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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 794 KB, 2400x1600, five-guys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19015917 No.19015917 [Reply] [Original]

They're tricking normalfags into paying insane amounts of money for a fast food burger and fries. Pretty soon every other fast food restaurant is gonna catch on and start raising their prices as well. Five Guys is the end of fast food (and their food isn't even that good either).

>> No.19015929

Biden is the one who caused inflation to skyrocket, blame him.

>> No.19015940


They had drastically reduced their fries servings well before he took office.

>> No.19015946

Name a place that serves a better burger for a cheaper price

>> No.19015973

They’re almost 40 years old. When will it start?

>> No.19016020

It's expensive but by far the best fast food burger

>> No.19016024

my backyard

>> No.19016033

Biden is literally a puppet designed to soak up blame from the real people in charge.

>> No.19016035

Yeah, but it's just easier to type Biden. Pretty much an umbrella term.

>> No.19016054
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Wendy's unironically

>> No.19016067
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>> No.19016474

Every place is raising their prices.

>They had drastically reduced their fries servings well before he took office.
This was the only reason to ever eat there more than the rare occasion when you didn't want to clean up since practically nobody is frying fresh-cut fries in peanut oil at home. Basically everyone can make a Five Guys burger from Wal Mart ingredients if you have a large steel frying pan and a heavy spatula just as long as you don't mind stinking up your kitchen.

Once they stopped giving you the bag full of fries it was ogre for me.

>> No.19016565

This desu.

>> No.19016601

Wendys burgers are pretty good, but smaller and only $3-4 dollar difference to their five guy counterpart burgers.
Given the size to price ratio, Wendys isn't worth.

>> No.19016609
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so many goyim in this thread. STOP consuming goyslop.

>> No.19016722
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>Trusting someone else to prepare your food and then getting overcharged after Jamal spits in it.

>> No.19016736

Would it be better if Brad spit in it?

>> No.19017722
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>ooh hurr durr it happened before he took office just overlook it everything else
this is a cope

>> No.19018045

Most pubs and sitdown restaurants have better burgers at that price range for over $10 for a simple burger and fries.

>> No.19018063

>other restaurants are gonna catch on!
Five Guys has been a nationwide brand for how many years and you think other fast food restaurants just haven't heard about them yet? Five Guys can charge that much because their brand is high quality burgers at premium prices. You think McDonald's is just gonna undo 80 years of branding as affordable fast food to chase the Five Guys crowd? Lol don't post again

>> No.19018166

I went to check it out today. Over ten dollars for a fucking burger. Walked right the fuck out. It was empty at peak lunch time too. Nobody is falling for that shit

>> No.19018279

I mean inflation started with trump but that was because of the plandemic so still libs fault but really I mean shit has been absolutely fucked since 1971 and nobody here was even alive the last time we had a real economy since the problems really started in 1913 with the creation of the fed.

>> No.19019984
File: 137 KB, 900x700, culvers-outdoor-drive-thru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Burgers are equal if not better quality and the menu is way more diverse
Not to mention it's the best fast food place for shakes

>> No.19020011

>because of the plandemic
Sort of. It's because Chinese goods got stuck for a year + in port, the trucking industry was preparing to shift over to automated trucks on high ways and had laid off a bunch of drivers, wages increased indirectly due to a post covid push for better pay and a whole host of other issues, including simple greed since companies are testing how high they can jacks prices up.

>> No.19020037

Burger King
Local places

>> No.19020045

So $4 worth of a burger is what?
Fuck Five Guys $18 burgers they're good but no where near what they charge

>> No.19020106

I haven't been to a Five Guys in like 10 years, how much does a double cheeseburger without the fries and drink cost now?

>> No.19020239

12 dollars, before sales tax, which is 10.25 percent here

>> No.19020989

So, basically I can't have yummy cheap food because boomers are trying to cram in their wish-list of utopian bullshit before they're finally too old to keep power. Fuck that shit I'm an American. It's my right.

>> No.19021006

Right now in my McDonald's app:
>30% off any purchase
>BOGO Quarter Pounder or Big Mac
>$1 Large Fry
>$6 any combo meal

Dunno how long they're gonna keep this up but it's the best deal hands down.

>> No.19021196

biden is mentally handicapped. I think you meant the international central bank cabal.

>> No.19021223

This. As soon as he took over it all went to shit. Incompetent retard.

>> No.19021251

I spent the entirety of my tax refund here. It's the one time of year I loom forward to

>> No.19021256

Unironically school cafeterias

>> No.19021266


>> No.19022344

pretty sure people have caught on to five guy's blatant overpricing.

several locations near me have already closed despite having strong starts 5 years ago. ain't no one going to make buying a grease joint $18 burger a habit.

if people wanted an expensive burger, they'd go to a pub with that reputation.

>> No.19022479

Pretty sure tRump claims that achievement.

>> No.19022496
File: 29 KB, 550x308, Der Dog Haus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19022515

>getting a burger from a place called "Der Dog Haus"
Yeah. No.

>> No.19023586

You get unlimited free peanuts from them so it balances out plus I'll put on all the toppings I can get for free when I go there (which is rarely) so I'm not being completely robbed.

They also tend to be generous with their fries portions.

>> No.19023686

wendys is doing blatant loss leader marketing
they're selling at a loss then when they have all you fags hooked they start creeping their prices up

>> No.19023829

for the price they charge I would rather just get the ground beef and make it myself holy shit. It's closing in on $20. What the fuck is so special about their shit that I would pay gourmet burger prices for fast food?

>> No.19023836

is this a troll am I getting trolled holy shit how retarded are you. what do you think is the cost of the ingredients for a burger?

>> No.19023884

A double cheese burger with bacon is like 8 dollars.
Maybe you’re too poor for where you live? I live in indiana. 80k a year is upper class here. Shits cozy af

>> No.19023890

>Pretty soon every other fast food restaurant is gonna catch on and start raising their prices as well.
where have you been for the last five years you psycho
a mcdonalds combo meal is like twelve dollars now

>> No.19023893

I'll wave to you next time I flyover you

>> No.19023899

culver's is great and has much better options than five guys if you don't want a burger, but culver's burger patties are really thin and five guys still does shakes better. at least culver's is cheaper and has better size options

>> No.19023907

Their whole business model is preying on richfags who can't cook.

>> No.19023920

My kitchen.
The bowling alley near me.
Various mom n' pop gas stations in rural areas.
A lot of golf course concession shacks.

>> No.19024750

Holy shit I've been duped teach me about broccoli oh wise one no more good-tasting food for me

>> No.19024753

Place near me just called burger shack

>> No.19025012
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Clearly you've never had Tucker's Hamburgers in Fond Du Lac, WI.

>> No.19025243


>> No.19025248

ITT: People who have never tried Five Guys talking about Five Guys.

>> No.19025253

I haven't been there in over a year or longer, but I'm sure The Habit costs just as much as Five Guys.

>> No.19026480

Most of these answers are shit

>> No.19026506

>Name a place that serves a better burger for a cheaper price
There is absolutely positively NOTHING special about a Five Guys burger. If you have a heavy spat and a large steel skillet you can make one at home thats just as good with Wal Mart ingredients. Not a single distinctive ingredient or preparation inherent to their recipe. The fries are a bit more difficult / complicated but the burgers you can absolutely make at home.

The proposition with Five Guys was being able to get it fast and cheap with a big sack of those fries and not have to clean up. That proposition is kinda shaky at this point if I'm spending $15 minimum and they're skimping on the fries.

>> No.19026518

I've never had a burger that I've enjoyed more than a five guys burger. I actually don't know what it is in particular about it but I always find them especially satisfying. I've had plenty of restaurant burgers. I've had a ton of burgers prepared by friends and family. I've been to other, privately-owned burger joints. I never enjoy them anywhere near as much.

The only burger I remember enjoying as fondly was one I got at a drive-thru.

>> No.19026564

>drive thru

>> No.19026571
File: 383 KB, 500x500, 1673008062427854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You probably just like the diner smash burger / Oklahoma style burger. I don't blame you. It's best burger, but seriously you could make it at home with a few key pieces of kitchen equipment, a little practice, and tolerance for grease. Five Guys is indeed really good but there is nothing special or unique about it in the the context of that style.