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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19023926 No.19023926 [Reply] [Original]

What is /ck/'s cocktail of choice. I'm a daiquiri man myself.

>> No.19023935

Corn and Oil
but tiki drinks in general

>> No.19023943

Sweet tea and honey Jack

>> No.19023953
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Boulevardier. I live in an area which gets full four seasons and Boulevardier is perfect any time. Warms you up in fall and in the winter, but is still refreshing in the summer, especially if you add a bit of extra Campari. Two or three of these and a good cigar is a great way to make a few hours on a summer night to go by without you even noticing.

>> No.19023965

I like a good gimlet or tom collins

>> No.19023966

For me it’s the French 75.

>> No.19024022
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>> No.19024028

Daiquiri is a favorite of mine aswell.

>> No.19024340
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Winter: Manhattan. rye. be generous with the vermouth. Antica Formula. on the rocks. two cherries. two spoons of the sirup the cherries came in.
Summer: Mint Julep. press mint leaves all over the inside of the cup. don't leave mint in the cup. use barrel strength bourbon. large bouque of mint. no stirring.

>> No.19024372
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For me, it's a Mezcal Margarita.

>> No.19025777

In the cold weather for me, it's a Dark and Stormy. In the warm weather, a classic Mojito.

>> No.19025791
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>> No.19025800


>> No.19026881

You are 24 years old.

>> No.19028399

had Dark N Stormys for the first time last week. Gonna do them again in a couple of days on payday. The ginger beer and lime totally masked the alcohol taste for me. Drank the whole 750ml bottle over the course of an afternoon. Felt good man.

>> No.19028474
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daquiris are good, but I like mojitos better. same thing but with mint.
my personal favorite is a corpse reviver number 2
this guy gets it

>> No.19028480

i would have said mojito >>19025791
but the mint is the worst part

>> No.19028498

You really are here forever. When I started browsing you couldn't insult someone by telling them they're 24, in fact that would be considered a little old. These days anons talk about having wives and they don't even fear being clowned on for not having aged out of browsing.

>> No.19028504

im convinced at this point this point people only say call people underage if theyre underage, ive spoke to some older anons and they are beyond being that petty
its like a 12 year old calling you gay on xbox live even though hes never kissed a girl himself

>> No.19028558

it feels like there are fewer alternatives than there were when I started posting here ten years ago
I'm not just talking about places where you can say "nigger" or "faggot" but really any place where you can discuss topics that aren't advertiser friendly or made to sell products
so it doesn't surprise me that people stick around

>> No.19028563

Toronto. I just went out and bought some fernet and rye today because I was running low. I also want to try fernet and gin because people say its good.

>> No.19028570

Wasn't really an insult, but the fact that you felt insulted tells me that I was right.

>> No.19028578

>but the fact that you felt insulted tells me that I was right.
nta but just assuming someone is younger than you, ie less intelligent comes across as extremely pretentious and snarky. i think most would assume that what you said was a slight on him

>> No.19028582
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Not that anon

>> No.19028585

I never said my own age. I especially never said that he was less intelligent. It was a deduction based on his favorite cocktail. I could be 24 too. I never said there was anything wrong with being 24, you're just insecure about your status and place in life.

>> No.19028587

mojito, margarita, moscow mule, the list could go on...
(not really I don't drink)

>> No.19028590

Doesn't matter, you're likely insecure about your age and status as well.

>> No.19028591

>you're just insecure about your status and place in life.
i fucking wish, maybe id have some motivation to do something with my life

>> No.19028594

Who isn't?

>> No.19028596

in what fucking reality do you live in where people are insecure about their age?
are you fucking delusional or some shit, thats the most bizarre take ive read in a while. you can fucking change age no matter what so how the fuck could some one be insecure about it.

>> No.19028605

Oh man I bungled the reply chain and as a result no one knows who's who and everyone's mad at one another lol
This post >>19028582 should have linked to this post >>19028570

>> No.19028625

The reality in which at least three different anons are triggered by a literally harmless sentence as simple as "You are 24 years old". and felt the need to reply.

What fucking reality are you in?

Anyway, my favorite cocktail is a daiquiri.

>> No.19028631

because a grown adult should belittle someone about their age and insult them for it ?
im in the reality where manhhaten is spelled with two H's

>> No.19028642

Point out where "you are 24 years old" is belittling.

I'll wait.

>> No.19028651

oh grow the fuck up yourself you twat, youre obviously calling "24" because youre trying to diss him for being young and enjoying himself
youre sad

>> No.19028654

Nope. I was trying to guess his age based on his favorite cocktail. You really are an insecure little atom of a man.

>> No.19028659
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>You really are an insecure little atom of a man.
better than trying to be a bullshitter who got caught out for being a cunt

>> No.19028987

Well, a few years off. 28.

>> No.19029003

the jungle bird is my favorite drink. how old am I?

>> No.19029037
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> margarita

>> No.19029054

manhattan or old fashioned. if at a mexican restaurant, then a mexican martini

>> No.19029123

>no White Russian
>no Brandy Alexander

>> No.19029395

dirty martini

>> No.19029621

cosmos, margaritas, or gin and tonic

>> No.19029641

For me is drinking rum straight

>> No.19029649

Negroni or a spritz

>> No.19029673

For me, it’s the southern luau.

2 oz Bourbon
1 oz Pineapple Juice
1 tbsp Ketchup
1/2 oz Simple Syrup
1/2 oz Fresh Lime Juice
Pineapple Wedge and Cherry, for garnish

In a shaker, add ice, bourbon, pineapple juice, ketchup, simple syrup, and lime juice.
Shake vigorously until well combined.
Strain into a glass filled with ice.
Garnish with a pineapple wedge and cherry on a toothpick.
Serve and enjoy!

>> No.19029687

I have five cocktails in regular rotation at home: daiquiri, manhattan, negroni, margarita, and old fashioned

>> No.19029688


>> No.19029720

I'm kind of all over the place, but Boulevardiers and Negronis - usually with black amaro with/instead of red, Mai Tais - sometimes with a little infusion in the orgeat, Gin Caesars, Tequila-heavy frozen margaritas, and Sazeracs tend to go into my face fairly frequently. I couldn't pick one over the others - they're all fantastic for their own reasons.

>> No.19029744

The sugar/syrup isn't necessary. Rum and Lime's a good combo, even better with grapefruit (Hemingway).

>> No.19029820

Cock is for gays

>> No.19030012

Long Island‘s are usually my go to when I’m out and about. But I really do most of my drinking alone at home.

>> No.19030029

damn do you actually order like this?

>> No.19030099

you're gay

>> No.19030123

Yeah. And I pull out my vial and sprinkle my bf’s cum in.

>> No.19030181

I really really like old fashioned's. It's kinda hard to find someone to make a good one though because everyone makes them differently. I also love sangria's. Although, here lately I've been drinking a lot of Double LIT's. Not the best habit... But I'll still get an OF often.

>> No.19030300

Mojitos or gin and tonics. Occasionally a Long Island Iced Tea.

>> No.19031531

I'm a shirley temple man, myself, I am, aye.

>> No.19031566

Expresso martini.
And im in my 40s

>> No.19031607

I swear to god I will hit on you in front of my own mother, and I will not keep it PG.

>> No.19031611

Tell me more, hell, she can join in.

>> No.19031729

Now you're speaking my language. She's 400lbs of pure, unadulterated fun!

>> No.19031797

How much does she bench?
And tail is for lads, thus cocktails serve both sexes, no?

Back in my drinking days, I drank only two cts:
- dirty martini, often without the vermouth since it was expensive compared to gin and olive brine and only smelled a bit odder
- vodka tapwater, about 1:1; works with any clear liquor too, like korn, rubbing alcohol, wood alcohol, the works

>> No.19031824

She'll bench you while you're inside me and I'm inside the bottle of Korn, and we're all sipping it empty with crazy straws.

>> No.19032001

Y'all sure know how to have fun.
I sometimes miss drinking.