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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19038354 No.19038354 [Reply] [Original]

what went so wrong, /ck/

>> No.19038362

Farted on live television

>> No.19038363 [DELETED] 

Rachel Ray met Wally Wall

>> No.19038366
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>> No.19038374

kek did she really

>> No.19038431

looks like a hunchback there

smelly lil farting hunchback cook

>> No.19038437

Afraid so

>> No.19038450

Looks pretty good for her age, and that's from an unflattering angle. Now I'm horny and want to feel her.

>> No.19038451


>> No.19038463

Seems legit.

>> No.19038464
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more like

>> No.19038476

Go back

>> No.19038496
File: 137 KB, 1200x675, 1616185336121-wendyfart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This negress farted on air so much she made a few episodes about it and she didn't get cancelled. Plenty of day drunk mothers continued to watch her for some reason. Probably all also with incontincr from shitting out kids and identified with her.

>> No.19038498

Woah she used to be kinda hot. Is that legit?

>> No.19038513

More authentic than Gordon. Martha Stewart type cooking show, stayed hot and tan, got fat, farted once. I'd be still be happy if I was her. Same with Kelly Clarkson. Without insane genetics or answering the call, the only way to avoid the wall is just embracing it.

>> No.19038517

To add, there is a reason "mommy milkers" gets thrown around so much on this site.

>> No.19038556

Whats answering the call? Thought that was like joining the reserve branch of any gay us military.

>> No.19038560

Jesus, time has not been good to her. Poor thing.

>> No.19038593

She my girl

>> No.19038639
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>> No.19038670

She's 55 you idiots.

>> No.19038676

>She called?
>Bog it

>> No.19038713

The wall is a cope incels made up to further come up with excuses why they can't talk to women

>> No.19038898

women's value comes from their appearance
unfortunately that appearance has a use by date

>> No.19038980

it's called aging, it's about 20 years away for you and everyone on this board.

you are all going to be the boomers you hate.

>> No.19038985

I hate that commercial so much

>> No.19039027

I would still bang Rachel's 50 year old no titty having ass. She cute.

>> No.19039045
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>> No.19039048
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I for one would. I bet her pussy smells like the finest first press single origin olive oil, and think of the comfy meals that would ensue afterwards

>> No.19039049


>> No.19039221

That's the case for the hoes you deal with

>> No.19039443

Would eat her pussy for hours still

>> No.19039454

would you suck a dick for hours too?

>> No.19039457

If it was her dick sure.

>> No.19039466

now that we've established you suck dick, what if it was a thick big veiny white dick?

>> No.19039473

No just a few minutes because I'm a top. Power bottoms suck dick for hours, you would know though.

>> No.19039481

you don't get to choose top or bottom you can power all you want though

>> No.19040578


FHM 2004/2005

>> No.19040682
File: 254 KB, 1100x700, FqfvdFUWIAANgAY.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminds me of the jeff foxworthy bit of farting all the way to the airport
really we should be stationary when letting our butthole go

>> No.19040797

People get old.

>> No.19041170

Kill yourselves gross faggots

>> No.19041177
File: 263 KB, 256x256, FCF26C44-9385-4A74-93FB-B1F5A5314DFC.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am so fucking hard right literally dripping precum

>> No.19041268

seethe on roastie

>> No.19041279
File: 231 KB, 1024x1336, mongol_warrior_by_garcar-d5u7x8g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the "civilized man" fears the farting nomad

>> No.19041286

She just gained weight.

>> No.19041291

And got a hunch back. Menopause strikes again

>> No.19041640

He's not gonna suck your dick faggot

>> No.19041657
File: 838 KB, 2048x1407, MV5BMTU2NzIwNjMxNF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMzcyNzc2NTM@._V1_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bourdain constantly makes fun of Rachel Ray for making simplified but still healthy meals with shortcuts aimed at people with children or long work hours
>Kills himself over a broad
>Rachel Ray is still somewhat culturally relevant and still alive
Now who's laughing?

>> No.19041663

She has a really cute chew

>> No.19041674

and her farts can chew through metal

>> No.19041678 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 938x561, main-qimg-237690b1e8980a1960d863d576254a03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder...

>> No.19041686

i wasn't asking if he would just whether he would be able to take it

>> No.19041693
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I'm horny and want to feed her.

>> No.19041700 [DELETED] 

Maybe when she was 11...

>> No.19041704

it's true the people who pucker up and resist have a much worse time of it. eventually the blood acts as a lubricantl

>> No.19041716

What do you mean what happened. She still gives great cooking advice.
Every woman doesn't exist to give me a stiffy.

>> No.19041721 [DELETED] 

Her cat food is actually pretty tasty

>> No.19041726

Plastic surgery

>> No.19041999

Unsure if foreign or young. But she was definitely marketed as sexy from 2003-2008. When she got her day time show that wasn't on the Food Network she stopped advertising her sex appeal.

>> No.19042002

I watched this while pissing and laughed so much it shot back around onto me

>> No.19042017
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>> No.19042033
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>> No.19042068

She hit the wall.
That's it.

>> No.19042086
File: 118 KB, 915x1200, E856AD80-B20F-4601-99BC-BEBFAA078263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She used to be a cute little piggy like Snooki from Jersey Shore. Every guy would but you’d keep it a secret.

>> No.19042100

Get fukt. Ray Ray was legit wife material. She's the girl you introduce to everyone. Snooki is the one you regret and have shameful wanks to after.

>> No.19042268
File: 90 KB, 1620x475, 7A1688CC-8192-4078-88F1-BBBC05A347C7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calm down John.

>> No.19042911


>> No.19042935

She's 54 years old.

>> No.19042938

I don't want to look at such things

>> No.19042945

Say that to your mother.

>> No.19042949

Who is John?

>> No.19042965

how old is martha stewart

>> No.19042971

For you

>> No.19043052

awfully self-centered take

>> No.19043079

wtf i hate women now

>> No.19043103

I was always laughing
at him
because he was such an edgelord retard

>> No.19043112

john pays hookers to spit in his face

>> No.19043119 [DELETED] 

*middle school girls

>> No.19043198
File: 348 KB, 786x768, mooning-gnome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looks like a pathetic level garden gnome, I said that originally and I never saw anything in her or even worse her martha stewart cooking. If I was still in AML I'd do some of my programs on it. There's something that thing that doesn't seem quite right.

>> No.19043215

Who are these middle school girls and who is John?
Why cant you twats be specific about anything?
Get out of school.

>> No.19043219
File: 54 KB, 1024x765, Kor-Klingon_Commander__2266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, that's a Klingon.

>> No.19043230

It's as if you people are stupified by the evil chink virus and wearing masks has gone to your heads.

>> No.19043670

She always seemed like she'd be fun, like drink you under the table then give you the night of your life and make breakfast the next morning

>> No.19044900

john is rachel ray's husband
he paid hookes to spit in his face
it was in the newspaper

>> No.19044928

I remember I had a dream where I was fucking Rachel Ray in the oval office while nukes were going off outside. Second time I've creamed my boxers while asleep.

>> No.19044935

"hurr i hate pedo" fags BTFO yet again.

>> No.19044962

damn, must suck to be a poor and ugly dude then lol

>> No.19044992

When famous women hit the wall they should just die. There is not point in them living anymore.

>> No.19045240


>> No.19045331

She actually she ate the food she made

>> No.19045415

I fed it to her

>> No.19045479

"Well folks will you just take a look at this dish, it's comple--" BRAAAAAAAAP

>> No.19045497
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>> No.19045515

i mean you can kinda tell she was never a looker, not a great example.

>> No.19045587

For a year I was stuck in an apartment with nothing but a tv. I spent every weekday watching this pleasantly plump mommy show me her seductive cooking skills. I'm not even into older women but something about her broke through that barrier. I would give up my left nut to get a nursing handjob from her.

>> No.19046224

Is this real?

>> No.19046291


>> No.19046295
File: 1.86 MB, 1477x832, british girls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meme arrows

>> No.19046303

Shut the fuck up retard.

>> No.19047109
File: 28 KB, 400x480, simply-thumb-56c482e19cabb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picrel is 63 y/o

rachel has hit the wall at warp speed

>> No.19048385

Thumbnail looks like Ozzy.

>> No.19048390

looks like a ghoul

>> No.19048460
File: 37 KB, 309x347, nigella-lawson-tv-chef-cook-food-at-my-table-bbc-1392021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that pic is at least 8 years old though. and heavily airbrushed.

here's one of her from 2021.

>> No.19048618

it used to drive my sister batty that i was so attracted to rachel ray

>> No.19048636

she should act like it. whatever surgery she got is revolting. I hate women btw

>> No.19048637

I would, without shame, tongue Nigella’s butthole, if you know what I mean.

>> No.19048649

People fart incel. Get over it.

>> No.19048849

Keep em jealous keep em keen.

>> No.19049947

100% real, friend.

>> No.19049951

Can't help but notice you chopped Cho Chang's actress off that list.