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19079880 No.19079880 [Reply] [Original]

/tea/ - /tsg/
tea general

This thread is for discussing teas, tisanes, and other herbal infusions.
info: types of tea, where to get tea, how to brew tea
Previous thread: >>19039176

>> No.19079886

Spring green tea is here!
Have you ordered any Chinese greens yet?
Have you ordered any Japanese greens yet?

>> No.19079899

>Have you ordered any Japanese greens yet?
where to i buy the new stuff? i usually only order from o-cha but they dont have anything from 2023 yet

>> No.19079901

any reccs for buying Japanese greens? I'm in the EU. interested in good value to quality ratio and cheap shipping, I mostly drink sencha

>> No.19079903


teabros, what's a good site for buying some chinese tea? I used white2tea in the past with favourable results but am open to other options. Also open to buying some japanese tea if you fine folks have suggestions.

I want to be oolongpilled

>> No.19079907

I drink a lot of bagged earl grey tea. sometimes i also drink buddhas palm tea, its pretty good. has a good mouth feel.

>> No.19079908
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What is the rarest, and most luxurious tea that is actually worth an extremely high cost.

Not rare, but very expensive, and worthwhile imo is the uji taiko-san and manten ceremonial grade matcha. 50-55 bucks an ounce and makes beautiful koicha matcha. Incredibly savory, lovely ocean flavors, sweet, amazingly smooth, powerful, and complex. Incredibly deep green color. Espresso of tea.

I'll get an ounce of each once or twice a year to enjoy. Totally worth it for me.

>> No.19079912

forgot to mention - im in canada

>> No.19079913

>I want to be oolongpilled
Oolong is good, im drinking buddha palm right now. found the bag of tea after 20 years sitting in my closet. oolong is too popular though. try pu-erh milk tea.

>> No.19079917

Get some duckshit dan cong. It's really nice and has a funny name.

>> No.19079948

i got the snowflake dan cong, it was relle nice. I'll look into duckshit ty

>> No.19079969

I haven't checked out the Japanese sites yet, should be stuff up soon if there isn't yet
>any reccs for buying Japanese greens? I'm in the EU.
Check the pastebin, either oredr from japan or some of the eu dealers that have Japanese greens. If you are ordering from EU shops oly buy from ones that list the date of harvest for the Japanese greens they sell and wait untill they get 2023 teas in, you don't want to buy last years tea since Japanese green doesn't keep well

>> No.19079979

what are some top tier herbal teas for relieving stress & anxiety?

>> No.19079994


>> No.19080008

I tried to find some rose tea earlier today but everything was grown in China. Anyone know any source for rose tea that's from almost literally anywhere else?

>> No.19080012

>I want to be oolongpilled
https://www.tea-masters.com/en/ (stick with 2022 or 23 teas unless it's something roasted)
https://www.farmer-leaf.com/collections/yunnan-oolong-tea (free shipping)
If you want to splash out the teamasters sample set from essence of tea is some insanely good wuyi oolong but its pricey

>> No.19080024

This guy has some interesting oolongs and a few sample sets.

>> No.19080031

you could check bulgaria and turkey, those are the most famous producers of rose AFAIK
I assume you mean rose petals for brewing, like hibiscus? or do you mean rose-flavored tea?

>> No.19080055

Well fuck me, i forgot about Turkiye. While they still disgust me on a visceral level, I'd rather buy from a Turk than from China.

Wouldn't've thought they'd be a source. I'll the filthy, smelly Turkish supermarket for rose tea then the Bulgarian one after, thanks for the suggestions.

>> No.19080102

chamomile because of apigenin, but you need to drink atleast 2-3 cups per day. also try good quality matcha with high levels of theanine.
also valarian.

>> No.19080124

What ever happened to the anon who accidentally bought a bunch of expensive tea from tshopny?

>> No.19080185

He died from exposure after losing his house. That expensive tea crippled him financially and he lost everything.

>> No.19080197


>> No.19080256

>you don't want to buy last years tea since Japanese green doesn't keep well
How bad is it? I just bought some 2022 sincha because they didn’t have any from 2023 yet. Did I fuck up? What exactly makes it worse?

>> No.19080414
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Hey /tea/
Kind of a lurker Polack here. Been drinking leaf tea since like 2 years ago (because initially I've realized it would be cheaper here, but now I actually enjoy it far more than the bags/other things to drink).

Here in Poland I feel there aren't that many quality tea shops outside of Czas na Herbate/Time for Tea, which I've been binging and actually getting a lot of from friends and family, unsure if it's actually consider good though. I've just been getting into matcha and mostly some white and sencha green combinations are my favorite. Any recommendations? Any other Poles here recommending anything here? Also how do I finish up tea I've bought for trying and tasting or got from others, that doesn't really seem to work for me? Should I just give it away or trade it?

>> No.19080429

if it's actually considered good*

>> No.19080561

Check the pastebin for eu shops.
Is relatively popular
>how do i use up tea i don't like
Make kombucha
Cold brew it

>> No.19080604

Honestly the only good tea store I've found is eherbata. They use correct tea names, provide flavor profiles, origin info and seem passionate about their job. Just don't go for the cheapest teas there and you'll be good. I'm talking about their pure tea, can't vouch for their flavored or mixes.

>> No.19080861

I have never tried fresh green tea. I suppose I should.
How about fresh material (2023) puer cakes? I've only ever purchased puer that was at least a few years old. I want to deeply understand puer, so I want to try very young sheng and shou. Should I try safer like large factory cakes or go for something more interesting and small scale?

>> No.19080948

Try blending, and sweet iced tea. There's not a lot of people who want loose leaf so it's hard to get rid of.

>> No.19081137
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>>19050880 here, got my delivery and I've got a few more questions:
1. Should I cure the gourd first or prep it or something like that?
It's got some leftover fibrous membrane on the inside which I scraped. The image doesn't show it well but it was a lot more.
2. Shouldn't the cleaner be able to enter the bombilla? Seems like it has been crimped too tightly.
3. Any suggestions for good quality gourds & straws on Amazon, just as a backup in case I fuck up maintenance of the original gourd? I feel like I've gotten ahead of myself by buying a natural gourd with 0 experience. Tempted to get this one:
Alternatively one of these

>> No.19081142

there's a process for curing a gourd that i don't know cuz i use my bombilla in a ceramic cup

>> No.19081328

fellow pollack here. recently I've started ordering straight from China (Fullchea and Kingteamall), which can get you better value if you make a big order but is not as convenient as buying locally. at least I only had to pay like 5$ VAT for my latest order becase the guys from Kingteamall graciously undervalued my package. but I've also tried some Polish stores:

>has the best descriptions and the biggest choice, also a youtube channel where they talk about some of the teas. good for learning
>recommendations: huang xiao (well priced yellow tea reminiscent of nutella), Georgian black teas, and some of their shu pu-erh surprisingly enough (Man Long and Jingmai were cheap but good, their 2006 Lao Cha Tou is expensive but interesting)

>a store with a small, curated selection of expensive teas
>seem to have mostly premium oolong and pu-erh
>I've only ordered from them once, but their Yuchi Wild Tea (shancha) is the best black tea I've had yet. their GABA oolong is also not bad and not as expensive as most of their catalogue

5 o'clock:
>the descriptions on their site are cringy marketing bullshit that tells you nothing about the tea
>but I've had some teas from them and they were surprisingly good, some at a fair price
>recommended: their oolongs seem good value in general, especially their Vietnamese four seasons, which is cheaper than any taiwanese si ji chun I've seen sold in Poland yet quite good

>> No.19081331

fresh factory raw pu-erh can be a little grim. maybe try something from Farmerleaf whenever he gets this year's harvest?

>> No.19081339

>1. Should I cure the gourd first or prep it or something like that?
yes, there is a process for that. look it up, it's called "curado" or something
>2. Shouldn't the cleaner be able to enter the bombilla?
it should, maybe the one they sold you is incompatible. idk if it's the fault of the cleaner or the bombilla
>3. Any suggestions for good quality gourds & straws
haven't tried any from amazon. if you want something exotic but something that won't get moldy, you could get a palo santo cup, it smells nice and is pleasant to drink from. just get one that's encased in metal unless you live somewhere humid, cause they can crack if they're too dry. not a problem if the metal holds it together though

>> No.19081619

I have a couple from 5 o'clock. It ranges from terrible (that cactus sencha is vomit inducing) to amazing (dianhong black tea), will definitely try the Viet Four Seasons, thank you.
>the descriptions on their site are cringy marketing bullshit that tells you nothing about the tea
Oh yeah, this, I already got used to it, since the other store I used do this as well.
Will also try eherbata then.
Never made kombucha before, thanks for the tip.

>> No.19081646

>maybe try something from Farmerleaf whenever he gets this year's harvest?
he usually releases his new spring puers in summer though, seems to be the same for yiwumountaintea and maybe https://teaencounterinyunnan.com/ too, w2t has some 2023 puers already but they are less orthodox

>> No.19082077

Why are people so averse to specialized tea/tisane gear? Tell someone you're really into coffee and they won't bat an eye at your collection of gadgets, but people seem to think using traditional matcha or mate gear is pretentious, even though it's cozy and cheap and looks great.

>> No.19082145

Modern factory cakes can be pretty accessible compared to the old number recipie cakes. That said after trying a cake from farmer leaf im happy to shill him, really impressed whith what he is doing.
If you do want some other options factory cakes like anything from xiaguan or haiwan named after a specific village or region or one of my favorite the mengku rongshi Ben Wei Da Cheng" (Original Flavor Great Achievement)
They may have also changed the name and packaging back to tea spirit or something like that
Here is a haiwan from a specific village
Here is a xiaguan that i quite likeed though i think the price has gone up a bit, probably not as fresh as you are looking for

>> No.19082168

Just get one of those cheap double insulated stainless gords. Tons on aluexpress if you don't mind waiting for shipping.
Seasoning the gourd. I would just suggest using the straw or a spoon to scrape it when you empty it. Also don't break off the little stem bit on the bottom if there is one, if it falls off later thats fine but if you break it off it might leak

>> No.19082185

I read through some puerh tea storage autism. Would an airtight food storage container + boveda packs be enough?

>> No.19082272

Yeah, that's all i do, 58% boveda, maybe 65% but no higher sealed container. Make sure the container doesn't smell like plastic strongly before you put the tea in, if ita new maybe air it out for a week or two. Everything beyond that is autism basically. The best way to age puer is to live in hong kong and keep it on a shelf wrapped in plastic. You can only do so much if you live in Canada or whatever so just focus on keeping it from drying out.

>> No.19082347

Japanese greens don't seem to be available yet, although I don't think there's a single site that lets you sort properly for shincha

>> No.19082372

The Japanese do love their old school html only websites. Not that the bloated frameworks are better but you do get used to some of the modern usability stuff

>> No.19082837
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More expensive taiwanese oolong arrived for me today.

>> No.19082849

Thats what I do. 18L opaque Cambro food storage container with 65% bovedas. It reads about 63%. I've hit "equilibrium" for a while with a stuffed pumi so I haven't needed to change them out lately. Once my rh starts to drop I'll toss in one of these instead. Amazon had hiked the price of the big bovedas last time I needed one so I went back to these guys for cigar maintenance.

>> No.19082949

Man you are hooked eh? Enjoy
Don't forget to spread the love around some, there are soke other taiwan oolong vendors with competing offerings, can be helpful to get a wider survey of the landscape and make sure your vendor is priced appropriately for their offerings.

>> No.19082977
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I posted at the end of last thread an ebay listing for a good deal on temp/humidity gauges.
Listing said 6, they sent 7, i ziplocked them in with a boveda pack and they were all accurate to ±1%.
I know most of you probably dont need half a dozen humidity gauges but these are usually $10-$12 a piece on Amazon, seller has them 6 for $13.

>> No.19083017
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anyone recognize what teacup mana is using?

>> No.19083046

I'm debating getting another sensorpush. I'd just get a $16 govee instead but I've already got a few sp running and don't want another app :/

>> No.19083054

Rank them from best to worst plz

>> No.19083094

Man that's powerful, the allert functionality would be pretty convenient, but im not sure i need that level of monitoring.
Eventually i will have to dig into home automation stuff more, i forget that it's actually pretty useful these days

>> No.19083095

I have really liked them all so far, they are very good.
Yea I'll check out the pastebin for other vendors but iirc teamasters had the best prices at least.

>> No.19083110

So far all I've opened is the 2022 Spring Qingxin Oolong Shan Lin Xi, it is really good and cheap enough to be a daily drinker imo but it's also sold out now.

>> No.19083111

Ive been really happy with them too. Ony tea i ordered from them that i didn't like just wasn't my kind of oolong (baozhong).

>> No.19083215

I've got a few around in my humidor and grow room, just haven't dropped the cash for an extra pumi one. Very handy and they've sent me out several replacements no questions asked over the past few years. This looks like the exact same app with a knocked off sensor, should work great.

>> No.19083275

I figured you were using them for gardening. I can see the value a bit easier in that application. I always dreamed of automating drain to waste tables but never got around to it.

>> No.19083341

Exactly. I don't have a use for open api access right now, but it would be trivial to set things like fans heaters drains etc to trigger at certain readings. I think sometime in the next decade I'll look into switching from outdoor organic gardening to something with a bit more purpose like this and try to do tea/coffee/dank plants indoor.

>> No.19083692
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I've been mulling over starting a tea retailing business. Obviously I'd want to sell puer, but I'm occasionally discouraged. Even if I have a bit of knowledge and a tongue for it, there's just so much out there to know and experience. Puer is unknowable.
I'm worried that even at a really small, hobbyist scale, I couldn't make a buck without having a significant and specific connection to Yunnan. Getting a wholesale deal with Fullchea or something wouldn't cut it.
Shoot straight with me, anons. Is a love of puer enough to be worth a shot at starting a small side business?

>> No.19083717

What like online? Puerh is the high seller in online markets but local sellers cater to what people actually want in their area. I'm going to assume unless you live somewhere particularly strange, most people are just going to want the basics of black, green, and oolong and the vast vast majority of sales would be herbal blends that various hippies and women think is medicinal and cures cancer. If you don't focus on a decent herbal selection and a curated limited but high quality actual tea selection you're going to fail in the west, if I'm being honest.
Online is a different story and is super overcrowded with big names (look at the pastebin for proof, and it doesn't even contain stores that the discord users shill). A lot of niche places use online sales as advertisement for their physical shop and their physical shop as advertisement for their online store in a weird symbiosis.

>> No.19083720

isnt this pretty much what the guy at liquidproust is doing? i dont see why not especially if you live outside of the US where the other online tea stores are less knowledgeable

>> No.19083817

I was thinking locally first, probably at the Farmer's Market or various bazaar scenes, but mostly to spread the love, educate, maybe make a connection or two. Online would definitely have to happen to be profitable, but that operation would just be marking up Awazon and factory teas. Probably some mini tuos and gong fu kits, sample packs, etc. Not bad stuff, but not that interesting either. If I could dig around wechat or find old forum threads, I might be able to obtain a yunnan connection down the line, but I might be overestimating my shot at that.
Unfortunately, in my town there already is a sizable operation that sells precisely the herbal blends as you said and are marketed as such. They're currently rebranding to an apothecary. I will give them props for having a puer and like a dozen herbal blends with it. It's a nameless shou mao cha as far as I can tell, but I haven't actually tasted it before. Point is, I don't want to stoop to that lowest common denominator.
Yeah something like that. I'm not sure how he got started exactly, but where Richard's ended up is definitely impressive.

Like I said, I'm still mulling it over. Appreciate the feedback, though.

>> No.19083866

>Is a love of puer enough to be worth a shot at starting a small side business?
If you are looking to make good money probably not. As a self funding hobby with room to grow, possibly.

Some things to think about:
What is you intended business model? physical store? online only? large or small selection?
What can you offer that others do not? better prices? unique teas? better curation?
Do you know any Chinese or Japanese or are willing to learn (not strictly necessary but helpful).
Do you have any experience with running a small business?
How much capital do you need for your plans? How much are you willing and able to invest?

That said if you bring in good stuff at fair prices I would be happy to support a fellow anon.

>> No.19084037
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This would start out as an enthusiast project. I have a good career doing tech in the agriculture sector. I could probably self fund long enough to determine if it should remain a hobby or if it should grow into a more serious business.
>intended business model
Find respectable wholesalers and import tongs of things I personally liked, sell that at mark up online, locally. Do some education, what is puer and other fine teas, why is it worthy of being a hobby. Maybe I get some connections along the way to a small factory or something and can start talking more direct wholesale or bespoke runs of tea.
>physical store? online only?
No store. That would be exuberantly more expensive, plus then I would have to actually serve tea and that quickly gets annoying with licenses, employees, etc. Online of course and pop-up shops at brewpubs and such places. My town's good for that kind of stuff.
>large or small selection?
Small to start, but getting a hold of the selection, especially the good stuff, is very appealing and why I want to do this: curation. If I can get this thing started, the amount and variety of tea I would get my hands on makes me drool thinking about it.
>what can you offer that others do not?
That's a hard one. I want to focus on education. I don't want to feel super elite or intimidating. I think the vibe might be casual relative to your average normie. "Sure this is darn fine tea, but there's also a lot of it out there so drink it all day every day."
>better prices?
No. That would require connections I don't have. Maybe better than some Western retailers.
>unique teas? better curation?
Yeah, mostly puer, and only stuff I like.
>know any Chinese
Simple words used open in the puer world. I'd be willing to learn more.
Not directly, but I've been in startups for a decade and have great connections. Not a replacement for experience, I know.
>How much capital
I'm still working that out. Not my strong suit, unfortunately.

>> No.19084042

i talked to the people at the tea plant website and i'm going to order some seeds and start some plants. they had some good advice on which ones to try out for my growing zone. i don't really drink tea but it sounds like a neat thing to do.

>> No.19084189

I got a live tea bush from camforest and i was pretty happy with them

>> No.19084697

Tea seeds themselves can be brewed, for what it's worth.
This is great. I wish it were a little more hospitable where I lived. Can you share any more about getting the plant, how you care for it?

>> No.19084905
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Anyone have experience with this brand? I just want to try out all the different colors and types of tea to find out which ones I like before spending more than $5/oz (~$17/100g). Not sure if I'm doing this right

>> No.19084919

bros i love genmaicha i have drank at least one liter of it every day for the past 6 years
i just love it so much

>> No.19085170

Is Amazon ever a decent source of tea?

>> No.19085183

>silver needle
>low caffeine
But I thought teas that are made mostly or exclusively out of tea buds have the highest amount of caffeine?

>> No.19085189

sometimes, rarely

>> No.19085818

Another fellow polack, i would also recommend Czajownia, they tend to get pretty lousy with their delivery, but have some very intresting teas. I really enjoyed their Bai Ya bing Cha, which for 80zł/cake seems like a steal.

>> No.19086398

Sounds like you got some idea of a plan then. Good luck.

>Maybe better than some Western retailers.
If you can pull off similar prices and selection to to LP I would be interested in your shop for whatever little that's worth.

>operation would just be marking up Awazon and factory teas
Please don't buy up all the cheap aged tea from western facing vendors. You will make the puerh lesbians sad. You can probably get better prices bulk buying from TaoBao or wholesalers anyways.

>> No.19086549

Bros I really love drinking tea in a social setting. It relieves most of my anxious thoughts and I'm able to talk way more freely and more profoundly. In contrast, chatting while drunk mostly leads to pretty brainless conversations in my experience.
Also, it's pretty fun to chat about the tea itself and share it with others who appreciate it.
For some reason coffee doesn't really do the same for me. Sure, it wakes me up pretty well but it doesn't really boost my creativity that much. Any reason why that is? I always thought it's just the caffeine that makes you feel so good when drinking tea.

>> No.19086615
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Yiwu mountain tea sample
"Gaoshan Gushu maocha 2022 Autumn"

Has bitter note, light fruity/sweet note, mostly umami. Like a better version of the cheap menghai bricks

>> No.19086924

Pretty leaves
Yeah that's definitely one of the reasons its popular to serve to guests in some parts of the world

>> No.19086999


>> No.19087008

flavor has a big effect on mood. i find that good coffee has that feel

>> No.19087442

Dandelion tea is surprisingly good. I thought it was weird at first but it’s great.

>> No.19087448

Lemon balm and chamomile. Possibly Peppermint. Passionflower will but it also makes you sleepy, which is why it calms. Maybe Lavender.

>> No.19087612
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Was in San Francisco recently and made a stop to Red Blossom Tea.

>> No.19087728

>traditional matcha or mate gear is pretentious
it isn't necessarily but it probably could be

>> No.19087828
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2007 DaYi 0772 sheng in the yixing for a Friday night. It's the most mature tea I have right now. It's very mellow with a slight smoke flavor and scent that gives way to a more spinachy/vegetal greenness. It's surprisingly good. Sits on the throat so nice. Sweetens as it cools.
I can't remember where I got this. It must have been YS.

>> No.19087869

i feel very alone in my tea interest, aside from this general I dont know anyone who cares about chinese tea, i've tried to get some people into it and done tasting sessions with friends but they found it boring, it depresses me

>> No.19087877

Did you get them tea drunk on good puerh?

>> No.19087880

The most rich hobbies are like that, especially if they're opaque. Try getting your friends to play go. Can't be done. You have to get go friends like you have to get tea friends.

>> No.19087965

Nice! How was their shop?

>> No.19087968

I swear dayi made about 12 different new recipes in 2006/2007 lots of them never got made again. A few of them sound interesting i keep meaning to explore some

>> No.19088021

Valarian is nice, but be careful. It knocks me on my ass.

>> No.19088062

That's an interesting niche for sure. That was right around the time of the puer boom, so I would guess that has something to do with the abundance of new recipes.
If you're actually thinking about exploring that, you have my support. I'd recommend the 0772. I've been chugging it for an hour. The color of the tea is really nice. It's starting to show off that reddish hue of aged puer nicely. It's factory puer, but teenage sheng is good anyway. The smokiness is still there, too, but it's more in the scent rather than the taste. If there's anything to criticize, it's too tightly compressed. 400g in a cake that looks like it's 200g.

>> No.19088073

Yeah they were definitely cranking out new recipes to try an capitalize on the boom. Interesting because since then they haven't really released any # recipie cakes. I think they don't appeal as much to the modern market as something named seven stars pinnacle of bulang mountain or whatever.

>> No.19088079
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Ever try making your own?

>> No.19088652

>given a headache by a problem for a few hours
>drink some english breakfast
>goes away and i feel more at peace

or is the tea just so damn good

>> No.19088702

You're an addict and were experiencing withdrawal symptoms. Also English breakfast is pretty damn good.

>> No.19088752

being a caffeine addict is based tho, quitting caffeine cold turkey is nature telling you to drink more of your rightful tea, coffee, yerba

i highly believe >>19087008

>> No.19088876

It was nice.

Store is on the small side, but they have pretty much everything they have on the website in the shop. The staff was knowledgeable and they were brewing some samples. I couldn't spend much time there as they were about to have a private tasting though. It's also on the main street of Chinatown, so parking's a bitch to find (but that's San Francisco for you).

>> No.19090258

Sipping on some nice smokey Fu today. I think I am going to buy a brick of the real coarse looking stemmy stuff to see how it compares to the "higher grade" productions that I own. I have a soft spot for teas that taste like lawn clippings.

>> No.19090276

>I have a soft spot for teas that taste like lawn clippings.
Its more like i tried to brew fall leaves then lawn clippings but yeah, i did end up giving it away so im not sure if that's a recommendation or not
This is probably the best price for a more rough one but if you want the really rough stuff i would go with kingteamall

>> No.19090281

Oh i almost forgot this cheap old ass thing

>> No.19090581
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If you don't drink your tea like a Russian convict, what are you even doing?

>> No.19090632

I find the opposite and that people find it more weird if you have coffee gear.

>> No.19090705
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I still havent bought a Kyusu like I wanted to after hearing about the fact that I may need two for green and black tea.
Somethng something them being unglazed will contaminate the tea making it no better than sewage . Please help

>> No.19090771

I have a few unglazed teapots and i will put just about anything in them except for dark fermented teas or weird stinky aged teas. There is a kernal of truth that you don't want to use flavored tea or again weird smelly tea in your green tea pot but vendors are happy to tell you you need to buy different pots for every kind of tea because then people buy 5 different teapots from them.

>> No.19090774

Also if you do manage to get some weird taste in your clay tea pot you can clean it in ways that will get any flavor out and make it like new again.
Oh and make sure you never use soap on it, just rinse it out after use and don't leave tea in there for three days so it gets moldy.

>> No.19090775
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Have you guys tried barrel aged tea? Aging puer and oolong inside port barrels or bourbons barrels is starting to get trendy.

>> No.19090777

I found a cute Yixing clay teapot for about 40 eur, and a Kyusu for also 40 eur, this seems like a good approach that I was about to go with. But your post made me reconsider.

I did find this cute text on a store page
>There is a legend that tells about an Emperor who walks by an old farm house. Suddenly a heavenly tea aroma fills up his nostrils and without any further thought, rushes into this house. The kind farmer offers him some tea, he drinks a cup, two, then he stops and asks: “ where did you, poor farmer, get this expensive tea?”. Then the farmer answers: “ I cannot afford to buy any tea, your excellence, I only have this pot which was used by my great grandfather, grandfather and my father. I only pour hot water in here and enjoy what it gives me.”

>> No.19090893

>Aging puer and oolong inside port barrels or bourbons barrels is starting to get trendy.
I would not call it trendy but LP has a some barrel aged teas. He is probably the main person doing it.

While we are on the topic of LP I will note he has some ultra fresh green tea that was processed just weeks ago in stock if it interests anyone. It is kind of expensive though.

>> No.19090981

Eh, fuck it, I guess I will.

>> No.19090999
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Aging tea in three-penis wine barrels...

>> No.19091009

999 penis wine

>> No.19091012

what should i do for having tea at the office should i just bring a bunch of shit

>> No.19091025

Get a big thermos, put some white tea inside, then fill with boiling water. The other kinds of tea aren't good for thermos brewing imo. Green tea burns, darker teas get this weird and unpleasant aftertaste if they sit in hot water for too long.

>> No.19091160

brew it, mix it with whatever sugar and milk you might want in proportion, put it in a thermos and potentially microwave reheat it later

>> No.19091420

I use one of those rad mug top gravity infusers. Love it. Typically have shu at work.

>> No.19091442
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Went to Nakamura Tokichi in Uji over the holidays and had a matcha parfait :)

>> No.19091514

That's pretty rad. What did you drink to go with it?

>> No.19091531

It was just the matcha there on the right. I cant remember exactly what kind it was, but it was fairly thick and very bitter. Offputting on its own but when you pair it with the sweet matcha cake right after a sip it tastes amazing

The friend I was with got a different matcha that was extremely thick, almost like a sludge

>> No.19091573

Thick matcha, i heard it's like espresso, really strong

>> No.19091576

Koicha is pretty intense, it's offputting unless it's made with very high quality tea so it's kind of a snobbery point. It's good in some cases but there's a reason that usuicha is more popular/common

>> No.19091729

Guys, how would you go about making your own pu erh cake from green tea ?

>> No.19091877

Assuming the varietal is suitable, I imagine you can just start doing the aging thing. I'm thinking the juice isn't worth the squeeze on this one.

>> No.19091888

I drink decaf english breakfast so I can drink it as much as I want at any time

>> No.19091890

Just pressing green tea probably wont turn out great as it is not quite the same as puerh. The trick to pressing tea cakes is steaming the tea so that it is soft and does not just crunch when you compress it.

>> No.19091934

You can make cakes in theory from any kind of tea. All you need are two suitably shaped heavy stones and steam. You could also buy and press maocha if you were into that sort of thing.

>> No.19091945

It doesn't necessarily need to be pressed either.

>> No.19091979

>You can make cakes in theory from any kind of tea.
True, I just wanted to point out that green tea is not quite the same as sheng and is generally not considered to age well. Pressing some longjing wont turn it into puerh. That said I have not seen many earnest attempts at aging green tea either so perhaps it could be made to work. There are a at least a couple examples of traditionally aged green teas.

>> No.19092098
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Streets ahead my man, and checked

>> No.19092231

i have my tea raped into my ass by a black man

>> No.19092403

does a samovar have any advantage over a regular kettle?

>> No.19092474

drinking yellow leaf 3 yo sheng gushu
I'm a happy man

>> No.19092730

I did actually get one of my buddies to play go with me once, and she kicked my ass.

>> No.19092994
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I've filled it with the bag of mate they've provided and with warm-hot water to the brim, adding more water after 12 hours elapsed. After 24 hours from filling I dumped and spooned out the mate and the interior seems to have barely gotten darker, although the natural gourd+warehouse smell seems to have gone now and the walls are somewhat uniform.

1kg Playadito arrived today so I'll try a drink from the gourd and a regular ceramic mug to see if the gourd imparts a different taste. I'll also order one of those stainless steel ones I linked for good measure.

>> No.19093069

Sure, you can get your mates to do it once, same with tea, but to get any of them to stick with it is nearly impossible.

>> No.19093119

Yeah the gourd will probably impart a bit of flavor the first couple times but then it should stop, just sort of scrape at the inside after you use it until it seems lije you have gotten most of the fiber out. It will take many uses to really darken

>> No.19093287
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The average American is a vile creature

>> No.19093302

You know that website you got that screenshot from? You should go back there.

>> No.19093308

>dum dum
well you are what you eat

>> No.19093316

Being an American who hates sugar is a tiresome experience. I have a feeling it keeps my countrymen from trusting me.

>> No.19093324

Sometimes I'll have a strong black tea with a spoonful of sugar or honey as a dessert, this isn't too different.

>> No.19093530
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I found this on KTM. I wonder why it looks so bumpy and irregular. Is it a difference in wo dui technique?

>> No.19093573

That is lao cha tao, the chunky nuggets that form when tea gets stuck together during fermentation process. They just get formed normally during wet piling but it is probably possible to modify the fermentation process to adjust lao cha tao yield. lao cha tao is a common sub variety of shou.

>> No.19093635

I love tea. I got a matcha latte from my local café this morning.

>> No.19093776

It's getting warmer so I want to brew large amounts of green tea to drink cold.
What's the best way to do this? I'm used to small tea strainers but that obviously won't work.
Can I pour it through a coffee filter?

>> No.19093790

Dump leaves and cold water in mason jar or large soda bottle or other large container with lid, place in frindge and leave for 8-12 hours, dump tea into another container though standard mesh kitchen strainer. You can also get some cheesecloth and make big teabags with it, then fish out the teabag and throw it away.
You can get a box of six half gallon mason jars at most hardware stores for $10.

>> No.19093793

>place in frindge and leave for 8-12 hours
that works?

>though standard mesh kitchen strainer
The tea is kinda fine though, I feel like stuff would get through.

>> No.19093795

you can get these big paper tea filter bags that i use for larger amounts, disposable but pretty cheap

>> No.19093800

>place in fridge and leave
cold brew works great if you want awful tasting tea lol

>> No.19093810

>doesnt offer better advice

>> No.19093822

make good tea, freeze it

>> No.19093848

I had some tea that was too fine for my strainers so I used V60 filters. It works.

>> No.19093880

>that works?
Depends on the type of tea but yes it works really well for a lot of teas.

>> No.19094019

I use brown v60 papers to clean up my teas for kombucha or bottled cold brew. I'd use a better paper but I need to get rid of hundred of the shitty browns I bought when everything else was out of stock for months early covid.

>> No.19094130

I hear the gourd imparts a slight nutty taste, though I haven't tried it myself. it'll probably get weaker and brew out after some time, just like the resinous sweetness in palo santo cups does

>> No.19094175

imagine just pouring off the wash when you could be using it to give your tea pet a SOUL. ngmi.

>> No.19094186

I still don't have a tea pet...

>> No.19094193

I get it, you have to ponder important decisions like that carefully. just be ready so strike whenever you see your tea pet.

>> No.19094202

Yeah pretty much. I might have to take a trip to taobao and see what i can dig up

>> No.19094260

you could buy loose mao cha and press it into a cake yourself

>> No.19094269

back in the day it was just a useful multipurpose evice that you could use to heat water as well as make tea. nowadays it's probably a bit of a gimmick

>> No.19094286

lao cha tou is a side product of the wo dui process. basically some of the tea gets clumped up into these nuggets and doesn't really look like leaves anymore, so it's sorted out from normal leaves and sold separately
it usually has a very thick body and is milder than most shu, takes longer to brew out. I have a small brick from Dayi, might check out this bigger one from Haiwan if I decide lao cha tou is for me

>> No.19094357

i have one tea pet who gets only the finest pu er brews

the other pet gets tortured with leftover flat soda, milk, whatever i have lying around

>> No.19094928

Interesting! I was aware of such a thing happening during wet piling, but I didn't know it was on its own a marketable, desirable thing. In general, are the characteristics the same as the rest of the material? I guess it wouldn't pick as easily. I should pick up a brick.

>> No.19095098
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Will keep these tips in mind. Cheers!
Thankfully it wasn't so bad, and there wasn't any hint of the gourd at least for my beginner palate. Slightly bitter, a bit more than what I remember the first time I tried it. Didn't feel any of the meme "better concentration" effects nor the caffeine though, but that's not what I'm looking for anyway.
The gourd did indeed darken a tiny bit so that's a good sign. I remember reading that it's best to have a separate gourd for sugar-added mate, so I'll do that if I decide to get one of the stainless steel gourds. Thanks /tea/!

>> No.19095878
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Busting into the $8 awazon menghai.

>> No.19095943

Please critique and share with me. I've been dying to hear about these wholesale cakes.

>> No.19096031
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4 infusions in and its pretty good. Not astringent at all, no bitterness, not too vegatal, fairly sweet. I could probably be more helpful staring at the flavor wheel. Thick opaque body but I'm leafing pretty heavy. 11g/~100ml at 205f. I'm no expert but the leaves look good. I like it. Very pleasant daily drinker tier so far. Cheap enough to grab a tong to age if I had space. Somehow I pulled 11g off a cake and shoved another 400g into a full pumi.

>> No.19096041

hell yeah. let us know how it is once you dry, roll and smoke that shit too

>> No.19096265

>are the characteristics the same as the rest of the material
they are more fermented than the rest of the material and they take longer to brew out because they're so clumped up
the taste can vary just like with normal ripe pu-erh

>> No.19096313
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Wunderwelt Fleur also has Royal Gate Dessert Plate still available.

>> No.19096374

do you anons agree with the guy from Tea DB that raw pu-erh 3-10 year old can be a little boring?
I'm drinking one I got from KTM right now and wondering if that could be the case. it's pretty bland

>> No.19096397

somewhat, but i think its more dependent on the tea, ktm has a lot of mediocre teas ig. At 3-5 years of aging though its kind of in an awkward phase where the tea has lost its freshness so its no longer enjoyable as a young puer, but its not aged enough to get any of the benefits of aged puerh.
which tea did you buy? maybe give it a week or two to rest and see if it does anything

>> No.19096403

this one: https://kingteamall.com/collections/kingteamall/products/2020-kingteamall-autumn-meng-ku-flavor-cake-357g-puerh-raw-tea-sheng-cha
didn't buy a whole cake and it was cheap though, so no biggie. maybe I'll exchange it with my tea friend for something else
I'm much more excited for the aged sheng sampler I got with that order, will crack it open soon

>> No.19096424

Why is Black tea hated here? I remember posting about this a few years ago when everyone was shitting on black tea but forgot to check for replies, so I am asking again?

>> No.19096510

cheap black tea in teabags that people drown in milk are not great, you're tasting more tea bag than tea

loose leaf black tea is usually nice

>> No.19096585

adding to what the other anon said I think some people associate black tea with the addition of flavorings, fruit and other aromatics since thats a popular way of having loose leaf black tea in the west but I agree its kind of unfair

>> No.19096667

im just not really a fan of the maltyness of black teas, i've tried some good quality ones from yunnan and taiwan but they all kind of have the same underlying taste especially when flash brewed gongfu style. The taiwanese black teas were pretty good though but too expensive. I enjoyed the darjeelings that i've brewed western style though so maybe its an issue with the gongfu brewing method

>> No.19096711

So, where do I get the good quality black tea from?

>> No.19096759

i got the taiwanese teas from taiwanteacrafts i think it was this one, really sweet at first:
farmerleaf sells a few yunnan blacks but his selection of them changes really often:
it seems like most western puerh tea stores in china sell black tea too:
not so sure about where to buy darjeelings though

>> No.19096796

Cheap autum tea can be a little bland. Mengku is my favorite region at the moment. I could definitely see dome mengkus getting kind of boring during the akward stage but ive been drinking a bunch of 2020 puers and they are all prety solid. The idea of an awkward stage for puer can be helpful but don't just rule out teas in that age range entirely i have picked up some really great teas that were 5 or so years old.

>> No.19096803

If you want cheap and good then vahdamn on Amazon and their website. Second flush Darjeeling if you want light and sweet, or assam if you lich rich and malty.
If you want to try some Chinese black tea this is cheap and nice

>> No.19096856

Vahdam is garbage, so many broken leaves in their packages.

>> No.19096881

What do you suggest then?

>> No.19096930

thats just how indian pickers pick their tea, they use electric hedge trimmers with a catch bucket

>> No.19096944

Thunder leaf or whatever it is from the pastebin sells you almost entirely unbroken leaves but you should transfer the tea to mason jars with oxygen absorbers.
It's mostly related to the fact that vahdam vacuum packs the tea which crushes most of it.

>> No.19097007

Yes thunderleaf sells nicer tea. Their tea also costs 5x as much or more and they charge $30 for shipping. It's a completely different level of tea, they aren't even competitors.

>> No.19097015

Jesus when you tell somone that teabags are garabge and the ask for recs of good tea they don't mean recs for $50 per oz tea.

>> No.19097019

ys also vacuum packs their samples and their leaf isnt as broken. it is the difference in picking cultures of indian vs chinese where hand picking is less common in india as its always been more of a commodity market

>> No.19097029

yo Jack Daniels is garbage you should buy Old Rip Van Winkle instead

>> No.19097068

black tea can be really good but it can also get a bit samey. nothing wrong with a good black tea though
I recommend taiwanese shan cha if you want something sweet and a bit different from most black teas

>> No.19097074

how come i need 8g of ripe puerh but 4g of heicha for grandpa brewing?

>> No.19097108

I typically use similar amounts (5-6 garms). I suppose some ripe puer can be pretty soft flavor wise

>> No.19097127
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It's not 5x more expensive and if shipping costs are too high maybe don't buy things from other countries.
Ys doesn't do that though for more delicate teas and usually they pack them in bags like this, none of these are vacuum sealed save the oolongs.

>> No.19097319

>It's not 5x more expensive
Im talking about cheap black tea not single estate Darjeeling. Thunderbolt doesn't even sell anything else.

>> No.19097367

Well comparing the single estate offerings of both vahdam is shit and I will never buy from them again.

>> No.19097390

Good, they shine as a place to buy cheap indian loose leaf tea, you should buy specialist teas from specialist shops like thunderbolt and not shops like vahdam that target normalfags.

>> No.19097423
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Thanks again to the suggestion from an anon a few weeks ago for Sea Dyke.

Cheap and tasty, very drinkable.

I was surprised it showed up so quickly when it was so cheap, air shipped from china to the US in less than 3 weeks.

>> No.19097464
File: 72 KB, 640x823, tea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi frens I recently bought this tea as a part of a gift for my moms birthday. She gave me a cup and it was lovely! It's not a typical loose leaf tea and I know some of you guys won't even see it as a tea but it's a nice fruity floral tea.

black currant, rosehip, hibiscus and apple are among the ingredients. I got it from this Danish chain store.

>> No.19097468

Ning'er "Golden Honey Aroma" Yunnan Black Tea $14 for 100g/3.5oz

>> No.19097473

Floral and herbal teas are great, I don't care if its technically not a true tea or whatever

>> No.19097529
File: 3.84 MB, 4875x2241, gaiwan (1)-min.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aliexpress gaiwan came in - this thing is fucking huge. Easily double the volume of my other one. All the sellers put different parameters so I couldn't tell what the actual size was from the listings.
Got some cheap jasmine green in there for now

>> No.19097531
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>shipment of a bunch of tea coming tomorrow
>so excited I can't think of anything else
as addictions go, I guess this isn't the worst

>> No.19097632

Nice, glad you are enjoying it anon. Rumors are theat they hold on to and age tea every year so they can blend some tea that's a few years old into their boxes to get a more consistent flavor from year to year. No idea if it's true but it's my kind of cheap oolong.

>> No.19097641

I always love getting a big tea order in and then agonizing over which one to drink first. Ive definitely been guilty of drinking like 5 different teas in an afternoon because i want to try them all.

>> No.19097644

looks like some good shit, my ning'er

>> No.19097653

i drink this shit like once a week i fucking love it i dont share it with anyone that is if i had anyone to share it with, because, i dont

>> No.19097667

based me too, they're my favorite for the night time.

>> No.19097681

Kek I might just get some for that name alone.
>AYO niggas drinking sea dyke juice ova hea!

>> No.19097685

duck shit is another good one for that purpose

>> No.19097985

Is it worth getting a temperature controlled kettle? I find if I let it stop bubbling and pour it out into my cup I get about 80c anyway.

>> No.19098007

You could also just get a $5 cooking thermometer and put that in your existing kettle

>> No.19098014

If you are feeling lucky get this one.
Fully stainless steel on the inside, good quality boiler unit. No name kettle. Read about how the boil function works ita a bit weird, explained in reviews, but if you don't mind that is the same proce as the non temp control kettle i buy anyway so might as well.

>> No.19098020

I have one but I find it's only really useful for japanese greens and yerba mate. I do drink a lot of both admittedly
chinese greens are mostly fine with hotter water from what I've seen, maybe just don't warm up the vessel or wait a few minutes. and for other teas, you can just use boiling water

>> No.19098030

I thought about but it's a big ass 2 litre kettle and it wouldn't really work.

Looks ok. I am a poorfag though so I'm trying to avoid buying anything.

Maybe I'm being a bit overly cautious with temperature then. Thanks fellas.

>> No.19098074
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Did I make a mistake?

>> No.19098088

>still $80
Yeah, you fucked up. Theres a million options for half that price

>> No.19098107

go put honey and vanilla and an earl grey teabag in steamed milk RIGHT NOW

>> No.19098108

Yeah but how many of them look this cool from a brand you might actually recognize?

Also I like the idea of the tea brewing insert thing and the 30 minute keep warm.

I can brew at the proper temp, then tell it to keep warm at like 140-160f so it's kept at a nice drinkable temp for 30 minutes.

Obviously I could've gotten some $20-30 kettle if I just wanted something that gets the water hot.

>> No.19098123

Or you could have just put the brewed tea into a thermos.

>> No.19098126

Of course, I could also just microwave my water.

>> No.19098136

I guess retardation can't be fixed, best of luck.

>> No.19098168

Don't put the tea in the thing untill after the water boils or it will taste like shit

>> No.19098185


>> No.19098239

Somone else got one of those style kettles a while ago and didn't realize that, so i figured i would mention it

>> No.19098338

Fair enough, there are some real morons on here.

>> No.19098633

lul it's fine
It can serve its own niche. It will look good sitting somewhere, if nothing else. You should get a 60ml one to contrast.

>> No.19098957

Amen brother.

I drink tea every morning with my gongfu setup, and it creates the most though provoking experience in my life. It's where all my thoughts come together and I create goals for myself.

>> No.19099007

perfect my brother, thank you so much!

>> No.19099028

>that spacing
>muh brand
Please try to breathe through your nose anon

>> No.19099068

I exhaled through my nose at an increased rate due to this post.

>> No.19099074

the base isn't flared so you could have trouble trying to get it back out

>> No.19099193

just picked up a box of Bigelow Constant Comment. What am I in for?

>> No.19099207

A cozy, cold morning drink whose auroma fills a small room easily.

>> No.19099326

i like it. kind of smells like gingersnap cookies

>> No.19099351

is niotea a good japanese tea seller?

>> No.19099863

>"Year of the tiger ripe" sample
Did you like it? I blind bought a cake and it's been my favorite ripe from YS so far.

>> No.19099869

In The Night Agent there's a woman who prepares tea to another woman.
>It's pu ehr
Do they know?

>> No.19100406
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Woke up at 4:45 am in the Pacific Northwest to nicely brewed malty Assam from the Tao of Tea. Listened to some beautiful ambient music while letting my thoughts run wild. Gongfu-style tea is such a niche hobby and is often confusing to the average folk. It's also a shame tea hasn't ever really taken on here in the states. About 10 years ago when Starbucks bought out Teavana there was a movement to make tea into the next coffee culture, but that fizzled out almost immediately, and now Starbucks shut down Teavana to stomp out any competition with coffee. Truly an evil move.

There are a few places such as Portland where shops serve gongfu style, and it's far more culturally accepted in the deep inner cities. But with that comes cultural degeneracy and fascist communistic beliefs and mental illness. For example, I haven't gone to downtown Seattle in years because of the recent decline in society there with rampant homelessness and white-male-hating feminists. But that's where the trove of tea resides, some of the best tea shops are found there. Either way i'm still going to continue enjoying my tea and will do so every day of my life, as always.

Cheers, my fellow tea friends.

>> No.19100408

Imagine the smell

>> No.19100418

>when Starbucks bought out Teavana there was a movement to make tea into the next coffee culture, but that fizzled out almost immediately
There was a solid 18-24 months there where I thought we had a chance

>> No.19100451

That was it, the last chance. Tea most likely will never go beyond where it is today, unless we have a massive cultural shift in the future, and there's proof that tea cures cancer. If not, well then we here will remain the cultural shut-ins drinking out tea alone while the rest of the world looks at us thinking ".... why are you drinking it like that?". Even going to local tea shops I feel like an outcast because it's almost primarily women drinking highly synthetic flavored tea from a coffee mug.

>> No.19100484

yes. chinesium chinkshit will leak after a year(thats probably why its refurbished), even then $80 is expensive. just bite the bullet and get a Bonavita or Stagg

>> No.19100489

>Also I like the idea of the tea brewing insert thing
never use those. kettles are for heating water only, you dont want to have to scrub the inside out every week because of all the burn on tea dust and residue

>> No.19100500

I'm already an autist that scrubs the tea stains off my tea cup after every use. So meh.

>> No.19100502

I found out that toothpaste is the absolute best way to remove stains from porcelain.

>> No.19100512
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wet tea towel works for me

>> No.19100559

I just use my bare hand and hot water

>> No.19100568

>That was it, the last chance. Tea most likely will never go beyond where it is today
good. I've lost enough hobbies due to them going mainstream.

>> No.19100586

If you "lose" a hobby because it went mainstream that's because you're a contrarian faggot that has to be "different" because YOU'RE not a normie.

Honestly if you stop enjoying something because it got popular, you're a bigger faggot than the normies who now inhabit your former hobby.

>> No.19100592

sorry I guess I didnt write that very clearly. the issue is not that a hobby goes mainstream in itself but what inevitably comes with it: the hobby becomes corporatized and soulless. its better a hobby stays niche so that the men in suits dont try to optimize it for maximum profit.

>> No.19100645

I've found that the upper-end hobby niche shit is almost always separated from the overly corpratized entry and mid-range shit anyway.

Coffee is VERY mainstream, yet you can still find autistic ways to make coffee that are super niche and would make most normies shy away from your hobby. I don't see how Tea would be any different or how that would "ruin" it. I suppose it could kill cheap Chinese tea imports if it suddenly got all yuppie infested, but any of the nicer niche shit is still going to be absurdly priced just like it already is today.

>> No.19100649

No idea, I never tried it, I don't really like puer at all.

>> No.19100651

Those magic eraser things work great

>> No.19100859

Same. Every so often I'll take the sponge and soap to it, though.

>> No.19100865

I'll only do that if I left it overnight with some tea in it or something and it really stained bad.

Since I clean it pretty religiously after every use it rarely ends up happening where I use soap.

>> No.19100969

Why is tea so strongly associated with lesbianism?

>> No.19101219
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lots of big delicate leaves in this sample pack, i have to be careful closing the bag
about to drink
the 2 i had so far were very high quality if you like flowery/perfumey oolong

>> No.19101225

cuz lesbians need energy to beat each other

>> No.19101241 [DELETED] 

2hot but i'm smelling something similar to coconut

>> No.19101247

2hot2drink but i'm smelling something similar to coconut and vanilla extract

>> No.19101281

i'm drinking the duck shit tea
tastes like flowers and slight honey

>> No.19101288

had to google flavor profile to figure out the thing i couldn't figure out
it's apricots
tfw fruitlet, i eat apricots once every few years lmao

>> No.19101295

>drink puerh
>have no problems sensing every little detail
>drink tea that mimics fruit
>have no idea what fruit im tasting

>> No.19101819

I thought it was just puer.

>> No.19101931

my theory is it goes something like this:
>because of cultural sterotypes in the US, tea is considered something for fruity Europeans
>American women want to appear more "cultured" AKA European
>women have women's tastes, so they drink perfumed mixes, matcha lattes etc.
>butch lesbians are the only women autistic enough to truly get into tea, especially pu'erh which is, of courese, the most butch of teas
and there we have it

>> No.19102002

I once caught stomach flu from the cake I ate with lapsang souchong. It was my first time drinking it, and now I have this almost full tin of it, without any use for it. Wat do?

>> No.19102008

Meant to add, that its mere smell is repulsive now.

>> No.19102047

>Why is tea so strongly associated with lesbianism?
There are multiple full length essays published in womens studies publications on the subject. None of them actually explain why lesbians like tea so mich

>> No.19102069

Give it to me,
Nah but either give it away or toss it. You won't be able to make anything with it that won't reek of smoke. Too bad its one of the best teas out there

>> No.19102116

You need to make a tea friend, anon.

>> No.19102545

hi /tea/ :)

>> No.19102553

i like lapsang for caffeine cuz it's burning tires whether it's 7g or 30g. tastes the same no matter how much you put in, when other black teas get gross at that concentration

>> No.19102570

I just love smokey teas, they are the best. Im mad barely any smokey puer gets made anymore its all hoity toity and clean now

>> No.19102575
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same, i also like my supermarket gunpowder

>> No.19102579

Also get 3kg of Rosamonte to scratch that itch

>> No.19102760

My favorite *tea* tea right now is English Breakfast tea

>> No.19102782

Bought some Russian caravan tea and it nearly made me puke. It reminded me of smoked kippers

>> No.19102857

hi anon, hope you're enjoying your tea

>> No.19102980
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>> No.19103121

Teasisters... they're onto us...

>> No.19103732

anybody make kombucha? what do you think of it, is it legit tasty or more for probiotic stuff?

>> No.19103762

Tasty. Jury's still out on alleged benefits of "probiotics". But make it because it's tasty.

>> No.19103786

instead of kombucha... kefir in tea

>> No.19103793

Yep. Its great.
I'm playing with this now. Tea and coffee in the bottle ferments of my water kefir.

>> No.19104211

What's the logic behind second infusion? Say, I can brew one cup in 4 minutes and another in 8 minutes, what will go wrong if I brew two cups in 8 minutes?

>> No.19104225

nothing will go "wrong", but your first cup will be much stronger than your second. if you want to get two cups or roughly equivalent strength, you increase the time in the second infusion
at least that's how it works when you're western brewing black tea. with rolled or pressed teas it works a bit different because they open up, so if you're brewing a chunk of pu-erh or some rolled oolong, the second infusion will actually be stronger than the first. that's also good to know and to account for to get a nice cuppa

>> No.19104230
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Thoughts on these gadgets? Could it add a metallic taste to tea?

>> No.19104235
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You can get one made of sterling if you're really worried.

Sterling is nonreactive and is commonly used for tea preperation and serving, as well as the traditional metal used for "silverware".

>> No.19104236

Thanks for the info

>> No.19104238

I mean, brewing 16oz at once instead of 8oz twice.

>> No.19104239

it won't, but the ones that look like a basket you put on your cup tend to be better because there's more space for the leaves. in general, try to get the biggest one you can
also mesh is better than just metal with holes, lets the tea infuse more freely

>> No.19104245

it can be fine, but the water tends to cool down too fast to extract everything out of the leaves anyway so a second infusion with boiling water is nice to do

>> No.19104253

That makes sense. Perhaps I can compensate by stirring it more often? Anyway, thanks.

>> No.19104256

I've heard some people brew in a thermal flask to alleviate the "water cooling down" issue, but I haven't tried it myself

>> No.19104275
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You can get fairly fine with sterling too, but it costs a lot more than stainless, so most silver infusers just use holes because manufacturing and labor is simplified by a lot.

>> No.19104277
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Meant for>>19104239

>> No.19104301

$170 for $15 worth of silver. Oof.

I know there are some 3D printing companies that can do 92.5% silver at a very high level of detail, but they're probably similar pricing (but instead of paying for labor you're paying for the high tech metal 3D printer)

>> No.19104743
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Been making it for years now and I highly recommend it. My very first batch already btfo every single storebought booch I'd had, and it costs like a tenth as much to make and is probably much healthier.
It should be seen as a yummy drink first and foremost- it's probably decent for you but the health aspect is definitely overblown. Thing is, it's not in competition with matcha or wheatgrass, it's in competition with soda pop. If you're in the mood for a cold, sweet, fizzy drink it's obviously one of the healthiest options, but if health is what you're after you're probably better off making kefir instead. I do both.
Home fermentation is easy and fun and is a simple way to resist consumerism. Nifty way to impress friends, too.

>> No.19104943
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Time for some smoked tea i can't wait

>> No.19104944
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New plate to serv it too

>> No.19105044

A Chinese ballerina I was fucking (please, I don't have anyone else I can show off to about this, I need this) gave me a small jar of ceremonial grade matcha. The instructions are very vague, basically telling me to whisk and then add hot water. I've read the pastebin, but do I really need a matcha whisk? How fast can I expect to go through my jar? I've never owned matcha before and I've heard it's expensive.

>> No.19105175

Nice cup

>> No.19105184

>but do I really need a matcha whisk?
No you can use one of those lil milk frother things, or a regular whisk, or anything else you can whisk it with

>> No.19105387

Post pictures (of the tea), also, you might not like it so don't be too surprised if it doesn't taste that good.
This works, but you want to get a decent amount of air into it so if you just use a "regular" whisk, you'll want to beat it pretty hard.

>> No.19105388

Thanks, i don't always use glass i change from time to time but i like this one lately.

>> No.19105556
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LP has some 2010 Naka Huangpian cakes for $20. I am thinking about getting one.

>> No.19105737

That sure is huanpian alright.
At leat the price is appropriate

>> No.19105889

i tried a few different teas gong fu style w the guy who owns that expensive tea shop in seattle chinatown, was a nice experience, i kinda wanna go back some time

>> No.19105896

Huang pian is good

>> No.19106587

>one cunt wolf pack

>> No.19106868

Topped up the kombucha crock with some 2012 cnnp 7581 and blackstrap molasses. Hope the minerality sticks around after fermenting. Wasn't my favorite when I bought it but its very comfy now.

>> No.19107145
File: 663 KB, 1158x636, Screenshot 2023-03-30 at 09-57-04 KingTeaMall【Project 1】Storage Comparison Sample Tea Set 15g 3 45g Puerh Sheng Cha Raw Tea KingTeaMall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying my first wet stored pu-erh today. it's from KingTeaMall's "Project 1" sample set. there was a note attached describing the storage conditions, apparently it was stored in Guangzhou, but in a way that's "close to traditional Hong Kong storage". the note doesn't say how old it is though.
the taste is reminiscent of beets, woody (slight "licking an oak barrel" effect), slight sweetness with a little bit of huigan. similar taste profile to the aged liu baos I've had, but with some bitterness and astringency, especially when brewed strong + that small huigan. the liquor is definitely lighter than liu bao or ripe pu-erh as well
anyway glad to have bought this, samples of more traditionally stored raws are a bit rare to come by

>> No.19107666

new thread: