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File: 321 KB, 1200x630, anchovie pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19061120 No.19061120 [Reply] [Original]

Do people actually eat anchovy pizza?

>> No.19061125

I don't get the meme
I tried it once in Paris, it's just salty pizza

>> No.19061267

I don’t

>> No.19061607

tried it in japan, was actually good.
Despite being in so many old cartoons and movies it's almost impossible to find in America

>> No.19061613

When I worked at a pizza place, Jet's Pizza specifically, someone would order anchovy probably like twice a month on average

It sucked cause it would stink up the oven side of the building for the rest of the night

>> No.19061622

it is extremely easy to find in america

>> No.19061630

Then you must live in magic unicorn anchovy land, I tried in Ft. Lauderdale, Detroit, and DC with no success after I got back from Japan.

>> No.19061640

A few years ago I was out with a group of friends at a bar that specialized in tiny personal pizzas with an insane variety of toppings.

We made a small bet to try and make the most disgusting pizza that we could think of. If we could successfully eat the entire thing we would win, and everyone else would pay for the pizza and drinks for the rest of the evening.

I ordered a white-sauce pizza with baked beans, fried eggs, pineapple, spinach, and olives. It was one of the most disgusting things I ever consumed, and I am pretty sure it shortened my lifespan by at least a year. However, I did win and got to eat and drink for free that night.

Yet I would still choose that pizza over anything with fucking anchovies on it.

>> No.19061645
File: 9 KB, 185x269, overconfident_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19061652

i mean you can just google anchovy pizza in DC and see lists

>> No.19061668

salty, wet, and meaty. All qualities that other ingredients on a pizza lack (meat is usually very dry).

>> No.19061742

the secret is to get anchovies on the side instead of on the pizza

>> No.19062243

I pretty much always get anchovies on my pizza. It's so good it would almost be a waste not to. If I ever go out with people and am sharing a pizza and they don't want anchovies it's always a let down; like going to a sushi place and only being able to order cucumber rolls without soy sauce or wasabi.
>i went to dominoes in 3 different cities and none of them had anchovies

>> No.19062257
File: 23 KB, 890x534, 1620038840079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look homos this was almost 20 years ago, I had to actually call places and ask if they had it so how long do you honestly expect me to do that shit. Glad to know anchovies are back in town though, I'll get them next time I order

>> No.19062830


>> No.19062849

I literally just did 5 minutes ago. I love the salty fishy flavor. It's the flavor that built the Roman Empire.

>> No.19062861

Also chovy haters are pathetic to me. Like little kids who say they don't like broccoli because a cartoon character said it was nasty. Like wtf >>19061640 this guy would rather consume a sloppa shit than a cured salted fish. It's all cultural. Anchovy = bad is just engrained in people's brains because of pop culture. Their loss, I say.

>> No.19062874

In addition to your point, chovies are also sometimes doled-out totally carelessly. I was always taught to treat chovies as a seasoning rather than a piece of meat like ham or bacon. People get served a whole chovy on a single slice and it's overpowering and they toss it down. But really, chovy is just an elegant way to add salt and the flavour of the ocean to a dish without dousing it with salt or weird oils. It's fucking delicious to anyone who has tasted it properly.

Same as capers and parmigiano reggiano. You overpower a dish and people get grouchy, you hide it in a dish and they beg your for the secret recipe.

>> No.19062905

The only issue is that people rarely orders it and usually anchovies come from cans like deezs, so pizza places tend empty it on your pizza to not waste food. Then you end up with a salt bomb that quickly goes from delicious to disguting.
A shame really.

>> No.19062913

A real shame really :[

>> No.19062921

>Dammit, why didnt they know I was talking about my pizza experiences 20 years ago!
Literally wtf

>> No.19062937

didn't even know what an anchovy was until later in life and only knew it as one of Michelangelo's wacky/disgusting pizza toppings from the Turtles
certainly didn't think it was a fish

>> No.19063826

I love it

>> No.19063904


>> No.19064081

Yeah chobis have great """umami""". Some places put dried ones on top of cooked pizza though and that's no good. They have to be baked with the rest of it.

>> No.19064235
File: 1.07 MB, 972x1256, Chovypie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course, its one of my favorites desu. I dont know why i love it, bit i do. Tastlets seethe

>> No.19064240
File: 1.43 MB, 1080x1298, Pepenchovie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is another one i made recently

>> No.19064255

those look fantastic

>> No.19064259
File: 60 KB, 750x1103, 4FABF728-5ACA-4D3F-BCD4-872AF34773C4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not like that, but look up Sicilian Sfincione

>> No.19064265
File: 755 KB, 1019x724, Screenshot_20230318_123251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks fren, i just love making pizza. I dont know why its so fun for me. I also make woodfire pizza

>> No.19064278
File: 163 KB, 512x468, 1658046049017523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didn't he know about the anchovy pizza resurgence of the last decade?????

>> No.19064290

Not an argument.

>> No.19064315

you seem to require assistance here, so let me rephrase - you're a fucking retard

>> No.19064324

I kneel, I'll never make a pizza this good and will commit sguciato

>> No.19064426

I'd rather just eat anchovies out of the can as a snack

>> No.19064738

Peps and chovies is the only way I eat pizza.
With a nice cold coke on ice.

>> No.19064840

anchovies have only come back in 'style' because of the ungodly amounts of asian immigration that now infests our society. its the same reason everything has fucking cinnamon in it now. thats chinese yumyums.

>> No.19064850

These look REALLY good


>> No.19065199

>anchovy Pizza with basil leaves, black olives, green olives, jalapeno, caramelized onions
>with extra cheese
I understood the true meaning of decadent that day

>> No.19065225

made with decent quality anchovies it's really good, but with the overly salty low quality ones it can be trash

>> No.19065344

DC pizza is fucking disgusting and it’s like they just found out these things called “slices” exist and it can be sold or eaten by the slice, idiotic

>> No.19065356

are americans really like this? you guys are the biggest babies ever

>> No.19065358

Yes. I eat anchovy pizza.

>> No.19065363

Upvotes so hard my dude! Epic!

>> No.19065370

>are americans really like this?
Most people outside of 4chan are actually worse if you can believe it. Toddler nation.

>> No.19065384

hell fuck yeah

>> No.19065487

I know someone whose favorite combo is anchovy, bleu cheese, and pineapple pizza.

>> No.19065616

made in a conventional oven?

>> No.19065757

Anchovy and pineapple sounds boss, gonna try it

>> No.19065762

Oh yeah. Big time.

>> No.19065829

the error most pizza places do is to cook the 'chovies in the oven.
supermarket grade cheap anchovies ---> become too dry and salty
fat quality anchovy filets ---> melt and become worse
it's way better to put them on the 'za after coming out ot the oven. The residual heat is enough to warm them.

>> No.19066557

I prefer to crush them and mix them into the pizza sauce.

>> No.19066572

> it's almost impossible to find in America
Most major pizza chains offer anchovy as a topping. You can easily get it in every small town in America that has a pizza restaurant, let alone the major cities you list here >>19061630

It's astonishing that you went out looking for something so commonly available and failed.

>> No.19066573

Bullshit retard. I worked at Pizza Hut 20 years ago and we had anchovies. We'd have to open a can on the rare occasion someone ordered it and then we'd have the remaining half of the can sitting in the fridge for a few weeks before finally throwing it away. But we still had it, dumbass

>> No.19066577

Hungry Howies gives you more but Jets is good because they will actually break them up
They also go well on ranch or hawaiian pizza

>> No.19066606
File: 142 KB, 666x420, based beyond belief.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anchovychads can't stop winning.

>> No.19066687
File: 282 KB, 1480x1179, Colored-Pepper-hero@2x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can forgive 'chovies, pineapple and anything else, but you need to be a real psychopath to enjoy pic related on your pizza

>> No.19066688

I can go to 2 dozen local places with anchovies available. Not all are gonna be good, but they're widely available as a option.

>> No.19066690

vile weed

>> No.19066693

No you didn't.

>> No.19066708

I run into the opposite problem more often than not. I'll get a large pizza that only has a few anchovy fillets at best.

based, looks tasty

>> No.19066749
File: 195 KB, 512x512, C507076E-AE30-400D-9BD6-81727BD881F9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cringy dead fish on fat goop cheese is vomit town

>> No.19067599

Glad to see people still enjoy the Chad chovie pie. Disregard all the haters, they probably put pineapple and ranch on their ""pizza""

>> No.19067629

Yes sir, just set it to highest temperature you can. Make sure your dough has enough olive oil to get it golden crispy. Finish in broiler setting so it gets the toppings fully cooked, cheese fully melted and crust turns gold.

>> No.19069037

try white anchovies instead

>> No.19069147

That sounds fine, I'd eat it. Nothing you listed tastes bad.