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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19068401 No.19068401 [Reply] [Original]

>can't go to the kitchen and get food because the minute i go to the kitchen everyone will get up out of their seats and congregate in the kitchen and get in the fucking way and start talking to me

>> No.19068409

>he doesn't live alone in his own house/apartment
what are you doing

>> No.19068411 [DELETED] 
File: 242 KB, 1280x1920, 12(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy a home on 82 acres at least 40 minutes from any friends or family. Buy a cat or doggiegirl love doll and live the life O'Reilly.

>> No.19068415

The healthy and natural human mind is invigorated by social interaction
Come to God and love your fellow man, stop being a tranny.

>> No.19068421

Iktf anon. In fact today if I want food without being bothered I’m gona have to leave and go through some drive thru. I hate my family so much.

>> No.19068422 [DELETED] 
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>> No.19068428

How much money do I need realistically to do that and not be surrounded by niggers or crack heads?

>> No.19068432

I don't know, I live in a country without many of those, so was pretty easy for me :)

>> No.19068440

82 acres would be like multiple millions of dollars where I live and the property tax alone would cost more than a mortgage on a mansion

>> No.19068446

Of course you do. I bet you are also a women and have no actual problems in life.

>> No.19068447

just get a job

>> No.19068451

Wrong on both accounts, pal.

>> No.19068459

I have a job and own a house I'm not OP

>> No.19068461

Keep food in your room, use a mini fridge, electric cooker, and store food in a separate pantry.

>> No.19068462

it's not that much money if you have a decent job, let's be honest

>> No.19068464 [DELETED] 
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I only pay $5200 on my 82acres because it's zoned agricultural. Stop being dumb.

>> No.19068479

I pay 1400 a year on 1/10th of an acre in rural PA but it's residential. I'd like to live in the woods but it's incredibly expensive because any land with natural gas shale under it goes for like 5 times the price.

>> No.19068483

>dream of bullshit instead of building a wall and saying no

>> No.19068497 [DELETED] 
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Yes, my family has a lease with Cabot gas outside of Scranton. 340 acres. You're right, that fracking business is nuts and I know if you aren't utilizing it, it's costly for everyone now. I am in Maryland.

>> No.19068505 [DELETED] 
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Taken right now

>> No.19068510

sounds like you have anxiety anon

>> No.19068529 [DELETED] 
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Christ. Expensive for nothing really. Sorry.

>> No.19068583

i deserve to go to the kitchen for 2 minutes without being bothered

>> No.19068656


>> No.19068687 [DELETED] 

Is privacy part of your housing contract? No? Tell them you don't want to ever talk.

>> No.19068900

>Every roommate immediately start mocking and bullying OP on sight
based roommates. You must deserve it somehow

>> No.19069004
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You're just a loser. No one will listen to you or remember you.

Know exactly the kind of person you are irl.
Insanely pathetic.

>> No.19069092 [DELETED] 
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I live my beautiful life of recreation and travel with my beautiful gf by my side while you rot in a cities decay. ;)

>> No.19069171
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>go to grill outside on a quiet day
>take a seat while my grill gets to temp
>every neighbor in a mile radius stops what they are doing in their house and goes into their backyard to start mowing their lawn, let their kids cry, have a loud fight or play music loud

>> No.19069218

they want to kill you anon. Illuminati is real bro. you are being gangstalked. RUN!!!!

>> No.19069236 [DELETED] 

>living by other people

Why do people do this? This isn't the dark ages with raiders outside the city walls that are going to break into your house or ambush you. At least not very often.

>> No.19069248

What kind of dogs you got? They ever fuck your doll?

>> No.19069258

Great, now it will just get me more pissed next time I grill.

>> No.19069260

At least $25k for a down payment and $700 A month for mortgage where I live.

>> No.19069395 [DELETED] 

I have pics of them with my doll on dollforum under Elsa Babe manufacturer anon. :)

>> No.19069415
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>mfw I am unmarried, have no kids, and own the remote rural home I live in, and the house I rent for monies.

>> No.19069571 [DELETED] 

This but I rent two buildings and spend the rest of the time with my dolls.

>> No.19070077 [DELETED] 

I want to impregnant a child during her second estrus

>> No.19070193

$1300 to $1400 a month in Seatttle, which you can easily do on Seattle's minimum wage of $18.69 an hour.

>> No.19070200

Based unwittingly charismatic and gregarious OP.

>> No.19070217

idk if you should own animals
honest question why don't you go to therapy and try to work through whatever fucked up reason you got an uncanny valley catgirl fuck doll? that shit wouldn't be normal even if the doll wasn't monstrous looking. she looks confused and scared. how did you manage to make a doll uncomfortable

>> No.19070227

the estate tax needs to be raised to 100%

>> No.19070482

You need to prove you make 2.5 times the rent dingus

>> No.19070896


>> No.19071011

Where I live, around $900 a month.

>> No.19071341
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>> No.19071367

Bull fucking hockey. I live in Seattle and only make $7.50. I use to make 7.25 for about the last eight years.

>> No.19071437

something I can actually relate to. the neet life

>> No.19071457

The state minimum wage is $15.74. Not sure how you're making half that.
Let alone how you stayed making these pennies for 8 years. Literally get a new job, you are basically a slave living in Seattle for that "wage"

>> No.19071620

What I do is not that difficult. It's basically odd jobs like windows, masonry, electrics and whatnot to keep the buildings operational. I may actually work half of those hours so that's why it's fine. Federally I think the minimum wage is still 7 something which is fine.

>> No.19071626


>> No.19071633

Jesus Christ. Is that a joke? What if the job is easy as fuck? People are fucking retarded.

>> No.19071637
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Jelly? I got my gf another head too.

>> No.19071642

how much is the body though

>> No.19071647

150cm 2800 dollars ;) Platinum silicone.

>> No.19071649

maybe like $1500 CDN if you go Alberta

>> No.19071655
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U mad?

>> No.19071656

>get bigass speaker
>play some relaxing music

>> No.19071661
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>> No.19071662

What's the point of having an "easy as fuck job" for $7.50 an hour? You are making $60 per day. You can sit in an office and jerk off all day over spreadsheets for much more than that.
>It's basically odd jobs like windows, masonry, electrics and whatnot to keep the buildings operational.
They pay people decent money to do shit like that. If this description is accurate then you are way underselling yourself.
>Federally I think the minimum wage is still 7 something which is fine.
The fed minimum wage is to make sure that some small town in Alabama at least pays people $7.50 where the cost of living makes this income feasible. In Washington (let alone Seattle) these are literal pennies since everything is much more expensive.

>> No.19071669
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>> No.19071678
File: 5 KB, 205x246, thatfeel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feel

I like social interaction, but as soon as I start cooking in the kitchen everyone loves to barge in and it drives me crazy.

>> No.19071679

Oh so you're a socialist/commie. I think we are done here. Keep fighting for the rest of your life if you want.

>> No.19071692

This was my first doll. I was a big fan of lilo & stitch when I was young. NSFW Warning.


>> No.19071705
File: 2.28 MB, 4000x3000, 20210920_144634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really am one of the luckiest guys in the world.

>> No.19071716

In Georgia or Wyoming you can work for 5.15 an hour so 7 some is pretty good comparatively.

>> No.19071740
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>> No.19071900

>make shit up nobody said
>get mad about it
keep me posted

>> No.19072128

Feels good man

>> No.19072187

just literally dont live in a shithole
its that easy

>> No.19072198
File: 121 KB, 587x783, Haven_Works_-_26_Jan_2022_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally my day off
>weather's finally getting kind of nice
>go to open all the doors and windows to let some fresh air in
>pic related

>> No.19072224
File: 103 KB, 1000x1500, DSC_0191-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you just live 20 miles from civilization you will hear none of that. The most you will hear is a quiet but steady white noise coming from the town and occasionally planes.

>> No.19072349
File: 2.51 MB, 3471x4623, IMG_20221016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need.

>> No.19072365

wtf is going on in this thread...

>> No.19072373 [DELETED] 

Reminder to report and ignore

>> No.19072399

You're not walking in a garden with Aristotle. If you've ever had "those" roommates you'd hate them too.

>> No.19072407

This was an eye opener. Never fall for the "low cost of living" meme. You're just trapped working for pennies.

>> No.19072420

This bugs me more than busses and firetrucks.

In America unless you're rich and own your land you just hear this constant variated drone from the highway because all humans that aren't raising cattle or growing food live within a mile of it.

>> No.19072431

I live very rural and I highly prefer a mostly silent white noise coming from the nearest town.

What I do hate is a ever-growing halo of light coming from the town into the dark sky. It's been growing since I moved here in the 80s.

>> No.19072447

Built for Big Human Cock.

>> No.19072463
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Of course!

>> No.19072467

No idea, I am a homeowner

>> No.19072483
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>> No.19072486

Eat when everyone is asleep or at work?

>> No.19072488

So what? Just go and. ake some food.

>> No.19072512

>thinking the world revolves around you

Could be mental illness.

>> No.19072527

Tell them to fuck off. Methinks op is a faggot

>> No.19072532

He never said he fucks kids.

>> No.19072535

wtf is this thread

>> No.19072543
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What's the problem?


>> No.19072580
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>> No.19072598

>not living exclusively with other asocial autists
LMAO @ ur life

>> No.19072642

Post your dick cumming

>> No.19072653
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Anon, that would be against the rules.

>> No.19072655

>go to the breakroom on my lunch
>bring a book
>everyone asks the same questions

>what's that you're reading?
>Is it good?
>What's it about?

Hey fuckface, I can't tell you if it's good or what it's about BECAUSE NO ONE LETS ME FUCKING READ IN PEACE
and it's 90% women as well, stupid cunts can't realize not everyone wants to talk all the time

>> No.19072658

Catbox it

>> No.19072695
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>> No.19072719

Guys and Dolls

>> No.19072732

>you are also a women
>a women
post instantly discarded. i dont talk to illiterate sandinggers.

>> No.19072736

Ok grandad