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File: 166 KB, 944x1141, durry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19022736 No.19022736 [Reply] [Original]

are we allowed to discuss tobacco on this board? what's your go to? for me, it's white ox. haven't bought a pouch in a while, kind of feeling like picking one up. i enjoy the process of rolling a dart then kicking back and smoking it. the anticipation built up during the process of constructing the cigarette really adds to the enjoyment of actually smoking it.

>> No.19022740

Why are you smoking slims with cancer paper

>> No.19022749

>bogan larp thread

>> No.19022753

Smoking doubles your risk of giving blowjobs for money

>> No.19022755

I live close to the US and Canadian border so there's an indigenous tribe living on the border that sells smokes, damn good ones and tax free,
That tax shit is pathetic.

>> No.19022756
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>2003 + 20 - 3 + 3

>> No.19022760
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>the anticipation built up during the process of constructing the cigarette really adds to the enjoyment of actually smoking it.

You're thinking weed.

>> No.19022761

Packs are less then $5, only morons don't realize that the extra $15 is retarded "sin taxes". government fucks can piss off.

>> No.19022762

are you saying i should become a pipechad?

>> No.19022779

lol 420 weed dude

>> No.19022781
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No, but that would be surpemely excellent way to consume tobacco. Im saying dont smoke cancer paper with ink on it and dont smoke shitty slim filters.

>> No.19022793
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It's not an issue of price.

>> No.19022797

It really is when government sin taxes the shit out of people.

>> No.19022799

Government cunts have no business sin taxing, those are outdated laws. The problem is getting rid of these outdated laws, there are whole industry's based on them.

>> No.19022814

It's a foul habit. Go back to /pol/.

>> No.19022816

Yes, the government just wants you to be healthy.

>> No.19022821

what isn't a foul habit? gambling ads are allowed, fuck, even weed is legal in the US but cancer sticks have to be taxed out the ass for some reason

>> No.19022825

Government just wants some easy money from addicts

>> No.19022826
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>> No.19022847
File: 26 KB, 400x600, OIP (9) (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19022851

Are you being retarded on purpose? Of course you are, you're smokers.

>> No.19022853

You being a homosexual is pretty foul

>> No.19022855

I just want to be able to buy snus in Australia again. There was this golden age about a decade ago where customs wouldn't even check so you could import as much as you wanted completely tax free. I didn't know how good I had it.

>> No.19022860

funny you should say that, i switched to rolls because i thought the added effort might help me quit or at least cut back, but just like you said it made smoking more enjoyable.
quick noob question: the filters are bought say that the have glue on them, but i tried licking them and they did not stick to the paper at all. what am I doing wrong?

>> No.19022862

i import snus regularly in australia. you must be retarded

>> No.19022863

filters should not stick to the paper you just roll them up in there and if you did it properly they won't fall out. if your filters say they have glue on them you should find another brand or double down and start huffing glue and petrol

>> No.19022868
File: 26 KB, 261x300, survival-when-heart-attack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19022870

It's that slippery slope. we've been getting that in the USA, we have been for many years, at least one hundred. Look at bulllshit "inflation" tax rates this that and the other thing like covid shit, the evil virus, what's next? The gov twats want people to live in fear, it's how they keep themselves in buisness.

>> No.19022875
File: 106 KB, 866x1390, mature-man-having-a-heart-attack-isolated-on-white-background-CTJ76F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19022878
File: 16 KB, 197x300, Secrets_of_the_Temple-Greider-SoTT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a good one for you folk
Secrets of the Temple from W Greider

>> No.19022882

in countries with universal health care it makes sense to add sin taxes to unhealthy habits, this way those who drink and smoke contribute more tax money to be used to treat any health problems that might occur from their drinking and smoking.

>> No.19022891

The problem with that is it makes for bureaucracy, who's really to say what's unhealthy or not. It always ends up being a bunch of paid off cunts keeping themselves in buisness.

>> No.19022906

Do you pay tax on it? I used to buy it regularly but stopped about seven or eight years ago (I think) when they started cracking down on it real hard. I gave up on ages ago, but have they finally stopped being complete killjoys about it? Like hell I'm gonna pay fifty dollars tax on something that cost me five dollars including shipping.

People with socially unacceptable habits are an easy target so they put the screws on us and nobody bats an eye. They just want money. Everyone who works for the government deserves to be killed.

Good cattle, supporting the revenue-raising efforts of his wardens to fund his continued imprisonment. If that's what you really believed you'd simply support making people pay for their own care for medical issues that they caused themselves, but this way the government can create countless jobs and tens of millions each year can get lost through the cracks. You don't actually want to make things fair - you just want to extort a target that would be political suicide to defend.

>> No.19022914
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>> No.19022917

oh, you're american.
yea, in america taxes are basically just welfare checks for corporation owned pawns.
where i live the taxes can work pretty well, at least until some jackass polititian decides to spend $300k on an ugly artpiece to be placed on a roundabout.
let me guess, you also think workers unions are corrupt and unneccesary organizations that destroy the free market.

>> No.19022919

practice rolling

>> No.19022932

No, unions are a necessary counterbalance to the otherwise overwhelming power that an employer has over his employees. One man standing up and saying "no" gets crushed under the weight of the machine. Every man standing up and saying "no" makes the machine grind to a halt and the big boss man has to sit at the negotiating table. Sure, in practice most unions are corrupt messes that pay big salaries to fat gays who work three hours a week and spend more time and money fellating the IWP than they do actually representing their members, but ultimately they do more good than harm. Now are you going to answer my question or not?

>> No.19022944

there was no question in your post, you were projecting your opinion as an open statement.

>> No.19022952

I was asking if Australian customs are still intercepting every parcel of snus and running their protection racket. Can I purchase goods from an overseas seller, and pay for shipping entirely out of my own pocket, and expect that parcel to arrive on my doorstep intact and untampered with without the local mafia demanding protection money?

>> No.19022957

wrong anon, i'm a sven so i don't need to import it when they literally make the shit here.

>> No.19022962

So start a business shipping that shit tax free and writing "sculpture" on the label already. Just wrap it up tight in cling film so the drug dogs can't sniff it.

>> No.19022971

i could go a step beyond and make plato busts out of like plaster, fill that shit with vacuum packed snus and styrofoam.
no noise, no smell, just a decorative sculpture.
guess the only problem would be x-ray, but there's probably ways to get around that.

>> No.19022976

Honestly, as long as you're not writing "tobacco" on the customs label you're already ahead of the entire industry.

>> No.19022983

There is more behind it. Nicotine is a wonder drug.

>> No.19023022
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>> No.19023069

Anyone try growing tobacco for themselves?

>> No.19023072


>> No.19023077


>> No.19023078

Taxes don’t work there either. The difference is your indoctrination was more successful, because opposing it is a criminal offence.

>unions are…
Yes. They are in your country too, you just don’t recognise it because of the above reasons

>> No.19023082

Unions are an admission that you cannot fend for yourself and need to rely on others to provide for you. Unions exist to drag down the top 50% of employees to provide for the bottom 50%. No raises unless everyone else gets one (regardless of your competency), no promotions before someone with seniority gets one first (regardless of how much better you are at the job than they are). It is cuckoldry

>> No.19023542
File: 201 KB, 1000x667, 1000_F_198972048_o0TFwmkgsMfd1pBseBAM3vwDA98Fj4eN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19023805
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*lives to 90+ years old despite smoking a pack a day*

>> No.19023817

threads making me want a cig fr fr no cap

>> No.19023820

Dude really thinks smoking is going to cause heart attacks. Get boosted.

>> No.19023823

i only smoke amberleaf
anything else WILL NOT suffice