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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19079752 No.19079752 [Reply] [Original]

Let me guess, you *need* more?

>> No.19079778

Do amerigoblins really eat 3 times a day?

I usually just have one meal a day and maybe just maybe some yogurt or kefir in the middle of the night If I have hunger.

>> No.19079792

800 is a big breakfast, that would keep you going ofr a day of labor. I'd switch breakfast and dinner and add dessert & snacks

>> No.19079794

What is wrong with you twigs?
I eat 5 meals a day and still feel a bit too skinny

>> No.19079798

>most american post ever

>> No.19079804

Gimme a break, there are four meal times and we got them from France
>breakfast, luncheon, dinner, supper
Eating 3 meals is cutting back

>> No.19079815

where do you put the brunch?

>> No.19079845

I skip breakfast and lunch and eat basically whatever I want for dinner

>> No.19079869

I'm underweight and I lose weight eating 1800 Cal a day, trying to eat 3000 Cal a day as recommended especially while active is such a chore.
I think I'm supposed to just up and die
Have the appetite of a little girl but I'm 6'7" large frame with a large head
just from reading this post if you saw me you'd know it was me

>> No.19079898

I don't know I know I've been to brunches but I never remember anything after

>> No.19079924

I recently started injecting testosterone into my ass so I do need more

>> No.19079995

I'm OMAD but it's like 2500+ calories and that doesn't include all the daydrinking

>> No.19080014

How do you consume 800 calories right after waking up? I can only stomach coffee and a small treat
I get a big lunch or dinner but not breakfast
Maybe if I had breakfast two hours after waking up

>> No.19080038

Am I in a little bitch forum or something? Anything less than 2500 cal is skelintong faggot, you niggers even go to the gym?

>> No.19080061
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ask me how i know you are NGMI

>> No.19080118

I'm not a woman, so yes, I do need more.

>> No.19080132

just get a large mcdonalds milkshake everyday

>> No.19080425

Yeah if you're a normal healthy adult who gets exercise regularly, you need more than 2,000 calories daily

>> No.19080470

Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, supper like a pauper.

>> No.19080509

I don't, I do 18:6 fasting.

10AM breakfast
1PM lunch
4PM dinner

>> No.19080512


>> No.19080530

50 calorie breakfast
450 calorie lunch
no dinner
1000 calories of liquor and beer

>> No.19080586

>I eat like an anorexic 12 year old so you're a glutton

>> No.19080594

I like that one - looking at the calorie breakdown life is hard for people who love eating

>> No.19080603
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Drink these daily, I've gained 15 lbs in 2 months just by adding these in my diet. You're welcome. Amazon has them. Plus you don't need to do the recommended serving size, you can just do like half and you'll see results quick

>> No.19080614

Do not drink these. They're full of bullshit and turn you into a fag. Drink 1 1/2 cups of quality milk with a half cup of heavy cream added 2-3 times a day in addition to normal meals.

>> No.19080616
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>no breakfast
>no lunch
>1000 calorie dinner
>500 calorie drinks and snacks

>> No.19080619
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>> No.19080661

at my most optimal it was
~200 calorie breakfast, either two fried eggs, or toast and peanut butter, maybe a glass of milk
~200-400 calories in snacks (literally just salted peanuts) as lunch
~800 calorie dinner (reheated pan fried chicken thigh and roasted potatoes/veggie)
the rest was booze
i need to get back on that regimine

>> No.19080695 [DELETED] 

>Do amerigoblins really eat 3 times a day?
Yes, and so do people in your country, because people do that EVERYWHERE. It's pretty fucking normal to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I also eat only once or twice a day but I'm not delusional enough to think that's culturally normal anywhere, try going outside now and then.

>> No.19080701

start puffin boy

>> No.19080703

1500 calorie lunch
500 calorie dinner

>> No.19080787

>ITT anorexic dyels lecture people on nutrition

>> No.19080825 [DELETED] 

>eat breakfast if I'm hungry until I'm full
>eat lunch if I'm hungry until I'm full
>eat dinner if I'm hungry until I'm full
Calories are a meme, just eat whole foods and your appetite will regulate itself.

>> No.19081127

2000 calories a day is standard on every nutrition label

>> No.19081132

Three meal days are one of those weird Kelloggs innovations, like circumcision for people with no religious requirement. Two meals used to be the norm.

>> No.19081133


>> No.19082479

my man

>> No.19082481

no breakfast, 200 cal snack after 2pm, rest at dinner during 7-8pm

>> No.19082489

it isn't normal to be so hungry that you wake up in the middle of the night you fucking eurotard

>> No.19082493

shit this is what I do but I do intermittent fasting so I only eat from 1pm to 9pm

>> No.19082578

I need less actually, I'm doing omad.

>> No.19082740

i have to eat 3500 calories a day to keep from atrophying below 170 pounds

>> No.19082748

I usually skip breakfast/lunch, have a big early dinner and a midnight snack before bed.

>> No.19082777

400 calorie breakfast
600 calorie lunch
800 calorie dinner

>> No.19082802


I've fasted for two weeks and have gone two months on a strict 700 calorie a day diet.

If you need 800 calories for breakfast you are an absolute lard ass.

>> No.19083063

This. My meals get larger the as the day goes. Dinner is usually the largest and contains the most meat.

>> No.19083075

You forgot the daily sugar water allotment of 2000cal

>> No.19083103

600 calories in drinks throughout the day
1000 calorie dinner
200 calorie vodkas

>> No.19083237

I skip breakfast, have a very light lunch and a heavy dinner instead.

>> No.19083257 [DELETED] 

Just skip breakfast

>> No.19083267
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>counting calories

>> No.19083289

I only have coffee and a piece of fruit for breakfast

>> No.19083339

I don't count calories but I'm probably in the ballpark of OP's suggestion. I just don't eat snacks anymore except for very rare occasions, and stick to sensible portions for my meals. It's very hard to over eat when you don't snack.

>> No.19084074

As an alcoholic my diet is the exact opposite. Heavy hot breakfast in the winter, light cool breakfast (sandwhich or something) during the summer, heavy ass "lunch" at 10 and then don't eat anything else for the rest of the day and start drinking around 5:30-6pm after work.

>> No.19084094

No, thats what other Americans told you. Most Europeans only eat 2 actual meals.

>> No.19084263

>coffee and fruit for breakfast
>small lunch
>big dinner
and then you go to sleep early while you're still digesting. simple as. breakfast is for bulking.

>> No.19084630

lol I just eat a 500 calorie block of ramen all day. and maybe a protein meal replacement bar in the evening.

>> No.19084655
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Today my food was:

Two quarts of unsweetened iced gunpowder green tea.

One uncooked pack of Shin Ramyun, no flavoring packet, just crunchy unsalted noods.

6-8 ounces of Old Trapper beef sticks.

>> No.19084667

No. its more the importance placed on each meal that changes. someplaces people have super small breakfasts and lunches, but go all out on dinner. sometimes dinner and lunch are switched in this roll.

>> No.19084678

I stopped eating breakfast this year to finish off my diet. Before I was only having a 600 calorie breakfast and 600 calorie dinner. Anything else was just light snacking and the occasional third meal.

>> No.19084975

You're not.

>> No.19085032

400 calorie breakfast
900 calorie second breakfast
1000 calorie lunch
850 calorie dinner
i'm on a bit of a cut.

>> No.19085131

I try to aim for 1000 calories for lunch and 1000 calories for dinner
My breakfast is usually an espresso
Your dinner is the meal that you have the most time to dedicate to cooking it and eating it, why only spend 600 calories on it? That sounds stupid especially as someone on /ck/ who actually likes food and doesn't see it as just an obligation

>> No.19085241
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OMAD for life you weak willed cucks, food is one of my favorite things in the world, but dedicating 2 or 3 meals to it a day is insane.

>> No.19085246

Yes. I work as a prep cook in a Sushi restaurant and that shit is intense. Only job I've worked that was more physically demanding was construction. Plus I'm 6'2. I take in 2500 calories to maintain at 210lb, so I usually do more like 600/500/1300.

>> No.19085258

>Rolls raw fish and rice with unwashed hands
>That'll be 6 hundred dollaru!
>Implying a nip could be above 5'5
Seppuku yourself.

>> No.19085266
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no breakfast
maybe some lunch (600+ calories)
dinner (900+ calories)
2000 calories of late night snacks
no water at any point whatsoever

>> No.19085267

I work a desk job, do minor amounts of exercise, and my maintenance is still around 2500Cal. It's the lanklet life.

>> No.19085278

I worked in construction for 7 years and didn't eate breakfast once.

>> No.19085283
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>> No.19085306

Theres no reason to eat a big dinner. You are winding down at the end of the day and dont need that energy

>> No.19085322
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I have to eat 3000 calories a day just to maintain 160 lbs

>> No.19085559

>calls himself an alcoholic
>only drinks after work

>> No.19085577

Let's bring back the golden age of alcoholism

>> No.19085578

Yall weird af. Bunch of alcoholics but your all cutting weight as if the fat was the biggest health problem your giving yourself.

>> No.19085583

>tell me you're under 30 without telling me you're under 30

Man, wait till you hit 40, assuming you are so lucky.

>> No.19085586

just drink milk

>> No.19085590

gotta look good before that cirrhosis hits

>> No.19085596

Controversially, scarring of the liver is reversible with medicine that has been in common usage since ww1.

>> No.19085604

i doubt its reversible, whats the medicine ur talking about

>> No.19085607

If you don't know, I'm not here to give out medical advice. It is a known thing, not some new hypothesis. There is a broad spectrum antibiotic that was commonly used around the turn of the last century, and during WWI. It is known to reverse effects of scarring of the liver.

>> No.19085633

>700 kcal breakfast
>350 kcal lunch
>350 kcal pre-workout meal
>300 kcal post-workout meal

Mostly protein

This is all you need

>> No.19085840

Don't eat dinner.

>> No.19086250

If you aren't a manlet/twink and workout or do manual labor you are going to need at least 2500 calories

>> No.19086258

I do omad so yes and no

>> No.19086279 [DELETED] 

Swap breakfast and dinner and then add 200 calories because 1800 is not enough for an adult male.

>> No.19086431

It's enough if you're smaller framed and not that active

>> No.19086467

>show proof of your claim
>its known

>> No.19086492
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if you are incapable of finding the information, with the data provided, you can't be helped.

you're on 4chan you dumb son of a bitch, I was giving you the benefit of doubt and assuming that you were capable of doing basic research.

>> No.19088002

I need to eat around 3400 calories just to maintain.

>> No.19088010

I like when alcoholics criticize how much sugar I put in my coffee

>> No.19088022

400 calorie breakfast
-400 calorie run at gym
700 calorie lunch
2400 calorie dinner

>> No.19088030

Fucking hell bitch. If you make a claim and someone calls you out on your horseshit, NO, it is YOUR obligation to back your shit up as you are the one making the claim.

"Like, I have a perpetual motion powered helicopter in my backyard, but fuck you, its mechanical functionality is "Known" so I will not tell you how it works or where I got it!"
That is you right now. Put up or shut up.

>> No.19088033

lookin good cabinanon

>> No.19088228

If I had it my way I would eat without restraint but make the effort to stick to my physical training.

But if you are trying to be ascetic than yeah just eat like OP

>> No.19088240

Imagine being so poverty stricken you can’t afford multiple meals per day

>> No.19088304

that applies to a good number of americans you know; Alot of people have cut their budgets so much that the only possible way to cut MORE is to cut out food.
I'm one of them; I still get 3 meals a day, but I've had to cut out any and all fast food/eating out.

>> No.19088486

Coffee for breakfast, 40 cal
Chicken/fish and rice for lunch 550 cal
Beef and salad for dinner 500 cal
Blueberry yogurt as a snack somewhere in there 100 cal
Under 1200 cal a day, super easy to do

>> No.19088618

same but with that other one, e-something I forget

>> No.19088666

I can't take these posts seriously. It's so easy to accumulate calories. Just eat some peanut butter.

>> No.19088669

>just pee nut butt

>> No.19088700

>peanut butter
too many calories not enough protein

>> No.19089723

>dyel faggot

>> No.19089919

I'm mostly sedentary and trying to lose weight over time so I normally have like no breakfast, 400 calorie lunch and 1000-1200 calorie dinner. Exercising 30 minutes a day though at least. I just dont care about breakfast or typical breakfast food.

>> No.19090021


>> No.19090624

now i feel like an asshole for trolling

>> No.19090815

Yes I do. I'm 6'10", eat 4500 calories a day, and I'm still jacked. Eat shit nerds

>> No.19091236

yep def do

>> No.19091285

>that would keep you going ofr a day of labor
Depends what you consider "labor". Some jobs burn through literally thousands of calories a day more than what is considered an "active" person.

>> No.19091475

>1200 cal onemeal
>300 cal drinks and snacks
simple as

>> No.19091505

For me it's

600 calorie breakfast
250 calorie noon-snack
1000 calorie dinner
250 calorie midnight-snack

>> No.19091507

>800 calorie breakfast
>dinner is not your least caloric dish
who the fuck made this?

>> No.19091513

My digestive system can't handle peanut butter (or any nut butter I've tried including almond and cashew)

>> No.19091519

>>dinner is not your least caloric dish
>who the fuck made this?
Someone sane

>> No.19091539

>300 calorie breakfast
>500 calorie lunch
>800+ calorie dinner

>> No.19091551

I always feel ill in my stomach when I get up, so it will generally take 2-3 hours for me to get "hungry", and I hate eating when I'm not legitimately hungry (Food is sickening if I'm not hungry).

I forcefeed myself before I go to work because I can't be guaranteed when/IF I'll get a lunch break, but it's still a "small" amount.
Hell, on my days off work I'll usually just eat a huge meal once around late afternoon/evening (3ish or 4ish normally), and then nothing else for the rest of the day.
I legitimately have a hard time understanding/fathoming people who snack, because If I'm not hungry eating seems sickening, and if I AM hungry, i'm going to want more than a couple bites of chips or something.

>> No.19091556
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Make that 400 - 400 - 400. Unless you’re out digging ditches, plowing fields or digging coal all day, 1,200 is probably all you need.

Life begins at 12%, be honest with yourself.

>> No.19091567

I never feel like eating anything until after noon

>> No.19091568

how the fuck do you guys live with less than 2000 kcal

>> No.19091595

I'm 5'7" 130lbs and 1200 is not enough for me

>> No.19091613

Yeah but i dont like crack

>> No.19091681

Dinner should be your lowest calorie meal because you're winding down and don't need the energy.

>> No.19091683

Some. I bet more people don't eat breakfast than do. But that's just speculation.
I'd best 70% of people don't eat breakfast.