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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19066780 No.19066780 [Reply] [Original]

How did dipping a sandwich in artificial beef juice get so popular?

>> No.19066782

Because gravy is delicious and works well with most non-sweet foods.

>> No.19066783

because it tastes good, FAT FUCKING IDIOT

>> No.19066785

But that's not gravy.

>> No.19066788

what kinda gravy do you eat?

>> No.19066806

/ck/ BTFO

>> No.19066835

How do people eat this without smearing dead animal juices all over the furniture, floors and clothes.

>> No.19066843

IT tastes good. You just blow in from stupid town?

>> No.19066851

>How do people eat this without smearing dead animal juices all over the furniture, floors and clothes.

You eat it in the restaurant like a normal person and you lean forward in the chair and allow the juice to drop on the plate. Don't eat food in the parkinglot like an autismo or on your couch like a slob.

>> No.19066858

That’s drippings from the roast beef retard

>> No.19066866


I call it dipping it in dirty dishwater because it's almost an accurate depiction when you think about it logically.

I've never tasted it personally but Is it really just the meat scraps and normal water? I would certainly try it but the concept is humorous.

>> No.19066909
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Yes I’m sure Arby’s uses genuine beef drippings and not some instant mix sent from corporate

>> No.19066963

But there is no plate on the picture. And it seems to be a special-purpose cardboard box so I assume it's how they generally serve it. Your supposed to let the juice drip on the table?

>> No.19066977

Last time I went to arby's the food was brought out to me by a worker with everything on a large tray. It's possible they were lazy and didn't give him one or whatever. At mcdonalds it's a toss up nowadays. You could order a bunch of food and tell them you want to eat there and they will put it all in a bag and give it to you like takeout. I think covid made workers lazy as hell.

>> No.19067000

Yeah all my McD's still have the "table service" but I always find it embarrassing. Just let me pick up my own try nbd

>> No.19067013


>> No.19067023


I personally enjoy if a cute girl brings out my food on a tray. I'm saddened if they don't. I also have no friends at the moment so maybe that's why I appreciate the friendliness.

>> No.19067109

immigrants. immigrants. when will you learn. they force the food trends of third world countries on you because youve let them take over your country.

>> No.19067125

au jus sandwiches are french you retard

>> No.19067129

no they are not, they are called like that because the bread is a '' french roll'' that would make any actually french scream in horror
i can assure you there is not a single dip sandwich restaurant in france

>> No.19067155

immigrants don't force corporate America to serve goyslop, unless you count Jews as immigrants

>> No.19067163

then it has nothing to do with immigrants bc france is fucking overflowing with those lmao

>> No.19067202

The French dip originated in LA

>> No.19067227


>> No.19067255

True, it is American, but baguettes aren't magic. Any good quality local bakery can make a good one in the traditional ways. No preservatives. I just had a French dip at the local cafe/bakery with a baguette less than an hour old. Any city or even decent small town has at least one good bakery that doesn't do meme shit.

>> No.19067266

There are 1500 McDonald's in france though, there must be constant screaming in every french city because they are so scared of the bread they eat.

>> No.19067916

>artificial beef juice
it's not artificial, but it is overcooked.

>> No.19067967
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>> No.19067982

It's BEEF AU JUS so that means Arbys sandwich is french which means it's classy and not just fast food

>> No.19067984
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>> No.19067987

I bet the bottom tastes better. It's the juices.

>> No.19067994

it didn't. it was dry over cooked, and tasted slightly rancid like all arby shit does.

>> No.19067997

Nah it looks like proper slop which means it's tastes better.

>> No.19067998

Man. What a treat. Fuck me sideways

>> No.19068002

well your wrong, I complained they sent me a coupon for 2 free meals. both were just as bad, so I no longer eat there.

>> No.19068035

it's not bad, really, but problem is, you can get a bigger, cheaper tastier baguette sandwich in any boulangeries and we have 35 000 of them around

>> No.19068150

all the au jus i've had tastes like onion soup. i'll dip a corner in it or my last bite but not a fan of soggy bread

>> No.19068151


>> No.19068162

I had their fish sandwich yesterday. The grease smell when I was driving home was intolerable so I had to roll down the windows. It smelled like they hadn't changed the fryer grease in months. The sandwich was still really darn good when I got home though. I was surprised how good Arby's hooks up a fish sandwich

>> No.19068169

Most people dip it in actual beef juice... Not every restaurant is Arby's.

>> No.19068228

how much does this shlop cost?

>> No.19068233
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Who gets a fish sandwich from Arby’s?

>> No.19068235

people eat inside arybys?

>> No.19068238

French dip has been a thing for over a hundred years. It didn't suddenly get popular.
Bugs the shit out of me when people call the jus the "au jus." Almost as annoying as "wa la." Like fingernails on a chalkboard, christ.

>> No.19068243

>wa la
It’s vee-ohluh

>> No.19068244

$4.99 or something. As far as fast food goes it's pretty good.

>> No.19068245

au juise on your titties fag

>> No.19068248

It's Been au jus

t. Au Jus enthusiast

>> No.19068251

Keep your chin over the plate and use a napkin, like anything else? Where the fuck do you live?

>> No.19068257

California, not Louisiana.

>> No.19068263

You dip in the jus, not the au jus.
The sandwich is served au jus, meaning "with drippings."
You dip in the drippings, not the with drippings.

>> No.19068268

Name one other restaurant in the United States that serves this sandwich. I'll wait.

>> No.19068269 [DELETED] 
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The things i'd do to this Drew Barrymore lookalike.

>> No.19068270

Fuck off with that gay shit, I dip it in the AU JUS

>> No.19068274

for 5 bucks I would give it a try. the only thing that bother me is the shitty plastic bun. I'd honestly rather pay 10 if they served bread like this instead


>> No.19068275

Most diners and a lot of steak houses?

>> No.19068291

People probably think you're a moron. But it's a free country, call it whatever the fuck you want.

>> No.19068294

french dip is fucking delicious. would never eat that arby's slop tho

>> No.19068323

Arby's French Dip is actually good, probably one of their best sandwiches on the menu.

>> No.19068385

They're like 2100mg of sodium though

>> No.19068393

so dont eat much else that day

or hydrate well and exercise

>> No.19068433

thats probably just from the au jus

>> No.19068442

Why do you think it's so good?

>> No.19068452

>They're like 2100mg of sodium though
The gay store called to remind you that you're gay

>> No.19068466

imagine not baptizing yourself in
the juice

>> No.19068525

Sodium isn't bad for you faggot

>> No.19068534

They're actually pretty good. Better than McD, Wendy's, and BK. That's not saying much but it is pretty good.

>> No.19068537

I make my own au jus by steeping my nuts in warm water

>> No.19068561

too much sodium

>> No.19068570

Usually made from leather, dead animal skin
Usually made from wood, dead plant material
Usually made from cotton, shaved sheep hair
Dying animals
Eating dead animals

>> No.19068801

fuck YOUR mom

>> No.19068840

I ate two (for $7) in the car last week and didn't have a single errant drop

>> No.19068852

that's gross

>> No.19068860

As opposed to bathing in the juice? I work out and can eat whatever I want

>> No.19068864

working out isn't lifting a sandwich

>> No.19068870

The gym is a hell of a lot easier and more enjoyable than dieting, tubbo

>> No.19068942

It's a flyover thing where they pretend shit food is somehow a "local thing".

>> No.19068954

Smootbrains eat too

>> No.19068962

It was invented in LA

>> No.19068972

I work out too, I just don't choose to eat garbage

>> No.19068976

>dunking a sandwich in whatever the fuck
Holy shit Americans are pathetic. Clutching at the straws of anything they can because in reality they have nothing.

>> No.19068980

it's been served in diners on the east coast for centuries

>> No.19069006

The name "French Dip" was invented in LA
Fucking Brits think they invented the sandwich, when they just named it
No one actually thinks they invented any of it, we know it's all marketing
>amerifats really
Grow up, we have more culture than you in terms of raw acreage, you might be older but you're just building tall, we're building wide

>> No.19069011

>we're building wide
Yeah I've seen the obesity statistics, don't worry fatso.

>> No.19069021

I'm taller, thinner, and more European than you are

>> No.19069028

Wasn't talking to you, cardio twink

>> No.19069030

Considering this chain of posts started with you posting a cope, I'm not surprised it's ending with one. Goodbye.

>> No.19069058
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but you were, micro plastic guzzler

>> No.19069229
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Cotton is a plant material, you absolute muppet. You're thinking of wool.

>> No.19069273

could go for some au jus

>> No.19069287

Arby's is better than 90% of fast food restaurants and I'm tired of pretending it's not. I don't know who they managed to piss off in hollywood or why every show on the planet shits on it nonstop, but the sandwiches there are fucking banger.

>> No.19069291 [DELETED] 


>> No.19069307

But they have the same problem as BK
Independent management can lead to problem branches
But both my Arby's and my BK are tops
Arby's should branch into catering, they'd take over the office party business in no time

For reals, would you rather have a pizza party or an Arby's party? Beats cold-ass burrito caterers, too

>> No.19069453

See >>19068257

>> No.19069652


He's correct. As far as fish goes, Arby's is one of the better ones. Popeye's and Bojangles are good too, but limited. When Wendy's has the cod I think it's a great choice, but all of the above are better than the always-available filet o' fish and whatever slop BK has.

>> No.19069725

Nah, it's like wylers beef bouillon and water + a bit of oil. Still not bad for dipping. I used to make stuff like that when I was a broke college kid.

>> No.19069757
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>affording college

>> No.19069760

goddamn that shit is delicious

>> No.19069782

based hetrosexual
i always get my french dips with extra au jus

>> No.19069801

you ever hear of a student loan you flaming retard?

>> No.19069858
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i'm not a jew i don't deal in loans

>> No.19069876
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It started at this LA sandwich shop

>> No.19069886

You mean L.A.
Which is in CA.
And which is very far away from LA.

>> No.19070024

sorry but 95% of people will read LA as los angeles, not the state abbreviation

>> No.19070026

The heat of my cum cooks the sandwich.

>> No.19070038

>people eat inside arybys?

Not really the last time i've been there. Mine is next to a highschool so I assume their only busy lobby times are right when school gets out. I'm just glad I don't live in a cuck city that locks the lobby doors still. If i'm paying extra for fast food in modern times then I want to suck up all the air condition and shit out my meal in their toilet on their dime.

>> No.19070515

That's the full bodied sodiumific flavor

>> No.19070663
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I love to get a Dodger Dog when I’m in LA

>> No.19070697

Arby's is the worst "beef" one could possibly consume, and everything else there is mid tier frozen food. Horsey Sauce is the one saving grace, otherwise there's no reason to go there
>t. former Arby's employee

>> No.19070751
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Arby’s is actually the best roast beef there is. It’s perfect.

>> No.19070854
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I rarely go there but stopped by randomly and had the Steakhouse Garlic Ribeye Sandwich and was shocked how much I enjoyed it

>> No.19070922

it's because their flagship stuff is garbage, the beef and beef n cheddar whatever they call em. they do have nice other stuff tho

>> No.19070990

he also puts beans in chilis and put his cart in the corral.

>> No.19071105

Arbys fed and clothed you and you're this much of a disloyal scum.

>> No.19071436

>how did topping a sandwich with pasteurized dairy product get so popular?
>how did spraying peppers down with glyphosate and DDT get so popular?
>how did preserving bread in flame retardant get so popular?
>how did force feeding antibiotics to beef cattle get so popular?
>how did moisture-resistant fast food packaging get so popular?
Yes, the artificial boullion is baffling.

>> No.19071512

I eat French au Jus's just like my ancestors did thousands of years ago

>> No.19071636

No they aren't. That's a common misconception. It's called the French Dip because of the way they french the gravy.

>> No.19071681
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French Dip Restaurant: Here is your sandwich, sir. I also gave you a small cup of gravy so you can dip it yourself. That'll be $15 plus tip.
Italian Beef Restaurant: We dipped the whole sandwich in the au just all at once so that you don't have to.

>> No.19071818

Looks like they dunked it in a fucking vat of sewage. Also what am I fucking invalid, I can 'jus my own 'eef 'ip

>> No.19072018

How is soggy bread in any way appetizing?

>> No.19072039

Midwinter Midwesterners were a mistake

>> No.19072042

arby's is so fucking disgusting. go to a diner if you want a cheap but good french dip

>> No.19072075

their fries are good at least

>> No.19072283

Why would I want some It*lian to dip my whole sandwich for me when I can dip every bite of the sandwich with the French dip?

>> No.19072298

Hahaha I was just pretending to be retarded! You have fallen for my ruse!

>> No.19072415

>boil a frozen chunk of f tier beef in a bag
>put on roaster slicer to give it that signature leathery skin
>serve a miserly portion of grey beef on a bun with some ketchup and "cheese" sauce
wa la

>> No.19072422
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I ate at a vietnamese place, they had a sandwich stuffed with beef and weird veitnamese vegetables, and the dipping sauce was pho broth

was really good actually

>> No.19072425

I'll be your friend anon, let's go to mcdonalds together

>> No.19072430

Banh Mih's are the shit

>> No.19072435

>he doesn't chill under the parking lot light listening to music and eating with friends and/or family
Many such cases. SAD!

>> No.19072465

At any place besides a chain place it's certainly just the meat juice diluted slightly, sometimes some salt or flour or whatnot to stabilize it. The concept is basically just the same as soaking it up from your plate with bread except as a sandwich

>> No.19072498

Just ordered a Beer au jus with my phone

>> No.19072581
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Anyone remember when Arby's had Italian subs and ham subs?

>> No.19072626
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It's called au jus and you don't get one at arby's

>> No.19072657

you see, its not supposed to be artificial.

>> No.19072679

Thank you for the post, Arby's Spokesman-chan~

>> No.19072773

not gonna make it

>> No.19072879

I was going to a movie theater I don't usually go to and hit them up. The day just before I'd gone to an overpriced boutique sandwich place and Arby's was better, lol

>> No.19073834
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I loved their Italian

>> No.19073851
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>> No.19074612
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>Danish beef sandwich with the sauce on the side

>> No.19074645
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Roman hands typed this post

>> No.19074758

I've never heard of this but it looks awesome