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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 140 KB, 1382x1689, man-suffering-diarrhea-toilet-bowl-man-suffering-diarrhea-toilet-bowl-white-background-167429077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19080020 No.19080020 [Reply] [Original]

I see nothing but garbage in the catalog. Does your stomach churn nonstop??

>> No.19080035

I have healthy turds would you like to see

>> No.19080041

I literally never do and i eat all the things that /ck/ users say will do that.

>> No.19080042

should i make fruits and veggie threads?

>> No.19080047

I don't have any issues, but I'm drinking my kefir and not posting goyslop threads. A lot of my coworkers get the shits immediately after eating and fight for the bathroom after lunch, so maybe most people just think it's normal?

Let us compare

>> No.19080051

go ahead if you want, i just never thought this site would have a board dedicated to edible nulear waste.

>> No.19080053

Yesterday i ate a whole bulb of garlic that had gone rotten and I woke up in the middle of the night to have diarrhea. Had to walk back and forth to the bathroom twice to have a few squirts. But in general, no.

>> No.19080063

I spent eight months with non stop dhiarrea
They couldn't figure out why.i had to hoard shit in a jar for a week and then take it to the hospital
My ass got infected
I had surgery to remove the infection
I had non stop pain after taking a shit for three weeks

>> No.19080080

This board eats spicy food, drinks a lot of alcohol and overdoses on caffeine. At least the loud ones do. All of which can cause loose stools.

>> No.19080129

No, I consume plenty of water, dried fruit, fresh vegetables, tea, milk and plain yogurt, and rarely have bowel problems. Coffee, some cheeses and hot sauces don't work out for me, so I avoid them.

>> No.19080145

Kefir tastes like moldy dogshit and is terribly unhealthy.

>> No.19080150

I have a nice poop everyday, but I also don’t eat fastfood slop.

>> No.19080167

No, and I don’t need to wipe either, I do only do a cursory wipe to be polite but nothing comes up. I look down on anuslets that need tp.

>> No.19080177
File: 7 KB, 207x253, 1566177172138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19080230

I take massive, ass-splitting full-kilo shits about four times a week, and have been for the past six months. No clue why

>> No.19080258

image being such a tender tummy that eating normal foods make you shit your pants like joe biden.

>> No.19080274

see a doctor, now
you should be terrified

>> No.19080286

no, but I go through a full roll of tp every time I shit

>> No.19080428

Drink more water and eat more fiber my man

>> No.19080441

my roommate does. He doesn't practice proper hygienic standards in the kitchen. Lest ye be warned.

>> No.19080462

What do you normally eat?

>> No.19080589

Ok I'll bite, why are you eating a bulb of garlic

>> No.19080607

Had some weeks where I'd diarrhea every day after waking up, but that hasn't been the case for a while now, sometimes it happen, sometimes not
Not sure what's the cause, I haven't changed anything in my life, (spoiler)except get older.(/spoiler)

>> No.19080760

Stop eating goyslop and you'll have healthy shits. Eat home cooked food made with proper staple ingredients, not garbage processed trash out of kike packages filled with preservatives, degenerate chemicals, and artificial colors and flavors. So that also includes any sauces and ready made slops out of jars. Also, stop guzzling down sodas and energy drinks. Just fucking drink water like a man when you're thirsty.

>> No.19080772

Eat more fiber and drink lots of water.

>> No.19080846

>mooom i said the reddit word again!

>> No.19080866

What reddit word? YWNBAW?

>> No.19080898 [DELETED] 

yes and i poop in the shower every day because it just flows down the drain

>> No.19080957

OP, the easiest, cheapest, and tastiest way to add fiber to your diet is to eat oatmeal.
A bowl of it for breakfast or as dessert before going to bed every day should do the trick.

>> No.19080966

I don't eat garbage much. Still, I take psyllium husk fiber pills ever since I got a really bad thrombosis hemorrhoid a few years ago (don't google that... you don't want to know). Taking the fiber pills every day was a life changer. Of all the over-the-counter pills or health stuff you can buy, nothing delivers even remotely as well. I take perfect shits every single time. I only need a single square of toilet paper to wipe with.

>> No.19081694

I spent my entire adult life cycling between squirts and constipation and horrible ecsma on my hands and feet. Went gluten free and it all became normal almost straight away. Turns out I am a full blown celiac.

>> No.19081701 [DELETED] 

Kefir has a strong taste of yeast. It's like milky beer.

>> No.19081702 [DELETED] 

Goyslop is a /fit/ word and you'll show some damn respect.

>> No.19081708

i have recently been putting a spoonful of psyllium husk powder in my breakfast. my poos go WHOOSH now.

>> No.19082108

Most likely culprits:
>0 fibre diet
>only eats greasy fast food

If you drink every day your shits are going to be runny if not diarrheic. Some alcohol will make you shit worse than others (drinking lots of Guinness will make you shit liquid the next day but lots of lager will just make you piss a lot. Hard liquor & mixers can also fuck with your stool)

>> No.19082771

Imagine thinking plebbit has the balls to use the G-word.

>> No.19083077

This. I used to be very drunk most days a week, for years. During those years, 95% of my shits were basically diarrhoea.

>> No.19083131

See, if you're not defective, you can eat things that aren't some generic keto/vegan/salad snorefest without shitting your guts out.

>> No.19083135

I wish I did
for some reason recently I started to really enjoy taking a shit. I like how clean and refreshing it makes me feel afterwards. I also begin obsessing with thinking about how there's food inside of myself, in my intestine and stomach and it makes me feel disqusting, I wish I could just shit whenever I wanted

>> No.19083162

Its pretty common knowledge most of /ck/ has shitstains on their underwear

>> No.19083205

I eat a shitload (heh) of fibre and I take pretty normal shits like once a week. All I've eaten this week for example is pretty much just whole grain rye bread, salmon, broccoli/veggies and fruits. Some oatmeal too. Pretty decently sized meals too. Sometimes I wonder where the hell it all disappears until it decides to poop itself out.

>> No.19083417

Huh I woulda guessed /v/ or /pol/

>> No.19084626
File: 2.69 MB, 4032x3024, E06F16E9-4069-410E-AE8F-D1A3FA873E6B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unlike you my poops are healthy and great

>> No.19084632


>> No.19085573

>I poisoned myself
>bad things happened

>> No.19085980

My bowel movements are pretty regular at once per day around 1pm, and tend to be solid. If they're not there's usually a really simple reason why, like I ate some junk a day or two before.

>> No.19086848

your pic looks more like someone with severe constipation than diarrhea; it is misnamed

>> No.19086949

I saw it and felt like eating it.

>> No.19087096
File: 57 KB, 680x629, 1678082863452508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reporting in from my third shitting session today