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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19025217 No.19025217 [Reply] [Original]

What is your favorite socially aware food brand?

>> No.19025233

Sounds like a silly gimmick

>> No.19025256
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>> No.19025258

It reads like the bio of an oc character

>> No.19025262

Their chocolate is really good though

>> No.19025271

oh hey, guess who just got caught buying from another supplier who maybe did an oopsie
uh oh, looks like small child hands from mali processed some of your socially aware, progressive chocolate

>> No.19025280
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literally this

>> No.19025305

haha it does

>> No.19025326

>socially aware food brand
I either don't know any that are, If I buy something that I find out it is, I don't buy it again. if it obviously is, I won't buy it.

>> No.19025400

I generally try to avoid eating anything with sentience/awareness.

>> No.19025410

it's probably the best widely available chocolate brand i've tried. even without the whole no slavery thing it just tastes good and the bars are thick.
the pretzel one is too good

>> No.19025435
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I've honestly never thought about eating communists, but now that you mention it...

>> No.19025445

well that cuts out:
dolphins and porpoises

everything else is good to go!

>> No.19025451

It’s better for the climate just to skip the middleman. Advertising and manufacturing all takes a toll on the environment. I only eat found roadkill and crude oil, so it doesn’t make its way into cars.

>> No.19025455

i'd be completely comfortable eating any sentient being so long as it isn't human. even if we came into contact with aliens who were more intelligent than humans, i'd have no moral objection to eating them

>> No.19025462


>> No.19025475

I've eaten pilot whale and have had octopus several hundreds of times.

>> No.19025488
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>> No.19025502
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>> No.19025541

I care so much, I continuously pass gas. Sniff sniff motherfucker.

>> No.19025571

I love when companies scream in my face reasons why I shouldn’t give them money. It’s so much easier than having to manually dig through their political donations and lobbying records

>> No.19025577
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>When tranny becomes law, resistance becomes duty
i don't get it

>> No.19025645

Why draw the line at human?

>> No.19025661

milk chocolate is great except for the slavery, the heavy metals, the palm oil, and the fact that it tastes like complete dog shit ass

>> No.19025729

prions mostly

>> No.19025733

Is this that slava ukrani fag?

>> No.19025855

god do you remember when /pol/ was saying Ukraine wouldn't last two days and that it was the beginning of the end for woke western civilisation. lmao.

>> No.19025858

Bible says so, i think

>> No.19025870
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Back then I was referring to the conflict as "Slavs slaving on slavs". My opinions have not changed. We should not be dumping money into this shit.

>> No.19026046

chocolate wine hooch?

it supports unplanned latinx pregnancies?

>> No.19026054

I purposefully buy the cheapest vietnamese cashews.

>> No.19026063

Ukraine deserves all our support

>> No.19026069
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I would rather try lard chocolate

>> No.19026073
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Ukraine is a money hole that we are fighting for over natural resources because people with money have hands in their energy companies. There is no defensive purpose for us to be there other than to defend fossil fuels that danger-haired people are telling me not to use in my stove.\\\\

>> No.19026074

what's that? chocolate with lard?

>> No.19026153


>> No.19026174

Mama Juana is such a fucking scam. I regret buying a bottle because what I took home was nothing like the sample at the store.

>> No.19026193

>Ukraine is a money hole that we are fighting for over national soverignty because NATO wants to protect its borders and non-NATO aligned countries do not want Russia on their borders. There is no defensive purpose to be there other than protecting national sovereignty and NATO and also danger-haired people are telling me to not to use gas ovens without proper ventilation.

Fixed that for you, champ.

>> No.19026210
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>muh NATO

Whatever you want CHAMP. I'm sure it has nothing to do with energy companies. That would just be silly.

>> No.19026221

what? a food brand isn’t 100% honest? that’s crazy. i still like their chocolate, and i’ll continue to buy it because the quality of the product is the only thing that matters. ben and jerrys is good, chickfila is good, anyone who cares what owners do is a huge faggot

>> No.19026227

Tony's is probably the best milk chocolate bar you can get anywhere.
I fucking hate their "wokeness" though lmao, gimme the same product but use slaves, it'll cost down cost. Hire me Tony!

>> No.19026259
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because COON is a four letter word

>> No.19026261

experimental racism: use "cheers" instead of "coons" as necessary, like with "joggers"

>> No.19026263

but "cheers" is such a common thing to say already here so it's meaning can't be changed


>> No.19026264

Don’t forget the military labs trying to make bioweapons that discriminate genetics

>> No.19026265

cheers mate

>> No.19026268

I wish they had just said "fuck faggots"

>> No.19026270
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I've been trying to forget that, but you are correct that, it's a large part of it.

>> No.19026283

Watching the communists get blown the fuck out multiple years after all their persistent shilling on /pol/ doesn't make up for watching Ukraine go through the same old shit yet again, but it sure helps.

>> No.19026290


>> No.19026302

>Whatever you want CHAMP.
Yep. Nothing to do with Nato. That's why all the NATO countries on Ukraine's border a bulking up their militaries and buying billions of dollars of weapons.

>> No.19026328

oh my gawd you're adorable

>> No.19026622
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Alpia tried pulling that fucked up pattern shite too and had to backpedal.

>> No.19026629

Faggots would probably like that.

>> No.19026648

Have you been to a Chick-fil-a in the south? faggots like Chick-fil-a.

>> No.19026906

It says not to eat shellfish, it never says that cannibalism is forbidden.

>> No.19026923

>There is no defensive purpose for us
>We should not be dumping money into this shit.

You think we shouldnt be rotating out our Miltary's old equipment?
You think its a bad idea to be giving money directly to american factories, employing white americans, making weapons that keep america armed, keeps our manufacturing top notch?

We give millions of dollars worth of weapons to allies every single year to keep those factories rolling.
That money is part of the 1.5 trillion dollars spent on military every year. If it wasnt Ukraine it would be fucking Israel or someone else, the spending never stops.
The money keeps rolling regardless, its just convenient that Ukraine has a need right now.

>> No.19026930

Lol. And it's not even particularly good chocolate.

>> No.19027168

>unironically shilling for forever wars
How does it feel to have become a Cheney-style 2005-era neocon?

>> No.19027175

I don't have a "socially aware" food brand, I dont care some assholes trying to push their shit agenda and expecting me to pay for it.

>> No.19027190

feed the beast

>> No.19027202

shut the fuck up globalist Z

>> No.19027204

Tony's is the best chocolate bar but I fucking hate the uneven pieces so much

>> No.19027205
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>> No.19027232

But the slavery is what gives it that extra kick that I crave

>> No.19027248

Azov won. Wannabe commies lost.

>> No.19027286

its like the 70's car advert that was tricking women into buying cars. Reverse Psychology.

>> No.19027287

top kek

>> No.19027307
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>> No.19027316

>How does it feel to have become a Cheney-style 2005-era neocon?
It feels pragmatic, seeing how we have to play world police for everyone.

>> No.19027318

Ukraine isn’t in nato.
>non nato countries want
Not my problem, Finland and Sweden refused to join nato for decades because “america is an imperialist nazi state and we don’t want to sign our military sovereignty to them”. But now that they have to stand and deliver I’m supposed to feed the mouth that bit my hand? Fuck em, they deserve whatever they get.
>defending national sovereignty
Funny how the “no more american interventionism” went out the window as soon as the enemy was a european country. Decades of seething over dropping bombs on brown people instantly forgotten
>proper ventilation
California has banned all new houses from having gas stoves because of the ‘environmental risk’.

>> No.19027322

Is another way of saying you have no principles.

>> No.19027332

"Principles" dont change the objective reality we live in.

>> No.19027337

Now that they are forced to stand and deliver on their ideology, they immediately capitulate and demand nato/america put its full might into saving them, despite not having paid a penny into the system themselves*
Clarity edit

>> No.19027341

Living without principles leads you into an arbitrary dictatorship, every single time. Red China is the most pragmatic state to ever exist.

>> No.19027347

Oh yeah, what are yours? Letting 21st century imperial powers assfuck their bordering neighbors and commit thousands of warcrimes in the process under completely and demonstrably false pretenses just so some geriatric cancer patient can feel better about his legacy?

In what fucking universe is that being more principled?

>> No.19027362

Worrying about my own national sovereignty and the ideology it was founded on. It is not America’s job to solve the world’s problems. I am not russian. I am not ukrainian. What happens on the other side of the planet is not my problem. You don’t actually care about “warcrimes and invasions” either because if you did you’d be advocating for intervention in ¾ of south american and african countries, because they do 3x worse shit than what russia is doing, and have been doing so for decades. You don’t know or care about actual realworld slavery and tribal cannibalism in places like the Congo, because CNN didn’t tell you to care about it.

>> No.19027391

>It says not to eat shellfish
that's the Old Testament, the New Testament says to eat whatever. and besides Mosaic Law was only ever for jewish people, "righteous gentiles" were never expected to observe all of that
>it never says that cannibalism is forbidden.
not explicitly but i think we can reasonably infer

>> No.19027414

The phrasing in the bible implies that faithful israelites became christians, and blasphemous ones became modern jews.

>> No.19027453

>you’d be advocating for intervention in ¾ of south american and african countries
how do you know anon doesn't?
>they do 3x worse shit than what russia is doing
like what? i've not heared anything about any other invasions.

>> No.19027459

I see all the time but never tried it. How does it compare to Frey's or Lindt?

>> No.19027463
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>> No.19027537

Because if he did, he’d recognise how minuscule Russia’s invasion is compared to the cartel domination in LatAm and this thread would be about that rather than seething about slavs beingg slavs.

>I’ve not heard anything about other invasions
Afghanistan is literally in the middle of a civil war that is spilling into neighbouring countries as we speak. Half of north and west africa is at war with each other and themselves.

>> No.19027541

You're genuinely mentally retarded if you consider china pragmatic in any capacity.

>> No.19027547

cum pit

>> No.19027550

what's your point?

>> No.19027554

>It is not America’s job to solve the world’s problems

yes it is retard
being number one has its responsibilities

>> No.19027557

You are genuinely retarded if you think they aren’t. They don’t believe in anything other than expanding their own power and control. Why do you think they arbitrarily adopt western culture and capitalistic economic practises despite being ‘communist’ and ‘anti-western’? Same reason they allow some people to buy BMWs and Cadillacs, whilst forcing other people to work on collective farms. It’s pure pragmatism. Become stronger, by any means necessary. If that means enslaving one group for a while and then enslaving another, then so be it. One day one rule applies, the next day a different rule applies.

>> No.19027558

>save me from the consequences of my actions
No. The RotW have made it crystal clear for decades that they don’t want us to play world police, it’s about time we start listening to them.

>> No.19027563

no it isn't
it doesn't matter what uni lefties and incel rejects think

>> No.19027575

The biggest warhawks are the people who know they won’t be on the frontlines
All neocons must die

>> No.19027578

>cartel domination
For one, that's not one nation invading another and for another, cartels, to my knowledge, having used tanks to bulldoze entire towns.
Not quite a 1:1 comparison, but I guess I see your point.

>civil wars
are not invasions, but again, despite not being a 1:1 comparison, I see your point.

If you're the same guy as above, this point you are 100% correct on. To be fair, they don't always make the best choices to achieve their aims, but by golly, the get there eventually and really do need to be stopped. All of their interventionism in the Middle East and in Africa is really cutting into American hegemony. The US is no saint, but it's leaps and bounds better than the current alternatives no matter which party happens to control capitol hill.
Fuck China.

But enough about this shit. Let's talk choccy. I still wanna know >>19027459
I see these Tony's bars everywhere and I hesitate to buy one because I've been let down by American mass-made chocolates before. Your specialty, small batch producers make chocolates rivaling those of my home country and its neighbours, but your mass-made ones, even supposedly better brands like Godiva, just don't do it for me.

>> No.19027600

It's called greed, not pragmatism.

>> No.19027612

>Worrying about my own national sovereignty and the ideology it was founded on. It is not America’s job to solve the world’s problems. I am not russian. I am not ukrainian. What happens on the other side of the planet is not my problem.
1870 called and wants its IR doctrine back. whether or not you want something like one country invading another country's sovereign borders to be "your problem", if you believe in the concept of sovereignty in its own right, international violations of it become your problem because they erode your justifications of it.
>You don’t actually care about “warcrimes and invasions” either because if you did you’d be advocating for intervention in ¾ of south american and african countries, because they do 3x worse shit than what russia is doing, and have been doing so for decades.
>You don’t know or care about actual realworld slavery and tribal cannibalism in places like the Congo, because CNN didn’t tell you to care about it.
step on a landmine you white nigger trash. you couldn't give a single fuck about the well-being of people in subsaharan Africa; you just saw an opportunity to win an online argument with someone you think is a hypocrite.

I've done 4 years in the peace corps working for agriculture-related NGOs in 2 different central African countries, you have done NOTHING with your worthless fucking life except sit in your room. every single one of USAID and the myriad of UN human development initiatives in subsaharan Africa are chronically underfunded and understaffed, I'm absolutely all for dumping 5x what we do now into remolding these shitholes into functioning states with effective governance structures and intercontinental transport systems that support free flow of goods that aren't hijacked by warlords every 20 miles.

Is that principled enough for you?

>> No.19027628

Greed is pragmatic provided the risk doesn't outweigh the reward.

>> No.19027640

As a white man I’ll simply ignore the predefined boundaries and take whatever bite I want

>> No.19027644

>I've done 4 years in the peace corps working for agriculture-related NGOs in 2 different central African countries
>I'm absolutely all for dumping 5x what we do now into remolding these shitholes into functioning states
Lol'd. Good b8 if b8ing. Otherwise I fear you may be retarded. Decades and trillions of dollars later, Africa is the same as it ever was, and your solution is to spend "5x" more. Surely if this course of action didn't work, quintupling down on it will work. If you actually think this, you should permanently go back to Africa and spend the rest of your life fighting for this impossible dream Wakanda of yours so as not to negatively impact the IQs of your fellow citizens.

>> No.19027736

how mad are you right now?

>> No.19028267

>break off corners
>look at the deeply unsatisfying layout
>never buy again

>> No.19028374

it tastes exactly like dove chocolate

>> No.19028385

>I've done 4 years in the peace corps working
I would argue you have done nothing as well. We all know what happens the moment you pull out of those backward shitholes. Throwing money into the abyss to help people who neither want nor care for your "aid"

>> No.19028409

This is bussing, only chocolate I buy in the Netherlands. Almond sea salt or fizzy raspberry

>> No.19028425

lol a crab with a skorpion

>> No.19028461

retarded packaging that makes it difficult to break it up into chunks without making a mess and is the sole reason I never buy it. Nowhere on the packaging does it say anything about inequality either.

>> No.19029193

You are all going to keep buying shit from brands that hate you and lie to you about virtue, and you are going to like it

>> No.19029248


>> No.19029441

Christianity destroyed the European religions

>> No.19029447


>> No.19029809

Lmao I never knew about the writing and the different size pieces was just cute to me.

>> No.19029836

not the original Tonys guys, first post in thread. Ive never ventured far into "true" imported chocolates (im in teh USA) - and that pretzel Tonys bar i bought at Whole Foods for $5.50 was totally worth it and better than any i can remember i had. I saw they partnered with Benand Jerrys, so im on the lookout for a pint of that

>> No.19029851


>> No.19029856

Based fuck pagans

>> No.19029860
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>> No.19030163

It's just too bad North America didn't exist when the bible was being wrote or Chocolate could have been the eighth food of Deuteronomy 8:8.
Also, seriously, fucking olive oil? The rest of those sound like they could be pretty good together but that one's just... WHAT?!

>> No.19031134

We DO?!???? You're the worst, most despicably hypocritical, bottom of the barrel scum of the earth that exists, I fucking swear, the living example of why people capable of reason hate people like you so fucking much

>> No.19031149

that's just the oil that everyone used back then

>> No.19031166

Pagans are cringe and ywnbaw. Pac Christi

>> No.19031766

Tony Faggot sure is lucky that his chocolate tastes so good, pretentious prick.

>> No.19031839

And media-frenzied retards were saying that Russia would run out of money for their invasion within a month and Putin would be ousted.

>> No.19031855

Yeah it's not like they had been neglecting to fund their militaries for decades because America paid for their protection for them or anything you naive brainwashed idiot.

>> No.19031870

> it was the beginning of the end for woke western civilisation. lmao.

it is. the globalists are creating conditions for a global famine which will inevitably end woke western civilization, and then the globalists will institute their new neo-aristocratic based civilization where you own nothing and will be happy (because being unhappy will be illegal). The rich and powerful don't support progressive causes because they believe in them, they do it to demoralize and humiliate you. Chronic stress makes you easier to manipulate, and it helps dismantle the middle class. Think about it logically: whats the end game of having abunch of people cut off their dicks? It's societal suicide. Literally. Transgender people do not reproduce, neither do homosexuals. They by definition can't. It's not a sustainable movement, it's a weapon against the middle class, targeting their children, so that when the boomers finally die the wealth doesnt get inherited, it goes back to the state and its corporations. Woke western civilization is doomed by design.

my source? I made it all up.

>> No.19031884

If I wasn't disabled, I would personally gas every hohol nigger and nato tranny I could get my hands on

>> No.19031994

Tough luck, Callebaut represents at least 25% of chocolate products worldwide

>> No.19032016

>my source? I made it all up.
No, no. It tracks, incels have become a thing, less people that reproduce.

>> No.19032456

I know, I'm just saying olive oil doesn't go in a candy bar.

>> No.19032635

>razorblade in the middle
what did they mean by this

>> No.19032735

Christianity led Europeans to conquer the world. If we were still pagans we'd still be in Northern Europe.

>> No.19032753
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They had some cringe descriptions but only in German AFAIK.

>> No.19032765

What? If anything they did it despite christianity. Conquistadors had to deal with all kinds of whining from padres at home while barely keeping themselves alive from hordes of canibbals.

>> No.19032768

It basically just says "the middle piece is bigger and is filled with tasty flavours"

>> No.19032770

okay? and i'm just saying fuck off you satanist.

>> No.19032773

That was only after they forced Jews to xonvert. The most famous defenders of Indians as "posessing a soul" were New Christians (aka Jews) like Padre Antonio Vieira.

Columbus, Pizzarro and Cortez were not held back by the church. It was 50 years or so later after the1492 decree of forced conversion (same year Hispaniola was discovered) that the church founded the Jesuits (crypto jews) and defended natives rights.

>> No.19032777

It has zero influence on my purchase decisions. I will buy the product that gives the optimal quality and price combination for my tastes.

>> No.19032794

lol christianity led to muh tolerance and accepting the flooding of third worlders into western nations and 'turning the other cheek' to ruin and dilute european heritage. fuck off

>> No.19033524

Get help, anon. It's not healthy or normal to be this obsessed.

>> No.19033526

damn is this true? If i read the wiki on jesuits is that a good source? Or is there something better to read

>> No.19033573
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