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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19016780 No.19016780 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.19016781

Guess I'll die

>> No.19016786

what the fuck is "keto-like"???
you're either in a state of ketosis or you're not.

>> No.19016794

Guess the vaxxmakers have found their scapegoat...

>> No.19016795

I did that shit to lose fat, which I did, quickly. This isn't a diet for heart disease

>> No.19016801

I'd imagine the risk of heart disease from being morbidly obese grossly outweighs the risk of heart disease from a keto diet, which really just serves to highlight its utility as a weight loss mechanism
Not entirely sure why people stick with it after they're done being fat fucks but I get not wanting to return to temptations or whatever

>> No.19016811

>Guess the vaxxmakers have found their scapegoat...
Anon...do you stand up too quickly? Breathing too deeply, and conversely, too shallowly has been linked to increased risk of strokes.
You don't even want to know what kinds of cancer chewing foods will lead to.

>> No.19017020

It’s the jab actually. The clot shot. The old kike spike. /pol/ is keeping a list running, everything from winter vagina to loud noises and “being too relaxed” is now causing heart disease.

>> No.19017062

>winter vagina
Wtf is that?

>> No.19017089

>/pol/ is keeping a list
Highly reliable source of information. Please stay in your containment board.

>> No.19017092

get a load of these literal fake news

the article
the actual study

from said study
>Analyzing data from the UK Biobank, Iulia Iatan, MD, PhD, et al., identified 305 participants whose responses to a one-time self-reported 24-hour diet questionnaire met their definition of a low-carbohydrate high-fat diet (LCHF): no more than 25% of total daily calories from carbohydrates and more than 45% from fat. Participants were then matched by age and sex with 1,220 individuals who reported a standard diet. The study population’s average age was 54 years, with 73% women and an average body mass index of 27.7 for those eating a LCHF diet and 26.7 for those eating a standard diet.
>researchers found that participants following the LCHF diet, when compared with those following a standard diet, had higher levels of LDL-C (3.80 vs. 3.64 mmol/L; p=0.004) and apoB (1.09 vs. 1.04 g/L; p<0.001).
>Both the self-reported nature of the dietary data and the fact that participants only provided dietary information at one point in time are study limitations. Researchers also acknowledge that not everyone responds to a LCHF diet in the same way.
>“On average, cholesterol levels tend to rise on this diet, but some people’s cholesterol concentrations can stay the same or go down, depending on several underlying factors,” Iatan states. “One of our next steps will be to try to identify specific characteristics or genetic markers that can predict how someone will respond to this type of diet.”

>one-time self-reported 24-hour diet questionnaire
>average age was 54 years
>average BMI was 26
>negligible differences
>researchers themselves admit the data is far from accurate
>researchers also admit not everyone reacts the same to LCHF diet

nothing but fearmongering """journalism""".

>> No.19017125

/pol/ was ahead of the curve on Ivermectin, NAC, Quinine, and a bunch of other now proven treatments, Rabbi.

>> No.19017130

LDL and apoB are poor predictors of heart disease risk anyway. diabetes/metabolic syndrome have more predictive value and are improved by cutting down on grains and sugar

>> No.19017133

/pol/ went too hard in the other wrong direction and no amount of lying will change that, bro.
You guys kept saying the clot was gonna kill us all and shit.

I really fucking hate when /pol/tards act like they are the "realists".

>> No.19017158

What's the next item down on the "no duh" list? Study finds water is wet?

>> No.19017175

you do realize that's a disinformation technique right? any anti-mainstream information gets polluted with exaggerated claims in the same vein to make the saner ones look just as insane. it's like how every time someone shows a sliver of doubt regarding vaccines, they immediately get branded as flat-earthers and other batshit stuff.
you gotta learn how to sift through the shit my man

>> No.19017198

That was just Mindwar, an actual military campaign waged by the beaners at Eglin AFB, all the shit about chips, 5G, and magnets was just a war on the general public, to make people with serious and legitimate concerns look crazy.

Funny thing is, anybody can do Mindwar. The public is so susceptible to it that you don’t need to be a drooling milfag to exercise it on the public.

>> No.19017207

Another example of /pol/ retardation. Anything imperfect in the cause is caused by outside actors.
AKA no true scotsman

>> No.19017212

man you can't even think anymore

>> No.19017220

Shut the fuck up and go back to your cuck board on r/eddit. You're obviously TOO FUCKING STUPID to think

>> No.19017239
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>> No.19017434

>a new study
>which surveyed just 1200 people, mostly overweight women
lmao. something this blatant suggests ulterior motives.

>> No.19017444

Unironically more reliable than the OP study. At least they try to follow scientific method.

>> No.19017449
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Oh shit so I should stop eating this?

>> No.19017459

Well it is killing people. I mean, literally everything else is now causing an epidemic rise in heart problems. Everything else except the poorly tested experimental concoction that got forced into the entire population.

>> No.19017462

You WILL eat the bread

>> No.19017464

Thanks for putting in the work. It's appreciated.

>> No.19017466

Meanwhile you have a constructed strawman fantasy of what /pol/ is. You're worse for humanity.

>> No.19017484

You're gonna get hit on the street walking or get in a car accident and die, I'd rather eat what the fuck I want
No one get's out of here alive.

>> No.19017535
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>> No.19017557

Intelligent person
Brainwashed cultist operating on mere blind faith

>> No.19017610

dumb phoneposter

>> No.19017621

You Will Never Be An Intellectual

>> No.19017629

I'm Purdy smart doh

>> No.19017666

dumb phoneposter

>> No.19017689

reeeeeeeeeee niggerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

>> No.19017921

Holy based.

>> No.19017943
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>> No.19018197

that's the diet ja/ck/ is on

>> No.19018210

Every diet is linked to higher risk of fat fuck disease because only fat fucks are on diets.
>t. Fat fuck

>> No.19018528

Come 'ere, vaxxie

>> No.19018561

This is a meaningless statement and you know it

>> No.19018564

I would demolish that. It looks divine.

>> No.19018567

You have no idea how studies work huh

>> No.19018879


"According to a new study" phrase is a bullshit certificate

>> No.19018899

NTA but there is a problem here for studies which is hard to control for. If someone is on a diet and is following it successfully (i.e. losing weight), they will appear to be in line with peers at their current weight but will have sustained more organ damage than a hypothetical peer who never gained that weight at all.

>> No.19018918

Imagine how retarded you have to be to think carbs are bad

>> No.19018987

Just so you know studies take into account these things

>> No.19019030

I just did a study on that. It concluded that they don't.

>> No.19019054

In other news, scientific reporting from the news is garbage and you should always read the paper itself. Though, I must admit that even reading the papers themselves are starting to be garbage, too.

>> No.19019070

I know they try to, but it’s incredibly difficult to do so in an observational study such as this one. For reliable results it would be better to recruit people and randomly assign to one diet or another.

>> No.19019135

Your feelings on the subject aren't relevant

>> No.19019151

Did I ever say that they were? What a useless post.

>> No.19019162

>its incredibly hard
Your perception of the state of science isn't reflective of how its conducted, sorry

>> No.19019179

oops this was meant for >>19018987 haha

>> No.19019193

>it would be better
I'm sure you know better than the scientists

>> No.19019196
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Uh huh

>> No.19019344

I would like you to find these scientists who think that properly running a study is easy, especially when the subject of interest is a human. If it were easy to run human nutritional studies, we would’ve figured the subject out a long time ago.
No scientist thinks that observational studies are as good as a randomized study. Randomized studies are, however, much more expensive and laborious to run. That’s why observational studies are undertaken.

>> No.19019347

>pander to me to prove me right
No thanks

>> No.19019369

Or perhaps people that do keto are doing it because they are fat and trying to lose wait, thereby making them higher risk at the start of their diet. You didn't link the study so idk, but I bet that's it.

>> No.19019383

I’m not asking for examples, I’m telling you to try to find for yourself these scientists who think it’s easy to run controlled studies on human subjects. They don’t think this, because it isn’t.

>> No.19019388
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>> No.19019392
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>> No.19019440

>diet high in cholesterol
>bad for your heart

WOW such a phenomenal discovery

>> No.19019480

It’s a “state” the body goes into to burn off fat once there’s no carbs present. Great short term diet to lose weight but not worth keeping as a lifestyle change
Interestingly, the genetic makeup of an Eskimo makes it very hard for them to go into ketosis to burn off this fat. Almost likes it’s not a natural thing to be doing to yourself anyway

>> No.19019483

butter and eggs being le bad was a marketing grift by cereal companies

>> No.19019491

That looks beautiful, anon. I guess some sourdough bread to eat it with would do no real harm

>> No.19019496

Like I said, your perception of what is easy and hard isn't relevant. Have a good day.

>> No.19019560

I watched this keto channel, well it was carnivore. Huge fat guy who put tons of cheese into this one dish I saw him make. Every element had cheese in it or on it and then finished off the whole thing with more cheese.

It's not keto. It's idiots coping with their disgusting gluttony

>> No.19019575

Thank you for being intelligent

>> No.19019678

Studies on keto are no that better than this

>> No.19020064

Butter IS bad, eggs are good
Use evo, avocado and nuts for good fats

Cereal is obviously cancerous

>> No.19020251

grass fed butter is great. much more nutritious than olive oil

>> No.19020420

I love that no one replied to the vegan tranny that spams the ketolard meme (he/him does it on /fit/ too).
Nice to see anons not taking the bait for once.

>> No.19020694

>It's not keto. It's idiots coping with their disgusting gluttony
That reminds me of 1st year uni students going on about how the USSR "wasn't REAL communism! REAL communism has never actually been done on a large scale!!" as a point against any claim that communism just doesn't work.
>eating like a fat, slovenly, honey-glazed hamplanet isn't REAL keto!!!
I'm sure you're right and that it really isn't the way it's meant to be done but afaik, keto is not meant to be a long term diet. Do a bit, lose the weight then keep it off by having a NORMAL FUCKING DIET and being at least somewhat active. For fuck's sake, I'm pedaling as I type this.

>> No.19020699

According to a new study, a "keto-like" diet, which is high in animal protein and low in carbohydrate, has been linked to a higher risk of heart disease. The study found that people who followed a diet that was high in animal protein and low in carbohydrate were more likely to develop heart disease over time than those who followed a diet that was high in plant-based protein and low in carbohydrate.

The study was published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, and it analyzed data from over 2,400 adults who participated in the Framingham Offspring Study. The study found that people who consumed more animal protein and fewer carbohydrates had a higher risk of developing heart disease, even after adjusting for other factors such as age, sex, smoking, and physical activity.

While the study does suggest a link between a "keto-like" diet and a higher risk of heart disease, it's important to note that it is an observational study and cannot establish causality. Additionally, the study only looked at one particular type of diet and did not account for other factors that may influence heart disease risk, such as overall diet quality and the presence of other health conditions. Further research is needed to fully understand the relationship between diet and heart disease risk.

>> No.19020703

There's very little hard data on nutrition. Just eat fresh meat, dairy, vegetables, and fruit from trusted sources and you'll be aight

>> No.19020710

Almost like brown fat is a much better use of body fat in frozen wasteland

>> No.19020866

There's plenty of hard data. People just ignore it because they have biases

>> No.19020873

>keto is not meant to be a long term diet.
Yes it is.

>> No.19020883

Keto isn't even a weight loss diet. It's a total body hack.

>> No.19020884

Thats why no large successful population has ever eaten a keto diet right?

>> No.19020886

Synthetic diets are by definition not long term

>> No.19021103

dunning kruger the thread

>> No.19021113

I will do the diet the mongols did. Meat and dairy (and walnuts). I feel like a god (one year im). Cum so hard my urethra aches for an hour after. Also not vaxxed

>> No.19021120

I liked their early work, but when they renamed themselves Peace Orchestra, I wasn't feeling them anymore. There's a reason Cristobal Tapia de Veer plagiarises their style.

>> No.19021203

No they don't retard, the article posted here literally quotes a study done on fat bints.

>> No.19021372

Keto is meant to prepare you for a fast. Low PUFA keto + 40:8 ADF is guaranteed weight loss. Way easier to get into a fast with keto.

>> No.19021449

No there's not. They can't even figure out if eggs are good or bad for you. The only shit we have any idea about is the artificial shit we've made in the last 50 years

>> No.19021546

This point is dumb kek, they are both 100% lipids, but olive oil ones don't clog your arteries

>> No.19021593

lol. lmao even. get out of 1960 grandpa

>> No.19021610
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people who aren't stupid have always known keto was stupid. people who were dumb enough to fall for the keto meme based on superstitions and lack of intelligence get what they deserve desu. natural selection.

>> No.19021618

keto is and has been indicated medically for hundreds of years. Nothing in your pic happens its all fantasy

>> No.19021620

>t. I get all my nutrition information from broscience on youtube

>> No.19021651

>t. i get all my nutrition science from the sugar industry and scientists they employ

>> No.19021672

>quackery was around hundreds of years ago and persists to this day
You don't say!

>> No.19021680
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Whoa Chud, that's NOT what the experts are saying. Do you have a degree? In nutrition science? Didn't think so.
Personally I'd trust the experts over the racist antissemites at 4chuds. You nazis can keep your eggs, butter and red meat, I'd rather trust the SCIENCE and eat some Honey Nut Cherios™ or some egg substitute fried in vegetable oil (which are safe and effective according to the experts).
Enjoy your heart disease, chuddy.

>> No.19021681

research has borne out the benefits of carbohydrate restriction

>> No.19021689

hahahahahahahaha found another retard

>> No.19021691

>something can't be bad if I believe in it
Top scientific thinking right there, are you Galileo reborn?

>> No.19021695

obsessed. will eat an extra steak for you tomorrow

>> No.19022412

You are just proving the point.

>> No.19022533

Are you saying that the OP I was replying to was meaningless, or that me saying that being on keto is preferable to being morbidly obese is meaningless? You tell me about a meaningless statement but I have no clue what yours means either

>> No.19022543

>me saying that being on keto is preferable to being morbidly obese
You didnt say that so

>> No.19022552

>citing Galileo
Ironic as hell

>> No.19022558

Really? Fat fucks eating fatty food insted of working the blubber off have larger chance of heart disease?

>> No.19022559

to most people, a keto diet is "lmao no rice, i just eat bacon xD"

>> No.19022562

Yes. Do you know why people get fat?

>> No.19022563

Covering the inside of a barn in shooting targets and going wild with buckshot is bound to give some hits.

>> No.19022566

> stopped clock is right twice a day therefore time isn't real

>> No.19022576

didn't read the thread but these people even saying eating 1 egg a day will give you a heart attack

it's all bullshit so you keep eating slop

>> No.19022587

At this point I’m just tired of seeing it. Keto is retarded I don’t need any further reminders

>> No.19022592

The Eskimo diet is basically keto and yet it’s hard to induce their bodies into a state of ketosis. There’s very little by way of carbs in their own diet compared with most elsewhere and they survive on eating fish and whales etc

>> No.19022594

you would barely see it if not for the ketohate spam. the mainstream media will continue to pump out nonsense for hate clicks and to confuse the public

>> No.19022600

It’s all so tiring isn’t it. I get keto being good for a short term dietary fix but it’s just not a long term lifestyle. It’s up there with carnivore and veganism for the retardation stakes.
Why not just listen to what your mother and father tell you to eat?

>> No.19022624

It's hard to get them into ketosis because
1. The protein in their diet is very high, and excess protein is turned into glucose
2. They eat lots of their meat freshly killed, so it retains the glycogen

>> No.19022628

>2. They eat lots of their meat freshly killed, so it retains the glycogen
thats a myth. glycogen degrades into lactic acid very quickly post mortem unless you put it on liquid nitrogen. your other point is also not exactly right either but im tired

>> No.19022630

Both points are accurate but whatever

>> No.19022655
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theyre not. protein doesnt have much effect on GNG

>> No.19022665

>X linked to Y study
I just ignore and hide any news like this. it is 99% completely worthless
yeah it's r*ddit, but correlation does not imply causation. health writers are hacks

>> No.19022699

This is an absolutely useless study.
>We just trusted that they ate what we told them to
>eight people
>test sample was 23 grams of protein
Yeah I'm going to have to go with not basing my knowledge on 8 people who promised to eat what they were given and then were tested with an amount of protein that would never even be considered excess.
You didnt even read the study did you? God this site is trash.

>> No.19022701

Who are you even responding to

>> No.19022718

typical retard thinking you need a 10,000 person study to prove anything. try actually reading it

>> No.19022723
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>> No.19022730

The absolute cope here is beyond insane. Now address every other point I made. You can't, so please believe whatever you want and stop trying to convince others with shoddy "studies"

>> No.19022800

I've been on carnivore for nearly five months now. I've never felt better in decades. Though I'm excited to see how my blood tests will come back when I have to take them in a couple of months.

>> No.19022813

Heroin is good for you because it makes me feel good

>> No.19022965

You still haven't shown any evidence dietary protein significantly affects GNG. Cope or whatever you fags say

>> No.19022984

were /pol/tards british explorers back in the day or something?
i know Quinine is effective for malaria, hence why british explorers (or maybe soldiers?) drank a lot of gin & tonic, the tonic water for its quinine and some gin added to make it palatable.
either way, shit works for covid too?

>> No.19023005

when you go into ketosis/starvation mode its hard on your body particularly old people. you lose nutrients that take a lifetime of accumulation

>> No.19023006

It's how they get away with making all sorts of outlandish claims in order to make keto look like something it isn't, doing something it doesn't do. Any headline containing quotation marks is to be discarded.

>> No.19023105

I don't have to prove common knowledge, and your faulty study bolsters my point that its common knowledge

>> No.19023127

is there a consolidated list somewhere?

>> No.19023131

>egg substitute fried in vegetable oil is less harmful than beef goys
can't make this shit up

>> No.19023151

The countries with the longest life expectancies and the blue zones all share pretty much the same diet staples despite being in different parts of the worlds with different genetics and cultures. They all eat fatty fish and chicken, vegetables (mostly greens), beans, whole grains, fruit, nuts, and small amounts of healthy dairy like cheese and yogurt. Red meat, milk, and added sugars are pretty universally excluded in these areas with long lifespans. Basically, both vegan and carnivore fags are two different sides of the same retard coin.

>> No.19023161

stop eating processed beef crap

>> No.19023213

>you can be just like me

>> No.19023219

I love how almond m&ms and chocolate covered almonds are on the opposite sides of the spectrum haha

>> No.19023268

>globalists spend 2 decades trying to get goyim to eat bugs, soy, and kale
>keto chads btfo them without even trying with broscience and source:i made it up

>> No.19023272

technically, sudden temperature drops can cause you to go into cardiac arrest. some propaganda outlets decided they would frame that piece of information as 'winter causes heart attacks but only in current year'

>> No.19023273

>globalist media: keto bad
Should I go keto now?

>> No.19023278

>the completely normal standard for human behavior by which everything should be measured

unironically kill yourself my dude.

>> No.19023381

based anon. thanks you for your hard work!

>> No.19023814

systemic racism

>> No.19023840

>be neolithic man
>walk 1000s of steps a day
>eat meat every few days if you can catch it
I think this is a key difference in outcome. Motherfuckers eating a stick of butter and 6 eggs and 2 lbs of beef in one meal.

>> No.19023880

Sardinians eat more pork than fish, Adventists are vegetarians and Costa Ricans don't eat as many greens as the other four. The only two which are surprisingly similar are the Okinawans and the Icarians.

>> No.19023910

Excellent pivot

>> No.19024486

mRNA has been detected 28 days post-vaxx (vs. the 24 hours with a topline of 10 in the original and clearly manipulated data)
>it's the bacon
bacon isn't helping but it's not the bacon

>> No.19024529
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Hmm...bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich sounds good.

>> No.19024556

>burgerfats: why are meds and japs so much healthier than us?
>also burgerfats: AAAIEEEEE are those grains, beans, and fish? NOOOOOOOOOOO
Why are they like this?

>> No.19024581

>those grains, beans,
both terrible for human health

>> No.19024830

Stop getting health advice from YouTube

>> No.19024836

>not on a bagel

>> No.19024849

Whatever you say, schlomo.

>> No.19024965

Wow so original your so cool and neat

>> No.19024992
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>> No.19025046

>t. leaky gut lectin victim who will die early

>> No.19025059


>> No.19025971

This guy gets it. The majority of what the keto people eat didn't exist until fairly recently in history. Big eggs from chickens bred for 1000s of years. Dairy from cattle bred for 1000s of years. Fatty meat from animals bred for 1000s of years. Where would you find fatty proteins 1000s of years ago? Some fish? No way this is a "natural" diet. That being said I've been doing a keto reduction diet for less than 2 weeks and have dropped 8 lbs. High protein, low fat, very low carbs. Remember to supplement potassium and B vits or it is brutally exhausting.

>> No.19026045

Fat animals were the primary source of human nourishment throughout much of our evolutionary history. No the animals today are not a good guide

>> No.19026583

Incorrect, (of course, because you believe what you want, not what historical evidence shows), wild animals were extremely lean. And before industrial breeding and feeding of grain and soy, they remained fairly lean.