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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 189 KB, 1536x1023, restaurant-bill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19051774 No.19051774 [Reply] [Original]

>"can I pay please"
>brings bill and wanders off
Why do they do this?

>> No.19051783

Because you leave the money with the bill and leave.

>> No.19051787

at least you can pay cash and leave if you want
euro wagies are ridiculous and I have had to walk up and ask them if I can pay and it's super awkward. they will let you sit there forever if you don't do something. once the wagie left the workplace entirely without bringing my bill

>> No.19051795

Because you've been evaluated as someone likely to leave a poor tip so there's no point in spending any more time on you, just pay your bill and the measly 15% and GTFO. It's better to go talk to the older couple next to you about the weather as they always leave 25%.

>> No.19051796

It's 2023.

>> No.19051798

I fucking hate to pay after I eat
It's so much better finsh eating and just leave

>> No.19051802

>tipping even 10%
I will never go over 10%

>> No.19051807

why not?

>> No.19051809

>"can i pay please"
>doesn't have his card out and ready to go

>> No.19051811

Once you pay you're supposed to leave. It's bad form for a host to suggest you should leave.

Once the bill is presented you're supposed to pay. It's bad form for a host to look at the contents of your wallet. Poor people are just as welcome and as equal as regular customers or rich people.

Etiquette much?

>> No.19051814

has anyone here gone full no-tipping? have you gotten any pushback?

>> No.19051826

I pay contactless 99% of the time
If I wanted to look at the bill I'd ask for the bill, but I don't I ask to pay, IE bring me the fucking card reader

>> No.19051831

How can I pay if they don't bring over the card reader?
The civilised world is now cashless you obese American loser

>> No.19051832

>THEN pay

>> No.19051834
File: 99 KB, 900x600, cheesecake-factory-shanghai-taikoo-hui.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a real story.

Yesterday I went to Cheesecake Factory with my wife.
We used $50 of gift cards on a $48 order.

Obviously this does not leave enough money for an $8.88 tip.

So I put my debit card in with the gift cards so they could use that for the eventual tip.

She comes back and drops off the receipt. So I write the $8.88 tip on there but how is that even going to get charged?

I have to ask for the manager to charge me $0.01 so I can leave a tip. The waitress was pissed off the ENTIRE time. The entire "check" system at restaurants is broken as fuck. It needs a TOTAL refurbishment. Fuck the payment system at restaurants. It's outdated to hell.

>> No.19051841


>i suffer with a wife and free sex on demand
fuck you

>> No.19051843

Then I will not say "have a good day" to you and will secretly hope you or a loved one of yours dies painfully.

>> No.19051855

Imagine getting angry because you arent given free money

>> No.19051858

>free sex on demand

>> No.19051859
File: 55 KB, 750x1000, raf,750x1000,075,t,f89f2b_1617e563f0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand the situation, especially with the declining birth rates and I am sorry that society failed you.

However, having a wife does not mean "free sex on demand". To maintain this relationship I have to pay for our house and various household "necessities" that she desires. If it were just me I would be a millionaire by now. But women make you conform to societal standards.

I feel for you. Men should have access to sex if they are even moderately sociable. And that has disappeared in the last 20 years. Relationships are fucked.

The only advice i can give, I met my wife at McDonalds (where we both worked). I also got a bachelor's degree eventually and I work hard to keep up with her lifestyle. We had a child which is a huge commitment, though I recommend everyone jump into feet first.

Sex is important and I understand your pain. But it is not the end-all-be-all of existence. Women need to change to fix this, but men also need to be stronger.

Best of luck.

>> No.19051860
File: 1.73 MB, 2160x3840, 1605218566402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think it is meant to be polite
so i can argue with my cheapass friends who ordered how many of the beers and who has to pay what, without the service lady standing next to us making the discussion awkward

>> No.19051869

This sounds like a fake Chat-GPT response

>> No.19051889

I'm a real boy i swear.

>> No.19051888


>> No.19051890

You know the crazy thing about tipping is like it isn’t even how they get their full wage, it isn’t legal to pay them less than minimum and if they don’t make at least minimum in tips it is illegal not to make up the difference and thus paying waitstaff below minimum barely happens anymore. There is no reason why they cannot just work their shit job which is actually loads easier than most shit jobs. What you are tipping for has gone from getting better service to being coerced into buying passable service and it is toxic as fuck. Fuck waitstaff and anyone who expects tips.

>> No.19051895
File: 163 KB, 840x786, frog-waiter-clip-art-png-download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"free money"
>If I took your order and then brought you exactly what you wanted you owe me money
>If everything you asked for was brought in a reasonable time you owe me money
>If I made a lame joke and you laughed you owe me money
>If I pretended to give a shit about your kids you owe me money
>If I had any concern at all about your diet, religious beliefs, or allergies you owe me money
>If I solved any miniscule problem you brought up (wah wah hair) you owe me money

>> No.19051909
File: 410 KB, 481x608, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the black family didn't even pay let alone leave a tip
>4th time this month

>> No.19051910

im putting sarin gas in your food

>> No.19051915

Shoulda left a 100 dollar tip on the gift card so they would be extremely excited just to realize the card only had $2 left on it.

>> No.19051917

You should try working a real job.

>> No.19051918

>What you are tipping for has gone from getting better service to being coerced into buying passable service and it is toxic as fuck. Fuck waitstaff and anyone who expects tips.
I still find it depends. Delivery drivers? (No, not doordash and uber-eats) They almost always are quicker when they get a good tip, their incentive to be hasty is that tip. The retards who have their food taken leisurely or get taken on some multi-order as the last delivery are almost always shit tippers, and then they use that bad service as justification for not tipping anyways. You get what you pay for, depending on the sector.

>> No.19051919

i think tipping haters are just brainlets who don't want to do math homework after a nice meal

>> No.19051920
File: 62 KB, 1366x1026, Fpb6pIHWIAAJpiM.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they don't want to listen to cheapos complaining the bill is to high despite them getting exactly what they asked for.

>> No.19051921

I mean, this is the real answer. If the server thinks you're going to leave a good tip, they're going to spend the time schmoozing you and thanking you for your visit and inquiring about your plans for the rest of the night.

If they know you're an autistic megaretard (which you are, OP) who is going to leave some gay, autistic tip like $5.87 (so it's an even amount! YAY!), then it's not worth doing more than the minimum, because are you ever, ever going to leave more than exactly 20%?

>> No.19051931

>holding a five dollar bill over a wagie's head so that they spend an entire hour sucking up to you and being fake nice atrocity vibes and trying so extra hard just so their finances won't look like a 16 year old's instead of just having them get paid a real wage and act normal to customers
Tipping is a nightmare scenario

>> No.19051934

Did you at least fuck your wife after that dinner?

>> No.19051948

With this kind of an attitude, it's a wonder why I hate servers and won't tip your beloved 20%+

>> No.19051953
File: 34 KB, 500x532, General-Hammond-Stargate-Don-Davis-c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that's a GOOD thing!

>> No.19051956

With this kind of attitude, be careful not to go to the same restaurant too often.

>> No.19051957

It's a nightmare scenario for the customers. Waiters and waitresses are the only wagies who make as much as someone with a degree because of stupid tipping culture.

>> No.19051962

%? I don’t go over 5 dollars. Wife and I ate at a nice restaurant and the bill was like 260 bucks. I tipped 5 bucks and the waitress said Wowwww and then sighed. Suck my dick if you want a 20.
Why the fuck would I give 26+ bucks when she’s gonna do the same amount of work if we ordered cheaper food? Get a better job like I did if you want more money.

>> No.19051966

i had a waiter quit on the spot while i was eating

>> No.19051969

Or what? You are going to spit in my food? Poison my drink? Waste your time and mine by not bringing the orders in a timely manner? Have fun being unemployed when your ass gets reported.

>> No.19051978

But I just want to pay

>> No.19051979

So you tell ‘em on the phone you’re tipping more so they deliver faster? If you tip beforehand, what’s the motivation to deliver fast?

>> No.19051983

>waiter is attentive and comes by often enough I don't need to wait
>bill comes
>disappear for 20-30 minutes
Fucking why, everytime. I'm trying to get the fuck out, why is it when it's the very end they do this shit.

>> No.19052002

This fuck wait staff. They are incompetent losers.

>> No.19052007
File: 228 KB, 1080x2400, 100%.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey there! i'm a delivery driver for uber eats and i only do single pickup deliveries and will decline second and third delivery requests because i know that nobody (myself included) likes seeing their hot food taking detours. i want my hot food delivered from kitchen to door so that's what i do for my customers and that's why i get more tips on average and have maintained a 100% rating for about two years now.

i don't expect tips. but when i break every speed limit to get someone's hot food to them while it's still hot then i'm disappointed when i'm not tipped. but most people do tip and australia doesn't have a tipping culture like america has. it's extremely optional here so every tip is extremely welcome because it feels more like a pat on the back for a job well done. it's recognition and reward for effort put in and that's why tips are important.

>> No.19052015

But they have to pretend to be nice to you. Do you have any idea how hard it is to work the service industry and have to be polite to total strangers? The emotional labour itself is unbearable.

>> No.19052016

This is why I fill out everything except the tip portion until they return. 10 minutes or less gets a decent tip.
Half an hour... I'll give them my two cents. Literally a $0.02 tip.

>> No.19052017

This but unironically.

>> No.19052020

>being polite is a burdon

>> No.19052025

It's common sense manners, retard. Would you rather the waiter stand there and watch you and your friends work out who's paying what?
If you want the card reader straight away, say "I'm ready to pay, can you bring me the bill and the card reader".

>> No.19052027

Of they replaced you with an LCD screen at my table notifying me when the food is ready I would be beyond ecstatic.

Would gladly math to the kitchen to retrieve my food from the renowned chef. I don't need a pesky "runner" to get my food.

Also, let me fill my own cup. You never come at the right time anyway. Yo u are just a 20% burden on the whole meal.

>> No.19052028

>Do you have any idea how hard it is to work the service industry and have to be polite to total strangers? The emotional labour itself is unbearable.
Are you autistic?
It's not exactly hard for anyone that has a high school education to be polite. Didn't they teach you about basic and advanced social etiquette?

>> No.19052063

I is smrt. The word smart doesn't have an "A" in it.

>> No.19052064

>Brought le fucking card reader

>> No.19052072

Wait a second. People actually expect this?
Like I could bring my own credit/debit card skimmer from home and some people won't even care?

>> No.19052073

>takes your card and disappears into the back
What's stopping them from taking down my card info then waiting like a month and using it?

>> No.19052081

People are mean to you if you let their drink go empty for more than 5 minutes or the food isn't piping hot when it comes to the table. You have no idea what it's like to have to say you're sorry and not just tell the entitled assholes to fuck off. And then they won't even give you the standard 25% tip after berating you. Many of us in the industry have to go cry in our cars during shifts.

>> No.19052089

>People are mean to you if you let their drink go empty for more than 5 minutes or the food isn't piping hot when it comes to the table. You have no idea what it's like to have to say you're sorry and not just tell the entitled assholes to fuck off. And then they won't even give you the standard 25% tip after berating you. Many of us in the industry have to go cry in our cars during shifts.
So get a warehouse job or do something that literally doesn't involve dealing with humans.
If you think you are too good for that sort of thing but would prefer to be miserable all the time, the problem is you.

>> No.19052091

>standard 25% tip

>> No.19052092

>It's not exactly hard for anyone that has a high school education to be polite. Didn't they teach you about basic and advanced social etiquette?
Do they really teach that?

>> No.19052094

>Poison my drink?
Yes, have fun paying for hospital bills

>> No.19052096

>So get a warehouse job or do something that literally doesn't involve dealing with humans
Only if you stop dining in and stick to McDonalds and other fast food that doesn't involve tipping.

>> No.19052105

It's not hard to be a decent human being, treat waitstaff with respect, and leave a normal fucking tip. If you can't afford to tip, you can't afford to eat out. I have almost $3000 a month I pay in rent, if I don't get tips I can't afford to live.

>> No.19052109

>Do they really teach that?
Well, at public schools they are typically considered elective and not mandatory courses.
Kinda like how at some public schools math, english, and grades other than F's are elective if you are a person of color.
>Only if you stop dining in and stick to McDonalds and other fast food that doesn't involve tipping.
Reading comprehension. It's something you learn in grade school.

>> No.19052122

if the person didn't eat out, you would also get no tip
the seething wagies always blow my mind
it's not the customer's problem to pay your rent. you chose a bottom feeder job and get OPTIONAL tips from generous people

>> No.19052126

>I have almost $3000 a month I pay in rent, if I don't get tips I can't afford to live.
Are you serious?
Why don't you move to someplace where you only have to pay $900 or less in rent a month?
If you can make $3k in tips a month, you'll be living like African kangz and qwangz.

>> No.19052129

i dont pay bartenders especially when they don't buy me a drink, they expect me to be gratuitous, but i cannot expect the same?

>> No.19052130

only the absolute dumbest crackhead would try that, but sure they could

>> No.19052131

So thats what makes a decent human being huh

Giving free money to wagies

>> No.19052143

>So thats what makes a decent human being huh
>Giving free money to wagies
Think of it like giving $100 cash to that homeless bum at the intersection so he can buy more fentanyl pills.

>> No.19052149

>just lower your standard of living because entitled customers are cheap
No, if anything I'm just going to start doing 18% auto-grat on anyone who seems like one of you losers

>> No.19052155

>The waitress was pissed off the ENTIRE time.
>still tipped

>> No.19052162

Bums don’t do shit to deserve donations. Service work is genuinely one of the hardest jobs and actually deserve 25% or more. The pills pop’d after work are only to cope with the exhaustion of dealing with you people.

>> No.19052163

>No, if anything I'm just going to start doing 18% auto-grat on anyone who seems like one of you losers
How exactly would moving to a cheaper place to live so you have more disposable income be stupid?
Did you even graduate from high school? You are literally giving us an excuse to ridicule and mock you.

>> No.19052165

>Bums don’t do shit to deserve donations. Service work is genuinely one of the hardest jobs and actually deserve 25% or more. The pills pop’d after work are only to cope with the exhaustion of dealing with you people.
Oh, so you aren't like homeless drug addicts, but you are also drug addicts.

>> No.19052178

Why don't you just go rent someone's closet for $300 a month? You would have more disposable income ;)

>> No.19052188

>Why don't you just go rent someone's closet for $300 a month? You would have more disposable income ;)
Go cry about not getting a 25% tip some more and cry about how you can't pay your $3,000 rent and also spend what little money you have left on drugs instead of food.

>> No.19052195

people can rescind their tips. entirely up to you to take the tip back even after giving it to em.

>> No.19052200

The POS tells you how much is left on the card as soon as you swipe.

You're a real autistic retard.

$8.88? It's fucking insulting, you stupid faggot. You always tip in whole dollar increments. Always.

$48 bill means a $10 tip.

>> No.19052204

You deserve to starve to death homeless. Fuck the entire restaurant industry

>> No.19052210

No one's forcing you to go, you stupid faggot.

>> No.19052211

>Poor people are just as welcome and as equal as regular customers or rich people.
I mean that statement is objectively false

>> No.19052214

>You're a real autistic retard.
>$8.88? It's fucking insulting, you stupid faggot. You always tip in whole dollar increments. Always.
>$48 bill means a $10 tip.
It's funny when the people who obviously failed algebra and got an affirmative action high school diploma criticize more intelligent people.

>> No.19052215

48 dollar bill means the change in my pocket

>> No.19052218

If they stand over you it seems like they're pressuring you for a higher tip.

>> No.19052225

>If they stand over you it seems like they're pressuring you for a higher tip.
Well, fucking SOMETIMES you have to do that so you can pay your $3,000 rent and buy cocaine instead of meth. Fuck those cheap motherfuckers that think I can afford that shit as an uneducated pleb.

>> No.19052230

>You always tip in whole dollar increments. Always.
No, I round up MY total bill to be an even number. Suck my dick.

>> No.19052233

You ate $100 worth of food and left less than a 10% tip. I'd think the waiter did something to offend you, but you still wanted to tip them out of principal. Why didn't you add the tip to the check in the first place before they charged you?

>> No.19052236

Dilbert was right. Tribalism is in our dna.

>> No.19052238

Yeah, because you're an autistic retard. No other payment in your life is a whole dollar, even amount. Why should a restaurant?

Oh, right, because you're autistic, and a bad person on top of that.

You carry change in your pocket? What are you, poor?

I don't even know what you're tripping over yourself to say here, but it ain't it. Move along, little fuckwit.

>> No.19052241

This may sound stupid, but wouldn't it make more sense for restaurants to pay employees a living wage instead of expecting them to beg for tips?
Besides, the whole tipping system came about as an excuse for employers to pay Black people of color less during the Jim Crow days.

>> No.19052247

Next you're going to ask restaurant owners to treat their staff like people and not higher wetbacks they can report to ICE whenever they get lippy.

>> No.19052250

Go smoke some more crack, kid.

>> No.19052256

Holy cringe

>> No.19052259

>Oh, right, because you're autistic, and a bad person on top of that.
Go back to leftypol with that entitlement attitude shitbird

>> No.19052261

>Holy cringe
"You are only a victim in the White man's world."

>> No.19052270

No? I’ve been here longer than you. You don’t get to show up late to the party already autistic and tell others to leave because they call you out on it.

What’s funny is that I’m giving you legitimately good advice that you can apply to your own life to improve it, but you’re too stupid and defensive to get it.

>> No.19052278

>What’s funny is that I’m giving you legitimately good advice that you can apply to your own life to improve it, but you’re too stupid and defensive to get it.
What advice?
I'm not the person you were responding to, but there has been a lot of good and bad advice in this thread, and there is no way to determine who said what.
Are you the mandatory 25% tip faggot or the countless others that said you were an entitled child?

>> No.19052291

I’m neither? I’m the “tip in whole dollar increments” guy.

>> No.19052295

>I’m neither? I’m the “tip in whole dollar increments” guy.
Oh, the "I don't know how to do math guy"

>> No.19052299

Where are you assuming I don’t know how to do math?

>> No.19052312

No one’s forcing me to tip either. Get a good job like the other adults or suffer in your shitty drug filled lifestyle.
Believe me, I worked pizza delivery and “up to 20 bucks an hour!” Sounds glamorous at 16. I went to the plumbing union at 18 and started at 24 an hour as an apprentice. At 23 when I was a journeyman the lowest offers I saw were 35 an hour for industrial work. Work your ass off til 40 and retire with a million or stay on as an exec/ foreman/ vice prez/whatever and make six gigs an hour.

>> No.19052333

>WhY are you assuming I don’t know how to do math?
Because you can't use english correctly, and it's probably your native language. It's probably also safe to presume that you have a double digit IQ.

>> No.19052344

Oh, so no real basis at all, just you being a snarky idiot bitch retard.

Tested into gifted in kindergarten, btw. 165 iq. ;)

>> No.19052356

Shut up newfag.
You are one of (a multitude) of problems with society as a whole.
You literally dont know how to do math based on your previous posts, rofl.

>> No.19052367 [DELETED] 

In fact restaurants prefer cash instead of losing 3% to the credit card processors

>> No.19052372 [DELETED] 

He needs to talk to an actual married guy

>> No.19052387

gr8 b8 m8 8/8.88

>> No.19052392

Wait staff deserve less than minimum wage + no tip.
Imagine you're making dinner for your family and you expect a reward for bringing things to and from the table.
You job could be done by a roomba with a tray duct taped to it, sit down.

>> No.19052400

Nope. On the contrary. Poor people and children get the best cuts.

>> No.19052407

gradually I grew to hate the wagies carrying my food

>> No.19052417

Servers make a lot more with tipping than what is considered a standard living wage. Employers don't want to have to pay them $20 an hour and most servers would never work for that small amount.

>> No.19052426

>I don't want to work for so little
>I don't want to pay you that much
>I know lets make this guy over here pay it instead but you still work for me and also he doesnt get anything for paying you

Wow why cant all businesses work like this

>> No.19052427

What can I do as a wagie to satisfy /ck/?

>> No.19052434

Get a job that isn’t in food service

>> No.19052435

do your job without complaining or begging
observe how japanese angels do it, for example

>> No.19052445

Yeah maybe if you work at an upclass steakhouse in a populous city.
The VAST majority of tipped servers are single moms working graveyard at Dennys getting stiffed half the time and getting a $2.00 tip on $25 the other half.

>> No.19052453

Maybe they should go work another job.

>> No.19052455

>Bring me my food.
This should be obvious. If there's a backup in the kitchen you should tell me so I'm not waiting 20 minutes wondering what's going on.
>Keep my water topped up.
Again, this should be obvious. I don't want to be choking down grub with nothing to drink.
>Take plates away when I'm finished.
I don't want to sit in front of a plate of bones and half-eaten mashed potatoes while I wait for my company to finish their own meal. If I look like I've finished, ask if that's the case and deal with it accordingly.
That's literally it. Very simply I think.

>> No.19052469

People like you are the reason we smoke crack and demand 25% tips!

>> No.19052477

You joke, but this is unironically true. It's crazy how many waiters don't want to put in even the bare minimum of effort towards the job they're paid for and then turn around and complain about it.

>> No.19052483 [DELETED] 

>Sit down
>Meal comes with the bill
Why do they do this?

>> No.19052484

>Why do they do this?
Because they don't want you to order dessert and get a bigger tip.

>> No.19052508

Don't be an indecisive fatass, cuck. Order what you want when I'm at your table in the first place.

>> No.19052512

>Don't be an indecisive fatass, cuck. Order what you want when I'm at your table in the first place.
This must be the "I'm a waiter and I want to give everyone in the world a reason to not tip us" thread

>> No.19052521

>People are mean to you if you let their drink go empty for more than 5 minutes
Then do your job and refill their drinks in less than 5 minutes. If you were busy with another customer, simply apologize and move on.
>or the food isn't piping hot when it comes to the table.
You're working the front. If the kitchen is at fault then you apologize on their behalf.
>You have no idea what it's like to have to say you're sorry and not just tell the entitled assholes to fuck off.
They're entitled because they're paying you to serve them.
And we do know what it's like to apologize for something that's not my fault. When you have a job that interacts with customers you represent more than yourself. You represent the rest of your staff and the company. It's piss fucking easy to apologize on behalf of your staff or company, let alone for your own inability. Even if you don't mean it, because that's your job.

>> No.19052534

>They're entitled because they're paying you to serve them.
>And we do know what it's like to apologize for something that's not my fault. When you have a job that interacts with customers you represent more than yourself. You represent the rest of your staff and the company. It's piss fucking easy to apologize on behalf of your staff or company, let alone for your own inability. Even if you don't mean it, because that's your job.
Go eat shit and live.
It's not my job to accept responsibility for my actions or the actions of others. Give me a 25% tip or kill yourself.

>> No.19052538

>>Take plates away when I'm finished.
How long is a reasonable wait time for this? It's usually the last priority I have when serving since I got to wash my hands every time I touch the disgusting remains of your slop.

>> No.19052540

>How long is a reasonable wait time for this? It's usually the last priority I have when serving since I got to wash my hands every time I touch the disgusting remains of your slop.
Yeah, fuck all of you retards for expecting me to do my job.
Give me a 25% tip.

>> No.19052543

Literally every tipped server makes at least minimum wage. And that's before factoring in the rampant tax evasion.

>> No.19052547

>How long is a reasonable wait time for this?
It can be ambiguous, I admit, but I personally put my napkin over/on my plate when I've finished to try and make it clear that I'm done. I know not everybody does this, however, so it can be difficult to tell if someone is finished or still slowly pecking at things.

>> No.19052548

>Literally every tipped server makes at least minimum wage. And that's before factoring in the rampant tax evasion.
LOL, no. Companies are not required to pay us minimum wage if our tips do not equal or exceed minimum wage.
Oh, wait, they do?
Holy fucking top kek lulz!
I guess I won't need to leave a $3,000 tip next time so the waiter can pay his rent.

>> No.19052553

>people pay extra for disingenuous small talk
Tippers are pathetic

>> No.19052557

>Tippers are pathetic
I hate people that pay my bills because I'm a fucking edgelord and a retarded, autistic child.

>> No.19052558

>assumes only negatives about the customer
>wonders why the tip is shit because provided shit service
I do love the waiter cope ITT

>> No.19052561

Retard lmao

>> No.19052563

>Take plates away when I'm finished.
>How long is a reasonable wait time for this?
Sounds like you guys don't know there's a standard language to communicate this with utensils.
You still need your fallback since you can't expect customers to know it, but you should at least know it yourself.

>> No.19052574

Did you have a stroke while trying to shitpost ironically, or are you just retarded?

>> No.19052579

>Sounds like you guys don't know there's a standard language to communicate this with utensils.
>You still need your fallback since you can't expect customers to know it, but you should at least know it yourself.
You can't seriously expect high school dropouts to know the basics of social etiquette.
I mean, this thread is FILLED with poorly educated waiters raging against their customers because they are ignorant pieces of shit that absolutely do NOT deserve 25% tips so they can pay their $3,000 rent and buy crack cocaine instead of the much cheaper methamphetamine.

>> No.19052613

Dumb esl poster

>> No.19052617

>Dumb esl poster
Can you explain what "esl" means for those of us that speak english?

>> No.19052620

>didn't even deny it
Relax brown boy

>> No.19052627

Your pills, sir.
Take them.
The antipsychotics, not the ones that are making you schizoid.

>> No.19052630

But I need the schizoid ones to be able to work.

>> No.19052649

You're black, lol.

>> No.19052656

You're the one who's brown. Not me.

>> No.19052781

Do people really tip in percentages? I just leave a 5 on the table.

>> No.19052792

Dumbass europoors can't do math

>> No.19052801

Wait staff likely has more important things to take care of than stand at your table and stare while you fumble around for your wallet. Simply put, you aren't their only customer.
t. Line cook that fucks waitresses

>> No.19052802

not true at all.
also I haven't been to a restaurant since 2019 but I would definitely just bring cash and leave it in the book they give you.
I don't trust wagies with my debit card anymore.

>> No.19052807

>t. Line cook that fucks waitresses
You must be brown.
I am a waiter that pays $3,000 rent every month and I use cocaine instead of meth.

>> No.19052824

>stare while you fumble around for your wallet.
I know most people are retarded, but how is it even possible for a grown man to not be capable of quick drawing his wallet and paying for some shit in less than a second?

>> No.19052828

>I know most people are retarded, but how is it even possible for a grown man to not be capable of quick drawing his wallet and paying for some shit in less than a second?
I am a waiter that pays $3,000 rent every month and I use cocaine instead of meth. I can quick draw and buy my crack rocks in 319 milliseconds.
I hate brown people. I am a waiter. I hate sharing my tips with brown people.
My tips are for ME ME ME ME ME ME!

>> No.19052837


>> No.19052878

So, like, is this thread about jewing people for tips or is it about how much we hate brown people?

>> No.19052910

The only thing funnier than seeing tipping gradually change from being a pat on the back to being a protection racket is seeing people act like that outcome wasn't inevitable. I will never tip. I don't want that cancer taking root in my country.

>> No.19052929

>tipping gradually change from being a pat on the back to being a protection racket is seeing people act like that outcome wasn't inevitable
Well, you see, it wasnt. Until certain undesirables with entitlement complexes started 'working,' but i digress

>> No.19052943
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>> No.19052952

that's how it works in Europe as well as Mexico. You have to ask for the bill. If they bring it to you without you asking then it's considered extremely rude bordering on harassment on the part of the restaurant. Euros get an hourly wage, they don't survive off tips, so if you want to sit and drink coffee for 2 hours after dinner they don't give a fuck, as it should be

>> No.19052955

Hey you know who would throw an absolute fucking shitfit if we tried to do that? Waiters! They fucking love tipping culture. That's why when you see them bitching their ire is always directed at cheap customers and not at their employers or the system at large. Because on the whole they make a shit ton more with tipping than they ever would making $16/hr (muh livable wage!) to work at Sunglass Hut at the mall or wherever the fuck else. Believe me I'd love to get rid of tipping as much as anyone but if the restauranteurs like it and the staff likes it and most of the populace still buys into it without questioning, what are you gonna do?

>> No.19052961

europoors are so stupid

>> No.19052962

>Hey you know who would throw an absolute fucking shitfit if we tried to do that? Waiters! They fucking love tipping culture. That's why when you see them bitching their ire is always directed at cheap customers and not at their employers or the system at large. Because on the whole they make a shit ton more with tipping than they ever would making $16/hr (muh livable wage!) to work at Sunglass Hut at the mall or wherever the fuck else. Believe me I'd love to get rid of tipping as much as anyone but if the restauranteurs like it and the staff likes it and most of the populace still buys into it without questioning, what are you gonna do?
Dumb esl poster

>> No.19052966

>what are you gonna do?
Tip 25% I hope

>> No.19052971

>Tip 25% I hope
I just leave a little baggie with a couple of crack rocks for my waiter or waitress

>> No.19052975

You will never be white

>> No.19052999

you sound like Jack Scalfani you miserable sack of shit

>> No.19053026

>Euros get an hourly wage, they don't survive off tips,
Idk why this misconception still exists. Waiters make AT LEAST minimum wage after tips BY LAW. The employer makes up anything below min wage that tips do not cover-- the problem is restaurants want to be cheap as fuck and that leads to the tip entitlement. However, with the shortage of waiters after the coof BS I don't know of a single position that pays anywhere near minimum wage, in fact most are a good bit above it given the job qualification requirements.

>> No.19053054

tell them to wait

>> No.19053063

do americans really tip instead of the restaurant paying a decent salary?

>> No.19053073

>tell them to wait
I tell my customers "This crack rock isn't going to smoke itself! Leaf a 25% tip or I will shove my fist so far up your ass that you will never be white."

>> No.19053090

because you and your mates are going to spend five minutes faffing about on who ordered what and how you want to split the bill, the waiter doesn't want to stand around like a lemon smiling politely the whole time when he could be rolling cutlery or messaging a slag on whatsapp

>> No.19053092

>splitting the bill
If you do this past 25 then you're poor

>> No.19053096

>If you do this past 25 then you're poor
I'm starting to get the feeling that literally everyone that talks shit about stuff like this are literally poor people trying to pretend that they aren't the exact same poor people they think they are making fun of.

>> No.19053112

because it usually takes time for people to review the bill, discuss the payment options and assess the tip.
if he just takes your money on the spot, the tip is lower, and you'll be annoyed because now you have to argue with one of the guys you came to eat with over why he should pay for the sharing starter that he ate, despite not ordering it.

on a date, similar shit.
you get the bill, read it, flirt with the girl, she flirts back, you feel good, you tip more, flirt some more,...

in short, gives customers time to sort shit out and is less intrusive.
anyone desperate to pay can either tell waiter to wait, or will walk up to the bar/till

>> No.19053123

You sound brown.
I'll bet you tip 24%

>> No.19053126

Its not even a poor person thing, this is just a basic life existence thing.
I dont think anyone on these boards actual goes anywhere or does shit anymore--it was always like that but its gone to the extreme, they just sit online in their NEET cave and spout bullshit.

>> No.19053127

The same thing as a random passerby walking by cracking you in the back of the head and taking your shit.

>> No.19053133

>The same thing as a random passerby walking by cracking you in the back of the head and taking your shit.
Depending on the area... literally nothing is preventing them from doing that?

>> No.19053138

rip ciara

>> No.19053151

Apart from the fear of being caught, yep.

>> No.19053168

so you can check the bill and ensure there are no mistakes, without the server breathing down your neck as this may be perceived as rude. I didn't even read the rest of the replies in this thread, you are retarded

>> No.19053169

There are almost no consequences to being a crackhead thief in a major city.

>> No.19053263

>waiting like a cuck for the waiter to return with your card
>waiting in the hour-long line at 2am at the bar to tell the bartender to close out your tab, spelling out your name so he can find your card

Lol lmao

>> No.19053275

>There are almost no consequences to being a crackhead thief in a major city.
That's what I love about living in Phoenix. I can concealed carry without a license, and keep a 12 gauge in my house.
Oddly enough, this is a democrat run city, but whatever. I'll take my wins where I can get them.

I only tip 24% because I get my jollies from making my waiters seethe

>> No.19053276

I stopped tipping
What're you gonna do about it wagies I'm not coming back lmao

>> No.19053277

>I stopped tipping
>What're you gonna do about it wagies I'm not coming back lmao
You must be brown. How do I know?
Because you will never be white.

>> No.19053359

I'm whiter than a flashbang, my friend.
I was Jewish in a past life, you see.

>> No.19053370

It's much better. I'm a server and make over $50 an hour these days. Work 4-5 hour shifts and leave with 300-400 in cash. It's really great

>> No.19053381
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Dance tippie, dance.

>> No.19053404
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>It's not my job to accept responsibility for my actions or the actions of others. Give me a 25% tip or kill yourself.

>> No.19053486


>> No.19053493

as a man you should have a wallet with some 5, 10, and 20 bills at all times. stop being a faggot

>> No.19053510

Same if you want predictably get a fucking salaried job

>> No.19053615

The real jews are the business owners who make tipping culture necessary.

>> No.19053659

Your employer owes you money, retard. Do you owe retail workers money because they checked for an item out back for you? No, because they get paid by their employer for that

>> No.19053660

Then you won't have restaurants to stuff your fat ass at, dumbfuck
To people who are cunts, yes it is

>> No.19053824

It's 2023.

>> No.19053829

zoom zoom begone

>> No.19053836

Hey dumb dumbs
You know you can just pay on your way out at the front, right?
If the restaurant does carryout, there is a card machine at the front. Even if they don't, chances are there is still a reader there for refunds and such.
Literally just
>finish eating
>get your shit and start heading out
>stop and pay at the front

>> No.19053848

You come off as an impatient asshole by doing that

>> No.19053865

It's your job.

>> No.19053875

The alternative is to wait for the card reader at the table while seething due to being an impatient asshole.

>> No.19053892

Tipping is the epitome of American cancer
All you're doing is picking up a plate and bringing it to me you stupid cunt, why should I pay you for this?
There's a reason no other country has tipping like America, because it is retarded
If you have a problem with how much you are paid, find another job

>> No.19054035

I do it so I can detect tip fraud on my statements. If I see a restaurant bill that is not X.00, then I know some shenanigans have occurred and I need to check receipts. The zeros help it pop out among all the other generic charges that don't have tips. Also, not a fucking insult because that is EXACTLY how handing someone a 10 or a 20 and having them keep the change works IRL, and no one has their panties in a twist over that.

Got to keep an eye on these wagies, they are known for running card scams and playing social media games with receipts. There was a mexican joint near me that "went out of business" due to card scams (read: they just renamed it to get rid of the bad press).

>> No.19054475

>I do it so I can detect tip fraud on my statement

literally never happens. Managers double-check every single receipt, because every chargeback is a huge pain in the ass.

>> No.19054484

Waiters are there purely for the disingenuous small talk, you retard.

Go to a cafeteria/counter-service restaurant if you don't want to tip and make small talk.

Fuck I hate pathetic autistic retards.

>> No.19054488

Eat at home then. No one makes you eat at a table service restaurant. Can you imagine being this retarded?

>> No.19054489
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This problem was solved till Covid happened.

>> No.19054758

I tip, but I’m not your fucking boss. I don’t owe you shit.

>> No.19054775

You idiots need to understand I have about 60k in debt for art school AND I live in fucking Manhattan so you need to pay up if you want to dine in a restaurant. Everything under 50% tip is just unacceptable, notmally it should be around 75-90%. Eat at home if you can't afford that.

>> No.19054787

unless you're waiving a handful of cash or your card then i'm not going to hover over your table watching you pull your resources. it's called tact and white people practice it.

>> No.19054814

You should be paid a fair wage from your employer, not my job to provide for you where they fall short

>> No.19054901

So if the bill is 49.67 your gonna tip in a round dollar a get $x.33 in change?


>> No.19055056

I don't need to tell you what kind of people ruined leaving money on tables

>> No.19055102


>> No.19055108

the dutch?

>> No.19055189

Koreans for sure

>> No.19055194

Get up and leave

>> No.19055198

You guys are the same people who are pissed when restaurants are understaffed because people followed your advice

>> No.19055249

>all food service staff quit
>oh no I can't get my tendies anymore REEEEEE
Congrats you played yourself .

>> No.19055498
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>> No.19056187

Nah, cash is the opposite.

>> No.19056195

Generally, most tips are already applied via credit card and you can see them before taking the order
If you're in a shit area, and haven't pretipped, most drivers assume you won't be. My experience, may differ like with cultures like >>19052007

T. worked at several pizza joints

>> No.19056197

>I don't need to tell you what kind of people ruined leaving money on tables
Wypipo be steal di monies from hardwork Black People of Color cuz dey bees jelly
Around cumskins, never relax

>> No.19056200

You pay with a crisp 100 dollar bill and leave

>> No.19056219

Yes, in Europe, waiters don't bother you every 5 fucking minutes and instead, should you need anything after being served your meal, you either hail them or walk up to the counter to pay. Takes 5 seconds and you're guaranteed the ability to enjoy your meal in peace. I know walking is hard for americans so I don't judge you, but do understand that here, we don't consider customers as fragile, senile retards.

>> No.19056253

Your table manners must be horrid

>> No.19056262

>Your table manners must be horrid
I would quit on the spot if I witnessed an American failing to use the Continental Style of eating.

>> No.19056265

Bring cash, faggot. How can a man even leave house without some fucking cash is beyond me but then again I don't live off soy, liquid soy, and cheese cake (american, i.e. the worst).

>> No.19056271

Every restaurant could easily switch to a remote pay system tomorrow. They don't because the impersonality allows people to feel less guilty about tipping less

>> No.19056283

And you have no idea what it's like when I'm being burnt, cut, sweating, and bleeding to get this shit out and you entitled assholes who make more than twice what I do as a line lead bitch at me about shit? Fuck you, oh em gee it's sooo haaaaaard getting yelled at. I get yelled at for peanuts, bitch, just so you can make your money. Know your place

>> No.19056294

>And you have no idea what it's like when I'm being burnt, cut, sweating, and bleeding to get this shit out and you entitled assholes who make more than twice what I do as a line lead bitch at me about shit? Fuck you, oh em gee it's sooo haaaaaard getting yelled at. I get yelled at for peanuts, bitch, just so you can make your money. Know your place
When I go in to work tonight, I'm going to feel smug as fuck knowing how butt hurt you guys are while I'm getting high and making shitloads of money in tips.
When they ask me to pool our money together for the other staff, I only supply half of what I brought in for the night, that way I can keep the vast majority of my tips.

>> No.19056299

What third world shithole do you live in? I get a cab to work - cashless. Buy a newspaper and a coffee - cashless. Lunch - cashless. Go for a drink after work - cashless. Cab home - cashless. Go to the supermarket - cashless. Realise I forgot milk, pop to the convenience store - cashless. Seriously, are you living in the 50s?

>> No.19056309

I live in Nigeria

>> No.19056311

>I'm being burnt, cut, sweating, and bleeding to get this shit out and you entitled assholes who make more than twice what I do
>I get yelled at for peanuts
Uhh anon. It sounds like you should quit your extremely shitty job that pays even less than a fucking server, and then just go be a server. Like you said, it's extremely easy compared to what you do and you make more money. The solution to your impotent rage seems very simple.

>> No.19056312

>Yesterday I went to Cheesecake Factory with my wife
>$48 order
kek why are people jealous of this fat fuck and his fat fuck wife having regular fat fuck sex again?

>> No.19056315

explains a lot, thanks

>> No.19056326

>tracked at every step
In what dystopian shithole do you live in, I pay cash EVERYWHERE, and if some faggot thinks he can get me to pay with tracking plastic I'm taking my business elsewhere.

>> No.19056334

You should buy meds with your cash

>> No.19056341


>> No.19056343

I literally do, cough meds that is.

>> No.19056348

>In what dystopian shithole do you live in, I pay cash EVERYWHERE, and if some faggot thinks he can get me to pay with tracking plastic I'm taking my business elsewhere.
You know that in most places you can use an ATM to withdraw cash from your account so you can pay for questionable things, and use your card to pay for shit that no intelligence agency would ever give a fuck about, right?

>> No.19056369


>> No.19056377

Stop being black

>> No.19056388

>Stop being black
Not everyone is lucky enough to have the Michael Jackson Disease

And even he was a child molester, so... I guess not all White people are good?

>> No.19056410

stop being dumb goy

>> No.19056495

>cant afford to live
Part of the joy in eating is watching you serve me and knowing youll get nothing for it in the end.

>> No.19056518


>> No.19056692


>> No.19056769

dis nigga married

>> No.19056977

Just walk up to the register and tell them you're paying? Or is this at some super fancy restaurant where there literally is no counter where people pay for literally anything?

>> No.19056992

Even the fanciest, head up their ass, fart sniffing, hoity toity, zoomer instagrammable fine dining restaurant will have a point of sale at the front.

>> No.19057004

LMAO imagine being this poor and trying to sound condescending. Leave 45% MINIMUM or eat out of your sink at """home""" or whatever you call your box under the bridge.

>> No.19057039

>LMAO imagine being this poor and trying to sound condescending. Leave 45% MINIMUM or eat out of your sink at """home""" or whatever you call your box under the bridge.
Isn't the REAL poor person the one that can't or won't pay his employee's wages?

>> No.19057771

Waiters always do this and run up on me to ask "how is everything?" As soon as I take a bite of food. Really fucking annoying. If they even piss me off once by not bringing my a refill for my water I no longer leave a tip. I literally need you to just take the order and pour water it's not that hard. I am uncomfortable dealing with them though because I'm aware of how shit their job is so I do feel had for them

>> No.19057799

>who is going to leave some gay, autistic tip like $5.87 (so it's an even amount! YAY!)
I unironically do this

>> No.19057823


>> No.19058444

But why? Everyone has a smartphone, you can easily calculate 25% with your phone instead of doing some weird math to make it an even number.

>> No.19058470
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Ooo! Ooo!

>> No.19058488

You're a faggot for defending tipping.

>> No.19058493

Ha! You chose to get a useless degree and you choose to live in a super expensive city? Fucking waaaaaahhh. Move you silly bitch!vWork just as hard and have your money stretch a little farther in a different location. Also, it's never too late to learn something useful like a trade. It costs a lot less than a degree and guarantees you'll almost always have work. Or... you can cry to strangers on the internet about your poor life decisions and not take responsibility for them.

>> No.19058507

I don't tip, and completely ignore the outraged wagies

>> No.19058525

I'm poor and have no class nor the least social aptitude.

>> No.19058531

I know you do, and I know it's unironic.

Don't do it. Just give them an even amount. You're already agreeing to a social contract just by going to a tipped restaurant, so why not just complete the last step and give them a whole dollar amount?

>> No.19058567

I'll tip whatever the fuck I want numbnuts. What are you gonna do about it wage cuck?

>> No.19058613

I just get some vietnamese dong to use as tips

>> No.19058619

>be jew
>Never tip
>No one can complained cause it would be antisemi if they do so

>> No.19059567

Imagine tipping someone to walk food out to you lmfao. IMAGINE LMAO the absolute state of Americans. I only cook my own food, I would never let a waitress thumb my soup.

>> No.19059978

I make sure the food is cold and the drinks are weak if someone who tips under 20% comes to my restaurant. If you give the expected 25%, you get immaculate service next visit.

>> No.19060013 [DELETED] 
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You must not be American
When the bill is served the American couple perform a mating dance not different from the ones many birds do
The male must asses his chances of reproduction while the female has to judge how good his genes are to pass down to her children
Will he tip?
How much will he tip?
Is he also planning to purchase dessert? (Desserts in America are big and colorful like birds feathers, they don't really taste like anything beyond sugar but they aren't meant to)
It's not always the best strategy for the male to leave a big tip and buy dessert as the female may still decline worsening his chances with another female by depleting his money

>> No.19060017

>I make sure the food is cold and the drinks are weak if someone who tips under 20% comes to my restaurant. If you give the expected 25%, you get immaculate service next visit.
Enword logic: "If I treat my customer poorly, they will reward me for it."

>> No.19060026
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>(Desserts in America are big and colorful like birds feathers, they don't really taste like anything beyond sugar but they aren't meant to)
Someone should come up with something like a dessert filled with uncooked quick oats, so the customer will feel full after eating the tiny portions that came with the meal. As a bonus, oats are cheap.
Just stuff them into a pie or some cake.
Or... give them a free bowl of oatmeal after the meal.

>> No.19060056

No, first time I see someone they always get good service. Maybe not perfect, because I have to prioritize regulars who I know will give the expected tip amount. If someone leaves under 20% and has the nerve to come back, they get what they deserve.

>> No.19060067

>No, first time I see someone they always get good service. Maybe not perfect, because I have to prioritize regulars who I know will give the expected tip amount. If someone leaves under 20% and has the nerve to come back, they get what they deserve.
You are literally encouraging poor tipping people to sit at their tables for 2+ hours and leave NO tip.

>> No.19060082

I used to work as a waiter, and I honestly can't tell if some people here are trolling or not, because I used to work with some waiters and waitresses that were genuinely autistic, severely mentally ill, or mentally retarded. And of course there were a few junkies.

>> No.19060087
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i tip 0%

>> No.19060096

>i tip 0%
I tip $0.02, and if I go back to the restaurant and they give me bad service, I complain to the manager and get the meal for free.
I'll even send the food back as many times as it takes for them to not spit in it. I remember one time after the waiter fucked it up four times in a row I just started dumping the food on the ground next to my table.

>> No.19060311

Tipping is gay, but I'd rather give a 50 percent tip to a restaurant waiter than give a cent to a barista or delivery driver with the exception of in-house pizza guys
None of that Uber eats shit

>> No.19060509

Dunno what 3rd world country without manners you live in, but where i come from if you place your fork and knife down next to each other on the plate, that indicates you are done, and is universally understood.

>> No.19060531

Just say it.
It's thieves.
It's always thieves who are stealing money.
Fucking thieves.

>> No.19060583

... as opposed to simmering with impotent rage whenever a server doesn't wait on you hand and foot?

>> No.19060637

I hate that so much. Bring me the machine you bitch

>> No.19060649
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>$10- You were charming and your presence improved my night measurably.
>$7- You were on the ball and I appreciate you.
>$5- Average experience.
>$3- You brought my food and vanished.
>$0- You in specific fucked my dining experience over somehow.
I have no contract with you that says I should tip any particular way. Percentages are so neurotic fags don't have to exercise their own judgement.

>> No.19060651
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>tipping at all

>> No.19062577

What you're describing is the definition of blackmail and it's absolutely hilarious that this practice is still considered normal in this country. We're not there to pay your wages for merely doing your job, that impetus lies with your employer. Fuck you and your entitled mindset for literally handing me a plate of food, a job that a mere child could do.

>> No.19062818
