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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19067920 No.19067920 [Reply] [Original]

What foods are essential boomer-core

>> No.19067928

Breast meat
From white bird
Boiled or steamed

>> No.19067932

piccallili on toast

>> No.19067980

sardines on toast
meat n 3 veg, but the veg are always boiled with no seasoning, then drowned in ketchup

>> No.19067986

scratched up teflon pan + olive oil for everything

>> No.19067990

>What foods are essential boomer-core
none. foods are constantly changing some people may make stuff over and over, but that happens to all generation and is not a boomer thing.

>> No.19067991

Canned things
Family Tv diners
Macaroni salad
Leaded gasoline
Usually bland dishes
Anything really that brings them the "them good old days without them darn ipads" vibe to them,

>> No.19067993

cottage cheese
the bad kind of yogurt
low and slow overcooked sloppa
dehydrated onions and jar garlic
brussel sprouts

>> No.19068004

>Anything really that brings them the "them good old days without them darn ipads" vibe to them,
Lolwut. Boomers are the primary market of the iPad. They put the magnification mode on "Legally Blind" and they don't have to wear their reading glasses while using it. I don't think I ever met a single boomer who liked wearing their reading glasses. Too much vanity for them.

>> No.19068008

It was a joke on how old people are always complaining that their grandchildren are always on their ipads (in classic boomer fashion, not seeing the hypocrisy in the fact that they also spend many hours on their ipads)

>> No.19068012

Bread stored in freezer.

>> No.19068023

Too introverted these days to run into that, but I always remember my grandparents didn't like me reading inside all the time rather than doing more "kid-like" activities, and this feels similar.

>> No.19068024

>sitting in a shitty Florida restaurant, sunburned, stuffing their face as fast as possible with overcooked hamburger while on vacation funded by a HELOC
i've even seen commercials where companies will pay boomers cash for signing over their life insurance

>> No.19068083

potato salad
macaroni salad

basically anything the middle aged women bring to the cook out.

>> No.19068087

Green beans

>> No.19068103

eating vegetables at all

zoomers don't eat vegetables

>> No.19068135

Black and white cookies
Rainbow cookies

>> No.19068163

breakfast cereals/foods
atrocious bland meat + starch + veggies meal
dinner made entirely from canned/jarred/frozen stuff
the worst ice cream possible
pasta so much pasta but with sauce dumped on it directly in the plate

>> No.19068170
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>> No.19068179

Bread should be stored in the freezer dumbass.
>wants to eat mold bread

>> No.19068184

how do you not finish the loaf before mold starts....

>> No.19068188

Eat fresh, local, in season. Cauderlier, Paul Bocuse, Raymond Oliver, Roger Vergé, Gaston Clément, Frères Troisgros, Georges Blanc, Gualtiero Marchesi, Nadia Santini, Olivier Roellinger, Bertrand Pacaud, Bertrand Loiseau, Michel Guérard, Père Bise, Roger Souvereyns, Micehel Bras, La mère Brazier, Pierre Gagnaire, Pierrot Fontaine, Frédy Girardet, and the greatest of them all: Willy Slawinsky. Good luck finding their recipes and the equally gifted colleagues they had.

>> No.19068193

Because a whole loaf is huge and it's a extremely unhealthy treat. You shouldn't be eating bread every day. 85%+ meat and dairy diet for good health.

What you should do is freeze it not refrigerate. Refrigerating bread is the worst thing you can do.

>> No.19068196

>piccallili on toast
In america you dumbass

>> No.19068201
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ACTUAL "boomers" (not whatever your ignorant 20-something opinion says) were born during the actual post WW2 baby boom.
Fuck Wikipedia, etc, these people were born in the late 40's and MAYBE the earliest part of the 50's. The youngest ACTUAL boomers are 70+ years old, and I doubt more than 1% of them could figure out how to post on the 4chins.
They have nothing to do with anybody here. You might as well be complaining about how much you hate on Tudors.

>> No.19068205

try a veggie once and a while

>> No.19068210

I do every day. I have bell peppers sliced and bagged in the freezer. I also have frozen peas and frozen broccoli.

>> No.19068211

meatloaf. i fucking alwasys hated that shit.

>> No.19068213

Steak Diane.
Lobster Thermidor.
Crepes Suzette.
Baked Alaska.
Fruit Cocktail.
Chicken a la King.
Chicken Cordon Blue.
Swiss Steak.
Waldorf Salad.
Banana Split.
Chocolate Mousse.
Shrimp Cocktail.
Clams Casino.
Potatoes Au Gratin.
Chop Suey.
German Chocolate Cake.

>> No.19068214

do you only own a freezer? fucking weirdo

>> No.19068215

It's healthier if you don't use bread in that. Just egg, BELL peppers.

>> No.19068217

forzen bell pepper anon, youre odd

>> No.19068222

Why the fuck would I not freeze those things? Do you enjoy eating food that is going rotten? The only thing I don't freeze is salad, milk, and occasionally eggs. I freeze eggs too but I go through a dozen or so a day so no need.

>> No.19068229

di you live in montana in the fucking woods? nobody freezes eggs, and nobody eats a dozen eggs a day. you're fucking weird bro

>> No.19068239

I live rural yes. Not that it matters. Why the hell would I want to go to a grocery every other day?

>> No.19068271

Boomers can cook, unlike you.

>> No.19068273

i live a block from a grocery store, so i only ever buy shit im going to make that day.

>> No.19068276

That's crazy... but your probably one of those Europeans.

Imagine having to go to a grocery store every fucking day. Christ almighty.

>> No.19068282


>> No.19068295
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>> No.19068297

cereal and milk with sliced fruit

>> No.19068305

i live in new york. i pick shit up on my way back from work. takes me 5 minutes. and i dont have to freeze eggs like an insane person

>> No.19068319

I hate ketchup, but holy shit I love meatloaf (sans ketchup glaze)

>> No.19068328
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It's like you're not even trying

>> No.19068350

Still... going to a fucking store every day is retarded.

>> No.19068354


>> No.19068359

Bowl of corn flakes
Buttered toast
Cup of tea

Cheese and pickle sandwich
Packet of ready salted crisps

Gammon, boiled potatoes, boiled cabbage

>> No.19068367

>Hello, I'd like to buy one egg, please.

>> No.19068375
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>> No.19068377

A few grains of salt, one sausage link and a slice of bread with a slice of cheese please

>> No.19068378

>Leaded gasoline
Made the whole developed world dumber because of it.

>> No.19068381

It's possible to have a well-stocked kitchen and still buy fresh for whatever you feel like making that night.

Granted, it's a lot easier to do in NYC where there can be grocery stores and bodegas on every block, fresh fruit & veg sidewalk vendors everywhere, and massive farmer's markets, than in the food deserts of exurbia. But even so.

>> No.19068382

I got some hard candy I can share with you on 8kun if you are interested.

>> No.19068384

many boomers use a lot of butter for everything

>> No.19068392

whitpepo midwest hardshell. Zoomers and millenials prefer street style tacos. Both take about the same time to cook and taste equally good oddly enough

>> No.19068395

>street style

Shit. Also lazy.

>> No.19068402

overcooked food "just to be safe", especially chicken and pork

>> No.19068410

Youre shit. AND lazy

>> No.19068414

>t. unemployed zoomer who grew up with the modern internet

>> No.19068458

it's not like millenials 15 year ago decided...hmm gee...i'm going to use my expensive college education to start a competing business to all these wise and successful boomers so i can churn our the most degenerate dogshit clickbait 5 second attention span buzzfeed articles and video content on tiktok and maybe start a subscription porno or gaming site for desperate and retarded american women to sell their dignity and any ounce of soul for pennies on the dollar

>> No.19068630

massive amounts of pasta

>> No.19068638
File: 70 KB, 480x640, 13FF1D1A-54B7-45AA-AEC1-3DD2FC435DDE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bread and butter

>> No.19068667

>Chicken Cordon Blue
Fuck you it's delicious

>> No.19068675

way more boomer to use margarine or crisco because 'fat makes you fat'

>> No.19068700

Who said it wasn't? Lots of baby boomer foods are quite tasty.

>> No.19068730

chicken kyiv > cordon bleu

>> No.19068747
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>> No.19068759


>> No.19068837
File: 133 KB, 1024x768, yum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i always keep a fresh tub of the good stuff in the fridge

>> No.19068920

not everyone lives alone you autist

>> No.19069043

Boomers were born between 1946-64. They drove rock music, for example. Rap started taking over as they finally entered middle age.
Everything we like and remember as good is from Boomers.
Movies? Capt. Jack Sparrow, Coen Bros & Boomers.
TV? Sopranos was all Boomers. As was Seinfeld & good Simpsons.
Politics? Trump is a Boomer. Biden is not

>> No.19069052

Thin cut, WELL DONE pork chops tough as leather, with ketchup.

>> No.19069170


I moved to Montana from Orlando and the Albertson's and shit here are still partly frozen in the 70's/80's and their delis will have stuff like this and similar boomer stuff like that broccoli raisin salad dish. I actually find it charming.

>> No.19069178
File: 160 KB, 1024x758, we're ALL Fucked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cruise ship buffets

>> No.19069215

skim milk
overcooked pasta
minute rice

>> No.19069243

I don't understand Pic.

>> No.19069294
File: 86 KB, 600x600, LYGWD.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boomers come should be split into to groups, those who came of age in the 50s and 60s and those who came of age in the 70s and early 80s. The older boomers are the ones eating a lot of "traditional" boiled slop and fake European crap that seems fancy without offending their tastes. The younger boomers grew up on pizza and fast food, so their tastes are more modern.

>> No.19069404

I haven't seen their Welsh rarebit in years.

>> No.19069414

>eating rabbit

>> No.19069565

No. Welsh Rarebit punch it in yahoo or altavista.

>> No.19069614

n-no. gen x is like the sweaty seats and sticky floor over which people are figuring things out. they're basically not people, just an entire generation of NPC's.

>> No.19069691

Low fat milk and yogurt
Chicken and turkey (white meat only)
Instant oatmeal
Bud Light
Diet Coke
Ground beef and thin cut steak
Deli meat
Macaroni as your only pasta
Ketchup on everything
Those boxed pastries from the grocery store
Make sure to only fry in a scratched Teflon pan/boil in a scratched Teflon pot until thoroughly overcooked

>> No.19069883

fuck that shit is good tho

>> No.19069895

my childhood

>> No.19069959

I have not seen the giant tubs of shedds spred in forever. I dont think they make them anymore

>> No.19070007

Salisbury steak
Canned vegetables
"salads" that are just bowls of mayo slop

>> No.19070020

Lol wut