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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19033829 No.19033829 [Reply] [Original]

why does modern chain pizza taste like shit compared to the 90s and 80s? it literally tastes different.

>> No.19033833


>> No.19033842

zoomers have now souls

>> No.19033904

low iq subhumans give zero fucks about quality and if you complain they call you a karen (a white nigger)

>> No.19033919

I know you mean "MUH NEGROS AND BROWN PEOPLE!", but I feel the problem is just rather the usual overcommercialization over the last 30 years (aka "Capitalism and Communism try, for very different reasons, to answer the question how much sawdust can be added to a granola bar before people get fed up with things.") .

>> No.19033935

palm oil cheese

>> No.19033941

They used to make the dough in store

>> No.19034039

Since brand is established, no reason to focus on quality when you can save money on it.
Before, they really needed to win over their customers, now they don't

>> No.19034082

>food tasted better when I was an ignorant kid that society hadn’t yet ground down to a bitter husk
You’re not going to relive 1993 no matter what Pizza Hut does to their recipe.

>> No.19034093 [DELETED] 

Brown people is the result of that
Both ‘bottom line’ capitalism and ‘fuck borders’ communism mass-import brown people who lack the concern necessary to consistently perform in a kitchen. In 1988, the typical chain pizza joint was mostly staffed with 18-19 year old suburban white kids working their first job, eager to get experience and learn about how to succeed. Nowadays it’s all black single mothers in their 30s and mexicans who don’t speak english and send half their paycheque back to their family in mexico and the other half to the cartel who that smuggled them in

>> No.19034140

Genetically modified tomatoes to resist pesticides. Gives it a bland flavor, pair that with the picking raw process and it’s literally flavorless junk. Grow your own heirloom tomatoes.

>> No.19034262

what? I think hes refering to the mo.

>> No.19035532

s oybean oil

>> No.19035545

no it taste the same. I recently had a pizza hut pizza for the first time in about 25 years and it tasted exactly as I remembered.

>> No.19035593

Dude I posted it to talk about their attention to quality.

>> No.19035627

The secret ingredient was lesbian sexual tension.

>> No.19035647

sneed oils

>> No.19035722


>> No.19035723

You grew up.

>> No.19035755


>> No.19035789

>dat classic pan pizza
>that god tier salad bar with kale as decoration

>> No.19035928

My guess is they switched from a heavier whole milk mozzarella blend (think orange grease layer associated with NY pizza) to one that is mostly part skim. That and not using as much cheese per pizza, lower quality sauce, cost cutting on dough ingredients, and possibly a shorter fermentation time.

>> No.19035967

That isn’t actually true of capitalism though, heinz took over the market by not adding sawdust to his products at a time when there was no law against it in the US. Any problem with capitalism can actually be traced back to government.

>> No.19036088

Different oils.
Possibly lack of trans fats and such.

>> No.19036089

It doesn't

>> No.19036805

Sorry for misinterpreting your post, it just felt a little bit like the 357th /pol/ posting of "MUH BROWN PEOPLE".

>> No.19036843

“And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.”

>> No.19036897
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They made everything from scratch back then
It took skill and finesse to do this
Zoomers have neither so everything now has to come in a box because with no work ethic, a low iq worker is unable to perform complex tasks
Boomers were either smart or knew they were dumb and had to try harder to make up for it
The result was good pizza.
To Zoomers, trying hard is literally seen as pathetic, calling someone a try hard is a pejorative term

There is no fixing this

Soon there will be no pizza worth eating

>> No.19036903

Your taste buds stop working as you age.

>> No.19037585
File: 15 KB, 447x444, 1418084008694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any problem with capitalism can actually be traced back to government.

Ah yes, because Governmental Regulations were totally the reason for trains derailing and being Ohio Chernobyl. It toootally wasn't because of removing those regulations in 2018 and wanting shit to ship faster by bypassing pre-ship safety checks! Holy fuck I wish you Lolbertarians would at least own up to shit without the Complete Retard act, at least I could somewhat respect the gall of just outright saying Age of Consent laws are bullshit because you want to fuck kids and Government Regulation/Taxes are bad because I want to be the richest fucker out there. But no, you just do the faggy ass "Plz No Step, Gubbmit bad :((" shit. It's pathetic.

>> No.19037590
File: 153 KB, 1200x919, PJeVH_My1TfjT2emzoibqVSs6cHDbio2so3vdxnrC1w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss this little nigga like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.19037603


call them orcs. they don't refer to you with respect

>> No.19037621

>I could somewhat respect

can you respect people that don't trust gubberment laws and regulations, because the gubbetment is made up of Caucasophobic jews

>> No.19037624

when they took the stuffed crust idea to the extreme

>> No.19037626
File: 2.75 MB, 540x302, 1632623417594.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fairy Dust=MSM and Italian blended cheese and spices!

>> No.19037642

Do you really remember things from 40 years ago? I have this same dumb thought process a lot and I always just figure it's me. Whether it was the time. I was happier. Atmosphere. Or just my brain rewriting the memory 4829 times. W.e. I highly doubt anything was so much better because people 40 years ago were waxing nostalgic about 20 years back from then.

If there was ever a time machine for food items and you Pepsi challenged it, I bet you'd like the modern crap just as well.

>> No.19037647
File: 24 KB, 480x531, D94860C6-32E3-495D-B19D-048454AE9489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem is you think a government is necessary for regulating and not just a monopoly on regulation providing an inferior and more expensive product

>> No.19037676

Bahaaha. Hope the birdies didn't harmed.

>> No.19037679
File: 1019 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_8205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Soon there will be no pizza worth eating
it's ridiculously easy to make your own--cheap as hell too.
Give it a try sometime.

>> No.19037722

If I am going to cook, there is tons of stuff I would rather have
Pizza is supposed to be a nice treat that someone else makes and you can buy for cheap

>> No.19037731

Have you ever seen those ancient fun youtube time capsule videos from gas stations or pizza places in the 80s? Filmed on 15lb on the shoulder home camcorder things? They were run by absolute retard teens and 20 year olds. They were not culinary wizards making shit from scratch, lol. Maybe the produce or ingredients were better. Wheres your proof of this idiocy?

>> No.19037867

>They were run by absolute retard teens and 20 year olds.
Yes they were retards
But they had a very strong work ethic that is lacking today

>> No.19037884

>Governmental Regulations were totally the reason for trains derailing and being Ohio Chernobyl
Actually it was Biden killing the railway strikes in December. The 2018 thing was completely unrelated to the malfunction as it was a problem with the axel, not the brakes.

>> No.19037887

They cut the moozarella with cheaper cheese

>> No.19037895

Not only is the dough not fresh but they bake it and keep it like that getting stale until you call then they put it back in the oven to melt the cheese so they can deliver it faster

>> No.19037896

I didn't know they had zoomers back then.

>> No.19037898

How the fuck do you lower the sauce quality it's just tomato, onion, garlic and herbs

>> No.19037903

You can easily make it at home

>> No.19037912

This is fake, it would have tanken them longer to get the shits
They just got a bunch of people to walk Infront of the camera with white stuff on them

>> No.19037916

Notice how the people who aren't focused in the video are acting perfectly fine
Wierd how they knew who to film

>> No.19037920

>40 years ago
Don't worry anon soon the dementia will take you back there

>> No.19037937

You just film lots of people and don't use the footage of people who haven't been hit.

>> No.19037971

Oh, I didn't click the YouTube link. No clue what is there. Sorry.

Are you in or anywhere near to any field who employs younger people? I've got young kids working for me at my shit jerb and a handful are worthless but a fuckton have massive work ethic. Too fucking much desu. I got to a good spot by always going the extra mile and being a hardworking eager beaver shithead with a smidge of intelligence at that age. If I could go back in time, I wouldn't do it again. Not worth. Companies don't fucking care about you and you don't need to kill yourself for them to get to a comfy af spot. Yet alone a goddamn pizza hut. So annoying everyone pisses and moans about every generation coming behind them. Everyone's been doing it forever. Grow up. Damn kids these days!! Huuuurrrrr.

>> No.19038205

>This is the retarder

>> No.19038259

The Priazzo pizza, described at the end of this video, had its name generated by AI. Things today might be less different than they seem.

>> No.19038281

because you're not a kid any more. the food was shit then and is shit now. you changed

>> No.19039071

All of the zoomers i meet are high on pot all the time with no focus and no social skills

>> No.19039076

ITT: zoomers discover their sense of taste changes as they age.

>> No.19039081

You were younger and didn't have the same responsibilities & worries that you do now because (for most people) your parents shielded you from it. Add to that your perception of time & risk were different (seriously, it changes as you age) and yeah, people often believe "things were better back then" which is how they become foaming Conservatives.

>> No.19039100

Fuck of retard. Have you seen how the medical industry operates in third world countries? Sometimes government intervention is necessary.

>> No.19039214

They all use the same premade, sysco tier pizza components

>> No.19039252

Taste changes as you age retard. Most places have absolutely no interest in changing what they do for decades out of laziness.