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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 247 KB, 760x507, 210313-chicago-river-mn-1553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19058816 No.19058816 [Reply] [Original]

It's the holy day. Let's stuff ourselves with corned beef and watch preteen girls dance.

>> No.19058820

This is my first sober St. Patrick's Day since I was a teenager. I really want to down a bottle of Jameson.

>> No.19058837

It doesn't have to be anon. I believe in you and want you to love our culture which is more and more being belittled.

>> No.19058843

The demon drink must be overcome, boyo.

>> No.19058853
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>watch preteen girls dance

>> No.19058855

rec me some proper irish whisky that I can get here in spain easily

>> No.19058858

not Bushmill's; that's protestant whiskey

>> No.19058864

kek, ok

>> No.19058869

you can do cocaine. It doesn't have any alcohol in it.

>> No.19058886

I just smoke weed all day now.

>> No.19058887

i'm off to the pub

>> No.19058897

>corned beef
can I just get some colcannon and like 2 other kinds of potato
can I just get like mid-teens and upward
Also, there'd better be at least one of the following in the session:
>uilleann pipes

>> No.19058898

Fuck off, Yank.

>> No.19058902
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What the fuck did I do?

>> No.19058917
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Put it in the pot and let it cook all day while we drink!

>> No.19058918

That "demon drink" is actually a gift from God that humanity like you feels compelled to abuse. Don't do that.

>> No.19058926

Why the fu k would you dry and smoke a weed ive nebb drunmomday my friend d.

>> No.19058927

See u there m8

>> No.19058930
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Top o the marnin to yaz. I'm ready my fellow goons.

>> No.19058933

First drink is on me

>> No.19058940
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I'm sorry, I only mentioned preteens because they are sexually arousing. I also like neko and kemonomimi.

I won't lie when I say I have a child fetish/kink.

>> No.19058949

Nice looks delicious, should be a great starter for St.Patricks day

>> No.19058961

based Irishfag here and so far been celebrating St.Patrick's Day with German, French and Italian beers (and Cuban rum later) and later cooking up a Mexican/Texas-inspired pot of 'Chili' to last me the weekend

That glorious Welsh-born slave turned Saint would be proud of me

>> No.19058984

I ate steak and guinness

>watch preteen girls dance.
fucking americans, man

>> No.19058991

Btw how do you micks feel about St. Patrick being the dude that tried to "convert" as many Celts as possible. You were lucky you kept so much folklore alive.

>> No.19059046
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>> No.19059141

It's an American Irish Catholic holiday

>> No.19059150

do amerifats really engineer their city canals to run full of mountain dew?

>> No.19059160
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>> No.19059173
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>> No.19059180
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>> No.19059234
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Bushmills, Tully, Powers, Redbreast. Picked up the peaky blinders edition bushmills and it was actually phenomenal whiskey
Fuck off ye daft cunt

>> No.19059302

might hang out with friends later and drink a few guinness

>> No.19059308

Choose one, the majority of you are about as irish as a scotch single malt. Clinging on to muh great great great grandads grandad was 1/10 Irish doesnt count.

>> No.19059321

a lot of irish americans live in insular communities and are still 100% full irish heritage
basically talk to any firemen around the NYC metro area, they're all full blooded irish retards and italian guidos.

>> No.19059326

Today is my birthday. I don't drink alcohol

>> No.19059328

t. brit

>> No.19059332

Go to south Philly and say that

>> No.19059359

Doesnt change the fact its true, theyre not Irish.
After so many years the mutt is the only thing they are

>> No.19059368

lol kill yourself, paki

>> No.19059373

gay on both instances

>> No.19059376

Actual Irish from Ireland here and to be fully honest what you said is bullshit. "Irish Americans" might be descendants of Irish in insular community, but they are so far removed from us culturally (and on every other level) that they are by no means Irish. I've met Irish people all over the world and there's always a familiar click, never happened with a yank you are all larpers

>> No.19059393

Why did corned beef and green clothes become synonymous with St Patrick’s day?

>> No.19059400

The colour green has heavy association with Ireland

>> No.19059403

Weird because it’s considered unlucky here.

>> No.19059404

Emerald Isle duh

>> No.19059411

>moved to ireland from somalia
lol your opinion doesn't mean shit, ackmed

>> No.19059416

green is supposed to make you invisible to leprechauns in the myths.
Read a book, retards.

>> No.19059417

Im whiter than you fatty. We come from muh viking decendancy if we are going by the way you obese ham beasts claim to be part Scottish/Irish & Italian.

>> No.19059423 [DELETED] 

>i-i'm whiter than you!
go back to africa nigger, you aren't welcome :)

>> No.19059432
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>caring about the dirty Irish or Irish folklore

>> No.19059445

Retard damage control detected.

>> No.19059446

>dirty Irish
Spoken like a faggot

>> No.19059449 [DELETED] 

American calling people african niggers.
Didnt most of you chimps come from Africa?
Love you inbred mutts thinking youre any way white.

>> No.19059456 [DELETED] 

>the nigger is mad i called it a nigger
lol stay out, jamal, you niggers aren't welcome

>> No.19059461

It’s all commercial bullshit.
St Patrick wasn’t even Irish.

>> No.19059467 [DELETED] 

seething potato niggers

>> No.19059466
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you aren't welcome either

>> No.19059473
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whatever you say, pajeet, you brown skins are so easy to tell from the way you type lmao kill yourself

>> No.19059475
File: 552 KB, 1600x1200, americans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

amer*cans larping as different cultures to have at least a semblance of being cultured, what else is new

>> No.19059477 [DELETED] 

At least they’re white, Ramirez.

>> No.19059492

‘Italian Americans’ are the worst mutt sub-species tho.

>> No.19059503

The Irish are one of the very few people to immigrate to America and actually successfully integrate into society and earn acceptance by virtue of not being complete gimps. Don't be jealous, it's not your fault that the failed immigrants can't act like 1st world human beings but your contribution of street food and world star videos is much appreciated

>> No.19059512


>> No.19059530

Why is the corner of that wall red? Why is there fried rice? Why are they drinking from water bottles? Wtf is that cake?

>> No.19059544


>> No.19059678

I think this is the worst food related holiday.

>> No.19059688

>first St. Patricks day
>have to spend it working

Damn. Well not that I have friends to enjoy it with anyways.

>> No.19059702

Yep we are mutts that is cause everyone flogged here to get awa from whatever shit country they lived in an we accepted all of you degenerates and gave you freedom and a choice to have a better live then you had at whatever shit stain country you lived in

>> No.19059720

Ever heard of a comma and full stop? You chubby autistic cunt, you just admitted all the dregs of world society descended on America
The cum stains in my keks have more culture than you

>> No.19059733

I enjoy the fact that you resort to childish name calling

>> No.19059740

Whats the correlation between Irish and cunnyposters?

>> No.19059780

The 1800s was based

>> No.19060427

Didn't even notice it was St. Patrick's yet I've been drinking Baileys all evening.

>> No.19060465

They're Americans.

>> No.19060468


>> No.19060478

shut up faggot before I give you an atomic wedgie

>> No.19060566

>first St. Patricks day
are you 1 y/o?

>> No.19060752
File: 1.84 MB, 4032x1816, 20230317_181123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made sausages the other day I'm finally getting a hang of natural casings

>> No.19060787

can we go a single day without euros getting angry about petty bullshit? just chill and enjoy a brew with us

>> No.19061287

patrick is that you?

>> No.19061494

I love preteen girls, but they're just for hugs and headpats

>> No.19061641

this is the gayest holiday I swear

>> No.19061674

Gay lame, yes. Actual fags very not welcome.

>> No.19061686

>doesn't like beer
YOU are the gay, anon it's YOU

>> No.19061764

Who cares

>> No.19061768
File: 97 KB, 732x1024, 65351C88-AF95-4465-9F8D-25EE7E582A98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds good, especially the corned beef part

>> No.19061883

Cause beer is cool! .....retard.

>> No.19061896

Cool or uncool is at least subjective... but beer isn't gay. You are gay.

>> No.19062153

I hate fat kids so fucking much you guys wouldn't believe

>> No.19062375

They are for so much more.

>> No.19062403

those look great nice job

>> No.19062427

reserve your hate for their parents they're just kids man

>> No.19062455

Strangely enough, they can be a good lay.

>> No.19063076

Right that why is part of the beta postuering matrix, cause the TV told you it was cool. Do you drive a lifted pick up too?

>> No.19063080

It's really just a day for the alcoholics to day drink in public

>> No.19063082

But I already drink in the day in public.

>> No.19063198

In a couple dacades Ireland will be a brown 3rd world country, verification not required

>> No.19063252

Plastik bottles on the table. I Bet those people are some of more civilised one