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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19059301 No.19059301 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a more over rated food than Mexican? Everyone acts like its some fucking amazing food, yet basically everything is the most basic samey slop.

>> No.19059307

did the mexicans make fun of you again at the bus stop, anon?

>> No.19059320

Im white why would i be at a bus stop? Did i offend your sensitive mexican sensibilities by pointing out how fucking samey all your food is?

>> No.19059342

yeah, i bet they took your lunch money

>> No.19059358

Aww did someone call you a "merry cone" OP?

>> No.19059365

wey pig dog

you want hamburger

you want sandwich

fuck you

george walker bush is son of bitch

>> No.19059367
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>> No.19059378

>all the seething shit skin replies
Lmao. Your food is garbage drenched in salsa

>> No.19059379
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OP getting beat like a piñata. This is now a Mexican Food General /mfg/ thread. Here's my slow cooker carnitas recipe.

>> No.19059385

op, if the mexicans keep bullying you, ya gotta keep up the bantz.

>> No.19059386
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Tortillas to go along. Hope everyone enjoys!

>> No.19059394

>my fucking sister wants chipotle again but i just wanna go to burger king DAMMIT MOM WE ALWAYS DO WHAT SHE WANTS

>> No.19059399

What bantz? I dont associate with non whites. I dont frequent the same places illegal immigrants frequent

Oh wow wow wow the same fucking garbage you find in literally every other mexican """dish"""

>> No.19059406

Most mexican restaurants will serve chicken tenders anon. As a fellow picky eater it's all I order everywhere.

>> No.19059412

>I dont associate with non whites
lol you don't "associate" with anybody, bud.

>> No.19059413

Why would i get chicken tenders? I never said i dislike mexican food. I said its the most overrated type of food. Which clearly upset all the spics that inhabit /ck/. Honestly pretty eye opening didnt know so many were here

>> No.19059419

Lmao whatever you say fragile beaner. You will never be white

>> No.19059427

thanks for the laughs bud. have a good one, get yourself a chicken chalupa.

>> No.19059431

It's ok to be a picky eater anon. I'm with you. I HATE onions and Mexicans use a lot of "tasty" spices when I prefer my food the traditional european way, boiled and unseasoned.

>> No.19059435

I know an Argentinian and they make some pretty bitchin' empanadas. South American/latino food is pretty good I just think Mexican food got commercialised into goyslop in a very similar way to burgers or hotdogs

>> No.19059440

no hay bronca, chavo, you're really bad at banter. jajaja i'm wittier than you in TWO languages, gringo

>> No.19059447

Literally all OP can say is shit like "The White race will prevail" LMAO jajajaja

>> No.19059481

>hehe you got le bullied
>hehehehe you only eat bland food
Low iq brownoids everybody

Whats on a chalupa? Oh the same shit in every other Mexican """"dish""""

>meanwhile white people cuisines are typically considered the best
Lmao seethe. I bet your own mother prefers Italian food over Mexican peasant food.

>> No.19059484

Italians aren't white though?

>> No.19059486

>oh no what do i do, i look like an idiot on 4chan now!

>> No.19059487

Empanadas are mexican as well. Its all the same shit.

>> No.19059490

lmao he is legit typing novels. if this is how he responds to some light banter it's no wonder he gets bullied by mexicans on the school bus.

>> No.19059494

Now this is cope

I can smell your body odor from here Juan

>> No.19059497

no, that's you. go shower.

>> No.19059499

No, Italians are legitimately not white lmao. Neither are Greeks or any other Mediterranean people.

>> No.19059502

They are when OP needs to shift attention elsewhere when getting bullied

>> No.19059504

dubs confirm

>> No.19059506

if anything it's underrated
and italian is overrated

>> No.19059513

yeah OP brought up Italian food like it's not just flour and tomatoes in different quantities. tt has even less variety than mexican food lol

>> No.19059519
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Ah yes, Italy, the famously white Mediterranean country along with...

*checks notes*


>> No.19059522
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>> No.19059531
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>> No.19059535

OP is the kinda nigga who thinks Pace jarred salsa is spicy

>> No.19059539

Oh yeah, how could I have forgotten literally the ONLY other ingredient shitalians use lol. flour, tomatoes (which they appropriated from mexicans) and cheese.

>> No.19059546

You eat at chipotle, taco bell, and the local Mexican restaurant and think you've eaten Mexican food. Give me a break gringo

>> No.19059552
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I have never seen an OP get BTFO as hard as this.

>> No.19059554

HEY MAN he's been to Senor Frogs ok, he's the jefe now when it comes to food

>> No.19059562

There was this Mexican dude whose legal name was, I shit you not, "Hungry Coyote", and he opened up a little restaurant near where my brother and I used to work. Made the best fucking burritos I've ever had in my life. He closed up shop one day without a word to either of us; rumor was he got deported or some shit. Sucks pretty bad, he was a hard worker trying to raise his son all by himself. Wherever they ended up, I hope they're both doing okay.

>> No.19059564

jajajajajajjaja fokin le tengo

>> No.19059575

Damn shit like that sucks. There was this Chinese joint in my city that was the legitimately the best around. Staple of the community for like 20 years. One day they just shut down unexpectedly, some fucking MAGAs found out they were hiring relatives straight from China who were illegal and got them locked up for "human trafficking." Explains why to food was so good though lol.

>> No.19059582

the biggest joke Trump ever played on the world is the fact that every right wing extremist group is going to be called MAGA regardless of if they actually like him or not

>> No.19059643

Tbh i kinda agree with you but id definitely say Italian food is more over rated. But people pretending like Mexican is some high brow amazing food is laughable as well.

>> No.19059711

What food do you consider amazing?

>> No.19059716

This is incorrect
The fact that the left calls everyone normal a "maga right wing extremist" means that normal people will start doing right wing extreme shit
Why not, you nutbags are already shitting on everything normal
Go celebrate diversity with MS13, I hear their food is the most authentic

>> No.19059717

Better than Mexican I would say
And before you sperg out about Italian, I said it is over rated, not that it isnt better than Mexican. Its over rated because most people seem to think its peak cuisine, which i dont believe is true.

>> No.19059725

>white people food bad
>brown people food good
Everytime with you fucking faggots. German, French, Polish, and Italian all make superior food

>> No.19059726

Spouting Fox News talking points like a boomer does not make you edgy.

>> No.19059732

Anon I asked what food you consider amazing

>> No.19059741
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OP you are literally brainwashed by /pol/ lol. I feel so sorry for you man.

>> No.19059745
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>> No.19059746

I mean it really depends on the mood im in. But I guess if I really had to choose 1 it would be French

>> No.19059752

Im talking about white food specifically. But yeah amongst sub humans Japanese food is pretty high on the list

>> No.19059761

lol no

>> No.19059763

>implying I get news from anywhere but /pol/
stick with Reddit, you won't last long here

>> No.19059766

>make harmless internet posting
>freedom stolen

>> No.19059770

goddamn I love mexican food and OP proves yet again that he is a faggot

>> No.19059781

Mexico is a big fucking country with varied geography and climate and relatively isolated populations with several direct influences from multiple sources in the old world, an you're telling me it's all overrated samey slop. are you a flat earther too?
>white people food bad
no one said that you stupid fuck

>> No.19059784

Cope brown skin.

>> No.19059789

He was literally publicly making plans to kill a sheriff on /pol/ lmao.

>> No.19059798

did you see where he lived? he was already in a self imposed prison. his mama was sick of being his warden

>> No.19059818

Pasta, tomato, meat, cheese.
Most profitable restaurants are Italian.

>> No.19059827

You can break down almost every cultures food like this simplistically. What about about the seasonings/herbs that go into the pasta, tomato, meat, and cheese

>> No.19059909
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Just had some birria tacos with consome. It may be sloppy, but it's damn good slop.

>> No.19059912

Tex mex >>>>>> mexican

>> No.19059957

Absolute shit tastes. Tex-Mex is worse than regular Mexican period.

>> No.19059975

I just had a breakfast burrito from Filiberto's.

I wish Mexicans would put salt in their food.

>> No.19059985
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Very similar to Mexico. Garlic, oregano, peppers.

>> No.19059992

Goyslop isn't a word

>> No.19059997
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>slop but with spicerinos

>> No.19060011

>Goyslop isn't a word
Word isn't a word.
Define word, if you can.

>> No.19060022
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haha yes indeed. i also subsist on cheetos and wonder bread. no slop for me

>> No.19060276

Not at all. The seasonings and herbs used are completely different. Hell are there even many pastas served in mexican cusine?

>> No.19060288

Confirmed. I’m the Mexican who took his lunch money. He only had $3.76. Mom couldn’t even afford to give him a 5. Luckily after tonight when me and my homies go to town on her he’ll have at least a 10er.

>> No.19060321

Yes OP, are you retarded? You have just confirmed to me that you legitimately have no clue what mexican cuisine consists of and you aren't just a troll.

>> No.19060356

Im not OP you fucking moron. You are the one trying to draw some comparison between italian and mexican when its not similar.

>> No.19060550

I like how mexicans use different kinds of peppers and tomatoes etc. to make unique tasty sauces

meanwhile italians are like
>wow I made tomato puree into a sauce it really tastes like tomato!! ooo mommy!! five Michelin stars!!

>> No.19060605

The tomatoes come from a small town in Sicily and the basil from an 18 km2 suburb, only available in early summer. The wheat variety used for the pasta comes from Northern Iran.

Try again.

>> No.19060617

Italian food being over rated doesnt make mexican food any less shit also
>all italian food is tomato sauce

>> No.19060620
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>> No.19060650
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Macho, not nacho.

>> No.19061414

>You will never be white
thank god

>> No.19061480

Day 13 in Mexico and I have to say I'm disappointed by the food. I've done the "fusion" (tourist) restaurants, the city food trucks, the roadside restaurants for laborers, the gastronomics, the taqueria, and I have not been impressed. I read every now and then how amazing mexican food is, but now I'm convinced this is from retarded americans who have never eaten vegetables and fresh fruits before.
I am suffering from a mexican food burnout, which is something I never experienced so far in my travels in Asia or Europe.

>> No.19061530

ya te vi MichoacAnon

>> No.19061699

where you at, nigga?

>> No.19061740

Done CDMX, Puebla, Chiapas and Quintana Roo

>> No.19061758

I'm sorry for you bro... that's what happens when you live in a country who thinks its people can cook and sets up its own "fonda" ( a street vendor ) anywhere. You need somebody to guide you in this shithole to eat good food because like I said, everybody thinks they can cook.

>> No.19063133

mexicans are white

>> No.19063804

It was all fake and gay.
T. Poltard

>> No.19063830

What about chubacabras, aren't they from Mexico?

>> No.19063883

>m-muh overrated...
Get a real personality faggot.

>> No.19063890

>mexicans are white
SOME mexicans are white.
Unlike in the USA, in Mexico they have a sort of social system where the darker skin, the lower your social status is.
Whites = S tier
Brown = A through D tier
black = F tier

>> No.19063972

I'm already white and it's my cross to bear.

>> No.19064000

im mexican and even i dont like most of our foods i only like tacos really

>> No.19064012

im mexican, my grandmother was white, blonde with green eyes but my grandpa was brown, some of my cousins are white and some are brown, my dad and brother are also white sadly i got fucked and i came out brown i mean im light brown but still fucking sucks, thanks grandpa

>> No.19064032

No there isn't. It's the meme food of the 2020s.