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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19048861 No.19048861 [Reply] [Original]

literally a fucking scam

>> No.19048864

Skill issue

>> No.19048869

seethe poorfag

>> No.19048891

>ugh a lonely bachelor like me doesn't need to buy things in bulk!
>this is such a scam!!!

>> No.19048892

I'm low income and I buy a yearly membership. You're literally just retarded.

>> No.19049149

Depends on what you get, but usually I break even at my big box store on gas. So whatever I can save inside is money saved. They've gone down in stuff I used to get, and you do have to coupon to get the most out of it, but it still works for me for a lot of things.

Being a bachelor is not relevant. You use TP and garbage bags like everyone else, just get stuff that doesn't go bad. No one is making you buy the 10lb bag of potatoes that you can't eat before they sprout again.

Be grateful you have a fucking food court with chickens. Bj's doesn't, and I sometimes hate it doesn't.

>> No.19049351


>> No.19049363 [DELETED] 


>> No.19049375

Depends on what you buy
For example, their 6lbs of boneless skinless chicken breast is cheaper than getting 6lbs of boneless skinless chicken breast for other stores, but still more expensive than getting the same amount but bone in with skin on

Relative to other stores, costco has the best ratio of quality:quantity per item

>> No.19049409

I'm with OP.
I feel cheated when I buy canned food in bulk, because I have to throw all of the extra cans in the trash every week.
I mean, it's cheap, but it seems so wasteful for them to get me to buy so much when I can't even eat all of it.

>> No.19049536

Is the rotisserie chicken still $5 in Canada or is it in-store prices horror

>> No.19049554
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>not a member
>walk in through the exit
>grab booze
>state alcohol laws requires them to still sell it to me
>the hotdogs are at a window in front of the store so non-members can buy them

>> No.19049569

You don't even have to go through the exit, just tell them you're going to the pharmacy.

>> No.19049570

i think costoc can be a scam for people who dont know how to shop there and what to buy

if you buy the large amounts of junk food like chips, crackers, cookies, etc, it's a scam

if you buy their large quantities of perishable items and they go bad, its a scam

if you buy more amounts of stuff than you would buy in a regular store and therefore eat more of it than you would have because theres more available, its a scam

however, if you buy real food, food that doesnt go bad or that you can freeze, non-perishables, or dont overeat just because a larger quantity of food means you'll eat more, its a good place

>> No.19049577

They're like $8 a chicken in Ottawa. Just got one a week or two ago.

>> No.19049579

basically this. buy the shit that's frozen and on sale and you'll have impossible, unrivaled food savings.

>> No.19049583

Ok that's not bad, Save-on wants like $15 for theirs here in BC

>> No.19049582

I want to feel sly and cool though. You can also just hold up a business card at the person and they won't give a shit and let you in without even looking at it. I did this back when I sold beer.

>> No.19049595

You don't even have to hold up a business card.

Here's the magic word that will open up a lot of closed doors for you at Costco, grocery stores and a few other retail places.


You just tell someone that "hey, I'm a vendor and need to check stock." and that's that. No one else will mess with you the entire time you're there. I've walked straight into the employee only areas, I've walked out with merchandise (that i needed to walk out with, but regardless), I've gotten away with basically grand larceny all because no one bothered to check my credentials.

>> No.19049599

I don't want to have to talk to people. The card trick just gets a glance and a nod and you don't even have to stop walking.

>> No.19049609

I'm going to start a tiktok meme based on this. Soon EVERYONE will be doing this.

Thanks for ruining it for everyone, Anonymous dude! I never would have thought of this on my own!

>> No.19049611

What's the deal with gift cards. I heard you can redeem them (sir) without being a member. Do they sell them outside of the store, like at Walmart or something? Or do you need to be a member to buy them at Costco?

>> No.19049624

You're too ugly to start a meme, my secret is safe.

>> No.19049646
File: 1.23 MB, 1269x666, Spirited buffet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, the last time I went there,(only time actually,) there were only 4 things in the entire store that I couldn't get for cheaper or the same price elsewhere without paying some bullshit "Club Fee"
>hot dog special
I don't eat that shit..
>rotisserie chicken
I roast my own--but still seems fairly decent--If you can beat the flood of locusts who rush the display when it's loaded
>2x 6lb. pack of King Arthur Flour
Only thing I bought
>some fucking prefab goyslop that was on special
I don't eat that shit.
So yeah...A total fucking ripoff.
It may've been something 4-5 years ago, but I'll never go back.(well, maybe for more flour.)

>> No.19049672

The thing is that you got to get the whole package. Meaning gas, motor oil, groceries, clothes, etc. That's why it's more of a lifestyle than discount IMHO

>> No.19049696

Gas alone is worth the price of admission, basically 30 cents off the sheetz across the street
Meat is sometimes worth it
Snacks are not worth it but sometimes are very good (sometimes are horrible though)
Bread both fresh and packaged are cheap but unless you eat tons of bread or freeze extra loafs you end up throwing it away
Vegetables, eggs, dairy, beverages are worth it
Last month LA Croix was 5 dollars for a 24 pack, I have la Croix for 4 months in my garage right now for less than half the price I would pay st a grocery store

>> No.19049715
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>That's why it's more of a lifestyle
Fucking march of the NPC clones.
I see what you mean--And I fucking hate it.
These are the people who will turn on their neighbors first after the food runs out when the power goes off.
>Brought to you by Costco:"Fuck you! I'm eating."

>> No.19049797

>I've walked straight into the employee only areas, I've walked out with merchandise (that i needed to walk out with, but regardless), I've gotten away with basically grand larceny all because no one bothered to check my credentials.
that's bullshit but I want to believe it

>> No.19049864
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My mom got an extra card and gave it to me so I get cheap gas and hot dogs for free. My conclusion therefore is that it's a great deal and OP can lick my nuts

>> No.19049871

I ate your fucking lamb and there isn't a GODDAMN thing you can do about it you stupid fucking sheep!

>> No.19049879

It's not bullshit at all. Acting like you belong is the first part of social engineering. I'm also in my 30's. I don't think some broccoli top could walk in and pull it off unless they had extreme self-confidence and, as the tide podders say, rizz.

I also know the ins and outs of the industry enough to use the right lingo.

"who's your rep for (liquor distribution company)? Oh? Him? I thought Adam had all the (insert store name here). Well, anyway, I'm gonna take these, reach out to Scott in the morning and he should get you replacements."

>> No.19049890

I got a membership after not having one for 10 years. Terrible. I can get better for less elsewhere. If it was closer it might pay for itself in gas costs...

>> No.19049946

Amazing the things one can accomplish with only "Owning the Role" and sometimes a clipboard.
Social engineering used to be a well known 2600/H4x0rs gambit--"the invisible key" as it were..
Now, even though 90% of the world is just a big CON--People still don't believe it.
I guess Sammy Clemens was right: "It's easier to fool people, than to convince them they've been fooled"

>> No.19050083

You act like Costco has hidden rooms that customers can't access. The only area that is sort of sequestered from the public is the cardboard baler and trash chute, and loading dock. That is simply because it is risky to let stupid people around that stuff. Random people accidentally walk into the breakroom all the time and nobody cares. The general manager office is closer to the front than the breakroom is always open. What do you think you are actually accomplishing here?

>> No.19050143


>> No.19050147

Everyone point and laugh at the fucking retards!! lol!!!! learn to count, retards !!

>> No.19050149

$8.99 CDN is a great price for a rotychicky. which it was last i checked.

>> No.19050150

i'd take up arms against the local jurisdiction at that point

>> No.19050176

I'm not specifically talking about costco.

like, you can use the vendor trick to enter costco without a membership.

You can use the vendor trick to steal or gain access to restricted areas in grocery stores, liquor stores, and other retailers.

>> No.19050246

Why are you black?

>> No.19050264

Costco is great for bulk buying, what the store was intended for.
Lately all the new flashy items are basically overpriced, non bulk food that can rack up the bill pretty quickly if your picking up shit based on "oh that's new!"
Stick to the basics, stop consuming everything new.

>> No.19050609

You can just tell them you’re buying liquor. You’re allowed to

>> No.19050743

So you prefer to imagine you’re lying and cheating to get in to do things you’re literally allowed to do, just because it’s a members only club huh? You’re not pulling a trick by buying liquor food court or pharmacy that’s literally all allowed without a membership.

>> No.19050749


Not accepted. Only preteen bjs lets you use manufactured coupons and local.

>> No.19050753

You can tell them you are there to sex service a child. They will let you pass.

>> No.19051003

you don't seem to know what that word means.

>> No.19051059

Rip offed, bamboozled, gypped, swindled, deceived, fucked in the asshole like with a preteen child, beguiled, tricked, scammed, conned, duped... that's mostly it.

>> No.19051115

one of these is not like the others

>> No.19051245

Exactly. I don't understand why people are acting like they are being cool super spies. The employees don't give a shit. Just need to feel like they are smarter than everyone else?

>> No.19051309

True and real.
Literally just looked at signing up two days ago. The prices in store are the same as every other store. In some cases, prices are more than fucking Amazon.

>t. Sam's Club Member

>> No.19051356

>buying food from a glorified bookstore

Fucking idiot I swear. Kids these days...

>> No.19051464
File: 79 KB, 1080x720, 1668746834498576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think most bachelors buy more in bulk than any other sub group.
Normies: I can't buy $200 worth of hamburgers I'd be eating burgers for dinner for a month.
Bachelor: Burgers for every meal sounds great.

Normies: We use so much toilet paper, but this might be too much.
Bachelor: A fucking pallet of toilet paper? I wouldn't have to buy any more for a decade, sold. Wait if I buy two pallets it's even cheaper?

>> No.19051512

based. that picture makes me nervous

>> No.19051523

Children can consent.

>> No.19051526

???? idgi

>> No.19051539


>> No.19051543

>Buy bulk product that looks like good value per unit
>It ends up being unusably bad
>Have to discard the rest
Yeah, fuck costco

>> No.19051577

The true purpose of membership stores is that you avoid the troglodytes and pavement apes.

>> No.19051606

whats most based about cunnyposters is their hyper aggression to fags

>> No.19051612

poorfag alkies think $60 a year on a membership is expensive because it takes away from their drinking budget lol

>> No.19051613

what ghetto ass costco are you soliciting? are you trying to buy 40 cellphones? costco is for buying a month's worth of muffins and filling your gas tank

>> No.19051618
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>go to costco for my $600 bi-monthly run
>waste too much time and the chicken thighs i bought went lukewarm before i got them in the freezer
hope theyre okay...

>> No.19051621


So glad I bought a bicycle for 30th birthday.

>> No.19051626

I left a whole box of Barber Chicken Cordon Bleus from Sam's out for a week once and they were fine.

>> No.19051629
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>hes over 30 riding a bicycle
grim fate
good to know. they were warm for maybe 20 minutes and i'm just a paranoid bastard

>> No.19051636
File: 2.45 MB, 4000x2252, 20230315_140202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>20 minutes

Christ. You are paranoid. I defrost storemade cordon blues in the sun for days sometime. Here is one now.

>> No.19051639

How is it grim? I can even tow a camper or trailer with it.

>> No.19051642

Lol, the paranoia stems from my previous work place where keeping meat and food at temperature was super duper serious. Old habits die hard

>> No.19051647

Speak for yourself I like to go there and damage the massive packages of stuff so nobody will buy them

>> No.19051656

You'd be surprised how hardy humans are. They can digest and make use of the most spoiled rancid food you can imagine if you really needed to. We are not that far from buzzards. I've eaten alot of crazy stomach turning shit in my life but it still gave me sustenance.

>> No.19051657

if you need to buy appliances or tires or eggs or soda or protein powder or beer or liquor if your state allows it, it pays for itself in like 3 trips

>> No.19051659

>Go to store
>Buy a ton of coffee
>Now have to drink coffee every day
>Who does that????
>Have to do this otherwise coffee goes bad
Jesus game theory is for retards
I fucking hate when people who don't know shit about food want to give me food advice

>> No.19051669
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I wish. I go through a 1.75 bacardi every two/three days. Could save a fortune. Damn state.

>> No.19051673

The real answer is to get one membership and go there once a month to shop with your friends and family and after that you split the goods and the bill
That way you aren't stuck with more produce than you can consume and neither are you paying for a full membership

>> No.19051682

>buy year's worth of toilet paper, year's worth of paper towels, year's worth of body wash, and year's worth of shampoo

congrats, you've already saved $100

>> No.19051688

It's great if you own a restaurant
>Go in
>Get a shit ton of rotisserie chicken
>Use the chicken you bought for the food you sell
>Sell at a massive mark up
>Continue using it after it has gone bad
>No need to pay a Mexican
>No need to have a kitchen
>If anyone complains just make aioli by mixing an industrial size jar of mayo with half a package of Italian herbs and a tablespoon of garlic powder and put enough of it in the food to mask the flavor

>> No.19051698

>year's worth of shampoo
what? pretty sure you can't buy half a bottle of shampoo mate

>> No.19051701

>Bulk dog food
>Bulk dog dental treats
>Bulk toilet paper
>Bulk paper towels
>Bulk laundry soap
>Bulk fruit
>Cheap ready-made meals
>Cheaptest gas in town
>Random appliances

If you think it's a scam you're probably either single or too stupid to feed yourself.

>> No.19051716

weird flex but okay

>> No.19051850

thin hair bros we stay winning

>> No.19051852

going to costco today you guys need anything

>> No.19051867

A little girl last week in a blue Elsa dress flashing her DFC and cunny at me while her mom was in line waiting for lentil samples.

>> No.19051877

>No one is making you buy the 10lb bag of potatoes
Beef stew is making me.

>> No.19051898

They ask for cards at the entrance for show. Makes the whole experience feel more exclusive and makes thieves feel like they are actually being watched and shouldn't bother trying to shoplift there. They scan your card at checkout anyway, so at the door doesn't really mean anything. Tell them you are checking it out. They probably still sell day-passes for $5 but it's free to look around before you sign up, so just say that's what you are doing.

>> No.19051900

>La Croix???

>> No.19051922

A very exclusive premium flavored sparkling water.

>> No.19051924

>Bulk frozen meat
>Bulk diapers and wipes for parents
>Free food samples on certain days of the week
>Ballin hotdogs and pizza for cheap at the food court

I switched to sam's club because our Costco was full of niglets that don't know what a line looks like... Seriously, the checkout looked like a mosh pit every time. Sam's club was only slightly better, but they have the scan and go app so I could start skipping the so-called "lines"... I still miss the Costco pizza though.

>> No.19051946

You’re fucking up your hair using that much shampoo. Once a week max, bud.

>> No.19052032

Are you stupid or just a fucking idiot? Amazon has been the everything store for over a decade. If it's not gun related there's pretty much nothing they don't have. A 25" rainbow dildo, fresh ham sandwich, and a mech keyboard all delivered in an hour free shipping.

>> No.19052040

I literally don't buy shampoo soap etc. I go on a trip or two every year and get tons of little bottles and I can Stretch a little boys behind four or five times before the bottle is gone.

>> No.19052049

Oops little *bottle

>> No.19052053

I left a huge pack of fresh chicken in the trunk of my car for a week one time. I could smell the rotting chicken for a year after that.

>> No.19052054

>BJ's coupon book.
They have their own coupons for their own store that they have at their store. Why not just put it on sale. What's the point? It's like some sort of bing bah wahoo tactic to make people feel like they are accomplishing something.

>> No.19052084

I've created excel sheets and compared the price of everything I buy on costco trips to how much it would be at a normal retailer, sale prices included, while also factoring in the membership price.
>Every single year since I got a membership in 2018 I've saved $1,000-$2,000 compared to buying at a different retailer
This is a shit thread though.

>> No.19052133

>grocy store fag here
This won't work if you're an austic, non-confident retard.
People that don't look like they belong stand out instantly, as nobody wants customers in the backroom.
Generally vendors wear uniforms or some sort of nametag that indicates their affiliation. If you're wandering around, someone will ask you who you are. If you can get one of those clipboard/paper case, wear a black collared shirt, black dress-y pants and black leather shoes, it'll go a long way to looking like a beer vendor guy.

>> No.19052157
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>that freudian slip
why don't you have a seat

>> No.19052212 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 850x550, MAPs_Flag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MAP pride anti scum.

>> No.19052221

Yeah, I detailed a lot of that in >>19049879

Confidence is absolutely key, which is why I know a lot of these retards won't be able to get away with it. "uhh hi.. i'm uhhh... i'm a vendor? I need to check the beers."

>> No.19052227

Holy shit please tell me you are feeding a family of 10. How fat are you?

>> No.19052237

A5 Wagyu and Dom Perignon doesn't buy itself.

>> No.19052260
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>I can Stretch a little boys behind four or five times

>> No.19052285

I was making a reference sorry

>> No.19052322

We give a shit! You’re just allowed to do it and we’re okay with you!

>> No.19052351 [DELETED] 

>I'm not getting scammed I keep an unhygienic beast in my home that I have to feed, provide treats for, clean, walk vaccinate, take to the vet, provide attention and tolerate loud barks and general misbehaviour from who provides me with no form of value
And he puts me at risk of anyone who doesn't like me giving a fake tip to the police about abuse they can use to invade my home
I'm smart

>> No.19052379

Aaaahahaha you’re so paranoid

>> No.19052383

You all know you can eat dog right? It's pretty good.

>> No.19052390

Just bee your self and they'll let you through

>> No.19052406

>no value

Dog watches the house while I'm at work
Also companionship

>> No.19052416

Don't worry anon, your house won't run away.

>> No.19052436

No, but some minorties might with my stuff

>> No.19052440 [DELETED] 

Get a big titty minority girl to watch your house and suck your dick instead

>> No.19052446

I was going to say the same thing but a flat chested preteen girl.

>> No.19052486

Kek loser

>> No.19052487

beyond meds

>> No.19052494

Bingo retard. People are simple.

>> No.19052500

canada is such a shit hole

>> No.19052523

You're a grown man who lives with his mom literally just stealing.

>> No.19052536

You would know troon

>> No.19052555

Its the kind of place where you can get really fucking fat for real cheap.

>> No.19052580

That is food pantries and welfare.

>> No.19052616

no one is getting fat off wellfare, barely any money is given on food stamps

>> No.19052661

You are an alcoholic.

>> No.19052664

>he doesnt know about the secret subbasement for costoco gold members


>> No.19052679

Bull fucking shit. They give out the unhealthiest food bulk. Pasta, rice and unhealthy carbs when you should be on a 85+% meat and dairy diet.

We give WAAAYY too much to welfare.

>> No.19052682

No. I am not.

>> No.19052998

Must be miserable never being able to stop thinking about trannys, just a weak minded manbaby falling for fox news culture war propaganda.

>> No.19053006

Sure thing troon

>> No.19053015

We are MAPs here.

>> No.19053018

bag of boneless, skinless chicken thighs, cheeses, hams, there's a bunch of shit that's worth buying in bulk usually at good prices too

>> No.19053029

your hair must be really fucking greasy and nasty.

or nonexistent.

>> No.19054088

>LA Croix was 5 dollars for a 24 pack
fuck, i'm jelly. my nearest costco is 40 miles away

>> No.19054680


>> No.19054850

And I actually feel OK. Except sometimes the first two hours after I get up. This brand just works for me.

>> No.19054880

Its used by pakis and indians mostly. Id rather goto morrisons for real food

>> No.19054886

This is probably the dumbest thing I've ever read on 4chan. Think about that.

>> No.19054935

A person I work with offered to take me to costco once and now they think we are friends. I want to go back to costco but I don't want to be their friend. They asked me recently if I wanted to go to a boardgamebar for their friends birthday, and also if I wanted to go see Titanic with them (they are screening it again here for some reason). They also constantly send me messages and any time, day or night, if I reply it's instantly read and they are replying again. I'm seriously thinking about changing jobs and moving because of it.

>> No.19054969


>> No.19054979

If you're a dude, you're fucking weird. If you're a girl/woman, you're loathesome. Stop being a user. Mr. Rogers would frown and walk away from you.

>> No.19054991

Im 28 and he's like 40, both men. And he's not gay because he always tells me about how he thinks different girls we work with are hot.

>> No.19055026

They're legally required to sell you booze

>> No.19055027

I was hoping for more stuff like this in the thread. Are people withholding info for fear of causing a price spike on their sacred items? Big wins I know about at Costco:
-Brie Cheese
-Tilamook Cheese bricks
-Goat Cheese
-Eggs (24 free range organic for $6.50ish)
-Coffee is a few $ cheaper per pound.
-Kirkland Whiskey is a great value for what it is
They check me every time. It may have to do with me making eye contact and nodding to people. So I have to stop greeting the employees or else I'm at the point where I'm either going to have my card out when I'm walking in, or I'm going to be ignoring the fuckers.

>> No.19055035

>And he's not gay because he always tells me about how he thinks different girls we work with are hot.
With the little youve told us I'll make two guesses.
He's either autistic and sees you as his one work friend or he's bisexual and still wants to bend you over bit is playing to you being straight.

>> No.19055115

This. Buying shit in bulk rocks

t. bachelor

>> No.19055350

How are you this poor. My Walmart is better stocked; I'm just in a weird area. I go whenever I can sneak in; how are you this poor?

>> No.19056016

In no way is it a scam. I save the price of the membership on just the savings of toilet paper and paper towels vs my local store. After that everything is already practically at cost.

>> No.19056025

I haven't lived with my mom in 15 years, and no, I'm not stealing anything.

>> No.19056162
File: 252 KB, 540x304, 1664890926336952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>not a costco member
>walk into their service desk area
>buy giant jumbo hotdog and soda for $1.50
>walk out

>> No.19056423

i did this 4 times in one day and got two pizzas as well

>> No.19056711

I think you're the poor one here, Sneakigger.

>> No.19056746

Based flora cultivating Aussie....
Ya...Good luck with these fags...
They think BUYING SHIT on a higher level is where they "Win"

>> No.19056753
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Whatta moran.

>> No.19056758


>> No.19056872
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Fuck Costco. Sure everything is cheap there but does it matter when you spend $300 minimum?

>inb4 muh hotdog

Yeah you buy the cheap hotdog then you think "man I could use another bulk pack of diet coke" then you walk out with 300lbs of other bullshit. Costco is pure evil.

>> No.19056883
File: 164 KB, 1200x1119, 1470612992509112324-FGdLSIxVIAEym1y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

costco is good
kirkland water? great.
frozen foods 8/10
but a lot of the bulk products like chips are ones without seasoning or variation. everything stats to feel a bit homogenized and corny. Still worth it if you live good and want bulk items and a well priced thinkpad.
also i used to pick up 1200mg of adderall there every month so i'm a bit biased.

>> No.19056903

>>inb4 muh hotdog

>> No.19056956

I can't imagine paying for a membership and being forced to buy in bulk quantities exclusively. WinCo is leagues better. They will take over

>> No.19056978

Have you ever considered, I don't know... demonstrating a little self-restraint and not buying all that crap?
I mean, it's like when you have free antenna tv. Nobody is forcing you to pay for it, and you don't have to watch all of the channels just because they are there.

>> No.19057226
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>They check me every time. It may have to do with me making eye contact and nodding to people.

i'm in NYC, i've never been checked at the entrance. sometimes they say hi, i imagine it's being a wallmart greeter without the wagie dance routines.

where the hell are you? because in NYC with our fucked bail reform, it's completely in their interests to check cards at the entrance to prevent non-felony shoplifting. which is weird because i've only heard of that shit happening in cvs/corner store pharmacies and some retail shops but never costco.

>> No.19057276
File: 42 KB, 604x356, yDrGFHVvnaM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah you buy the cheap hotdog then you think "man I could use another bulk pack of diet coke" then you walk out with 300lbs of other bullshit. Costco is pure evil.

i dont usually do this, but in this case the jews are not at fault, there is no zionic conspiracy. it's completely youre own fault for being a pig disgusting glutton.

>> No.19057281

Costco sucks because they won’t take Amex

>> No.19057571

Does anyone elses costco just throw the hotdog in the bag and not wrap it up? It’s very unsettling.

>> No.19057612
File: 406 KB, 722x966, Screenshot_20230316_214655_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their orange chicken is the only reason I still pay my membership fee

>> No.19057630

>Crazy Cuizine
A marketing team got paid for this

>> No.19057765

It's wierd
You'd think it's all just kiddie food judging by the name but it's really good
Their website prides themselves on their "restaurant-quality" food

>> No.19057916

definitely shop around, don't let em getcha

>> No.19057917

>>if you buy their large quantities of perishable items and they go bad, its a scam
>it's costcos fault if you buy a 58 pack of avocados and they go bad before you eat them all
(You)ser error

>> No.19057931

I’ve never been able to make it turn out good.

>> No.19057937

just throw it in the air fryer, 400 for 18 minutes
dead simple

>> No.19058008

Retard most welfare goes to junk food and fast food. Niggas are not buying no produce wit they SNAP

>> No.19058011

>muh fox news
You're really proving him right with this twitch-level posting

>> No.19058016

Oof, been there man. Naltrexone and doing The Sinclair Method saved me.

Give it a search if interested. Worked better than AA for me!

>> No.19058019

retard you couldn't go one post without bringing up "my rainbow dildo hahaha I am sooooo GAY hahah" don't you fucking dare try to bitch about culture wars when you can't even open your cocksheath without trying to force your faggotry into everyone. stop being you.

>> No.19058024

for someone who claims to hate gays you sure seem to love getting butthurt

>> No.19058031

if you put a rack of ribs in your pants and buy other stuff ,,they will let you pass through. got 3 racks last week this way.,

>> No.19058038

You literally can't complain about others calling you a tranny when you literally bring it up out of nowhere yourself. Yes that is fucking annoying so yes people are going to be annoyed at you. You fucking fags have gotten so sheltered and privileged you have no fucking clue how much you deserve more hate than you're allowed to receive.

>> No.19058061

>using shampoo
Just scrub with water. It works if your diet isn't shit.

>> No.19058140

We keep the food court open to everyone because teenagers aren't old enough to purchase a membership. I imagine this is Costco policy worldwide

>> No.19058148

Sam's Club seems to have more food on clearance while Walmart has a ton more.

>> No.19058151

The food at Costco is processed goyslop, no different from Walmart just in bulk.

>> No.19058152

Cosco, Sams Club, BJs are scams if you are a single person. If you have a household with 5 people in it, you will savce a lot of money

>> No.19058179

Nope amazon is cheaper on all those when you do it right.

>> No.19058192

Anon you're ruining his bad boy fantasy

>> No.19058205

I can guarantee that you smell bad. Are you an incel by chance?

>> No.19058381 [DELETED] 

Suburban Midwest city. The to other factor is that I go an hour prior to closing, so the crowds are way down. They're at the door bored. I've decided that I'm going to ignore them. If I hear them shout I'll pretend I didn't. If they follow me all the way to the meat section I'll just act surprised. I'm there like 20-30 times a year - fuck having to ask for permission each time.

>> No.19058385

Suburban Midwest city. I go an hour prior to closing, so the crowds are way down. They're probably just bored. I've decided that I'm going to ignore them. If I hear them shout I'll pretend I didn't. If they follow me all the way to the meat section I'll act surprised. I'm there 20-30 times a year; fuck having to ask for permission each time.

>> No.19059426

One miscellaneous thing is the peace of mind costco's return policy gives if you need to do mattress shopping. Because mattress shopping can be a nightmare and mattress sellers will do everything to void your ability to make a return

>> No.19061088

the food court and pharmacy have always been open to everyone

>> No.19061113

Okay I was a member for like 6 years, but I moved out of my parents far away from Costco so I canceled it.

>walmart has cheaper paper towels and toilet paper (cheaper than the dollar store)
>I miss the costco large portion frozen meals, but they weren't cheap
>the costco garbage bags, plastic wrap have lasted me 2 years and still going
>costco fresh fish and meat is for the rich

>> No.19061751

Learn some self-discipline.