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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 149 KB, 648x620, terrorism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19019675 No.19019675 [Reply] [Original]

What gives? I thought Japs were law-abiding

Japanese restaurants are switching off conveyor belts after a wave of 'sushi terrorism'

> Chains across the country have taken action after viral videos showed people licking communal bottles and touching passing food

> The conveyor belt sushi restaurant industry, worth an estimated ¥740bn (£4.5bn/$5.4bn) in 2021, has been hit hard by the spate of viral videos showing, among other misdemeanours, customers licking communal sauce bottles, daubing wasabi on food as it passes by, spraying sushi with hand sanitiser and snatching plates of food destined for other tables.


>> No.19019692

A lot of young Japanese are absolute cunts, noticed it a lot there, the politeness is usually just service industry but even then I've still dealt with plenty of rude people

>> No.19019704

The western globohomo is infecting japan too.

>> No.19019784

dqn youth probably mad the state is telling them to be salary men for 80 years so that boomers can retire

>> No.19019799

at least they're not stealing it

>> No.19019819

tik tok is to blame for this actually, its not always our fault

>> No.19019824

>viral videos
but where are the videos posted??

anyway, people who tamper with food should be publicly beheaded

it's sad, the last high trust society is being ruined by globohomo

>> No.19019837

death to west

>> No.19019853

>last high trust society
Retarded Jap propaganda, no one is going to miss you when you die

>> No.19019867

>I thought Japs were law-abiding
Only at the surface, face culture too strong there

>> No.19019872

>but where are the videos posted??
tik tok
it's already greater than youtube and IG because of low attention span zoomers and dumb boomers

>> No.19019907

Reminds me of early on during the coof when Chinese people were going around rubbing their snot on everything deliberately.
Don't have any videos saved and I don't suppose it cooking related anyway.

I don't see how vandalising it is better.

>> No.19019934

This. it's social cancer.

>> No.19019960

japanese zoomers and alphies are turning out weird because of covid, i shit you not.

>> No.19019966

tik tok is a chinese creation, but its populated almost entirely with the worst the west, particularly America, has to offer

>> No.19019988

>Japs in Japan imitating videos on a service run by a Chinese company
Mind broken.

>> No.19019996

Government run by mafia, women get molested on trains regularly and panty vending machines, high trust my ass

>> No.19020000
File: 3.83 MB, 572x1030, sushi.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All over
This is the main one, but there are several more.
Kids eating other people's food as it goes past and putting wasabi on other people's orders among other stuff.

>> No.19020009

Yes, it was American's on tiktok doing this at the massive amounts of sushi-go-round restaurants in the US. Fucking americans ruining the ever popular and well known famous sushi go rounds in kentucky!!! FUCKERS !!!!

>> No.19020029
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i can't help but think the west is somehow to blame

>> No.19020034

I wouldn't be surprised it if it came out the Tiktok was designed to be subversive to western/globo cultures by amplifying abhorrent/retarded behavior, but it was probably just a happy accident.

>> No.19020081

Pretty tame stuff. Not to mention most of what he's doing doesn't even require a conveyor belt

>> No.19020097

I fucking hate non-white people

>> No.19020123

you mean the japanese?

>> No.19020134

"The West"

>> No.19020135

Were'nt zoomers licking toilets when Corvod first started? Noone complained about that.

>> No.19020143 [DELETED] 
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>implying 75% of the losers crying about muh globohomo are not american foreskinless brown mutts
we don't care about that shit as your eternally online compatriots, don't flatter yourself

>> No.19020170
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>> No.19020214

Licking a toilet seat and licking someone else's food aren't the same thing.

>> No.19020217

Its amazing the sushi belt survived covid and didn't die off like buffet did and the japanese noodle water slide thing effectively did.
All it would have taken is one incident like this and it would have died off quick.

>> No.19020219

What about licking someone else's toilet seat?

>> No.19020223 [DELETED] 

>no u
Another quality post brought to you by non-Americans.

>> No.19020234

The parents of these young japs are

>> No.19020270

>dumb people do dumb thing
>it becomes "more of a problem" only because people know about it now thanks to cancer social media
Can't even trust food these days.

>> No.19020300 [DELETED] 
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you will never grow back your foreskin

>> No.19020301

That's because most people don't go around putting their own ass in their mouth.
When you lick a toilet you're putting yourself at risk, not someone else.

>> No.19020320 [DELETED] 

Don't care. Stop obsessing over my penis, you freak.

>> No.19020450 [DELETED] 
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It isn't, ivan.

>> No.19020463
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pranked sushi?
public shame.
problem solved.

>> No.19020468

panty vending machines were outlawed in the 1980s, granpa.

>> No.19020478

The young japanese have become very westernized, and as a result, are absolute cunts with none of the respect and manners japan was famous for. Plus tourists with their disgusting behavior thinking it's funny to do le epic meme pranks for shittok.

>> No.19020499

Look at him(?) with his shitty dyed hair, prime example of youth being corrupted by the west. He clearly knows what he is doing is wrong, parents and schools has taught him that much at least, yet he still does it with a smile on his face. Disgusting.

>> No.19020503

yeah, sounds like the trickledown of that fag that licked ice cream cartons in stores a few years ago

>> No.19020515
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Holy shit I wish we could get this level of public shame for being a dirt bag in America, instead you're celebrated

>> No.19020534

>dumb sheltered white nigger gets all his views on a country from their cartoons
>is surprised when it's just like any other place in the world
chuddies, have sex

>> No.19020553 [DELETED] 
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>t. Jaden Gutierrez-Smith

>> No.19020566

I strongly support bringing back corporal punishment or public shaming like pillories and the stocks for petty crimes. The ACLU would fight it tooth and nail in the courts though.

>> No.19020572 [DELETED] 

lol, great T-shirt

>> No.19020586 [DELETED] 

Have you noticed how everybody only attacks this guy on his looks instead of disproving the claims on his cringy T-shirt?

>> No.19020596 [DELETED] 

>instead of disproving the claims on his cringy T-shirt?
What's there to disprove? Everything said there is true.

>> No.19020601 [DELETED] 

I enjoy how libtards selectively body shame (to use their language) and make fun of invalids.

>> No.19020606

I thought nips were based and honorable? Wtf is going on over there?

>> No.19020950

If a qt japanese girl licked my sushi I would pay more for it

>> No.19021162

when you look both 8 and 38 at the same time

>> No.19021172

Jews and leftists seeth so fucking hard about Japan.

>> No.19021177

Why haven't Japanese autists doxed him and burned his house down yet?

>> No.19021191

They didn't even avenge Junko Furuta, they are all bark and no bite.

>> No.19021216

Honestly surprising that's not already a service.

>> No.19021239
File: 53 KB, 810x574, r-3192677738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Singapore canes people even for stuff like vandalism.

We need to be more like Singapore

>> No.19021273

Do they get a fair trial first?

>> No.19021284


>> No.19021293

Of course, but you are still guilty.

>> No.19021304
File: 1.17 MB, 2048x3072, singapore-city_2x3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is why Singapore is the most prosperous Asian city-state/country in the world. Japan must return to punishing minor crimes just as much as the big ones(litering).

>> No.19021308

As long as they are actually guilty I fully approve

>> No.19021517

define both fair and trial

>> No.19021519


>> No.19021558

Sushi chain is not related to voice actors or idols, why would they do that.

>> No.19021602

There's a reason the west places toilet paper on the seats before using them in public.
Who'd want to use a seat someone licked, ew.

>> No.19021717

>There's a reason the west places toilet paper on the seats before using them in public.
Nobody but the absolute most neurotic germophobic freaks actually do this

>> No.19021735
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>> No.19021823

They can be autistic freaks. I think I will never unsee that webm of the old salaryman sprinkling his dried smegma on a sleeping schoolgirl in the subway.
There was also that guy who farted in a karaoke booth a girl was using and held the door shut

>> No.19021972

>There was also that guy who farted in a karaoke booth a girl was using and held the door shut
Boy this guy is my personal hero, the fuck. Somebody post it

>> No.19022163

Simply put their training for their soon to be cultural enrichment.
Can you imagine belt sushi existing with even 3% of you population being doctor and lawyers and fried chicken lovers

>> No.19022231

Junko's killers were tried by their system, sentenced, and eventually freed. As far as the "public" is concerned, the matter's settled. If you go to jp twitter then they're still seething about it, but muh public harmony prevents them from doing anything because then they'd be the bad guys.

>> No.19022240 [DELETED] 

That's what I think each time I read 'globohomo' complaints. On /int/ it's always posted by Mexican, Brazilian or American flags. The browns that want to act more white than white to compensate. It's also why Bolsonaro is so popular in Brazil.

>> No.19022249

Japan is weird.
They say a "spate of viral videos", when everyone knows its maybe 2-3. Japan is then overreacting like they normally do, and then go way farther than they should.

>> No.19022357


>> No.19022365
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That freaks all wear a mask on the subway to the diarrhea fetish convention.

>> No.19022367
File: 1.89 MB, 612x1080, 1677301607457626.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another Sushi terrorism


>> No.19022386

Anyone who disrespects sushi should be used as kaiju bait

>> No.19022662
File: 556 KB, 1241x664, 1545134398745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so you're in some weird S&M contraption, and a guy whips you so hard he has to take his shirt off - and you think "caning" adequately describes this?

>> No.19022778
File: 65 KB, 500x371, dogdad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You realise it meant this sort of grave physical punishment long before it came to mean whatever pussy "caning" you have in mind, right?

>> No.19022849
File: 275 KB, 893x1280, IMG_20230308_193212_182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep seething retardos

>> No.19022970
File: 1.96 MB, 368x640, 1677615008583025.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's actually Chinese tourists doing this shit on TikTok.

Chinese tourists are horrible people.


>> No.19023048

If you have a soul there are some crimes that can't be forgiven. Just because the cucked western justice system that was forced on them let them off doesn't mean the public had to as well.
All it would have taken was a cop/detective/jailer whoever to let slip word where they were hiding and let nature do the rest.

>> No.19023116

>a literal skeleton

>> No.19023121

Koreans too. Nips actions were justified

>> No.19023132

while their trials are effectively equivalent to cardassian trials, they're still tried fairly under the laws and court practices of their country.

>> No.19023136

Every pond has its scum.

>> No.19023248

How many unforgivable crimes have you avenged?

>> No.19023274

I don't live in a tiny homogenous society on an island. The only comparable crime that happened in the US that I know of is Sylvia Likens and I'm pretty sure everyone involved is long dead already.

>> No.19023310

there is a certain kind of young person that does this crap, the kind of person that just enjoys being annoying, difficult, and ruining things for other people. To them it's cool to cause problems, to do this stuff to other people. It seems to be more common in first world places like japan and america. I have never seen a guy in mexico or in el salvador or doing something so petty and stupid as licking food that other people will eat, even though those countries have many serious problems that japan never has to deal with

>> No.19023320

>chinese and koreans out of nowhere

>> No.19023390
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Yep this is true, I was that kid. When I was around 7 or 8 I went to the grocery store with my dad. For some reason I thought it would be funny to rip a leaf of lettuce off of a head and throw it at the sprinklers. My dad made me buy the lettuce with my chore money and then immediately took me home and spanked the hell out of me.
Learned my lesson real fast and never did anything like that again. Every kid has a rebellious fuck the system side to them. It's up to parents to help raise kids right so they learn to keep that shit in check. Problem is society is completely fucked and the family unit is broken so now kids just run amok.

>> No.19023407

japan is such a shit hole

>> No.19023425

Wait there's a sushi belt restaurant in Kentucky?! Where? I know of the small lovely Japanese market in Lexington

>> No.19023426

FINALLY! I always found this repulsive and anyone I talked about it always were like "oh! no one would ever do that!"

>> No.19023429

You realize being an armchair warrior that calls for abuse and assault as punishments just paints you as a psychopath?

>> No.19023469

She can lick my cream all day.

>> No.19023479

japs went nuts because of lockdown

>> No.19023536
File: 718 KB, 436x480, 1562044246628[1].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're joking but tampering with food videos did become popular in the US
webm related

>> No.19023547
File: 2.92 MB, 340x600, ice cream lick.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19023550

so LGBT and niggers? Nothing new.

>> No.19023554
File: 2.95 MB, 720x1280, mouth wash user.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are Americans. They represent America.

>> No.19023559
File: 1.24 MB, 480x854, soupsip.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19023580

I went to a conveyor belt sushi place a week or two ago.
>the conveyor belt was empty
>the staff handed us bottles of soy sauce that are normally always at the table
other than that everything was completely normal. Only morons take food from the actual belt, anyway.

>> No.19023600

>Only morons take food from the actual belt
I mean it used to be fine, there's a reason these restaurants exist. I have fond memories of going to one with my family when I was a kid in the 00s.
In the past, you could trust your fellow citizen not to do disgusting things with the food despite being easily able to. Nobody even thought of doing things like that. You could leave food in front of people and know that it would be just fine by the time it got to you.
That trust is gone. You cannot trust anyone now. Even memed "high trust societies" like Japan are seeing their trust-based social fabric disintegrating. This is part of a very long-term pattern. Remember boomers lamenting not being able to leave their door unlocked anymore. In the past, you could literally not even use the lock on your front door and you would be 100% fine.
People aren't morons for expecting decency that has been a standard for a long time. They simply have a lesson to learn about how times have changed.
It's over

>> No.19023615

>I went to a conveyor belt sushi place a week or two ago
>>the conveyor belt was empty

>everything was completely normal

>the CONVEYOR BELT was EMPTY at a sushi CONVEYOR BELT restaurant

>completely normal

>> No.19023619

>the family unit is broken so now kids just run amok.

Its by design. Kind of hard to brainwash a generation of kids when they have a strong influence from the traditional value holding parents.

>> No.19023639

That's sad

Just send out little individual bowls of soy sauce with each item on the conveyor belt?

>> No.19023648
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cant they see that the people theyre mimicking live miserable lives, live in poverty and debt and are mostly brown and stink like shit?
what is the appeal in lowering the standard of living for everyone?
you want to be the next country that has to have exo-cages installed on fucking vending machines?

>> No.19023649
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Yay more needless disposable plastic to fuck up the oceans forever.

>> No.19023906

I prefer Sharia style justice that includes cutting the hands off thieves.

>> No.19023921

Gotta love that centrist coward take. Centrists, the retards whose hot takes are "I'm gonna ignore a social problem, pretend its normal, deny the issue and then act like I'm such an intelligent reasonable guy by being a coward about it"

Learn to shut up instead. What you call "schizo conspiracy theory" are intelligent men who are noticing patterns and can actually identify a problem. You're just a coward.

>> No.19023923

>impotent word salad
Go back.

>> No.19023944

You read what I said you fucking centrists pussy. Keep your mouth shut. No one wants to hear your hot take. No, you aren't le reasonable person. You are a coward that refuses to take a moral stance

>> No.19023963

I'm gonna go ahead and blame the jews.

>> No.19023969

You are over 50 and have the intellect of a preschooler.

>> No.19023991

>prank video culture kickstarted by Punk'd
>Punk'd produced by Jason Goldberg and David R. Franzke
>youtube mainstreamed prank video culture in 2014 era
>youtube CEO in 2014: Susan Wojcicki

>> No.19024001

It's flogging in all but name, likely so Singapore don't get negative attention for still using barbaric corporal punishment

>> No.19024012
File: 33 KB, 745x371, 1677588951451896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pranks never existed until jews came up with it
lmao what an absolute retard

>> No.19024015

i think i wouldve done this as a child if conveyor belt sushi was availlable to me and im euro born in the mid 90s maybe to fic this problem you just dont eat at conveyor restaurants or you dont allow children or you ban people who did this and put wall of shame or something idfk

>> No.19024154

true, they are very cowardly, you can predict what they say by asking yourself "what is the most cowardly thing they can say, while still pretending they are smart and reasonable people?"

>> No.19024157

>pranks and prank videos are the same thing
I guess youtube is the same as 1920s moving pictures to you.

>> No.19024174 [DELETED] 

Leftists dont disagree with the shirt we just think he looks retarded in it. Joes not our guy.

>> No.19024209

>be japanese youth
>"no sex take care of elders and work yourself to death while your country crashes"
>only form of rebellion is ruining overpriced food
kinda sad really

>> No.19024213

It wasn't a child doing it though, older teens and young adults should know better.

>> No.19024395

>ruining overpriced food
conveyor belt sushi is actually extremely fairly priced, well atleast in the states. I visited Kura Sushi
($3.15 for about 4 pieces on a plate)

>> No.19024413

yeah this one was staged, tranny just happened to pick up the only bottle without the seal on it

>> No.19024741

I've seen the webms here

>> No.19024894

lmao wtf

>> No.19024902

Oh nevermind it's part of an unrelated article

>> No.19026515

>i should know
>ive been here since 2016

>> No.19026521


>> No.19026538

I know the 2016 meme was supposed to make fun of election tourists and newfags, that beeing said 2016 is soon a decade ago

>> No.19026552

Wtf are communal bottles?

>> No.19026555

they mean carafes

>> No.19026615
File: 545 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20230309-190740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pentagon agrees

>> No.19026618

did they ever catch this bitch? I know some other kid who did it got caught and had to do a month in prison and probation plus pay a few grand in fines

>> No.19026658

cane dewey

>> No.19026661

They gave the guy a 6 month suspension sentence but the girl was under-age so she couldn't be named and they couldn't give her the business like the guy.

>> No.19026698

Nice quads, but fr, this kind of guy is what japanese people think of as a "delinquent" or a thug we would call em, but he looks so goofy.

>> No.19026724

death to all koreans

>> No.19026756

>Rare video of Anthony Fauci ladling up some comfort
What you don't see in this video is how just afterwards, he locked down the whole salad bar due to "Covid Regulations"
>The CDC has determined pre-packaged salads and soups to be the ONLY safe bulk food purchases you can make...unless you are supporting the "Justice Protests", then the experts agree, you will not be effected."

>> No.19026764

Japan is filled with soulless bugmen and always has been.

>> No.19026776
File: 739 KB, 1440x594, BadBatch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have an absolute child's understanding of what's happening here--and think it is all just spontaneous and not planned.
The collapse will be especially hard on fools like you.
You will probably end up raped and eaten...
One limb at a time.

>> No.19026777

These are the people that destabilize society but if it were to ever truly collapse they're the ones that wouldn't last a month.

>> No.19026792
File: 498 KB, 1488x837, Risky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't matter--The board had been irredeemably changed by then--Flooded with Thinktanks, Ad agencies, AstroturfCorpies, Journos and Plebbit-Faggots.
There are much better Chans out there. Not terribly hard to find either---If you have some intelligence.

>> No.19026807

I always thought this was Terry?
The suit and hair match his style

>> No.19026826

>I thought Japs were law-abiding
only non-black old people are
Younglings don't give a shit

>> No.19026843
File: 29 KB, 821x394, 1623558254314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, no... truth is this was just a rando old man with alzheimers at whatever chain grocery that is.
There was no malice or self-centeredness,(I don't think,) just brain-addled confusion.
The sad thing is, pre 2000, someone would've immediately come up and dealt with the situation.
Those days are gone. We have fallen to a point here where you are just as likely to have your life ruined if you were to either try to help, or try to call out blatant violations of the social contract.
Used to be a larger number of "Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you" than the "Fuck you , I'm gettin' MY shit/Doing what I want"
There are still small pockets of high trust communities out there--but the pushed culture of Vulgarity, Materialism, self-centeredness and narcissism has effectively made them extremely rare.
Only fix now is a big societal shock that displaces the current status quo as "BAD" or damaging.

>> No.19026951

>chinese cyberweapin gives japanese zoomers brain damage
>"Damn the west!"

>> No.19027007

>sushi is going to be cheaper

Oh how terrible for me and everyone else who isn't a fucking mental midget who thinks that food isn't already covered with pee, poop and saliva of those who are processing it.

>> No.19027033

My bad. It was a chink, not a jap

>> No.19027097

murder all women enablers

>> No.19027112


There's nothing to gain if it isn't posted on social media dipshit.

>> No.19027124

The US intelligence agencies and defense department funded and help develop Facebook, Twitter, and Google to influence, control and spy on American citizens. I'm not defending subversive garbage like tik tok, just pointing out the US government is up to the same shenanigans as the chinese. They just dont like someone on their turf.

>> No.19027191

Do you not see chinese tik tok? Its propaganda galore while they purposefully bump degenerate content to the rest of the world

>> No.19027197

Yes "the west" not necessarily white people but the trashy mud bloods

>> No.19027200


>> No.19027209

Oh you know just some friendly cultural exchange

>> No.19027217


>> No.19027230


>> No.19027696

Maybe if you're so socially inept you don't understand the concept of doing some dumb prank for offline humor because you have no friends.

>> No.19027758

I'd pay extra
Verification not required.

>> No.19027791

>the CONVEYOR BELT was EMPTY at a sushi CONVEYOR BELT restaurant
>completely normal
shit's been like that for three years because of corona.

>> No.19027798

ruined by westoid influence

>> No.19027819

the scamdemic isnt normal you vaxed faggot.

>> No.19027836

It's just shithead zoomers ruining everything as usual. There's basically no distinction between zoomers of different nationalities now since they all download their personalities from retards on Tiktok.

>> No.19027845

That guy is based.

>> No.19027951

>m-muh zoomers
Because nobody ever did pranks, stupid shit, petty vandalism for the lulz before 2018, right?

>> No.19027971

Show me a previous generation that made a "trend" out of licking other people's food.

>> No.19028002

But each country sort of has its own "version" of Tik Tok. There is cross content, but you'll likely see stuff from your own country first, and mainly see content from there.

>> No.19028117

>goalpost shift
>pretending fast food cooks don't exist
lmao even
There must be a named psychological affliction for this mindset, where the current youth (teens-20s) generation is blamed for everything while every generation older than them forgets or buries under the rug everything imperfect they ever had and pretends to be perfect. In a decade zoomers will be as ignored as millenials and gen x and you'll be claiming only gen alpha are doing unfavorable things.

>> No.19028169

m8 millennials were in fact blamed for everything when we were young shitheads. Now zoomers are the young shitheads, but the difference is that they all have smartphones and upload their antics to Tiktok so they can ape each other. No previous generation has done that. The closest thing millennials ever did was when normalfags poured buckets of ice water on each other or some occasional lame shit like that. We weren't going out and fucking around with random people's food as part of a fad. With zoomers it's a new "prank" every couple of weeks at this point.

>> No.19028189
File: 104 KB, 945x545, zoomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you never stopped to think that just blindly repeating retarded behavior might actually be a stupid idea?
>The closest thing millennials ever did was
Millenials have thrown stones and bricks into the windows of abandoned buildings just for the fun of it. You're laser focused on specific, well known internet phenomenon, while ignoring the reality that there is life outside of the internet and people from all generations do dumb shit. Here's another bit of trivia for you: not all people stop doing bad things when they age out of the "current age group we blame for everything even if it's the same thing we did or are currently doing" bracket.

>> No.19028237

>Millenials have thrown stones and bricks into the windows of abandoned buildings
And you think throwing some rocks at an abandoned building compares to putting your jogger aids on peoples food? 10 bucks says this guy was one of the ones doing it.

>> No.19028243

For a moment, I thought I was on an off-topic /v/ thread

>> No.19028247

>terrorism in the west: blow up buildings, thousands dead
>terrorism, Japan: lick some sushi, casualties unknown

>> No.19028254

>video clearly shows zoomers being faggots on Tiktok again
Ok anon. You got me. There were bad people in every generation, so I guess therefore we have to ignore it whenever zoomers do anything bad.

>> No.19028279

>monster in Japan: blow up buildings, thousands dead
>monster in the west: some old Romanian guy who turns into a bat

>> No.19028327

I actually do think Japan is great and "high trust" but even if that were true, used panties are still sold openly in sex shops, so what's the difference. And soaplands are practically on every corner of certain neighborhoods.

>> No.19028447

>only zoom zoom zoomie zoomers did this because that's all I saw in the couple of tiktok videos I saw
You're the type that believes every claim posted on 4chan when it's just an article headline and abstract in a screencap, aren't you?

>> No.19028448

the difference is that "panty vending machines" is a point of outrage because they are out in the street , while sexy things in a sex shop is not.

>> No.19028515

Do you really think Japanese people over age 25 are out there licking other customers' sushi as a social media prank? This is something dumb shithead teenagers do.

>> No.19028524

Do you really think nobody but "zoomers" do things just because you haven't seen a social media video of it? So much of this doom and gloom schizo mindset comes from having social media define your reality. Go outside.

>> No.19028607
File: 56 KB, 600x800, 1669016184196326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ruined by westoid influence
>t. pic related

>> No.19028868
File: 15 KB, 600x371, 7oi78276iq3z.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silly post. Everyone knows 15-25 is the most retarded age possible. If someone did something retarded, it's most likely that they are aged 15-25.
Pic related, showing 15-24 year olds cause, by far, the most traffic accidents. You can see that 20-24 year olds cause even more than 15-19 year olds, so it's not just because they're new drivers. It's because most 15-20 year olds are retarded and can't fathom consequences for their actions.

>> No.19028886

>those three newborns causing fatal car accidents

>> No.19028916

>there's a small chance your sushi might have been licked by a qt jap zoomer
Sounds like a plus to me

>> No.19029060

or maybe they just want to protect their citizens? some people actually care about their jobs

>> No.19029100


>> No.19029108

>kids are retarded
some are at least. it's mainly societies fault for infantalizing them. if you didn't understand consequences at that age you're retarded by any metric.

>> No.19029210

>the difference is that they all have smartphones and upload their antics to Tiktok so they can ape each other. No previous generation has done that
We didn't have centralised "apps", but millenials absolutely took part in the beginnings of stupid viral video pranks. Camera phones came out in the early 2000s, the dickheads with rich parents had them and did shit like the happy slap game. As I remember it some moron actually killed a guy by sucker punching him for an 80 pixel tall video.

>> No.19029303

Americans ruin everything

>> No.19029304

>I have nothing to hide so have nothing to fear
You deserve neither security nor liberty