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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19047693 No.19047693 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.19047698

Beef Wellington is delicious. It's a treat when I want to eat some poison bread.

>> No.19047700
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I like a good chocolate cake or pumpkin pie with a good dollop of whipped cream on top.

>> No.19047705

I'm not partial to desserts

>> No.19047706
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>coffee liqueur + milk over ice = instant iced coffee
saw this shit shilled endlessly on many cocktail YT channels so i bought some. tastes gr8 because it's not sweet at all and just adds coffee to your drink. downside: it was $30 and i already drank half of it in 1 week.

>> No.19047709
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Then why did you post in a dessert thread

>> No.19047711

Anon, I go through a 1.75l Chivas regal every four days.

>> No.19047716


>> No.19047718
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That's what I'm trying to avoid because whenever I get a bottle of anything I always run through it and I'm trying to develop a bar cabinet with a healthy selection. Tired of wanting to make a cocktail only to find I finished the bottle I need last week.

>> No.19047719

that can't be good for you

>> No.19047727

Probably the Mojave but I've never seen the atacama nor gobi. On an unrelated note my favorite sweet snack is two scoops of "s" cream

>> No.19047735
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This is the best invitation I've ever received. I was too chicken to ask her out properly.
Live and learn.

>> No.19047736

instant yummy
ew, keto

>> No.19047745

Never be afraid to ask someone out. They can tell you "no", but then you move on with your life without being held by "what ifs".

>> No.19047751

imagine saying bussing and no cap to your grandma
i would kill the little shit

>> No.19047753
File: 166 KB, 1200x900, 1200px-Gobi_Desert_dunes (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a big fan of the Gobi desert myself
Based Peter, good for you

>> No.19047754

a bagel

i hate sweets

>> No.19047762

I like crunchy meringue
eton mess, pavlova, the list could go on...

>> No.19047792

what's that desert where it rains like once or twice a year and flowers just grow everywhere
yeah that one I guess

I know that feel bro
my cocktail recipes tend to be whatever I can make with the 2 spirits I haven't managed to polish off yet

I'm not a fan of sweet things in general, but I'll go for a slice of baklava or pecan pie
basically adding nuts is how you get me on board
cue jokes

>> No.19047795

I think it may be OK because I converted to soda water and I think that's diluting or doing something inside me to negate the alcohols effects which is why I an up to a half. Before now, a night was usually a third.

>> No.19047796

Yeah you're not just a temper tantrum throwing tranny at all lmao

>> No.19047823

I've been wanting to go steady with this 7th grader for months now.

>> No.19047835

Probably pumpkin pie or a malt.

>> No.19047850

I tried getting into malts but they are too smoky and harsh. I prefer blended.

>> No.19047851
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>> No.19047854

I feel like you're talking about something completely different.

>> No.19047864

Single malts?

>> No.19047869

Ice cream malts, you know malted milk powder, ice cream, perhaps chocolate or some other flavor?

>> No.19047870

based and readingpilled

>> No.19047908

Tort napoleon
Just anything with pastry cream

>> No.19047909

And they called it, fatty love

>> No.19047912
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my favourite cake has vanished from existence, it was a bakery that did all types of cakes and cookies, then, absolute horror happened, they dropped all the cakes and started making cinnamon rolls
I went and asked what happened to "the cake"... they were like "lol what cake idk", the guy responsible probably moved to some other job. So I thought ah no biggie I know a bakery specialized in chocolate. So I called the "chef" or cake master. I descrived the cake. He was like "nah dude I don't get in experiments for a single cake".

If you're curious, the cake looked like a non spongy chocolate cake. But they asked me, do you want us to microwave it? It literally turned the whole cake like the inside of a chocolate coulant. I cry on the inside. All was lost, to fucking toruists wanting cinnamon rolls.

>> No.19047945

Do not despair, anon. I'm sure you'll be able to find an almost identical recipe or even a better one. Could it perhaps be similar to Buttermilk Pantry's Melting Chocolate Cake? https://buttermilkpantry.wordpress.com/2022/12/09/melting-chocolate-cake/

>> No.19047962

anon you're my hero, that looks 100% like the cake I ate

have the best brownie recipe I've ever tried in return. Anon from /ck/ handed it to me, a million thanks I will be trying this cake for sure

here's the brownie recipe:

>> No.19047980
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>> No.19047991
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It was a good year unlike now

>> No.19047997

They don't say no. They might say they're busy maybe some other time, pretend to misunderstand you, or outright ignore you, but they'll never give a firm no and you will always wonder if you interpreted their response correctly.

>> No.19048004

Ask around. People with businesses near to this spot loved this stuff too and know where he/she went. 9 out of 10 it was a simple recipe as well, try a handbook.

Cheese. Raw milk. With proper brown Belgian beer.
Mignardises and coffee or liqueur.
Pralines and liqueur or coffee.

>> No.19048008

this anon gave me just it:

>> No.19048033

What are you talking about? There has never been so much free time, welfare, spreading of money around, wealth, medical technology we can access, peace and greatest technology to make our lives great than at any time in our species history.

Dude... We are living IN THE GOOD TIMES. There is no mistaking it. Your doom and gloom is so far away from reality it's hilarious.

>> No.19048037


>> No.19048049

We were saying the same shit in 2018 and 2019 before the plandemic but they really pulled the rug on us making it even worse huh. I wonder if we are going to miss covid in a few years.

>> No.19048071

Right now, all things considered, we are in the best of times. We are at peace, everyone's wealthy with all the printing and money borrowing.

Someday, figuratively, rent will come due. But right now we are in peak civilization mode now.

>> No.19048114
File: 52 KB, 688x516, queso-crema-casero-litro-de-leche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This but no mascarpone (it fucking sucks) just regular creamed cheese

>> No.19048125

Stop dooming and being a loser. Things are mostly fine, and the problems your society is experiencing now are 10x worse in most other countries. You believe otherwise because you spend the greater part of your day looking at catastrophizing schizo nonsense on your screen that you can turn off at any time. Go for a hike and have a beer.

>> No.19048137

Don't forget hit up a middle school and get laid.

>> No.19048153

>rent will come due
All according to plan. That's when digital currency will be introduced, and everything you have will be taken from you by force. That's when the real "Great Reset" begins.

>> No.19048170

Yeah, I watch fox too. That makes sense. Will be a step. That's just a means of control.

>> No.19048231

Same thing, ask and move on.

>> No.19048239

This. Just bee yourself and things will be good. Totally.

>> No.19048241

For me its a tie between this and bread pudding.

>> No.19048244

Lmao this guy, the average person isn’t benefitting from inflation at all, money printing is a tax on all people who don’t directly receive the printed money

Sorry you don’t remember the good times zoomer but people didn’t used to be such retarded niggers and racism and politics weren’t at the forefront of everyone’s minds

>> No.19048296

>just regular creamed cheese
Like mascarpone?

>> No.19048302

>people didn’t used to be such retarded niggers
Yes they did.
>racism and politics weren’t at the forefront of everyone’s minds
And? Who cares what random morons on the street are thinking about? Pay them no mind and live your life. 99% of all people who ever lived had to deal with much bigger societal problems than people virtue-signaling about BLM or whatever.

>> No.19048322

Absolutely thrilled to have brightened up someone's day and to have made this shithole of a website slightly more worthwhile to browse. Thank you kindly for the reccomendation, will definitely try those brownies and report back!

>> No.19048332

I love as a veteran I can boondock on BLM land and even go into some state and NP's to get free hookups and dumping.

>> No.19048339
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yo da bess

>> No.19048347

desserts to me are for eating with others or if u smoke weed and want to pig out for a while. lots of people consume shitty processed food with lots of carbs and drink sodas and energy drinks so their body is too used to sugar to biologically know how to take in desserts. i don't like making a delicacy that makes my blood sugar rish and crash and leads to many body issues. for holidays and birthdays i like key lime pie though the citrus makes it feel like it isn't just sugar fat and a nice flavor but little reward. i like making berry/lemon pancakes though esp huckleberry or drinking white russians at night though so i'm not judging

>> No.19048490

Times are declining stop pretending they arent

>> No.19048497

Not a bad way to remember it but I always think "Strawberry Shortcake"

>> No.19048510

The only thing that is declining is the iron grip white people have on the world.

>> No.19048530
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ah yeah, the famous white people of goldman sachs

>> No.19048824

>what is the uniparty

>> No.19048851

lemon bars

>> No.19048877

I love me some pumpkin pie

>> No.19048878

It takes you 4 days to get through a handle? You're still at light alcoholism. Come back when it takes you 2, and get your diploma when it takes you 1.

>> No.19048881


>Apple and Facebook have overwhelming faggotry


>> No.19049218

you just can't really beat ice cream. there's like every flavor conceivable and if you like chocolate you can put chocolate in it. if you like cake you can put cake in it. if you like thai tea you can have thai tea ice cream.

you can just put whatever desert in the ice cream and make it whatever flavor you want and it's good

>> No.19049284

Strawberry rhubarb pie.

>> No.19049307
File: 38 KB, 600x401, 13076862_1068027063236722_1335605622760096581_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bread pudding, with plenty of diced peaches, raisins, some pecans and lots of butter rum sauce.

>> No.19049740

ask me hie i ktdo you k dj keh whfe pdn?

>> No.19050555

A lot of worse things to say than no chief.
"I thought you were gay"

>> No.19050565

so true bestie
this monday i totally spiralled and felt really bad but right now things are looking up frfr no cap
2023 will be my year. im baking a medovik honey cake soon to celebrate it

>> No.19050594

Yes, good goy. Just go out, spend all your money and live recklessly while we erode your personal freedom a little more each day. No need to be fearful, embrace the Great Reset! It's for the greater good don't ya know? The government totally knows whats best for you.

>> No.19050780

I wonder what compelled those Exxon employees to donate to dems. If they cared about the environment, they wouldn't be working for Exxon in the first place, so why actively jeopardize your livelyhood?

>> No.19050857

You need to give money to both parties because you need the group in power to legislate in your favor.

>> No.19050932

haven't been there but the Atacama seems dry. Our perhaps the Karakoram. for sweet treats I enjoy most of them but could go for some baklava right now, although candy bars like almond joys and kinder buenos have been enticing me recently

>> No.19050938
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>> No.19051544

I envy your naivete.

>> No.19052948

this happens every day with all sorts of things. there could be an infinite energy source around the corner which is dropped because the person in charge lost interest, ran out of funds or died and didn't have anyone to continue their work.

>> No.19053455
File: 407 KB, 1462x2048, 2021-01-09 21.30.17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i eat some 'nilla ice cream

>> No.19055182

stop being a retarded consoomer and just add coffee to rum
coffee is a neutral additive, it doesnt replace the flavor of anything when you add it to something