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File: 807 KB, 658x624, italy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19023481 No.19023481 [Reply] [Original]

I think this is a reasonable and true statement when it comes to Italian and American food.

>> No.19023490

pizza and pasta are some of the easiest foods to make, and burgers really just depend on the quality of the ingredients

>> No.19023497

I would pay the person who made this money just to see how they would eat it.
People are ruining burgers these days. Burgers shouldn't be any larger than something like a Burger King Whopper or maybe a double quarter pounder from McDonalds.

>> No.19023500

that would probably be nice if it was edible

>> No.19023501

big king xxl has the perfect size imo

>> No.19023503

America perfected pizza and pasta. When people world-over hear "pizza" and "pasta", they think of variants popularized by America, not the Italian ones.
When people think of burgers, they, too, think of America.
Sushi? People think about California rolls, invented in Canada.
Mexican food? Tex-Mex is the most widely enjoyed type.
Indian food? Ok, not America, yet it's the British version of curries is that people think of.
Chinese food? That's right, it's Chinese restaurants in America are the ones that hold the Michelin stars.

It's almost like America takes novel food from brown places and makes them palatable and enjoyable. Hmm, what could it mean? Could it be that America utterly destroys and mogs the rest of the world in all aspects, including cuisine? We let the Brits have curry, but only because we have our own diarrhea inducing sloppa in Mexican Cuisine

tl;dr - kneel before Uncle Sam

>> No.19023506

I can agree with that as well. Both vertically and horizontally.
Something about a mcdouble is also perfect, even if a little small.

>> No.19023513

Are those marshmallows?

>> No.19023517

Most of what you say is true except for the sushi desu. That's more to do with the average American experience of sushi thinking that the California roll is what most people think of. Outside of the US I guarantee that's not the first thought that pops into someone's head.
Then again due to my geographic location when I think about sushi I think about Russians. Not because they do sushi really well or anything like that. But for some reason Russians, Belarussians and that whole area went really fucking crazy for sushi and it's probably one of their more popular foreign cuisines.

>> No.19023520

i thought it was marshmallow whip at first till i saw italy mentioned
nah its just cheese

>> No.19023524

I think it's because they already eat nearly raw fish (salted mackrel) so it's up their alley

>> No.19023555

What kind?

>> No.19023578

tons of restaurants around my area (west eu)
have mostly california rolls or weird stuff like cheese cucumber and a lotb of them even dont have tuna rolls its all salmon this makes me so angry

>> No.19023579

ricotta or mascerone?

>> No.19023585

I had a quick look around my city (central EU) and didn't find a single California roll on any menu.
Certainly not the most prominent either. I'd say if anything salmon was the big hitter.
There were some with avocado, sure. But not the California roll.

>> No.19023728
File: 662 KB, 640x426, wegmanssushi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some of the big grocery stores in the US actually make pretty decent sushi now
Wegmans has awesome sushi for the price

>> No.19024600

you know avacados come primarily from california right? and avacado in sushi is another american invention

>> No.19024638

I love grocery store sushi. They have actual chinamen making it at my grocery store and they only hire chinamen. They aren't nips, but you can't tell the difference anyway and they require them to spout japanese words at random. I find that the suffering of these wagies enhances the flavor.

>> No.19025178

Could maybe be fresh mozz too

>> No.19025479

italian pizza made in italy usually has flies in the dough.
burgers cannot be made better than at home over an open flame.

>> No.19025500

>Burgers shouldn't be any larger than...
you think like an asshole.
if i pay for it i'll have it whatever size i want.

>> No.19025507

>Outside of the US
we only talk about real countries, anon.
not facsimiles that are corpses from the past.

>> No.19025523
File: 3.19 MB, 2200x1901, The standard definition of a burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Burgers shouldn't be any larger than something like a Burger King Whopper or maybe a double quarter pounder from McDonalds.
if you pull up to a gas station or a truck stop that serves one of these bad boys you know you're in for a good time

>> No.19025546


And it's not just pizza that America perfected. The most popular Italian pasta dishes were perfected in America or France. Spaghetti & meatballs and chicken parmesan are both dishes that were invented in America.

>> No.19025552

I am in Italy, I tried a couple burgers here and they are all really bad. I don't think this is true.

They do well with deli or grilled chicken sandwiches, there's some good kebab places, but there are no real burgers here.

>> No.19025560

it's burrata

>> No.19025566

no thats a gun

>> No.19025579
File: 214 KB, 1080x1080, lamb-burger_square.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good burger

>> No.19025584

>im a dude
>youre a dude
>shes a dude

>> No.19025598
File: 73 KB, 870x565, Burgerland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19025605
File: 436 KB, 1600x1200, Eat rice and veggies faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19025621
File: 99 KB, 760x580, Wahhh Burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19025913


lets kiss

>> No.19025925
File: 245 KB, 212x199, 1594959707282.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds gay bro

>> No.19025938

is that fucking pineapple and beets

>> No.19026047

goddamn I want a cheeseburger
>t. poorfag eating rice and homemade turkey - black bean chili

>> No.19026775

A statement that don't make a real sense
>italy can beat others, but other cannot compete
That's not an italian burger. And that's a simple detail showing it
ah yes, the Mcdonalds paid content creator

>> No.19026871

That's standard for Aussie burgers apparantly

>> No.19026901

that bun looks fantastic

>> No.19026907

Pineapple, Egg and beetroot (pickled) are semi-popular additions to burgers here, but it's not actually THAT common. Beetroot is probably the most common, it provides a nice sort of tart sweetness to the burger

>> No.19027025

>hardboiled eggs on a burger

>> No.19027036

you're right

>> No.19027046

How am i supposed to eat this? Knife and fork?

>> No.19027106

those are small mozzarellas

>> No.19027625

Primarily from Mexico worldwide, and doesn't change the fact that I haven't seen on those menus anything labelled "California Roll" and any relation to the US is not visible in the slightest.

>> No.19027631

With your mouth, duh, unless you have a stoma in your belly then you can swallow it whole.

>> No.19027854

It's fresh mozzerella from the single packs in whey
t. I lived in italy for 6 months

>> No.19027938

everything below the patty is a waste of time. from the patty up, it looks great.

>> No.19028884
File: 62 KB, 1024x768, sushi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Australia we buy sushi by the roll, every other country seems to slice them up.

>> No.19028888

Based burger with the lot

>> No.19029909

picture of sandwich? bumped

>> No.19029948

I think the whole egg on a burger is a bit pretentious nowadays. I'd like to see them try something different than the immense egg they cooked that morning. Eggs still aren't impressive nor are they funny

>> No.19029997

dumb bogan doesn’t know the difference between a hand roll and maki

>> No.19030852

here in caliwali we call those sushiritos

>> No.19030861

fresh mozz, prosciutto, and fried potatoes on a burger with bechamel sounds tasty, but the burger in the OP is assembled by a retard so I have no interest in eating it. Also, where's the greens or tomato?