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19015385 No.19015385 [Reply] [Original]

What is it about avoiding animal products that causes people to become incredibly smug and annoying? Is it just a few bad actors ruining their reputation as a whole? My friends and I can be discussing anything food related when our one vegan friend just HAS to interject with some vegan bullshit about how protein is actually bad for you or how eggs cause cancer so it's good they're being price gouged. I used to be a vegan myself but never felt the need to lecture people about it, hell most people didn't even know unless they straight up offered me meat. Does it just draw narcissistic people who always feel the need to prove they're somehow better than everyone else? I guess avoiding meat would be a pretty easy way for a narcissist to get off and view themselves as superior.

>> No.19015393

because it's usually not for health reasons, it's for ethical reasons.
and if you view other people as acting unethically, you would try and have them change their behavior.

>> No.19015415

Then why not start with that argument rather than making shit up about protein being bad or eggs being unhealthy? When base your whole argument on lies about health concerns it doesn't make people want to join your side. Why not make the ethical argument in the first place?

>> No.19015428

A city centre near me does this food fair thing on thursdays and fridays where they have marketstalls selling food n sundry foodstuffs.
I've noticed this lady recently who turns up with a handwritten sign that says "If you think vegans are loud you should hear the screams at a slaughterhouse" and she has a little speaker playing "screams" of what must be pigs n cows. I've wanted to tell her what she is doing is really uncool and possibly illegal but she has some soyboy accomplice constantly recording her on his phone so I just ignore her.

>> No.19015440

ethics aren't objective, but if you can provide a scientific argument for why someone is wrong, even if the intent is ethically driven, you probably have a better chance at changing them.
no one wants to be told they are morally wrong, but they might be willing to listen if they are objectively making unhealthy choices and unaware of the fact.

>> No.19015444

They're doing it as bait. They want someone to confront them so they can escalate it and post it on tiktok like they're the victims. Militant vegans have no place in society. You don't want to eat meat? That's fine, but don't force your shit on others.

>> No.19015448

Probably pigs. Cows are usually docile to the end. Pigs figure out what's going on pretty quickly and get to squealing before they're even strung up for stunning.

>> No.19015456

But most vegan "nutrition" is bunk and they're making shit up on the spot or getting information from propaganda sources like nutritionfacts.org. It's underhanded to try and tell people that veganism is the perfect diet when both vegetarians and pescatarians are healthier. Ethically veganism is sound, nutritionally? There are better options.

>> No.19015481

yes. but that's my theory for why people do it.
it's like religion. it doesn't matter how they convince you to join, they just have to do it, because you're living in sin and are damned if you don't.

>> No.19015487

I just wanted to stop by and say I'm one of the vegans that just eats health and doesn't bother anyone, and I'm not a liberal. Just wanted to let you know that not all vegans are the exact same, just in case (lots of people assume that)

Have a nice day bro

>> No.19015490

If you think you're right about something, you'll say what you think. If you think it's important, you'll try to bring it up frequently.

>> No.19015492

jesus christ dude no one asked if you were a fucking vegan
holy fuck

>> No.19015500

>But most vegan "nutrition" is bunk and they're making shit up on the spot
This shill just keeps running around telling lies like this on /ck/ and /fit/ ALL THE LIVE LONG DAY

>or getting information from propaganda sources like nutritionfacts.org.
"I disagree with it so it's wrong and propaganda!"

>Gets shown objective factual evidence that animal products massively increase the risk of many different health problems
>ItS PrOpAgAnDa!!!

>> No.19015504

>jesus christ dude no one asked if you were a fucking vegan
>holy fuck

The thread mentioned vegans you psycho

>> No.19015513

You know why they're angry right? Because they're a shill and they hate that you are getting rid of the stereotype/illusion that all vegans are liberal nutjobs that run around screaming at people in steak restaurants. They are likely invested in the idea in keeping that propaganda as the main illusion so that the public assumes all vegans are something negative.

>> No.19015518

i'm just fuckin around mate, just thought it was funny

>> No.19015521

buddy, nutritionfacts.org is run by a known quack who just lucked out on the url name

>> No.19015527

Trust me I know, and I appreciate it. I was the same way when I was vegan. Just kept to myself about it unless someone was offering me pizza or something. I'm just wondering what draws the insufferable types to it.

>> No.19015545

>Ethically veganism is sound
It isn't though as a moments though would reveal. But veganism is a cult of the simpleminded and the amino acid deprived.

>> No.19015554

How is it not ethically sound? I'm genuinely curious, not trying to start a fight.

>> No.19015615

I'm not even vegan but I hear meat retards bragging about muh ebin paleo gigachad diet 100x more often

>> No.19015774

You aren't fooling anybody, rabbi.

>> No.19015784

i dont think vegans are annoying enough

if you think animals are being "genocided" and you grant them the same moral consideration as humans then they should be rioting in the streets, and never speak with meat eaters ever again

basically the version of what the left does with "nazis"

>> No.19015788

I've only had vegans try to make me feel bad that an animal suffered in the supply chain, and they don't always do that. I've never even seen vegan propaganda in a 4chan self-serve ad, and lots of funny things get advertised there.

>> No.19015793

Annoying vegans kept me away from veganism. So yes, vegans should be as annoying and obnoxious as possible until society decides on a solution to them

>> No.19015799

>never speak with meat eaters ever again
Stop I can only get so erect

>> No.19015804

Same reason christfags become smug and annoying. They have a sense of moral superiority

>> No.19015819

>They have a sense of moral superiority
that's because we literally have that

how does someone who thinks their own thoughts and emotions are just electrons spinning think they can have morals?

>> No.19015827

OP here, I'm also a Christian but just like when I was vegan I'm not a dick about it.

>> No.19015867

By choosing to have morals because it makes the world better instead of having to be compelled by threat of punishment.

>> No.19015886

>By choosing to have morals
But according to your worldview you literally don't have free will, so that's a contradiction.
>because it makes the world better
You need to define "better", and we're discussing what makes something good or bad. That's a meta question. So you're just being circular
>instead of having to be compelled by threat of punishment.
So when you say "if you dont eat your soup, you will be hungry" to your kid you're not being moral?

>> No.19015902

a) lie
b) I'm not going to delve that deeply into it because it's not board appropriate
c) idiotic assertion
Your education has failed you.

>> No.19016059

Because a normal, healthy society would worship a god and have a proper religion to venerate. Our sick culture threw that out, but the religious impulse is tough to eradicate, so something else has to take the place of a god or goddess. It can be twitter activism, some political ideology, or some weird esotetic practice, anything.

The vegans OP has met fall into this category. They don't believe in God, and it's not an ascetic practice for them like it is for monks, but they've decided to make it the core of their personality. Hence they have to proselytize. And because it teaches them a new morality, they have all the intellectual subtlety of an Inquisitor about it. Hence why they are on a high horse about lecturing me about my sins when I was just trying to eat my stir fry in peace.

>> No.19016316

>Insecure faggot OP starting a thread just to hatewank
another normal day on /ck/


>> No.19016328

>Friend goes vegan, has vegan boyfriend
>Oh anon you should go vegan too, you should see my boyfriend he can eat an entire pizza (explain to me how the fuck that's vegan) and breakdance
>She gets me a job at the same restaurant her boyfriend works at
>By the end of the day her boyfriend ate more meat than I do in two days

>> No.19016341

>Get a lot of meat, it doesn't matter what it is just go there with a bag of hot dogs
>Stand close to her, say nothing and just eat the hot dogs
They can't use the footage against you because people will think that it's funny

>> No.19016400

Every movement, every single movement ever starts with something that is true
Veganism started with animals suffer and I don't like it which is 100% true the animals do suffer and you are entitled to not like it
Problem is then 90% of the movement becomes bullshit
That's why they create fake science
Thats why they sneak into mexico an murder some chickens on camera and then claim that's how every chicken in the USA is treated
That's why they claim people don't know how animals are treated then when people learn how they get treated and still don't care they keep claiming that people don't know because knowing and not caring is somehow impossible
That's how they justify bringing laptops to a playground and forcing children to watch pigs getting slaughtered and act like there is nothing wrong with that, bitch women get raped and I have a 50gb compilation of it and I don't go to a school to show the children how it happend
It's also how the justify terrorism, why are you mad we are commiting terrorism? We are just helping the hecking animals, everyone agrees with us because most people like dogs and that means most people are against eating meat
There was a video, the most retarded thing I have ever seen of a group of vegans protesting at a farm and they weren't allowed in so they gathered at the entrance and then a truck full of live cattle tried to exit and they just stood in the way and didn't let him go through and they all touched the cows and cried and gave them wateyou fucking morin if something goes wrong while the literal slave who isn't allowed to have his own documents is trying to get the truck out you are going to die, other vegans are going to due and a bunch of cows are going to due a long agonizing death and it will be all because if you

>> No.19016403

Ethics are personal
Mirals are dictated by society
Nobody can tell you what is ethical or not

>> No.19016410

What's vegan food like?
>Oh it's actually very diverse, there are so many dishes based on pasta, rice or beans and thanks to modern science we can recreate a lot of things that require dairy or egg
So what did you eat today?
>Burger and pizza and donut

>> No.19016413

I have never met a Christian but Jewish people have always been nice to me

>> No.19016762

lol@your perspective and assumptions

society says it's okay to mass murder kids but not put mass murderers to death, get a better source for morals

because you're a naive goy :^)

>> No.19016819

Vegans are almost always annoying because the kind of people who tend to go vegan are the kind of people who tend to be annoying. They do it because they desperately want to feel like they are in control of their life and that veganism lets them elude the terrible no good consumer food. So it's not veganism itself causing people to be annoying, but rather the people who go vegan that are already annoying, and being vegan simnply gives them a convenient justification for shitting on others under the pretense of "health advice".

>> No.19016825

Baseline morality and empathy is etched deep into the brain of every normal human. Lacking it means being mentally ill.

>> No.19016852

I actually follow the Mediterranean diet because going full vegan isn't ideal for active lifestyles or lifting weights. I eat a huge variety of fruits, vegetables, pasta, beans, grains, seafood, and sometimes chicken.

>> No.19016866
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Vegans better check themselves, if they get even 1% more annoying I'm burning down every potato farm on the planet.

>> No.19016880

Literal autism, in many cases.

>> No.19016893
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>narcissistic people who always feel the need to prove they're somehow better than everyone else?
This , its just extremely transparent virtue signaling

>> No.19016911
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Do you think its unethical for a lion to eat a gazelle?
Do you think humans are more than just another apex predator ?

>> No.19016918

Solid point, but I think you're not taking into account our capacity for empathy. We know suffering when we see it, most animals do not.

>> No.19016940

>We know suffering when we see it, most animals do not.
I am not so sure about that, animals have been shown to have empathy for pain even a sense of fairness.
If animals could not sense pain in others, it would make child rearing pretty tough

>> No.19016963

If you were eating for health you would be eating meat. Meat is the most nutritionally dense food on the planet. Nothing can replace it. Vegans don't eat for health they eat because it's their religion.

>> No.19016974

why would you be empathic towards someone or something who lacks empathy? do you feel empathy for child rapists?

>> No.19016998

Not him , but I feel empathy for them. They did not choose to be like that I am sure.
Its hard enough for me to be attracted to women who I hate more than anything but still have sex with because I cant control myself.

I would off myself if I were in their predicament , I am sure its horrible

>> No.19017004

My brain tells me to feel empathy for other humans yes. Logically I know they should be deleted from the population but there's no reason to kill them slowly when the goal is to get rid of them, an instant death button does the same thing

>> No.19017015

I have managed to kill sheep in a remarkably humane manner.
Would you feel ok about eating an animal I had raised , given a great life to and killed painlessly?

>> No.19017027

>Would you feel ok about eating an animal I had raised , given a great life to and killed painlessly
Yes(I don't know if you think I'm an earlier anon but the only other post I've made is >>19017004, I am not vegan and have no issues with killing animals for food)

>> No.19017056

>why would you be empathic towards someone or something who lacks empathy?
Because that is exactly how humans operate. Without empathy there is no humanity.

>> No.19017061

Oh I thought you were the guy arguing the ethical soundness of veganism
I guess he left

>> No.19017067

if you were objectively correct about something that nobody else gave a shit about being wrong in, then yeah you'd probably be an insufferable cunt about it.

when a nerd goes WELL ACTUALLY DARTH VADER NEVER SAID THAT he feels good about getting to flex his superior intellect but then since nobody else fucking cares, he gets ridiculed anyway.

>> No.19017072

Yeah ny bad for jumping in on a debate in progress

>> No.19017073

Nah I'm still here >>19017056

>> No.19017074

There is nothing objectively correct about vegans.

>> No.19017080

No worries brother, the more the merrier
Its a pretty mild a civil debate so far anyway
Kind of nice

>> No.19017088

Oh there you are
How did you feel about the point I tried to put across here?>>19016940
And would you eat my ethical( by my standards) lamb chops

>> No.19017094

hence why we eat animals and not other humans

>> No.19017098

Veganism isn't exactly healthy without supplements but that doesn't mean the amount western people eat fried meats isn't a major contributor to preventable deaths

>> No.19017099

Are you sure they can feel cross-species empathy? I'm not sure animals view their prey with as much empathy as their offspring. I would eat your lambchops btw, I don't like to turn down food made by others and I especially wouldn't want to waste meat. I'm not vegan either btw just to clarify, I know we all started replying to others so just wanted to make sure.

>> No.19017105

You have a good point there, but what about dogs? We have very strong feelings for dogs but I guess we have spent over 40k years evolving side by side in a symbiotic way.

>> No.19017126

Most meat eaters call vegans annoying because they have some level of cognitive dissonance. They couldn't actually kill every animal they eat themselves and don't want to watch footage of slaughterhouses etc.
I'm not quite either but I have much more respect for people who actually hunt non endangered species than someone whose diet relies on hormone injected factory meat sitting their fat ass on the couch and calling themselves an alpha predator

>> No.19017129

Factory farming in the US is, objectively, extremely destructive to the environment and gives the animals being farmed incredibly poor lives. You can argue that you don’t care about the consequences of factory farming, but you can’t argue that those consequences don’t exist.

>> No.19017132
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Perhaps there is more than one way of feeling empathy for animals that are your prey. I felt great empathy for the sheep I kill , but minutes later I am eating raw liver.
I feel no guilt in this , just a strong feeling that occupying the part of nature I was evolved to inhabit

>> No.19017138
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or rather we've spent over 40k years making dogs more like humans so we can empathize with them
you know
the more human traits an animal has, the less you want to eat it

>> No.19017150

For that billboard, switch the rabbit and the horse and thats where I draw the line
I would never eat a horse since I grew up seeing them as a strong ally
I had rabbits too but I never felt bad eating them
We have different contracts with different animals

>> No.19017151

Big Corp farming is far worse for the environment and is destroying the ecosystem of much of the western and eastern world. Wrong again vegan.

>> No.19017163
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>> No.19017185

Still, feed lots are horrible all the way around
Lamb killer here

I am a big regenerative ag guy
I know its frowned upon but I am going to shill my favorite propaganda documentary

I honestly think this is the way forward


Free if you have netflix

>> No.19017191

Finish the train of thought. Big corporation farming grows feed crops for factory farmed animals in a way that is destructive for the environment. If the American diet wasn’t so meat-heavy, that farmland could be used for crops that are suited for the land available rather than trying to grow corn and soy that aren’t even fit for human consumption. And fwiw, I’m not a vegan.

>> No.19017197

You know what would help the world even more than vain virtue signaling? Having 7 billion less people. Imagine how many problems could be solved if you didn't have to take into consideration millions and billions of people when you had to make decisions.
We don't need less farms and animals we need less humans. Do your part, if everyone helped out we could solve the problem in only a single day.

>> No.19017202

>If the American diet wasn’t so meat-heavy, that farmland could be used for crops that are suited for the land available rather than trying to grow corn and soy that aren’t even fit for human consumption.
it could yes, but what makes you think those wouldn't all be soy and corn also? who's to say meat won't be replaced by a nutritionally inferior and more profitable product? why wouldn't it?

>> No.19017204

Most of the fields that grow grains are not fit other crops
Ruminants eat grasses that we cannot digest grown on land we cant grow vegetables on
Everyone wins as long as you keep the cows and sheep where their food is grown so they can poop and graze
When you take them to the feed lot, you fuck everything up

>> No.19017242

vegan diets cause people to become deranged because they are not fit for humans

>> No.19017300

>who's to say meat won't be replaced by a nutritionally inferior and more profitable product? why wouldn't it?
So you’re saying that the root of the problem is the capitalist profit motive? Because if so, I agree :^)

>> No.19017740

The way to fix the whole deal is regenerative ranching

>> No.19017770
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>> No.19017789
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>> No.19017809

Vegans are retarded. animals suffer way more in the wild when they die and millions of animals would never have existed if they weren't raised for food. I would rather have lived and grazed on some beautiful pasture then die quickly rather never having lived at all.

>> No.19017849

i've been avoiding telling people i'm vegan as much as possible
only person i've told so far has been my mom, and only because she was visiting my house for a week, couldn't really hide it without avoiding cooking or eating out the whole time she was visiting, and she went on to tell the rest of my family before i visited them a few months later
morally speaking, the best thing to do would in fact be to be proselytizing about it, but that's not exactly going to be effective when so many other people have already come to that conclusion and decided that being a screeching retard was the best approach and permanently turn everyone off from the idea
so about all i can do is quietly minimize my own impact and adopt a different diet and eating out habits until cultured meat and synthetic milk becomes widespread enough that i can be fairly certain that whatever it is i'm buying wasn't factory farmed

>> No.19017938

they feel as sense of moral superiority as if they are talking down to a criminal, but i am not the cuck in charge of making sure those animals are treated and killed humanly.

i was once left me alone with a vegan by my stupid mom, and the piece of shit thought i was some kind of blank slate because i was like 4 year old lmfaooo i got really close to getting beaten by him in public. the tipping point was when he kidnapped me to a vegan restaurant and i said i wanted hamburger and that i wouldn't eat the shit he bought to me. he literally almost started flipping the tables.

>how protein is actually bad for you or how eggs cause cancer
the conversation always ends after you ask for sources, that or they will rape change subjects.

>> No.19017939

The problem is a lot of animals are born in china and india. If I was an animal I would rather have never been born or skip past life and go straight to hell than end up there.

>> No.19017944

Why did you want to make your mom cry? Couldn't you have just said you had a stomach flu and snuck a loaf a bread on the toilet?

>> No.19018082

clearly just mocking vegans isn't enough to get them to stop being fucking retarded.
We should beat the living shit out of them for saying smug or stupid crap instead.

>> No.19018407

How huge we talkin here?

>> No.19018436

I can see where vegans are coming from
I think the problem is in two parts
1. not everyone accepts that buying meat that was industrially farmed is wrong
2. judging people in your life for their moral failings is not acceptable
I'm not really sure where I stand on this
If I had a friend who chucked his cat around despite the cat clearly not liking it or who kicked his dog I don't think I'd want to be friends with him any longer
I buy and eat meat

>> No.19018450

Yeah same
I love the Mediterranean diet because it's a high fat diet
I could never feel satisfied with other diets but with the Mediterranean diet, getting 35-40% of my calories from fat has really helped

>> No.19018525

To the left of pets, to the right of humans.
If someone decides they want to eat their pet for some reason, that is their prerogative as its owner.
Aside from being likely quite poor quality meat, I see no reason why they wouldn't be allowed to do so.

>> No.19018553

Don't know where you get those definitions. Ethics is the overarching system and morals are the rules determined within that system.

>> No.19018592

lmao what

>> No.19020260 [DELETED] 
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stop attacking whites jamal

>> No.19020375

I simply adore the Venetian fritto misto instead of the gefrituurde vis from Bruges. It's so much better with Mediterranean fish. The stoccafisso is definitely an improvement over the original (and exactly the same) stokvis and so is baccala. Fuck bakkeljauw. Which, again, is the original product and exactly the same.

There is no Mediterranean diet. I'm really sorry. They (we) buy Nestlé, Unilever, Berkshire-Hathaway garbage just like anyone else.

>> No.19020399

As with anything else, it's always the loud minority.

>> No.19020416

I've literally never met someone whom I knew to be a vegan that wasn't a skinny fast alcoholic. Let them waste away and kill themselves.

>> No.19020444 [DELETED] 

I'm not a nigger you complete fucking retard

>> No.19020669

There is a Mediterranean diet, your mistake is thinking that what we call the Mediterranean diet is supposed to be representative of what Mediterranean people eat in a cultural/historical sense

>> No.19020691 [DELETED] 

It’s what’s on the inside that counts, my brotha

>> No.19020695

actually I mind my own business and dont expect the world around me to change

>> No.19020716

Because veganism isn't ethical. You cant argue for welfare when your quinoa is being farmed by child slaves and your agave syrup being produced by huge companies stealing Indigenous Mexican farming land.

>> No.19020805

where do you think animal feed comes from, dipshit

>> No.19020822

Do they think animals killed and eaten by other animals in nature don't suffer?
>if I make up a strawman, people won't find it weird how I need an organized cult and a magic sky daddy to tell me not to rape and murder

>> No.19020911

so you're admiring veganism is equal in morality to a regular diet?

>> No.19020963

If Vegans actually cared about reducing animal suffering they wouldn't continue pushing a diet adopted by like 0.3% of Americans that is losing traction and will never be adopted on a mass scale.

It's nothing but virtue signaling from beginning to end. Cancel culture may not be a thing but outrage culture and pearl clutching certainly fucking is.

The sensible thing to do would be to encourage small-scale, humane farming and eventually cultured meat through increased funding and raising awareness, but that goes directly against their very nature so it will never happen that way.

I have no problem with a person who's a vegan for purely personal reasons. The Vegan diet itself is mostly fine as well and can be decently nutritious long-term (definitely not the best though, that's fake news) and it's definitely been misrepresented as a flat out shitty, unhealthy diet. It's still leagues more healthy than a SAD diet if done properly.

But "ethical" vegans are by and large retarded.

>> No.19020975

vegans should be fed to other vegans until they cease to exist frankly

>> No.19020985

meat production requires far more agriculture, and thus far more labor, than just eating the plants directly, in addition to the labor required for raising and slaughtering, plus the obvious additional animal cruelty involved in that process
if minimizing human suffering is your only concern, veganism is still the best way to go

>> No.19021016

>labor is suffering
I bet getting out of bed is suffering for you too.

>> No.19021158

i'm seriously hoping you're a different guy and you're not willfully ignoring the "child slaves" bit you brought up yourself, but i'll spell it out for you regardless
when i mentioned labor, i was specifically referring to the exploitative borderline slave labor often used for most agriculture
chickens are the most efficient at turning calories of feed to calories of meat, and they do it at a 9:1 ratio, cows have a 25:1 ratio
whatever human suffering you might attribute to agriculture, you'd have to multiply it 9x for meat, at a minimum
in terms of labor, economics, even thermodynamics, it's just inefficient