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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 459 KB, 1500x933, h1218g16207258089583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19051457 No.19051457 [Reply] [Original]

Broccoli is the one food contrarian fags keep saying they like to eat just because it's a stereotype that kids hate it. In reality it just tastes like bath tub water.

>> No.19051470

i loved 'cc'li as a kid and still love it twenty years later. cope

>> No.19051482

the only fag here is you pencil dick

>> No.19051488

it's literally only good in stir fry with beef

>> No.19051496
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Apprently kids in Japan love broccoli enough for Pixar to change a scene to make more sense

>> No.19051576
File: 404 KB, 1024x683, Broccoli-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this vile shit shilled as some type of superfood and health wonder?

>Broccoli also has thiocyanates. This compound is very dangerous because it leads to hyperthyroidism, and due to which, you experience problems like weight gain, fatigue, hair loss, and a bloated face”,
Here a guy made an experiment and ate nothing more than broccoli for a week. He almost died in horrible pain.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RH-FjDQDT4Y [Embed]

It literally looks and smells vile, like it's actually toxic and it is.

>> No.19051580

I've never tasted bathtub water before but I'll take your word for it OP

>> No.19051594

Broccoli is divine.

>> No.19051635

Broccoman truly is a legend in Japan

>> No.19051649

If you eat nothing but broccoli for a week you're a retard. Using that video as evidence that broccoli is bad is even more retarded. So you're a retard citing an even bigger retard. Fucking mongoloid hour in here.

>> No.19051660

>If you eat nothing but broccoli for a week
That's the point. This trash has no actual nutrients you dumbfuck.

If you were eating nothing but beef or eggs for a week, you wouldn't feel like shit.

>> No.19051664

You’re supposed to cook it

>> No.19051792


>> No.19051803

Why the fuck did you 'this' that
Have you never heard of a micronutrient

>> No.19051805

One against thousands of anti-nutrients. Wow. Eat it if you like the taste, just don't claim that it's healthy. It's not.

>> No.19051977
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>He hasn't tried baking and seasoning it.

>> No.19051991
File: 136 KB, 600x400, roast broccoli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roast it.

>> No.19051992

Broccoli and carrots were my favorite veggies as a kid

>> No.19051993

this isn't even good bait. i hope you're a broccolifag just pretending to get replies, otherwise you are truly missing out, and the only troll is you to yourself.

>> No.19052033

>If you were eating nothing but beef or eggs for a week, you wouldn't feel like shit.
We need someone to test this.

>> No.19052071

>cut up
>steamer for 20 minutes
the lord has blessed me, i love this shit and its healthy. I have eaten this for weeks without getting bored of it. sometimes i'll just make some and eat them while playing games or watching shows

>> No.19052078

honestly fuck anyone who cooks green peppers like that

>> No.19052085

i can eat nothing but kale, or apples, or brussel sprouts and the same shit will happen. btw, you will never lower your melanin.

>> No.19052249

>In reality it just tastes like bath tub water.
not when it's seasoned in stirfries

>> No.19052439

Now try eating only meat.
Oh wait that experiment is unethical and racist.

>> No.19052461

I'm not Japanese but my toddler loves broccoli. Who tf just eats a green pepper by itself though?

>> No.19052505

>You must be 18 or older to post here

>> No.19052897

it literally just tastes like cabbage with a small earthy aftertaste, how can you hate it?

>> No.19052956

smells exactly like cat shit, tastes like farts, texture like a bowl of ground cork.

>> No.19052973
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broccoli is delicious, as is cauliflower, i'll eat both raw

>> No.19052976

Oh I get it now, you're a ketoschizo.

>> No.19052980
File: 327 KB, 509x491, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh and let me guess, "aNtInUtRiEnTs"

>> No.19053447

my parents always steam broccoli in the microwave and I hate it.
this is how I cook my broccoli and I love it

>> No.19053811

Eating cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli and kale, has been linked to the excretion of two harmful chemicals: benzene and acrolein. Broccoli also contains antinutrients such as sulforaphane, glucosinolates and oxalates which can help fend off its predators if eaten in moderation. Additionally, a recent clinical trial found that the broccoli seed and sprout extract significantly increased the detoxication of benzene and acrolein.

>> No.19053821


If you aren't roasting your broccoli you're fucking up. 12 minutes at 450 with some garlic, tamari, and red pepper flakes will set you free on your path towards enlightenment..

>> No.19053834

>has bad stuff in it
>also had stuff in it that neutralizes the bad stuff I just mentioned
I don't understand what your stance on broccoli is.

>> No.19053842

No one? In that picture the green pepper isn't on a plate because the kid discarded them. They have a bitter taste even when you incorporate them into some dish and kids hate that.

>> No.19053882

I gotta give this a shot. Reminds me of grilled asparagus. It's really the best way to eat asparagus so perhaps the concept lends itself to broc.

>> No.19053891

Who's eating broccoli seeds and sprouts though?

>> No.19055479

Steamed broccoli, broccoli with cheese, raw broccoli dipped in a sauce, steamed broccoli and rice and chicken, roasted broccoli, chicken alfredo with broccoli. it's all good, bro, you're just a gay man-child.

>> No.19056462

It won't lead to hypothyroidism you dumbass.
Glucosinolate and thiocyanates have a strong effect in cancer preventing, you have to be retarded to avoid eating such food because of a negligible effect on iodine absorption

>> No.19056479
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>This trash has no actual nutrients

>> No.19056528

Broccoli and cauliflower are great. They soak up sauces amazingly well.

The worst food item are mushrooms of every kind. They taste like shit, they smell like shit and they have shit texture. Mushrooms will ruin every single dish.

>> No.19056534

Mushrooms are better than broccoli.

>> No.19056548

I like it.

>> No.19057594

i love broc' cooked with chicken and spiced very well. i eat about a pound a day

>> No.19057608

Broccoli is great roasted. You have to roast it pretty hot, like 425 to 450, and stir around on the pan every 5 minutes so it browns evenly. I toss it in a bag with olive oil, garlic powder, lemon pepper, etc. before roasting to get good oil distribution

>> No.19057637

Green peppers are the stereotypical example of a vegetable that Japanese kids hate. They're the Japanese equivalent of brussels sprouts.
t. weeb

>> No.19057657

I think Anonymous is saying eating broccoli cleanses your body of harmful toxins, like a free-trade organic cruelty-free wheatgrass crystal enema. All that benzene and acrolein sees broccoli entering the body and nopes the fuck out.

>> No.19057720

I roast it coated in evoo, salt and pepper till it's crispy.. delicioso

>> No.19058566

Steamed garlic is delicious
But yeah, if you prepare it wrong it tastes awful

>> No.19060317

>In reality it just tastes like bath tub water.
That is what we like about it.

>> No.19060346

I'm pretty picky eater and broccoli is one of my favorite vegetables
I like them much more than peppers, green beans or lettuce

>> No.19061295

You are all wrong. Saucepan with enough water to cover bottom only. Frozen broccoli. Highest heat. Once a jet I'd steam emerges, temps have equalized and surplus energy is evacuating, its fork tender and therfore not like eat green saplings topped with grapenuts like when raw. Remove lid and watch the remaining water boil off so your desired moisture, even brown if you like. Tablespoon of coconut oil if you like. Teaspoon of salt. Whip with fork to a course or fine mash. It's not as good as potatoes mashed, but it will suprise you. Avoid brussel sprouts all my life for their smell while cooking. What a mistake I've made. Prepare them the same way, better than most meat.

>> No.19061464

That's fucking foul.

>> No.19061506

Broccussy is good when prepared correctly, cauliflower on the other hand is an abomination unto God and if you enjoy it I think less of you

>> No.19061510

Arent green peppers a common ingredient in napolitan spaghetti? I guess not everyone likes this dish in Japan

>> No.19061513

that's because nips have good taste and bell peppers suck dicks in hell

>> No.19061550

Gordon Ramsey must be any idiot then...

>> No.19061552

OP is a fat fuck faggot, as usual.

>> No.19061555
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I just like it bros

>> No.19061590

If he's recommending what you just did I guess so.

>> No.19061644

He puts it I a blender....and is a world famous chef.

>> No.19061735

You can't even spell his name.

>> No.19061864

You are a critcal thinker, huh?

>> No.19061950

I have loved steamed broccoli and butter my entire life.

>> No.19061970
File: 2.47 MB, 3448x2544, vegetable compass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19061977


>> No.19062122

I bought two pounds of broccoli and ate it over three or four days. I just boiled it in water and tossed in some garlic powder, tasted great.

>> No.19062749

What the fuck are you washing your ass in, yeast?

>> No.19062754

>people only have opinions on things to be contrarians
Jesus, get off the internet for at least a day. What a chronically online way of thinking.

>> No.19062759
File: 442 KB, 1238x582, 1678945061575628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I say I like to eat brocolli because I like to eat it. I legit crave it when I'm hungry. Put some butter and whatever random spices on it and don't overcook it and it always comes out yummy.

>> No.19062836
File: 598 KB, 822x1037, martins broccoli salad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay hold up imma let yall finish but Martin's Broccoli Salad is the best broccoli dish of ALL time.

>> No.19063116

post hairline

>> No.19063122

Broccoli isn't very bad, but brussel sprouts do taste better.

>> No.19063151

Mushrooms are better than cauliflower.

>> No.19063325

I always liked broccoli even as a kid. Just add salt and olive oil.

>> No.19063402

I genuinely enjoy the taste. I can immediately tell whenever it's an ingredient, and never in an unpleasant way.

>> No.19063432

>jizzs all over question ingredient
>says ingredient is good
The absolute state of mayo pigs.

>> No.19063460

with chicken is fine too, but yeah stir-fry is the way to go for broccoli

>> No.19064301
File: 750 KB, 1000x1433, 4a4vhopz6td21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kids pick things they don't like out of their food. It's a tale as old as time.

>> No.19064339
File: 322 KB, 1680x1754, 1676305973350931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know, I've recently tried adding broccoli to my coconut thai curry and it tasted like a very easy to make cream of broccoli soup. it's delicious.
I also like making broccoli and beef asian style, also very tasty.

if you don't like broccoli, it's because you're preparing it like a retard, likely by steaming it only.

>> No.19065682

What's that in the center?

>> No.19065711
File: 893 KB, 400x554, 1483678010509.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based. hate steaming my broccoli.

>> No.19065959

I love broccoli, I can eat it raw or steamed.

>> No.19065988
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>> No.19066060
File: 237 KB, 1200x1169, h1018g16207257715328[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cauliflower is literally just broccoli, but good. Eat it instead

>> No.19066062

sometimes i get confused by posts like these until i remember half of you guys are actually on the spectrum and probably have some form of ARFID

>> No.19066080

Tofu, which should really be on the far left being a soy product. Maker of the chart is a retard/troll, so don't expect consistency.

>> No.19066484

according to this chart, tofu is more gigachad than soybeans and corn is more soy than soy.

>> No.19066488

just grill it you ape