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File: 893 KB, 1920x1080, different-color-egg-yolks-today-tease-180604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19008561 No.19008561 [Reply] [Original]

can confirm: the egg on the right is the tastier, more earthly delicious egg! Don't take my word for it. Try it for yourself.

>> No.19008564

Color has nothing to do with flavor, producers can change the color easily to suit what the locals prefer.

>> No.19008566

>Buy cheap supermarket eggs
>Going to make one sunny side up
>Crack it in the pan
>The whites don't spread and remain in a thick shape a couple centimeters high
The fuck is this kind of shit?

>> No.19008575

tastes like dust on my side

>> No.19008578

fresh eggs

>> No.19008585

spread them yourself like you spread your legs, bitch faggot

>> No.19008592

Very fresh eggs

>> No.19008606

I buy eggs from an actual local free range farm. I've visited it. It's basically like these little trailers that get towed around by a tractor. All the birds sleep there at night and in the day they have these incredibly lush open fields of grassland to forage in.

They are the most pale eggs I've ever brought. Looks like egg colour is entirely dependent upon colourants in the feed.

>> No.19008718

>Don't take my word for it. Try it for yourself.
I have in a blind folded taste test, there is no difference. I am not a tastelet.

very couple of weeks we have this thread.

egg producers in every country (and even in local regions) carefully control the diet of their chickens in order to get the color of eggs that the locals expect. they do this by adding or limiting the amount of beta carotene in the chicken feed. THAT'S IT THAT'S ALL!

In some countries they expect blood red eggs, in other countries everyone thinks a yellow or orange egg is a sign of icky chemicals and won't eat them so they make egg yolks that are white.

here in the US people expect yellow to orange and that's what they get.

>> No.19008723

>The whites don't spread and remain in a thick shape a couple centimeters high
A fresh egg you idiot.

>> No.19008750
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>> No.19008807

How am i supposed to try that specific egg

>> No.19008972

I only eat eggs for the health benefits. I think it's pretty nasty.

>> No.19008984

>spread your legs
Are you a cop?

>> No.19008986


>> No.19009223

just buy the supplements, goy
you'll chin will grow and becky will answer your texts

>> No.19009680

Color is not a definite sign, but it's a good indicator usually. The dark thicker yolk showcased that it was a healthier chicken and would add the chick in solid development.

>> No.19009774

I want you to lose. retard.

>> No.19009849
File: 546 KB, 2000x1333, Do it yourself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get fresh eggs and the color of the yolk is darker then store bought also the taste is way richer and better, hard to describe although there is a distinct difference

>> No.19009858

Ever raise chickens?
Go shit in your hat

>> No.19009884

The eggs are light yellow on purpose and the color can be changed by supplementing beta carotene which would only affect color and do absolutely nothing to nutrition.

>> No.19009898

that's silly. That's like saying cum that is runny and transparent is as fertile as cum thick as jello and opeque white, appearance makes no difference

>> No.19009918

my brother raised them.
he never ate the eggs, but gave them to me, I told him to feed the chickens grated carrot so I could have dark orange eggs and see if there was a taste difference.

then I did side by side taste tests and there was no discernible difference in taste.

>> No.19009920

why do people pretend like having chickens deserves some kind of medal or something
you feed them your leftovers and scraps and they shit out eggs. they require about the same maintenance as a cat.

>> No.19009934

Why raise chickens and not eat the eggs?
stop lying

>> No.19009938


he didn't like eggs, and raised them as pets. I mean I thought it was stupid as well since it was an expensive thing to do, but he never ate them.

>> No.19009946

Cat shit is nasty chicken shit can be used for fertilizer and the also shit out tasty eggs and when they stop doing that I can butcher them for a tasty stew

>> No.19009950

well going to bed, I would like to stay and hear you say more stupid shit, but truth is truth whether you believe it or not.

inb4 nuh uh!

>> No.19009963

Fair enough, I get that they are cool to hear clucking around.specially if you have a rooster that calls in the morning
It is not really expensive though chicken feed and some time no more then you'd spend on a big dog

>> No.19009994

Reddit fag runs away

>> No.19010053
File: 17 KB, 307x306, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is bullshit midwit speak

>> No.19010076
File: 81 KB, 1140x855, Mako shark fishing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry but in these times if you're able raise your own chicken hunt the game from the land and buy a big freezer

>> No.19010084
File: 293 KB, 1000x750, Still in the yard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh also make a still

>> No.19010730

one on the right

>> No.19010738

I did try this pre-egg shortage, the heritage egg was better. Just not 4x the cost better. Of course right now I can't even get the heritage eggs.

>> No.19011184

it is when you have to build a chicken coop, buy feed, and medicine when they get sick. then build a smaller mobile coop so they can peck freely in the yard or over a compost pile, he wasted tons of money on chickens that provided free food then gave that food to me.

I estimate his eggs cost $1 ea.

reddit is not an insult (unless you are a child)

>> No.19011189

That looks horrible, for all that bullshit at least have some tater tots on the side to sop up that slimey slop.

>> No.19011207

Retards the lot of you, thats a duck egg.

>> No.19011337

If you feed hens chili peppers is makes the eggs a darker orange colour. They don't pick up on the spice level like mammals. I think most places do this and it plays tricks on your mind so they taste better.

>> No.19011343

maybe your brother just really liked chickens, anon

>> No.19011728

there's nothing quite like fresh eggs from a happy free range bird, god I fuckin love eggs

>> No.19011763

Every other day you come across yet another dumb trend I swear.
I've actually eaten egg that I've seen come out of a chicken that was not raised in a farm. And the yolk definitely did not look deep orange.
Fuck outta here with that shit.