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19068959 No.19068959 [Reply] [Original]

Is it worth driving ans hour and crossing the border into the USA to get KFCs double down? Because I'm doing it.

>> No.19068966

No, but have fun anyway

>> No.19068985

i dont think youre even crossing the border?

>> No.19068991

Over here.

>> No.19068994

swim across

>> No.19068995

no i mean i went to most of those places when i stayed near niagara for a month and i never crossed the border

>> No.19068997
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Oy vey

>> No.19069002

it's worth it for the adventure and just having something fun to do. the dubble down won't validate the trip by any means, but that literally doesn't matter

I would suggest wearing a diaper for the drive home

>> No.19069005

Canada doesn't have the sandwich.

>> No.19069008
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They have the doubledown here in Germany

They also have a spicy version with a hashbrown stuffed in the middle

Going to try the Normal one I think

>> No.19069010

but i dont see you crossing a border on that image all those places are in canada

>> No.19069013
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>> No.19069015

I'm so sorry.

>> No.19069016

bramptonfag here OP please send help we’re overrun with poos help please

>> No.19069024

If you already got your clot shot go ahead. I wouldn't get an experimental gene therapy just for a chicken sandwich though.

>> No.19069040

what's the realistic likelihood of you passing on your genes?

>> No.19069055
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>> No.19069072

ahhhh i see, i think im remembering the map wrong then, i dont think i ever got that far only as close as the gate near the actual falls, fuck kfc just stop at the rainforest cafe

>> No.19069090

Go to the Mighty Taco, too. The eponymous Mighty Taco is good as well as the Buffito.
It's a KFC in Niagara Falls, NY. You're on the right track because Western NY is culturally Canadian.

>> No.19069091

>It's a KFC in Niagara Falls
if its the one i went to, youre better off just going to smokies poutine bar

>> No.19069094

One time in Buffalo I went to this Charley's place for roast beef on weck. Was nice.

>> No.19069095


>> No.19069101

After you die suddenly I'll bang your wife.

>> No.19069232

hope you brought your vax card

>> No.19069324 [DELETED] 

Western New York is not culturally Canadian. Canadians are niggers. Buffalo is niggers. Buffalo is culturally canadian

>> No.19069433

based sauga mans

>> No.19069448

Stole what I was going to post

>> No.19070139

they've been a standard menu item for like a year now and they're still shit
just make one at home

>> No.19070167
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You should instead drive the three and a half hours to Riverview, MI to eat at Fat Daddy's Chicken N Waffles.

>> No.19070171
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looks like a tipped over trash can

>> No.19070175
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>German niggas be like "Gosh Hildegarde, these hashbrowns are SPICY!"

>> No.19070245

Shut up wigger

>> No.19070342

she'd be happy with that. I stopped fucking her since her bull gave her aids

>> No.19070358

The absolute state of retards from 'Sauga.
Bro, just go to Toronto and get some actual food. And why the fuck are you driving to the States to go to KFC, of all places? If you're crossing the border, at least experience some real food instead of nitrite marinated goyslop.

>> No.19070364

Idk never had one

>> No.19070383

as opposed to jewslop

>> No.19070432

Am I crazy or did they change the sauce for the double down? Didn't it used to use the kfc special sauce?

>> No.19070444

who cares.

the real question is why haven't they made the penultimate KFC sandwich with the double down by using honey instead of sauce to stick the chicken together and use a biscuit as the bread and sell it with a cup of their gravy? the only 3 things you go to a fucking chicken joint for.

bacon was always the lowest point of this memewich

>> No.19070449

>mfw they don't even have biscuits at Australian Tucky

KFC is such a depressing experience in this country

>> No.19070465

It isn't worth driving 15 minutes

>> No.19070484

They started selling them at KFC in Canada like a year ago. Besides KFC and Popeyes biscuits are not a thing in Canada otherwise so maybe you'll get them too
I'd just stick with a Zinger though

>> No.19070499

You can get biscuits in Church's Chicken as well but they suck compared to popeye's

>> No.19070514

I've never seen a Church's

>> No.19070529

Jesus loves you anyway.

>> No.19070540

Nah, I eat Popeyes' halal chicken

>> No.19070547

Looks like they're only in BC and Ontario

>> No.19070549

How does it work when you are going into the US from another country? Does your bank card work in the US as normal or do you carry cash?

>> No.19070551

I live in Ontario. Seems like they're only in the GTA and its sphere of influence.

>> No.19070564

Bank cards work but last time I was there (2016) they still didn't have tap

>> No.19070727

yeah it used to have a sauce that containted chicken extract that wasn't used on anything else. now it just has mayo. I think it's bigger than it used to be too.

>> No.19071140

have KFCs undergone remodeling in the past 5 years? they all look the same as in 2005. they aren't keeping up with Wendies, McDonalds, A & W, BK, etc. very well

>> No.19071146

>entire culture prides itself on being better than americans
>99% of your population lives within spitting distance of the border
I hate canadians so much it's unreal

>> No.19071148

Putting that much effort for goyslop

>> No.19071190


>> No.19071203
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I’m thinking of flying to Japan just to try a King Yeti, so no I don’t blame you in fact more power to you

>> No.19071509


>> No.19071513

Fuck this is degenerate thinking lmao

>> No.19071515

if you like doing it then it's worth doing. don't let your dreams be dreams

>> No.19071531


>> No.19071566
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Yes, good luck. Hopefully it's not sold out.

>> No.19071576

WTF, is the German one smaller or is KFC US just greedy? That’s less than 2/3 the cost of what it’s selling for in America.

>> No.19071589

kek, was gonna post this

>> No.19071603

theres two in your city you dingus

>> No.19071628
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why is it so terrible?
t. ottawa chad

>> No.19071631

The double down is disappointing :(

>> No.19071635

that thumbnail, holy shit

>> No.19071758

its not worth even the price they charge you

>> No.19071943

I guarantee you there are no Church's in Ottawa. The only major fried chicken chains here are KFC, and more recently, Popeyes and Mary Brown's

>> No.19072135

wanna dine at MBs together?

>> No.19072225

imagine worshipping corporate garbage like this

>> No.19072509
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imagine not having any fun with the little things in life

>> No.19072519

Where I live the Double Down they brought back is nothing like the original Double Down.

>> No.19072523

imagine considering buying this slop "the little things in life"

>> No.19072530

Funny because I've been to the states and "spicy" food never was spicy over there.

>> No.19072540

says the weirdo making a big effort, driving to another country just to eat some shitty chicken

>> No.19072544

The chicken is bigger/thicker, and there's pickles. That's the two main differences from the old one.

>> No.19072595

At mine they just took the extra crispy fillets from the normal sandwiches and put them together. The original Double Down had flatter patties that were breaded and seasoned differently from the other sandwiches (it wasn't extra crispy for one thing). This is just frankensteining together pre-existing items and calling it a Double Down, not a return of the actual Double Down which had unique patties only used in the Double Down.

>> No.19072604

You don''t have to drive back?

>> No.19073042

grab a book and take the ferry, you'll have a better day overall

>> No.19073050

Burger here, does Toronto not have a single KFC?

>> No.19073064

based leaf, come to US. enjoy our succulent meats. be safe, don't get shot

>> No.19073065

the real irony is there is literally nothing distinguishing modern Anglo-Canadians from their American counterparts. I'm not memeing in the slightest nothing they consider "typical" would be out of place in their neighboring American states. They should thank god every day for the arrogant frogs giving them a reason to not become the next 12 states

>> No.19073318

in ottawa terms: mississauga is like orleans but with 10x the people and instead of frenchies it's indians.

>> No.19073329

There's no ferry between Toronto and the US anymore. There used to be, but it didn't make enough money.

>> No.19073332


>> No.19073343

Go for it if you got the time and means why not? Not sure the KFC will be worth it but a good road trip is always fun

>> No.19073569

Go back to /pol/

>> No.19074051
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lmao neat description.

if anyone is in ottawa, lmk if you wanna get some Mary Brown's together near the TNT sometime this week. Could be fun

>> No.19074247
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got a DD today, was smaller than I expected and the fries weren't very crispy. I think the sauce is just mayo. Might as well just make it home.

2/3 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon thyme
1/2 teaspoon basil
1/3 teaspoon oregano
1 teaspoon celery salt
1 teaspoon black pepper
1 teaspoon dried mustard
4 teaspoon paprika
2 teaspoon garlic salt
1 teaspoon ground ginger
3 teaspoon white pepper

>> No.19074253

every photo I've seen of the double down look like it wasn't fried long enough or at a high enough temperature.

>> No.19074262
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it's not golden brown like in the ads but it stayed crispy for a while

>> No.19074437

American KFC is shit.
I hear that it is supposedly better in other countries, but I don't believe it.

>> No.19074931

Beef on Weck is my favorite dish from Buffalo with wings being a close second. It's not much different from a French dip but any place that serves it does an excellent job on the roast beef. And they all embrace horseradish!
I tried a variation of it using steak at a restaurant in Rochester over the weekend. It was good but I prefer the roast beef.

>> No.19075020
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In Montreal, we have two KFCs (PFK over here), and NO good places to get decent wings. Also no Taco Bell, I hate this place so much it's unreal.

>> No.19075041

does Quebec have more white rural rednecks than Saskatchewan? Seems like it from my drives to different Quebec lakes in the summer. All there is in terms of restaurants are poutine, and hotdog in canteen trailers. It's fucking ridiculous. No gastropubs or diners. Just trailers on wheels serving poutine. Horrible.

>> No.19075065
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>> No.19075109

Western NY has shit tons of good local food options. KFC was a good option if you're traveling 20 years ago, but now I wouldn't take their food for free. If you must get fast food chicken, go to Popeye's, I think there's one in Amherst a few miles south of where you're going.

>> No.19075119
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>> No.19075142

>I hear that it is supposedly better in other countries
Sadly its 100% true.

>> No.19075294

Needs another lake in the west

>> No.19075311

Once, yes, why not, for shiggles. Every day, no.