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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 540 KB, 1800x1029, 10Lastmeal-slideshow-slide-L31W-mobileMasterAt3x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19030093 No.19030093 [Reply] [Original]

What would be your ideal last meal?
For me it would probably be:
>rare steak
>pancakes with bananas and whipped cream
>caesar salad
>a couple of pieces of fried chicken
>stuffed mushrooms

>> No.19030174

Just something simple like a lasagna or a pizza. I doubt I would have much of an appetite anyways.

>> No.19030188
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Senzu beans, I would keep one between my teeth so that when I bite down as I'm dying (by lethal injection or electric chair) it would restore me to full health. They can't execute you twice, that's double jeopardy.
>checkmate legal system

>> No.19030202

You'd get full halfway through, twink, and your final memory would be being a pussy who couldn't finish his last meal

>> No.19030230
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I'm grossly obese and could easily eat that

>> No.19030231

Look at that nice happy face in the cup

>> No.19030236

12 chicken quesaritos from Taco Bell with diablo sauce, washed down with a cup of strong coffee. Clean it up, janny.

>> No.19030347

I wouldn't take a final meal. Dying with a full stomach sounds like the worst. I don't wanna be in a food coma and shit my pants when they fry me.

>> No.19030352

'roni 'chovy 'peño 'napple 'za

>> No.19030391
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bread and wine

>> No.19030419
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Fried Shrimp
Fried Catfish
Butter Crackers
Fried Okra
Dill Pickles
Pickled Jalapenos
Texas Toast
Vanilla Ice Cream
1 pitcher each Unsweet Tea, Milk, and Dublin Dr. Pepper

>> No.19030429

they put you in diapers sorry champ
they saw your scheme coming a mile away

>> No.19030454

a falafel or something, unsweetened iced tea, hot fudge sundae

>> No.19030480

reminder they don't have shredded chicken anymore so your last meal's gonna suck

>> No.19030481
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>water mr rango

>> No.19030489
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>I’m the sheriff around these here parts
>and as long as that there sign hangs then believe in me

>> No.19030495

>tfw sign stops hanging

>> No.19030500
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>mfw sign gets shot

>> No.19030517

the cooked head of the current (I guess former once the head is removed) president of the united states

>> No.19030549
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>> No.19030557

>eat poopy
>poop poopy
>eat poopy poop
>poop poopy poop

>> No.19030559

Who cares about eating im going to die wahhhh

>> No.19030575

Has there ever been a case of execution failing?

>> No.19030604

they just try again until they get it right
that anon with his double jeopardy shit doesn't understand how it works

>> No.19030611

You have been eating ramen and nujtraloaf for years. Anyone would take the opportunity to eat something delicious after that even if they are going to die.

>> No.19030617
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>> No.19030648

>lethal injection has a 7% FAILURE RATE
what the fuck man
let's go back to firing squads please

>> No.19030687

Yeah. It's pretty fucked. It happens because every person's body works differently so some are more resistant to the poisons. Also a medical practitioner can't insert the needle. If they miss the vein it will be a horrible painful experience.

>> No.19030689

They can
If the lethal injection doesn't work then they'll use something else

>> No.19030694

You would have to be the luckiest unlucky person for that miracle of logistics to occur.

>> No.19030697

Didn't a Mexican survive the firing squad once?
His face was really fucked up
(Of course I trust the people on the internet Why would they lie?)

>> No.19030704
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whatever I have for dinner tonight

>> No.19030710

No idea. It's from https://deathpenaltyinfo.org/executions/botched-executions
It seems pretty believable.

>> No.19030719

Thats not even close to true. The punishment always states "till dead".so they can do it as much as they want

>> No.19030725

It also just seems like a lot of hassle to go through and takes a long time
it's definitely not painless either
I really wonder how some people think it's more humane or civilized than just putting a bullet in somebody

>> No.19030770

For me that's poptarts

>> No.19030858
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>> No.19031032

On one of those prison shows there was a death row inmate who said when it was his time he was going to request 2 Whoppers from Burger King
I felt bad because he had been in prison for something like 30 years so he doesn't know how much Burger King sucks now

>> No.19031310

I wouldn't be able to eat anything because I'd be an anxious mess since I didn't do anything.

>> No.19031342

shrimp cocktail as the appetizer. fusilli alla vodka with pancetta and garlic bread as the main, with some prosecco. tiramisu for dessert.

>> No.19031544
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>> No.19031591

kek saved

>> No.19031627

wish i was lactose intolerant, i'd ask for 4 or 5 milkshakes and then diarrhea all over their chair when they get me

>> No.19032730

Did he make it through the night?

>> No.19032754

problem is that the good killing chemicals are only made by a couple companies and those companies don't like it when you use their chemicals for killing people.
so, they have to use the shittier ones usually.
although i don't really get why they don't just give people a monster dose.

>> No.19032766

>the point of a last meal is to finish it
Die sad nigger, I’d order the moon and take a bite out of everything

>> No.19032778

Should really just use inert gas like helium. It's cheap as fuck, painless and knocks you out in seconds. There's a reason why suicide hoods are a thing.

>> No.19032781

One guy in Texas did this and ruined it for everyone else. Now they don't do last meals anymore

Imagine you've been sitting on death row for 20 years eating nothing but prison slop, only having that final meal to look forward to that you've been fantasizing about for years because there's fuck all else to do in prison. And then that faggot goes right before you. Now your last meal is more prison slop lmao

>> No.19032799
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Not only is all of this true (actual legit doctors will not perform lethal injections, so they use low IQ goons)

But the actual process is almost comically terrible as an execution method, failing about 5-10% of the time as noted. They simply haven’t taken the care to understand the medical science.

The truth is, we already have a perfect science of “lethal injection”, which would induce a guaranteed painless death.

It’s called anesthesiology.

We have the tech to reduce consciousness to a tiny spark in the brainstem (at which point you could be literally flayed alive and feel nothing)

But no, these idiots will keep injecting people with some bizarre combo of sedatives, opioids and heart stopping drugs, inducing a mild stupor and an almost certainly unpleasant death at a minimum.

Hell, I’d prefer inert gas asphyxiation. Just put me in a room and slowly fill it with CO. Anything but that god damned laboratory of horrors they call “lethal injection”

>> No.19032810

Pretty sure the injection is a jewish humiliation ritual to please their dark god

>> No.19032819

I would order raw corn and hold in in my mouth so when they put me i the electric chair, it would make popcorn

>> No.19033659
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egg, chicken ricebowl

>> No.19033661
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>> No.19033692

be warned that if you don't say a restaurant for it to come from, it will be prepared by one of the prison kitchen staff
If they get your request and it just says
>egg, chicken ricebowl
you might not uh, exactly get what you're after

this is why many inmates go for fast food or named chains that they know what they're getting

>> No.19033697

i ended up boozing and technically did not eat dinner. I'll try again tonight anon, will report in if successful

>> No.19033726
File: 37 KB, 866x609, 1678216529045441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>20 oz rare ribeye
>rare tuna steak
>mac and cheese
>fried okra
>fried squash
>mashed potatoes with white gravy
>mac n cheese
>corn bread (sweet)
>tea (unsweet)
>pecan pie
>chocolate ice cream
>2x small cheese burger with all toppings
>country fried steak
>fried chicken
>biscuits with chocolate gravy
>grands biscuits with scrambled eggs cooked in butter
>pancakes with syrup
>x2 chili hot dogs no onions
>cheese curds
>small thin crust pizza, light sauce, pineapple.
>tempura shrimp
>2x rolls of Tuna Sushi with wasabi and ginger
>fries and ketchup
>Fried cheese wontons
>30 rack of Miller high life
and probably more if I had time to think on it. Yea I could eat it all, and more.

>> No.19033747

there's usually a budget limit and you're way over it
no alcohol either

>> No.19033767
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literally me

>> No.19033778

supposedly nobody on death roe ever actually touches their last meal.

>> No.19033799

that's not true, plenty of people finish it or eat a good portion
what is true though is that they've found that among inmates who were later found to have been innocent through new evidence, nearly all of them declined a last meal entirely
seems like only the guilty can eat

>> No.19033801

well that's fucked

>> No.19033802

honestly the most fucked up thing to me is that they won't even let you have a fucking cigarette anymore
>it wouldn't be fair to other inmates who don't get cigarettes
yeah, ok, but it's just ONE cigarette before you kill the motherfucker

>> No.19033813

The hottest pepper in the world so they can kill me and put me out of my misery.