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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 413 KB, 1456x1254, poor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19035409 No.19035409 [Reply] [Original]

Does eating vegetables confer financial security, or does financial security make you prefer vegetables?

>> No.19035412

who cares

>> No.19035413

you have to have a really high IQ to appreciate arugula desu
also, i think people with more money can focus on food quality over food quantity (i.e. calorie content)

>> No.19035416

meat do be good tho

>> No.19035429

This is obviously a jewish to get you to eat the bugs by shaming people out of eating meat. I'm not an AI chatbot, I'm just really fucking drunk right now.

>> No.19035433

Jewish psyop*
Sorry /ck/ had to rewrite my post a bunch of times and missed that word by accident.

>> No.19035440

Heart disease has no political agenda anon

>> No.19035441

Classic (((study)))

>> No.19035443

Classic (((post)))

>> No.19035479

i mean, you can basically see this as true if you spend 20 minutes on /ck/.
>lots of screeching about the "eat ze bugs" boogeyman
>lots of posts about guzzling down fast food goyslop by the carload
people here eat shitty subsidized meat, ruining their health in the process and then act smug about it. true 4D chess i must say

>> No.19035496

I would say it's more like bored rich girls are more likely to try fad diets that do not include meat, and watch their weight to remain attractive than some idiotic suggestion that eating meat somehow makes you feel more rich. It's not the medieval times any more, meat is plentiful and freely available to all classes for a long time.

>> No.19035522

How many vaxes anon?

>> No.19035528

>assumes people who sometimes eat vegetables are "bored rich girls"
>brags about how plentiful meat is to all classes
literally the person OP's study is laughing at

>> No.19035553
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I just eat whatever I want, meanwhile poorfags be like OH FUCK I MUST EAT MEAT SO NOBODY THINKS I'M POOR and richfags be like OH FUCK I MUST EAT THIS WILTED LEAF SO NOBODY THINKS I'M POOR

>> No.19035573

I'll choose neither the steak nor the salad because
1) steak is horrifically overrated and
2) nigga, I can make a salad or cook a fucking steak at home
I don't think about what someone else's opinion on my diet is. I eat veg, and lots of it, and I eat some meat and beans and grains.
But then, according to 4chan/nel, I grew up rich so maybe my veg-appreciation is because of that.

I eat what I want and outright tell people constantly that I'm poor, but I guess being a homeowner with no mortgage and over $30k in savings in my 30s might mean I'm very much not.

Anyway, your post begs the question: what do you eat if you just eat whatever you want?
We had egg-free pancakes with bacon this morning, I'm about to cook beef curry pasta with mushrooms for lunch and I think we're having spinach-and-lentil soup for dinner.

>> No.19035597

I bet the marbling on that steak is amazing. The intramuscular fat is what melts down and creates flavour. Did you know you can tell the quality of a steak by its marbling?

>> No.19035606

>what do you eat if you just eat whatever you want?
For me, it's the same things I ate when I was poor
Although I go to restaurants and order takeout less now that I have more money and leisure time.

>> No.19035619
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anon's right though, bored rich women do stupid diet fad BS constantly, the douchebags drove up the price of celery so much my destitute ass only buys that shit on sale now.

>> No.19035632

you're fucking bonkers man. no one was making these jokes in 2014. they just ate food. stop being a fucking lemming

>> No.19035635
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Same, I'm so glad I'm not poor (I live in a two parent white upper class household with a combined income of over $57,000 a year) and we eat whatever. the. fuck. we. want. Tonight we're having filet mignon like we do every saturday night. Tomorrow? Who knows! We might go to Maggianos Little Italy.

>> No.19035657

Hecking owned! Here’s some gold for you kind sir

>> No.19035667

the fuck are you even talking about? did you mean to reply to someone else?? take your meds

>> No.19035674

you're delusional if you think a single youtube video is going to singlehandedly drive up the price of celery, a near-worthless vegetable. have sex

>> No.19035700

What is this, the 50s?

>> No.19035704


>> No.19035705

God women are so disgusting

>> No.19035713

>upper class

>> No.19035744
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Bragging about how much meat you eat and performative disdain for vegetables are incredibly low class behaviors.

>> No.19035748

$57k/year is barely middle class, you're fucking delusional.

>> No.19035994

>t. bored rich girl

>> No.19036040

What shithole state do you live in where that paltry sum makes you upper class?

>> No.19036061
File: 1.02 MB, 2960x1440, Screenshot_20230219-204331_RetroArch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greens can't give you satiety and poor people just can't afford to spend on it.

>> No.19036068

>new study
no data shown
>scientist or experts
never named
Fuck off with your bullshit blog posts from disinformation groups.

>> No.19036081

you're an ignorant retard. a few years ago a grifter "medium" wrote a book about how a ghost told him celery juice is a miracle cure and all the retarded roasties starting buying it en masse. my pic was an example that assumed you knew anything and weren't an uninformed cocksleeve.

>> No.19036101

Skill issue

>> No.19036122

Neither. Being financially secure and enjoying vegetables are both correlated with not being retarded.

>> No.19036127

>Greens can't give you satiety
spoken like a shart that's never eaten a vegetable in their life

>> No.19036136

I buy the cheapest cuts, usually rump. I can get two for £4.50 from Tesco. Does me and the wife the once or twice a month we eat steak.

I eat chicken/thigh or turkey breast/thigh almost every day. What else am I supposed to eat? I'm allergic to wheat, the entire food aisle is poisonous.

>> No.19036166
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>new study claims
They're not even trying anymore. They're not proving. They're not finding. Now they're "claiming". Anytime I hear the word study I just remember these are a bunch of jackasses that don't follow the process of scientific theory, and are backed by money.

>> No.19036296

Arugula isn't the only vegetable in existence

>> No.19036303

Wouldn't it make more sense that poor people eat more meat because they're the laborers? Ever had a beef stew after a long day or week of physical labor? It makes you feel so much better its like goddam medicinal.

>> No.19036305

>new study
What retarded clickbait for insipids. meat has always been a sign of affluence. Why do you need a "new study" for this?

>> No.19036359

Poor people know meat is more expensive and will take all the meat at a buffet or all you can eat place just to get the greatest "bang for your buck". Retards

>> No.19036365

We're talking welfare queen poor not factory worker in Indonesia poor

>> No.19036370

I don't eat much meat, I try to eat enough to be healthy but I get nutrients in other things too. I also go and spend a lot on expensive fancy steaks.

I am actually rich.

Also if you look at private chef job ads all these rich people ask for mediterranean, vegetarian, or keto diets. Some ask for asian fusion foods too.

>> No.19036373


>> No.19036393

Oh well I'm kinda the later and I eat meat daily. Some days it's all I eat if you don't count beer

>> No.19036413

Starbucks barista?

>> No.19036415

One where there are still two genders and it's ok to be white, you have a problem with it? Come and take it commie. We also still believe in the constitution here.

>> No.19036421

Do americans really?

>> No.19036438

But they can afford fresh sneakers and concert tickets every week

>> No.19036459


>> No.19036471


>> No.19036551

Dios mia

>> No.19036555

>We also still believe in the constitution
Just the second amendment, all the others be damned.

>> No.19036653

Literally nowhere. Even in bumfuck Wyoming, $57k isn't anywhere close to high class.

>> No.19036684


t. Ruth Goldfarb-Horowitz

>> No.19036737

Imagine going to a restaurant to pay 15$ for a SALAD. That's why nobody chooses it. I eat vegetables all of the time with my meals. But at the end of the day, protein satiates and satisfies hunger, helps build muscle, and keeps excess fat off.

>> No.19036740

Here's the abstract for the study linked by the article. Since I'm not a college student or willing to pay $39 to read that shit, do with this what you will.

>> No.19036745

I have met at every meal, because if there's no meat it's not a meal.

>> No.19036753

Lmao. Celery price did go up. It used to cheap cus no one buys it and people only need like one stalk.

>> No.19036762

I work in analytics for a large grocery chain and the top items for people on food stamps are crab legs, lobster, and steaks. Basically these people can afford food, but they use the government benefits for splurge purchases. They likely also need benefits due to poor financial impulse control, but it’s just conjecture at that point.
Here’s some evidence if you think I’m bullshiting.

>> No.19036796

You don't think poor people deserve to ever have nice things?

>> No.19036812

I just want my own government funded crab legs.

>> No.19036829

Use sci-hub nigrum

>> No.19036840

WTF? Where was this when I was in uni?

>> No.19036880

Not surprising. If you watched any Alex Jones tier right wing content it was all about fear mongering about government trying to take your meat away and how consuming grass fed steaks was some kind of act of political resistance to the WEF agenda.
There was also the whole op about vegetables gains and legumes being filled with antinutrients and how meat was the only real way to get nutrients.
Low iq conservative types got reverse psychology psy opped into supporting the beef industry.

>> No.19036921

I doubt they can support your hefty frame but I support your attempt. Will you swap out your own legs or just add the crab ones?

>> No.19036986

Its not government funded 100%, the price you pay is that you have to live with and around black people

>> No.19036994

Every anti meat person I've met has been extremely left wing

>> No.19037000

This is high level skizo babble 10/10

>> No.19037041

They are flimsier, but there are more of them.

>> No.19037052

My brother and his wife are "vegan" (his wife is vegan, my brother will have eggs and dairy outside of the house) and he's a gun-toting, mask-hating, vax-fearing, drag-fighting, trans-denying right winger.

>> No.19037059

Cool, so as i was saying, EVERY anti-meat person that I have met in my entire life has been far left

>> No.19037062

So he's got critical thought, pattern recognition and still chose to stick his dick in crazy sad

>> No.19037067

I'm running some calculations I'll b right back

>> No.19037069

I believe this actually, not because meat is for poors or something, but because it's a simple pleasure that's both generally hard to mess up and within budget while affluent people are more than able to enjoy a wider variety of well-prepared foods of varying ingredients and can therefore experiment more.

>> No.19037070

Why does /ck/ always fall for b8? We literally had this exact b8 argument the other day when some anon claimed $70k was "a lot".

>> No.19037089

Wanna meet my brother and his wife so you can meet two anti-meat people who are far right?

She's right wing, too, but thinks meat and dairy and eggs are from the devil or some shit. Idfk. I don't talk to them about this shit. I just know that if my family and I are eating at their house, it ain't gonna be a good time.

>> No.19037100
File: 39 KB, 597x270, ArithmeticFact-1-e1563553095922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay so it turns out anon never met other anons brother.

>> No.19037202

Okay so then .01 percent of the anti-meat people I've met would be right wing and all the rest would be far left, whats your point?

>> No.19037208

No. Because they're cucks.

>> No.19037239

>.01 percent
Jesus christ anon how many people do you know?

>> No.19037516

Yeah my cousin is super hard right, "the second coming is near" christofascist crazy, and he no longer eats meat (though he does do dairy and eggs), horseshoe theory is real when it comes to food

>> No.19037596

>the second coming is near
Yeah, that's my sister-in-law. My brother doesn't really talk religion but she's all about that shit.

>> No.19037600
File: 64 KB, 443x726, 1660636630891797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i eat lots of meat because it tastes really good

>> No.19037677

Miguel Mendez! Ever see a fat mexican eating a salad?
>More mainstream media guilt trips!

>> No.19037757

>no one was making these jokes in 2014

My brother in Christ I can literally click the page back button to the catalog and there's like 2 'Ze Bugs' threads in spitting distance of this one. It is the year of our Lord 2023 if you weren't aware. God the election ruined this place.

>> No.19037780

If someone is using the word "satiety" in the first place that should already be a fucking fog horn. Who in the fuck that isn't ESL is using the word "Satiety"? Hell who in the fuck who has English as their main language is saying "satiety"? I have 2 college degrees and even I have never used that word in either typed or spoken language? Some weird arse anon using that shit.

>> No.19037788

woah there golem, slow down with the semitism.

>> No.19037795

Poorer people with triple digit IQ eat more meat to derive more nutrients from their meal than a fucking salad for nearly the same price.
Do out of touch retards really think me bargain binning for meat under $5/lb is to show my affluence?

>> No.19037846

Sometimes I go on thesaurus.com and replace some of the words in my post with one of the weird ones off there. It feels rapturous when it b8s fags

>> No.19037970

Well, shoot, Jimbo. I didn't know that.
I'm not a rocket scientist.

>> No.19038446
File: 9 KB, 168x300, B4E9FA6F-EADB-4A01-A3C9-274C5638EE97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My former drug dealer deals meat now. The kids love it. Makes’em feel “cool” and part of the “in” crowd.

>> No.19038554

What kind of shitty diploma mill did you "attend", shart?

>> No.19038655

>I have 2 college degrees and even I have never used that word in either typed or spoken language?
Idk anon. How are any of us supposed to know whether you've ever used that word? Or are you asking if you have degrees? Same thing we can't know that this is an anonymous site.

>> No.19038662

I eat more meat every time i read garbage like this.

>> No.19038692

Based 90s style fragile masculinity

>> No.19038698

>fragile masculinity
Honestly what does this mean?

>> No.19038742

Of course this means we need to limit access to meat to poor people, for their own good of course. Am I right, fellow billionaires?

>> No.19038940

? Welcome to how the news has always been.

>> No.19040015

why are they anti-meat? i'm genuinely curious

>> No.19040044

Basically just fluffing your feathers up. Trying project an image of manliness, both to convince others and yourself. The point is that it is typically conscious decisions to do "manly" things rather than it coming naturally.

>> No.19040108

That was answered in the post.
>meat and dairy and eggs are from the devil or some shit. Idfk. I don't talk to them about this

>> No.19040806

>Trying project an image of manliness, both to convince others and yourself. The point is that it is typically conscious decisions to do "manly" things rather than it coming naturally.
The funny thing is the people who do this are the same people who are beside themselves with paranoia about gender non conforming people/behaviors (homo/bisexuals, trans people, etc) threatening their way of life. Really activates those almonds.

>> No.19040857

That's called ego man

>> No.19040876

Ego is not gendered, unless you live in the Handmaid's Tale universe where women keep their faces turned down in the presence of males

>> No.19040878

nice come back dipshit, try saying something that makes sense for once? For me...?

>> No.19040890

The cope is palpable, this is incredible! I've never experienced copes of this magnitude!
seriously though, what a shitty mongoloid response, you are an actual low iq nigger.

>> No.19040895

>You actually don't like meat, it just makes you feel richer
It's literally cheaper than most protein alternatives.

>> No.19040900

this is the "nigger rich" mentality. it's why mcmansions and huge pavement princess trucks are a thing

>> No.19040908

>Ego is not gendered
Hey, you said it not me.

>> No.19040932

>be researcher
>show random guys a pack of pre-formed burgers
>tell half of them that it's beef, the other half that it's vegslop
>Adam Goodgoy who got a PHD because he heckin loves science prefers the vegslop
>Tyrone Washington and Cletus Robinson (both with GEDs) prefer the beef
>claim this study proves poor people are coping

>> No.19041361

>if you eat meat then y-you're a poorfag
do vegoids really?

>> No.19041457

Liberals make shit up to convince big brain midwits that meat is bad for you.

I'd guarantee poor people waste more meat than rich people by weight, though the dollar amount of the wasted meat is is more for the rich people.

>> No.19041805

Neither is this wierd cope you have. Women do this same exact thing. Sometimes they want to be "country" tough girls that'll gut animals and fix cars, sometimes they just go crazy with makeup and photo filters to look as pretty as they can be. It's all ego. How they want everyone to see them. Guys do it in the reverse as well it's not just girls trying to be tomboys there's guys out there that put on a mask of feminine traits as well the most hard core examples we call trannies. It's all ego.

>> No.19041830
File: 121 KB, 824x990, ZE_BUGS_for_(You).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will eat the bugs

>> No.19041855
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>> No.19041870

>only poors eat meat
>soda makes your dick bigger
>believe us

tired of being fucked with by the tiny hat tribe ngl

>> No.19041872
File: 2.29 MB, 2480x3508, 1678599812423662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Liberals make shit up to convince big brain midwits that meat is bad for you.
Who gives a flying fuck about whether poor people eat meat or not? If I'm poor then I'm poor, if I'm wealthy then I'm wealthym and my eating habits won't change that. So I'm going to eat whatever I feel like eating.

>> No.19041917

That's not true. Go ahead see if eating dry aged wagyu daily doesn't have an impact on your financial situation

>> No.19041928

I don't think it has to do with being wealthy, but more knowing how to cook a full decent meal or not.

>> No.19041945

What fucking retard would dry-age wagyu?

>> No.19041956
File: 1.94 MB, 432x768, 1667212174427193.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw not rich enough to afford this high brow cuisine

>> No.19041971

Don't know has nothing to do with my question either.

>> No.19042032

Of course it does. That's why blacks die of heart complications and diabetes in a much larger scale than whites

>> No.19042096

Women cant argue so they attack your dick

>> No.19042101

i am tired of the vile nEWS and their lies.

>> No.19042856

I have 3 degrees and I use that word

>> No.19042924

It’s been 2 days and I remain dazzled by the level of shartbrain that came up with “if you use a college boy liberal elitist word we don’t have here in West Virginia you must be a furriner terrist gommie”. This is why I’m addicted to this shithole site

>> No.19042942

I'm a high school dropout and while I can't name specific examples I'm sure I've used that word multiple times in my life including normal conversations

>> No.19042943

arugala goes really well with steak

>> No.19042952

It's a fairly commonly used word in roleplaying games.

>> No.19042967

I have three degrees, five Michelin stars, a BAFTA, an IIHS Top Safety Award, a Pulitzer, two Nobel prizes, a PDO, a seat in the House of Representatives, an NHL MVP, the Amazing Human/Genius belt two years running, three successful businesses, a Kosher certification, most improved odour trophy and I'm a Grammy away from an EGOT and I use the word satiety in everyday conversation.

>> No.19042984

2 more weeks until vaxxies die out right friendo :)

>> No.19042988

>You will eat the bugs, and feel rich about it

>> No.19043077

two more weeks until the vaxx works and there are no side effects!

>> No.19043139

>our gaslighting campaign about eating meat to be environmentally friendly failed so now we’re going to convince you it’s “hip” and “cool” for you filthy fucking poor swine to give up meat
Sadly, it will work over time when football players or rappers start “coming out” as vegetarian

>> No.19043167

As the high-school drop out I could be wrong but isn't 3 degrees not that hard at all? I think my one buddies like that he's been in college for like a decade just decides to go back for something different. Fluent in Russian did computer science for a while I forget what his new thing is.

>> No.19043236

*not eating meat

>> No.19043263

i hadnt watched food ball in years, but this christmas i was at my family's house and they had a football game on the big screen. it was... the most embarrasing thing i had ever seen. the players were tiny little manlets, they didnt look strong at all. the basketballers were also lanky faggots. how does anyone take this shit seriously? it use to be that sports starts were roided out barbarian looking mother fuckers. They dripped masculinity out of every pore on their body. Now they look like regular people just in funny costumes.

>> No.19043271

I got them simultaneously as I commuted daily between Baruch, Stanford and Hamburger University, where I was certified Grade A prime beef.

>> No.19043272

This feels like clickbait
study seems to refer to only steak but they just generalized it to "meat"

yeah, I can see how a fat, dumb, poor ass american would look at some beans in a can and a thin, disgusting dollar store steak and go for the steak over the other.

>> No.19043364

>celery juice

>> No.19043372

luv me freedom
luv me beer
luv me wife
luv me family
luv me beef
ate hillary clinton
fuck niggers
simple as

>> No.19043738

>financial security
Strange way to spell food culture.

>> No.19043929

The fact you think having 3 degrees is that outlandish says a lot about both your education level and intelligence anon.

>> No.19045344

Bait headline, bait picture, bait study. Poor people aren't eating more steaks, they're eating more fucking Mcdonalds! Shitty goyslop chicken nuggets, oscar meyer weiners, and dollar menu burgers. Fucking lame ass "scientists" should be ashamed of themselves.

>> No.19045350

more calories per kg

>> No.19045373

Can you even afford a Soylent subscription goy?

>> No.19045495

>missed the joke

>> No.19045571

Try learning about the world around you.

>> No.19045639

What fucking joke? I already told you I'm a high school dropout. Pretty sure this hole exchange still speaks to your intelligence so let's hear it

>> No.19045868
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Checks out, moral compass is true (though gastronomic compass is spinning)

>> No.19046088

Vegans are annoying and deserve to be bullied.

>> No.19046091

neither, the rich eat meat and they want it to be limited to only themselves and so they pay news and media sources to print this shit.
When India started making actual money and become a more economical power, they saw a stark increase in consumption of meat, meaning it wasn't any spirituality or anything else, it was that most of them simply couldn't afford it.
Show me a study that proves richer people eat vegetables, they fucking don't, they eat fancier meats like foie gras.

>> No.19046092

Imagine dropping out before learning jokes.
holy moly.

>> No.19046120

Fascism is left wing

>> No.19046163

theres also the thing with iowa trying to make it so you cant buy meat with food stamps. it was never about health, that was a lie they sold to us to make us not panic when they try to restrict an essential food group.

>> No.19046552

Btw the real answer is anthropological in nature. Meat is treasured above all else in Hunter Gatherer societies. So basically our monkey brains love us some meat. The more mentally fucked and decadent elites have infinite ancestral gold (meat) so they have had to convince themselves to eat else to continue living in a reward system.

>> No.19046674

yer mum gave me her hole exchange, m8

>> No.19046675

left wing and right wing are both fake bullshit. Right wingers were monarchists and left wingers weren't. That's all that means.

>> No.19046687

Yes, that's just climate change.