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19069976 No.19069976 [Reply] [Original]

Is saturated fat actually bad for you or is it a meme?

>> No.19070057

Pretty sure that it's only a meme

>> No.19070070

Mainstream media also says that eggs are bad. Classic food items are good if you are not going overboard. Live free my man.

>> No.19070074

skim milk is white water
would rather drink oat juice or almond juice instead

>> No.19070079

Always do the opposite of what jews say

>> No.19070104

It's coming around, though the evidence isn't all there yet. The actual food pyramid thing won't change for decades even if there's a lot of proof.
There's quite a few prominent scientists and cardiologists saying it's been overblown.
Nutrition and dietary science is hard stuff, a lot of bad things comes down to genetics, which of course gets messy in multicultural societies.
Just eat a balanced mix of different foods and as unprocessed as possible is really the best advice

>> No.19070111

What if I want to drink a half gallon of milk every day

>> No.19070116
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>> No.19070122

As long as you are not hurting yourself, live your life free of zionist propaganda

>> No.19070138

yeah. this.

>> No.19070151

It goes back and forth for example some articles show a graph saying coconut oil is the worst for you by far and other articles say it is the best for you by far

I wouldn't worry about milk but for oils all can agree olive and avocado oil are the healthiest. You should drink lower fat milk to avoid excess estrogen though

>> No.19070177
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Meme. Eat and drink your dairy. Consume your meat.

>> No.19070192

you'll never have low calcium or potassium (or vitamin d if it's fortified)

>> No.19070201

Soon enough, "science" will declare that the only healthy and ethical diet is bug meat protein and soylent.

>> No.19070314

They’re lower enthalpy than unsaturated fats (Devi, 2016) because each chain carbon has a single covalent bond to two hydrogens as well as two carbons (hence, saturated), where as unsaturated with have a double bond or two and be more prone to breakdown by electronegative atoms or double bond specific lipases and are much less prone to molecular stacking as the double bond forces a unique bond angle absent from planar saturated fats (Yanping Li, 2016)


Devi, A. and Khatkar, B.S. (2016). Physicochemical, rheological and functional properties of fats and oils in relation to cookie quality: a review. Journal of Food Science and Technology, [online] 53(10), pp.3633–3641. Available at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5147699/

Li, Y., Hruby, A., Bernstein, A.M., Ley, S.H., Wang, D.D., Chiuve, S.E., Sampson, L., Rexrode, K.M., Rimm, E.B., Willett, W.C. and Hu, F.B. (2015). Saturated Fats Compared With Unsaturated Fats and Sources of Carbohydrates in Relation to Risk of Coronary Heart Disease. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, [online] 66(14), pp.1538–1548. Available at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4593072/

>> No.19070453

Fats are not bad for you. Fats are the primary reason humans were able to evolve our big brains, you NEED fat. Fat = Flavor exists because our bodies need that shit. Just like you need salt, so you like salt. Keep in mind, too much of anything has consequences, so don't just shovel lard into your gullet by the fistful.

Media and "studies" are usually hot garbage, which is why you see them flip flop all the time. The bottom line is you need to get a balance of things you need and calorie count, which everyone fucking hates because it's hard. So we have never-ending fad diets because portion control is hard. The human body loves to eat and store fat for hard times, so we're fighting ourselves here.

>> No.19070587

If government tells you its bad, you can be sure its good for you.

>> No.19070615

>or vitamin d if it's fortified)
Tf Americans do with cows if they really need to fortify dairy with vitamin d?

>> No.19070667

Mainstream media doesn’t say eggs are bad, it says saturated fats are bad which is true and they’re the leading cause of atherosclerosis. Egg yolks are high in saturated fat, which is why the “1-2 eggs per day” advice is given. Butter is high in saturated fats which is why intake of it is good to be kept low, it’s not exonerating other issues with other cooking oils like seed oils so whataboutisms are not the gotcha you think it is. This is non debatable, there isn’t a nongrifting, practicing doctor or surgeon who will tell you that saturated fats are not the leading dietary cause (genetics play a big role too) in cardiovascular health and LDL levels being too high. Seethe if you want, it doesn’t change science and neither does your inability to not rush to conclusions about le media says eggs are le evil.

>> No.19070679 [DELETED] 

doctors also said the vaccine is safe and effective

>> No.19070683

>eating asbestos to own the gub'ment

>> No.19070691

you'll make yourself incredibly sick long-term. excess calcium leeches in-use calcium from your bones.

>> No.19070702

Milk is calcium negative

>> No.19070703

Based and true. Retards and midwits will seethe.

>> No.19070750
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Anon...Are you aware that the government used to highly promote usage of asbestos everywhere?
Why do you suppose there were so many homes and offices rhat were full of it?
That's right, government promotion for "Safety"
**Remember: Government never promotes anything that isn't making somebody a shitton of money.(with all the kick-backs that entails)
The sooner you grasp this, the sooner you'll understand that thinking for yourself is the only way not to be merely a consumer.

>> No.19070768
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You are both retarded
The studies CLEARLY show that dietary saturated fat are NOT the cause of blood serum HDLs
I hope BOTH of you enjoy your long protracted and painful, overmedicated last 30 years as a Pharma-Medico "customer" because you foolishly re-vomit out the food industry talking points to sell overpriced chemical laden "foodstuffs"

>> No.19070779
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>This is non debatable
Fuck off back to Plebbit lolCow
Vax-Max while you're at it.

>> No.19070795

Nutritional "science" is unreplicatable bullshit based almost entirely on self reported surveys.

>> No.19070802
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>based almost entirely on self reported surveys.
You spelled moneyed interests wrong, anon...
But, yes---you aren't wrong.

>> No.19070813

There is no evidence they are harmful. Anybody saying otherwise because muh LDL is just parroting pharma propaganda whether they know it or not and are ignoring a dozen review papers over the last decade saying saturated fat doesn't matter

>> No.19070838

>milk bad
>we all are only alive because our bodies grew off our mothers milk

Personally I just disregard all these studies and bullshit. I look to my ancestors - what did they eat? I mean necessarily it worked for them because I am here. They survived long enough on their foods to make a society, have fertile offspring etc. But most importantly I just follow my senses. What am I attracted to? When you cook an egg are you naturally attracted to the yolk, or the white? I think everyone just understands the yolk is where all the nutrition is - fats, vitamins, minerals. The government says eat 11 servings of dried grass seeds a day - LOL.

Hell I was just on a rocky beach today and saw a seal, and it was like my "hunting" instinct kicked in. I just sort of pre-theoretically understood it was potential food. I could smash it with a rock and cut it open and eat it's blubber. I mean I didn't and just said hello to it but I could have. Naturally we want fat. Bone marrow, milk, butter, cream, yolks, mammal fat, pork fat. fish roe. God I love fat.

>> No.19070885

The government told you asbestos is good for you you muppet.

>> No.19071604

There have been studies done and it's conclusive that high fat diets show no correlation to early death by all causes. Also your brain is like 40% saturated fat.

>> No.19071654

learn the difference between ApoB, LP(a), and LDL and what actually matters

>> No.19072897
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>> No.19072899

This is the most reddit cringe ever

>> No.19072903

Remember when they tried to tell you the COVID-19 vaccine was safe and effective?

>> No.19072909


>> No.19072920

I have no idea what to think
I've read a lot of studies and it's made me cut down on the saturated fat I consume
I also am the primary cook in my family (I live with my parents) and they have problems with high cholesterol according to their doctors and so I've cut down on the amount of saturated fat in my cooking even though it hasn't helped my parents cholesterol levels
I don't worry about it too much because I'm not a health min/maxer
What I'll never do is adopt a low fat diet, fat is delicious

>> No.19072926

>cuts down saturated fat
>but insists on eating lots of fat
You're dying because your body's cells are made of rancid oxidized seed oils.

>> No.19072937

Olive oil isn't seed oil

>> No.19073088

I do wonder what's actually worse for you though, consuming too much (like 30g/day) or 0g/day of sat fat?

>> No.19073101

>Picture of a monglo warrior taken in thee 7yh century

>> No.19073115

Idk about all that stuff but my history buff little brother did tell me they'd drink milk from their horses. Now that I think about it though what I don't get about that is wouldn't you want a stud to ride to war? What kinda milk did he mean?

>> No.19073126

everything in moderation, op. federal guidelines for consumers are based on the economy, not people's health.

>> No.19073129

Why would you want a stud over a mare?

>> No.19073137

To be fair I was asking "wouldn't you want..." so if you know better enlighten me but I figure bigger stronger tougher and faster are all good things to have in a war horse.

>> No.19073171

I was asking too desu. I googled it and apparently both were used no one gave a fuck as long as they could actually train the thing. Males were typically castrated apparently

>> No.19073199

> why yes I'm a schizo how could you tell

>> No.19073206
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I Googled it as well but the only source I saw that made any sense mentioned "desteirs" were almost all male horses. The other dodged the question of whether most were and said as you did. What I'm putting together in my barely 3 digit iq head is desteirs or whatever were the horses they road into battle, however one source mentioned the use of mules and donkeys as well which brings up the obvious point I missed and decided to make a joke about, gotta keep a supply chain in war (unless you're Mongolian I suppose as they were largely nomadic) so all sorts of horses and beasts of burden were likely used. Perhaps the Mongols road mares, but if they didn't, that doesn't mean they didn't travel with mares at the very least.
Realized most sources were talking about medieval Europe and decided to Google Mongols specifically and pic related. I bet more sources agree as well.

>> No.19073273

Mongols were smart as shit for being a bunch of nomad retards. Their domination was one of my favorite things to learn about in history class along with all the south American societies. I should read a book about em

>> No.19073313

I've watched jew tube videos on ghengis Kahn or however it's spelled and I definitely agree Mongols are interesting. What I did find odd was that Mongols invaded the middle east and burned all their libraries and shit during their golden age and what I don't understand about that is how it wasn't the cause for their collapse as superpowers. Was always taught the crusades did that. Haven't really looked into it.
One thing about khan I found interesting though was that as far as I understand it, he didn't really pillage the locals, only the nobles. The civilians he'd just leave go to continue practicing their cultures and lives as they knew it but the nobles were the ones at risk of being killed or tortured and he used that as fear tactics as well. If the leaders gave up willingly he'd be less harsh about their punishments, I suppose a way to spread to the future leaders he was going to take from that they'd better give up immediately. Who knows how much what I know is white washed with bs though

>> No.19074846

Not enough, the trick is GOMAD

>> No.19074857

Mongol armies of the period were largely horse archers, strength and size aren't really important when you're runnin and gunnin. Mongol armies also crossed hundreds of miles with little rest and didn't give a fuck about the seasons, so smaller female horses who expended less calories and could live off of meagre fodder/grazing were probably an advantage
they drank the milk and also made a kind of booze/kefir hybrid called kumis with it. I've also heard about them making cheese by filling a sheep's stomach with mare's milk and strapping it to their saddles while they galloped, not sure if that's true

>> No.19074912

The horde had literal herds of animals with them, each soldier personally had several horses and they'd switch to fresh mounts as a battle went on.

>> No.19074924

Is this true?

>> No.19074969

I don't have a source for you, but yes. They were nomadic people whose livelihood was herding animals, it's how they lived, it was their source of food and new horses to replace ones killed.
Their battle tactics would be to harass enemy formations until their cavalry broke rank and gave chase. When the enemy cavalry was overextended and exhausted, it'd be run down by waiting Mongol cavalry, and the men who led the feigned retreat would switch to fresh horses to continue the attack.

As for milking male horses, in survival situations when there wasn't milk or animals to be spared for butchering, they'd bleed their animal a little and drink the blood.

>> No.19074977

Just eat MEAT and CHEESE and wash it down with WATER and MILK. You will either live a long time or die having lived a fulfilled life.

>> No.19074980

>or is it a meme?
No, it's definitely a fat

>> No.19074988

My dad's been doing this for decades but he treats annual checkups like getting an old car smogged, so beyond having a gigantic gut idk.

>> No.19075008
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>jewly recommended amount
lmao k

>> No.19075025
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here you go frend

>> No.19075049

>larping as Genghis because there isn't a single other significant event or person in their entire history

Mongolia is such a joke

>> No.19075069

>manlet noises

>> No.19075518

Milk from the cow's tit is 4,5%. "Whole" milk is skimmed. Skim "milk" is a fraud.

>> No.19075733

I don't see why the hell our bodies would be better adjusted to seed oils, which we didn't start consuming in tremendous amounts until after the industrial revolution, rather than animal fats, which we've been consuming ever since we were created.

>> No.19076116

>As for milking male horses, in survival situations when there wasn't milk or animals to be spared for butchering, they'd bleed their animal a little and drink the blood.
Shit my little bro mentioned this as well forgot about it.

>> No.19076183

>since we were created
unfathomably based

>> No.19076201

based and human pilled. our big brains are a lot of fat and cholesterol

>> No.19076214

>The countries with the highest rates of osteoporosis are the ones where people drink the most milk and have the most calcium in their diets. The connection between calcium consumption and bone health is actually very weak, and the connection between dairy consumption and bone health is almost non-existent

>> No.19076251
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>schizo/Take meds
Last bastion of the midwit shill with nothing else to back him up...
Awww, that's cute, It's retarded.

>> No.19076272

There is no link between saturated fat consumption and heart disease. If anything it's the completely opposite.

>The French paradox is an apparently paradoxical epidemiological observation that French people have a relatively low incidence of coronary heart disease (CHD), while having a diet relatively rich in saturated fats
>The Israeli paradox is an apparently paradoxical epidemiological observation that Israeli Jews have a relatively high incidence of coronary heart disease (CHD), despite having a diet relatively low in saturated fats

Unsaturated fat means fat that's chemically unsaturated, so is able to react with your body and cause damage.

>> No.19076325

An excess of all fat is bad for you.
Studies show people who eat saturated fat get heart disease, and people who eat unsaturated fat get heart disease.
Trans fats are bad, omega 3s are bad, seed oils are bad, there is no fat that isn't bad for you.
You're body requires it, but in moderation.

>> No.19076348

Destriers were specialized for the European lance charge and heavy cavalry tactics in general, very different role from Mongol mounted archery and light sabre cavalry.

>> No.19076736

>I feel a need to speak so I'll repeat what an anon said just to do it and even link his post

>> No.19076947

Raw Milk
Make sure its raw
Why are there so many retards on this board?
Start drinking raw milk if you want to turn into a chad
Research Dr Weston Prices studies on tribal peoples diets and how chad they were

>> No.19076981

Sneed oil shills on suicide watch

>> No.19077177
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I'll remind you over and over and you'll keep calling it a conspiracy over and over and in the end you'll never post body

>> No.19077184

Be honest, how much of your conspiracy beliefs revolve around the fact that foods high in saturated fat tastes good and therefore you are trying to meme the fact it's healthy into reality to cope? You expect me to believe that you took a unbiased, good hard look at the evidence and came to this conclusion? lmfao

>> No.19077279

the new science shows saturated fat is not a risk for heart disease.

>> No.19077390

It doesn't though

>> No.19077402

it does. you are either ignorant or lying for some ideological reason

>Intake of SFA was not significantly associated with CHD mortality

>Current evidence does not clearly support cardiovascular guidelines that encourage high consumption of polyunsaturated fatty acids and low consumption of total saturated fats.

>The present systematic review provides no evidence (moderate quality evidence) for the beneficial effects of reduced/modified fat diets in the secondary prevention of coronary heart disease. Recommending higher intakes of polyunsaturated fatty acids in replacement of saturated fatty acids was not associated with risk reduction.

>available evidence from randomized controlled trials provides no indication of benefit on coronary heart disease or all cause mortality from replacing saturated fat with linoleic acid rich vegetable oils.

>The current available evidence found no significant difference in all-cause mortality or CHD mortality, resulting from the dietary fat interventions.

>> No.19077408

>Available evidence from adequately controlled randomised controlled trials suggest replacing SFA with mostly n-6 PUFA is unlikely to reduce CHD events, CHD mortality or total mortality.

>> No.19077410

>In our analysis, the Mediterranean diet, modified dietary fat, reduced dietary fat, reduced saturated fat intake, omega-6 PUFA, or omega-3 ALA PUFA did not reduce the risk for mortality or cardiovascular outcomes.

>> No.19077412

>Meta-analyses of observational studies found no association between SFA intake and heart disease, while meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials were inconsistent but tended to show a lack of an association. The AHA stance regarding the strength of the evidence for the recommendation to limit SFAs for heart disease prevention may be overstated and in need of reevaluation.

>> No.19077414

>Diets that replace saturated fat with polyunsaturated fat do not convincingly reduce cardiovascular events or mortality.

>> No.19077418

>Taken together, the evidence from both cohort studies and randomized trials does not support the assertion that further restriction of dietary saturated fat will reduce clinical [cardiovascular] events.

>> No.19077423

>food tastes good.
You should stop here. If _natural_ (not seasoned etc.) food tastes good for you then most probably it's fucking good for you.

>> No.19077424

>Findings from the studies reviewed in this paper indicate that the consumption of SFA is not significantly associated with CVD risk, events, or mortality. Based on the scientific evidence, there is no scientific ground to demonize SFA as a cause of CVD. SFA naturally occurring in nutrient-dense foods can be safely included in the diet.

>> No.19077723

>conquer half the civilized world once
>the conquered are still utterly buck broken about this a millennium later even though ultimately they kicked you out

>> No.19077730

now put all of these into a single picture so you don't have to go through the whole ordeal every time

>> No.19077759

Somebody else could. They should also include the Cochrane review with the relevant critiques. Going to sleep maybe tomorrow if thread is still up

>> No.19077923

So you didn't address my post and just called me a conspiracy theorist. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.19077927

You two fags can link all the gay skewed biased flawed studies you want, but in the real world the country that eats the most saturated fat in the world has low rates of cardiovascular disease.

>> No.19077939

Saturated fat is great because it's the easiest for our body to digest. The meme against fats is because agribusiness faggots want you to buy their industrial waste.

>> No.19078120

I'm sure it's the vegeterians who eat nothing but fruit, vegetables and 3 eggs daily that get diabetes. It's totally not the fatfucks that eliminated saturated fats from their diet but devour a kilogram of sugar each day.

>> No.19078134

Mongolian phenotypes are still expressed in western europe because of the sheer amount of raping and pillaging that was done.

>> No.19078145

Isn't there some insane percentage of people in the world with mongol blood in them because of all the rape?

>> No.19078188

Where's your source for that statement? I want yours in particular, not something similar I can google myself.

>> No.19078189

It's a meme. Saturated fat is the only fat that's good for you.

>> No.19078195

I wonder how the authors of all these research papers actually debate with each other. Do they just point at their own shit and go "you cannot deny facts!" and then the other side does the same and we're in a screaming match with no concessions?

>> No.19078208

If you're sedentary go with skim and if you're active enjoy the whole milk life. The only difference is whole has more calories, fat, and cholesterol. Either way, it's a healthful beverage.

>> No.19079233

if you want to absorb the nutrients in milk you drink whole milk

>> No.19079237

If it's expensive to produce and they sell it cheap then it's bad for you
All they need to do us charge you more for the 3% and then it becomes healthy

>> No.19079242

Yeah none of them were alive 1300 years ago
Do you know how evolution works? This isn't proof of how they used to look like
Show me a fucking skeleton desecrated from a tomb

>> No.19079521

Nah it can actually be really entertaining, those bastards can be absolutely brutal. Calling out each other as incompetent and their entire line of research absolute bullshit and of course alluding to fake data and other malpractice. Papers too, when they're out to discredit other papers.

>> No.19079527

But also it's sort of subtle like you won't notice unless you're somewhat familiar with the field or topic, then you'll see how harsh the burns actually are.
Man sometimes I miss academia.

>> No.19079720
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>> No.19079849

Yes. That's what I'm saying.

>> No.19079859

1 in 12 people is a direct descendant of Genghis Kahn

>> No.19079949

the RCTs dont support saturated fat being causal. the review papers are clear

>> No.19081121

Saturated fat is fine, it's trans-fats that can fuck you.

>> No.19081140
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>> No.19081467

Sure but all of that is screaming into the void for anyone not heavily invested in the topic. They could be lying every word for all you'd care. Then the gradients of what is valid data is such a shitshow. Imagine one polled 1000 people and the other 3000 people, however the first one might be seen as having a bit more rigid approach with the questioning. Which data is superior on this point? "Well that depends on.." and here we dive another layer down until it does so again.
Then if that fails for one side you can call out where their research funds came from. Funds from an organization that are aligned with an agenda with the outcome of the research, clearly they are just biased and corrupt even though their data SEEMS more legit.

>> No.19081587

Oh, you'll survive, sure enough.
Y'all just look like a flabby tub of lard through it and will die alone, but you know, you'll leave longer than everyone else and will get all the time in the world to regret not eating more veggies and less fats.
My ancestors survived on bread and a variety of cured meats and cheese. I ate that in the first half of my life and was obese and alone.
Now I'm in shape and slapping some prime pussy, and I don't regret it one. single. bit.

>> No.19081591

Addendum : now if there were bustier women around here instead of cutting board sticks, life would be perfect.

>> No.19081600

what fats are unsaturated that don't require industrial machinery to make?

>> No.19081617

We've been following these "guidelines" for decades and have only been getting fatter and more chronically ill as a population. You do the math.

>> No.19081630

>thinks significant changes occur in 1300 years without an influx of immigrants and mass mixed breeding
Do YOU know how evolution works?

>> No.19081728

Are you retarded or something? Do you think "industrial machinery" can spawn fats out of thin air rather than processing what is already there?

>> No.19082244

The moment the current guidelines came out is basically the moment obesity and diabetes really took off. It's all just processed food/ingredients fucking people's bodies up.


On what planet is this stuff good for you?

>> No.19082475

>if you're sedentary, just kill yourself faster by consuming the lowest quality of food and the most unhealthy
Okay. I'll do that.