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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19077682 No.19077682 [Reply] [Original]

I only have some bits and pieces left in my fridge and I don't feel like going grocery shopping today, so I'm going to cook a lentil, vegetable and chorizo stew

>> No.19077700

Continue, Paco.

>> No.19077704
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Ingredients, chopped

>> No.19077705

you're just gonna saute everything then add the lentils and water

>> No.19077709 [DELETED] 

>coomer virgin extra

>> No.19077710
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Now I'm going to sweat the onion in olive oil covered for about 5 mins until it's soft

>> No.19077713

>He said he was going to make a lentil stew, and it looks like he's making a lentil stew! I'm shitting and pissing myself!!!!!!

>> No.19077722
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love me a good cookalong, even if OP opened the thread sounding like a dousche

>> No.19077725
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I keep a glass of cold water on hand when cooking onions so that I can lower the temperature whenever they look like they're going to brown. When I cook Hungarian porkolt I do this for maybe 20 minutes continuously to break the onion down into a gravy sauce when it's finally stewing

>> No.19077729

the overreacting woman has arrived

>> No.19077742
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Onions are softer than my dick so I'm going to add the garlic and half the diced chorizo to get some fat in the mix. The rest goes in at the end for texture

>> No.19077746
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Looking nice and juicy

>> No.19077753

Good stuff maybe I'll do some lentils as well tonight

>> No.19077755
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Now I mix in the chopped veg, a generous pinch of salt and a few turns of the pepper mill. I'm going to cover the Dutch oven and sweat them for a bit because I don't want undercooked spuds

>> No.19077761
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>> No.19077764 [DELETED] 

You're fucking doing it wrong

>> No.19077765

Had to throw a bit of water in the pot because my veg was sticking to the bottom just now

>> No.19077767

guess it wasn't enough fat afterall :[

>> No.19077772
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Veg is done, I throw in the rest of the chorizo, just under a cup of pardina lentils and about 1/2 tbsp sweet paprika

>> No.19077779
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I was going to use a stock cube but I found some unopened chicken stock in my pantry :)

Cover the mix with the rest of my water container and then chicken stock. Going to bring this to a boil then reduce to simmer and cover

>> No.19077785
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Almost forgot to add my meme leaves!!

>> No.19077794

The key now is to cook the lentils until soft without splitting them. I will have to check them regularly to make sure they're not cooking on too high a temperature. it should take about 45 minutes

>> No.19077799

those lidl stock cubes are absolutely shit tier
it's NOT my choice

>> No.19077801

I actually ended up using real chicken stock

>> No.19077839
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Seems about done, the stock has been absorbed by the lentils nicely and they aren't overcooked

>> No.19077846
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Served with some more pepper and salt and a chunk of crusty bread. This made about 3-4 servings for less than 2€ and it tastes pretty damn good!

>> No.19077851

look good, just need some bread

>> No.19077853
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Way ahead of you anon ;)

>> No.19077858

rustic. burgah.

>> No.19077863
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>a cup of pardina lentils

>> No.19077884

looks really nice

>> No.19077901

Why cook the chorizo separately

>> No.19077903

>se pone a cocinar en lugar de comerse el chorizo con un trozo de pan
Y aún así pides respeto?

>> No.19077907

Eso sí, te ha quedado bien, pero te has complicado mucho la vida

>> No.19077910

How much water did you use? 0,5 l?

>> No.19077940

>Watch and learn poorfags
You are Spanish and therefore poor, Manolo.

>> No.19077952

I cook lentils similarly, except that in my laziness i dont bother with the sweating and sauteeing phase anymore. I just throw everything in. Boiling for a long time is enough for the flavours to pop.

>> No.19078032

Based /ck/ enjoyer.

>> No.19078042

Aren't you supposed to pre-soak lentils before cooking?

>> No.19078068

Not necessary with this recipe.
It's not completely necessary but IMO the vegetables and lentils absorb more flavour from the chorizo if you rend the fat out of some of the meat before adding the stock/water
If I were to estimate I would say yes. I typically add about two fingers of water/stock over the dry lentil and sweated veg mix before simmering. I might add a couple tbsps during the stewing process if they absorb too much liquid

>> No.19078077

You can tell I'm not Spanish because I actually cooked the recipe step by step and simmered it in a pot instead of fucking everything into a pressure cooker

>> No.19078090

Y por el pimentón

>> No.19078105

What size dutch oven are you using?

>> No.19078106

It looks great. I think I'm gonna try it and save it for later use

>> No.19078119

Good thread. Well done, OP.

>> No.19078197

The one in the picture.

>> No.19078364

Can't remember off the top of my head but I'll check when I get back home. It's not a very big one

>> No.19078393

will you do ja/ck/s carbage stew?

>> No.19078473

If I do another cookalong thread it will be the aforementioned Hungarian beef porkolt stew, or maybe an even simpler Asturian bean stew because I plan on cooking both in the next week

>> No.19078485


>> No.19078823
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Thanks for the inspiration op, it's good

>> No.19078829

>shops at lidl
This person is either bipoc or sand bipoc

>> No.19078894

>Went out and spent a 1/4 of his paycheck on these ingredients for 4chan
>haha I just have a few things left in my fridge to whip up

lmao retard

>> No.19078915

>insecure poorfag response
lmao retard

>> No.19078917

are you smoking something?
1 onion, some garlic, 1 potato, 1 pepper, 1 carrot, 200 g sausage, 1/2 kilo lentils
>1/4 of his paycheck

>> No.19079343

It's a 3.2L Le Creuset Dutch oven

>> No.19079350


>> No.19080453
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get some barkeepers friend and clean it

>> No.19081626

Browsing this board before lunch is a mistake. Fucking hell I'm hungry.