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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 354 KB, 1280x720, E3EC6DAD-D8D2-4BDF-A4BA-9C082977BAAF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19073333 No.19073333 [Reply] [Original]

Could you put this down in one sitting?

>> No.19073338

I did close to that with corned beef not too long ago. Probably if I had a few hours.

>> No.19073358


>> No.19073390

yeah, I have done it, multiple times in fact when I worked at a rancho for like 34 years, it's not that hard but I believe in murrica for it to be valid record you also have to eat the sides too which is fucking terrible, I can eat the meat but not the potato, salad, bread, drink, etc.

>> No.19073398

i could but why on earth would i want to?

>> No.19073406

im curious if small bites and no liquid is best or maybe just jump up and down?
for the gains bro

>> No.19073420

but beef wont make me heavier. pasta and unhealthy foods like rice makes you fat.

>> No.19073424
File: 12 KB, 217x233, This is a steak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had one of these steak places in Oregon, great steak, always would try to get one another to do the "challenge"
Buddy finally tried it, couldn't do it, and yeah it wasn't just the steak but salad and fries that did him in
we all chipped in on the 75$ steak
He was sick as a dog all weekend

>> No.19073440
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If I was high on the marijuana I probably could eat the entire thing

>> No.19073451
File: 141 KB, 1080x930, Screenshot_20220316-165930_Firefox~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, be careful. You will be banned.

>> No.19073457

>Anon, be careful. You will be banned.
I live in Arizona. It's legal here.

>> No.19073478

Anon, it's federally illegal in the USA.

>> No.19073481

Pretty sure that's why my friend tried

>> No.19073495

I have anxiety and a medical card....

>> No.19073499

That doesn't mean you can have sex with children anon.

>> No.19073502


>> No.19073505

WTF are you talking about gay boy?

>> No.19073512

Anon. You shouldn't do that. They are innocent and don't deserve to be sexually ravaged. Please stop.

>> No.19073529
File: 410 KB, 1797x2048, BigMeat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a place down the road from me that do a 100oz steak. Not sure how many if any have actually finished it. Comes with chips, a few onion rings, grilled tomato and a gravy boat full of peppercorn sauce

>> No.19073537

Oh and peas and buttered mushrooms

>> No.19073773

That looks delish.

>> No.19073833


>> No.19073848


>> No.19073861

Anyone old enough to remember The Great Outdoors with John Candy?


>> No.19073972

Is this even one cut of beef? It looks like a few cuts still together.

>> No.19074084

Even when I was a 250lb fat fuck I could not down that in one sitting. Maybe half of it.
Now I could maybe finish a 5th of that in one sitting.

>> No.19074120

If I was hungry enough

>> No.19074629

>not starting with the fat and gristle
rookie mistake

>> No.19074632

Nope and anyone who can is Ill

>> No.19074647

Yes, and checked.

>> No.19074658

Supposedly Will Ferrell went there a week ago with some tranny writer from SNL. They gave a little speech and everyone was cheering them on and then the tranny got up and told the Texans that they need to let their sons chop their dicks off. Crickets. They were filming some Netflix series.

>> No.19074676
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>> No.19074679

What don't you understand? According to the local Amarillo news that's exactly what happened.

>> No.19074686

What kind of cut of meat is a 72oz steak? Is it just a big beef roast?

>> No.19074691

No way could I finish that. It seems wasteful but I'd get the leftovers for the rest of the trip.

>> No.19074726

what is the resulting poo like? was it a struggle?

>> No.19074733
File: 18 KB, 640x480, 1003e60d-e7e9-4210-b653-bd6991f58837_screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, and I want it rare.

>> No.19074740

yes did it with a portion of chips,onions and salad. Then I had a pudding.
At the time I weighed 10 stone so not a big eater

>> No.19074825

I think it’s a sirloin they butterfly to cook evenly

>> No.19074828

damn bro mirin

>> No.19074838

I bet the marbling on that steak is amazing. The intramuscular fat is what melts down and creates flavour. Did you know you can tell the quality of a steak by its marbling?

>> No.19074841

>Saturated fat 171 g

>> No.19074844

wtf are you talking about?

>> No.19075111

No but I could put it up! (your mother's ass)

>> No.19075179

I could get fatter or thinner on nearly any food that isn't a vegetable and many that are

>> No.19075211
File: 136 KB, 712x705, 1653934482970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how many calories is the steak?

>> No.19075234

I once did a 5lb BBQ challenge but I hated myself after and I was a much younger man then. Thank God I had the foresight to get green beans as all of my sides.

>> No.19075392

yes, i could easily place this down in one attempt to sit down. eating it however is a different matter

>> No.19075425

I depends on how long I get to do it
I guess an hour and 20 minutes would be fine

>> No.19075463

What’s this meme mean?

>> No.19075484

Could have easily back in my younger years. Back when I was a teen/early 20's I used to regularly put down 40oz steak dinners with sides and would eat triple burgers with the large combo meal anytime I ate at fast food.
Now days I probably couldn't even do half that though. Getting old sucks :(

>> No.19075492

That's ok you will be dead soon

>> No.19075674

I cant wait. Hopefully I die now.

>> No.19076574

The steak, sure, in college, maybe but i couldn't do the rest (i'm a pickyeaterfag)
>Shrimp Cocktail, Baked Potato, Salad, with Roll, Butter, and of course the 72oz Steak
P.s. you can watch niggas try and fail to do it here: https://www.bigtexan.com/live-stream/
sometimes i throw it on in the background while i'm working but i've never actually seen anyone accomplish it

>> No.19076608

32oz is probably my upper limit.

>> No.19076616

It's still against federal law.
You can't buy a gun anymore until they make weed legal federally/pardon weed crimes

>> No.19076663

i think so. as long as i have bottomless soda.

>> No.19076668

I like a good steak, but no. Not for many years.

>> No.19076677

If I fasted the day before I could definitely do it. When I was doing rolling 48s I would usually get a large meat lovers pizza and eat it within like 10 minutes.

>> No.19076821

Big cuts that size are generally rump

>> No.19076858

If you got it well done, how much lighter would it be than if you got it rare?

72oz might be closer to 60 after most the fat cooked off

>> No.19076920
File: 529 KB, 2048x1467, rawImage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Topkek, anon's right. Will ferrell had some old tranny give a speech about chopping kids dicks off.

>> No.19077085

I haven't eaten in three weeks, fuck no I couldn't eat that. My ghrelin tolerance would be way too low.

>> No.19077092

Two disgusting human beings.

>> No.19077146

>"I wish you guys would do more for trans rights in this state"
Yeah, that's basically what was said. CLEARLY that's what was implied. Fucking retarded dipshit. Stop thinking about children's genitals you freak

>> No.19077197

>went to TX to shill O'rourke and trannies
great job making even less people vote for O'rourke

>> No.19077257

I weight 160 pounds, I could never eat that fucking thing in 2 days

>> No.19077352

shut the fuck up grooming retard

>> No.19077405

I literally want nothing to do with your disgusting children or teenagers for that matter. They're not sexy. I can barely relate to someone who isn't at least 21 and can't drink legally.
Can you say the same, pedofuck?

>> No.19077409

>this post even got big digits
anything that can consume that in one sitting while it's still warm is not human

>> No.19077550

That's four and a half pounds. It's a lot of meat but it's not that much. As other people have said the real difficulty is in Eating the potatoes and the buns and whatever else they give you along with it. I don't do it that often, but occasionally I'll get like a 6 lb prime rib and eat it all myself in one evening.

>> No.19077581

maybe half

>> No.19077587

I tried to eat a 32oz steak at home in October to see if I could get even close to half of the steak, couldn't do it and jaw got tired 3/4 of the way through so 2lbs is probably my limit for food now in my mid 30s.

I've seen a few that beat it live besides the competitive eaters. They have like 2 cameras set up I believe because their livestream on the site and youtube channel are different sometimes.

The biggest competitive eater was Molly Schuyler though for this challenge,

>> No.19078114

Damn she did three in a row? Most impressive.

>> No.19078157

That's a fairly small amount of steak of an average sized person, I'd say?

>> No.19078361

That's like 12 fucking pounds of meat. I struggle to eat a full pound of food

>> No.19078369
File: 11 KB, 372x372, 1515741543494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these challengers are bullshit because they always have you eat filling sides in addition to the steak

>> No.19078370

And the meat probably isn't that high quality

>> No.19079300

According to the history, the sides were put in because of the guy that first set the record asked for them.

It is top sirlion, it's on their faq.

>> No.19079404

how are these not completely raw at the center? I'm not talking about rare, I'm talking about lukewarm and uncooked

>> No.19079409

i would get get it as a regular meal...last i remember it wasnt that expensive and you can take the leftovers

>> No.19079426

They make it free if you can pound it down with the sides and drinks in a specified time otherwise that meal is 75$ plus

>> No.19079457

yeah i know but $75 is not bad at all...especially considering steaks of similar quality on the east coast less that a quarter of the size and 4 times the price.....im saying id get it as a regular meal and take the leftovers home

>> No.19080225

yes and I'm on the wall for doing it under 60 minutes as well.

honestly 7/10 it wasnt bad but it certainly wasnt the best steak ive ever had. the meat is not the hard part, all the sides are the part.