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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19043948 No.19043948 [Reply] [Original]

Just made this sandwich how did I do

>> No.19043953


>> No.19043970

But you see, he's british, so that's all that needs to be said.

>> No.19044022

> no butter

>> No.19044024

fackin noice chip butty m8

>> No.19044038

That's a crisp buddy faggot.

>> No.19044045

Congrats you made a fantastic shit thread. Well done.

>> No.19044047

I want some Walker's, they're not easy to get in the US.

>> No.19044051
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>> No.19044054

does that bottle say uncle?

>> No.19044055

They're just Lays.

>> No.19044061

That's just maybe the owning company, but its not the actual flavors. We dont get that stuff in the US.

>> No.19044093

walkers are solid but unexciting. I buy the prawn cocktail ones sometimes

>> No.19044099

crunchy. enjoy it anon, never be afraid of being yourself.

>> No.19044125

Pappa al pomodoro will always be better than a chip butty.

>> No.19044136

Ramsey is that you?

>> No.19044184

ready salted
or not?
assume if there is a ready salted version
there must be a not already salted option
and now I wonder….
is each person adding salt to their chips the preferred option?
which makes me wonder, is this about cost reduction plan?
are these diy salted chips?
what if I go to buy some and they only have one or the other?
what if I go to buy some, they only have ready to salt, yet I have no salt?
so many questions

>> No.19044212

You may laugh but years ago there WAS a little blue paper sachet of salt, were people could add salt or not.


>> No.19044213

I'd have gone with some cheetos.

>> No.19044222

>not using cheese and onion with a slice of ham
ur retarded senpai

>> No.19044244


>> No.19044252

thats never been a thing with walkers
i recall the packs you could buy that came a with a sachet of salt to shake in the bag but it wasnt walkers ready salted, hence the fact is already salted

>> No.19044257

Thinking about it, it may have been Smiths but were they bought out by Walkers?

>> No.19044261

yeha i think it was smiths but the packet was white and blue, oh walkers probably own everything and other companies. fingers in all the pies and that

>> No.19044269

funny to me story
father in law in hospital for shit health (alcoholism and heart problems)
demands salt
nurses won’t provide anything but a few little packets
wife and I sneak in large bottle, about 4 ounces
visit again next day and he asks for salt
asked what happened to salt we brought day before
he said he at it all first day
returned next day with a few small salt packages
he passes a few days later
be me and wonder how much salt impacted survival

>> No.19044271

is it really that hard to type one >symbol

>> No.19044274

Walkers also messed a lot of people about changing the colour of cheese and onion packets, from green to dark blue. Dark Blue was always salt and vinegar

>> No.19044281

eh.. just tired and lazy today from time change

>> No.19044284

i always remember it being blue but other companies always had green as cheese and onion but im a zoomer at the ripe of age of 27

>> No.19044288

Probably didnt help his health much.

>> No.19044292

Im Gen X at 57

>> No.19044298

at the time was not much that could make it worse
should have stayed at home and drunk himself to death in comfort instead of dying in a cold and lonely hospital

>> No.19044312
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it's called salt and shake, and it's still a thing

>> No.19044321

>should have stayed at home and drunk himself to death
That's what I intend to do, either that or Hijack a school bus and drive into a wall at high speed, exit in a ball of flames.

>> No.19044327


>> No.19044331

>originally smiths
well i guess me and anon where both right, i thought they died out a long time ago

>> No.19044384

a few weeks ago made the mistake of taking my 17 yo cat to the vet and they wouldn’t release her to come home and die in peace with her family and sisters. her passing at home would have npbeen painful, more so than it has been, but I cannot and will not forgive myself for her not being at home when she did pass
wins the award for
“only in the UK”

>> No.19044414

>made the mistake of taking my 17 yo cat to the vet

Are you me?

I did the same to my Cat.

I left her to be put down in a strange place, with strange people. I never realised what I did until I got home.

Really cut me up.

>> No.19044478
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>> No.19044493

You forgot the butter, otherwise briddy gud. It's cool though, cooking is hard.

>> No.19044497

Good times, bad times, get some salt.
What the fuck?

>> No.19044498

Why are you putting that toxic yellow shit on it? Butter, no alternatives.

>> No.19044508
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Does this Tayto make you Brits go crazy?

>> No.19044521

Can't remember her name but a few years ago she was all over /ck/ with her Youtube channel.

She is a Northern Brit and she made Brit food but in a real Council House, poverty way.

Just like Northerners do today.

>> No.19044530

Total poverty level in a counsil house that you used caps on, so bringing it up here years later?
Why didn't you help her? A love child of yours perhaps?

>> No.19044544

I suspect guilt, I'm nobody to judge. I just observe from time to time

>> No.19044563
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hate reading stuff like this. my first ever cat is ~2 years old and it's gonna kill me when she dies

>> No.19044564


>> No.19044580

Easier said than done, but try. Dont be me.
blasting from everywhere

>> No.19044601

When a cat takes a bite out of you then it's just showing it's love for you

>> No.19044952

Yes, it’s an apartment building in Southall

>> No.19045394

British cuisine. Best in the world.

>> No.19045609

That description sounds like Kay.