looks pretty decent. Really thick roux though.

>> No.19095016

Wait, so they just have a big pot of thickened stock and they slap on some rice and other things?

>> No.19095049
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You picked what you wanted in it. I could have also gotten veggies but knew I was going to a chicken place afterwards so I didn't want loaded up curry

>> No.19095054

It's literally just the
>japanese thing
version of the lowest tier British military ration 'curry' from ~130 years ago. Truly amazing to see.

>> No.19095549

you fell too hard for the "us proud 4channers don't use reddit spacing" meme.

>> No.19095847

What? Fucking retard only spastics double return after every single sentence. Stupid cunt. Fucking pathetic piece of shit. Your life is worthless and you know it.

>> No.19095902


>> No.19095917

>I'm being a newfag and nobody can stop me

>> No.19096477

I love Japanese curry.

>> No.19096581
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i was at the conbini to pay a bill today when i saw they had a dessert item that i'd never noticed before, an ice cream crepe. decided to give it a try in lieu of my usual snacks that i get myself any time i go to pay a bill.

it was fucking delicious, i will be getting it again.