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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19000967 No.19000967 [Reply] [Original]

now this is epic

>> No.19000973

this is the most important invention since sliced bread

>> No.19000979

indeed sir! this is how the bread is even made!

>> No.19000982

There was this uber chef that tattooed circles on his palm so he could measure stuff by hand instead of using spoons like the rest.

>> No.19000986

Wouldn't that be too much since the volume would include the measuring cup itself? Why not just do everything by weight and pour it all directly into one bowl. A scale is like 20 bucks

>> No.19000988

I've been pouring honey into flour all wrong this whole time?

>> No.19001002
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This guy bakes.
People who measure ingredients by volume are doomed to mediocrity.

Kitchen scale chads rise up!

>> No.19001007

Measuring is for faggots

>> No.19001015

well I mean if you want to put in a little too much sure.

>> No.19001033
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>> No.19001188

Lmao what a retard, even that hunchback julia child could do that by eye in her palm

>> No.19001195

I have never been in a situation where i needed to pour honey into raw flour

>> No.19001846

I just eyeball it.

>> No.19001882

I add molasses to warm water on a scale.

>> No.19001886


>> No.19001912

Kitchen scales are relatively new, so none of the recipes in my family cookbook measure by weight

>> No.19001925

>recipe calls for sticky ingredient and another ingredient like milk/water
>just rinse out the measuring cup with the milk/water after so i get all of it in the end

step aside plebs ck einstein right here

>> No.19002033

Julia Child didn't measure shit. If you watch her old show, she's always adding like twice as much salt and butter as the recipe called for.

>> No.19002039

She would often measure with her hand then say "thats exactly a teaspoon" proudly. Even seen her pour it into a teaspoon for proof on one of her pbs shows. Was one of her gimmicks. Probably to get cooklets to stop obsessing over minutiae

>> No.19002104

Just convert you lazy fuck

>> No.19002598

For every % you increase the radius, you get twice as much volume increase. That retard zoomer is fucking up the recipe big time.

>> No.19002621

Volume of a sphere increases with r^3, which means a 1% increase in radius only results in a 3.03% increase in volume.
I highly doubt your average measuring spoon is even 3% accurate in the first place.

>> No.19002623

I don't think a 1mm thick cup will have that great impact on it. certainly less difference than what will be stuck in your cup if you measure in it.
scales is based however, just a pain when doing new recipes that use volume

>> No.19002639

>a sphere
dis nigga measuring his liquids with a closed sphere instead of a cylinder ROFL

>> No.19002652

Volume of a cylinder scales with r^2, so the error is even less for a cylindrical measuring spoon.

>> No.19002661

>Convert a cup of flour to its equivalent weight so you can...add a cup of flour

>> No.19002949

Get a scale

>> No.19002986

Yeah because it fuckin tastes good

>> No.19002999
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I guess you're feeling pretty stupid right now because you haven't thought of it before

>> No.19003049

Recipes are pretty arbitrary anyway. The perfect amount probably isn't exactly a quarter cup or whatever.

>> No.19003067

Honestly, yes.

>> No.19003179
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Based and eyeball-pilled.

>> No.19003198
File: 144 KB, 618x597, b57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>half the flavours evaporate into smell
I know that smell is a really important part of taste, but how to minimise half of the aromatic compounds escaping into the atmosphere. Imagine how good food can be

>> No.19003199

FUCK wrong tab

>> No.19003225

imperial volume measures are not that precise to begin with. Just leave few millimeters on top to take the measuring cup volume into account and you're set.

>> No.19003406

Yep. Only faggots who don't cook often need to measure every single ingredient like a cuck.

>> No.19003432

>Not measuring every ingredient with a scale, gram per gram.
I bet y'all niggas haven't baked a single piece of bread in your lives.

>> No.19003443


>> No.19003663

The amerimutt fears the scales

>> No.19003674

You would know chunky

>> No.19003808
File: 453 KB, 828x821, 16400313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just kneed in flour till the dough as sticky as i want it

>> No.19003835

That's how you make food taste good.

>> No.19004997
File: 2.78 MB, 1280x720, 1660600858199687.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wa la

>> No.19005022

I can sort of understand over obsessing having the correct measurements for flour or whatever, but it's not like a liquid is going to have significant variance in density (unless you're doing your cooking on a mountain top or something).

>> No.19005028

curious how accurate this is

>> No.19005165

based and experiencepilled

>> No.19005197

Can’t imagine why it wouldn’t be. Simple geometry

I’d more be worried about how sturdy it is. Those joints just look like thin plastic, so they’d get weaker overtime and it’d eventually fall apart.

>> No.19005205

It's twenty bucks for a set of two, so even if it lasted a year that'd probably be good enough.

>> No.19005230

lower your heat

>> No.19005254

I mean you could also just spray a little Pam on the measuring cup

>> No.19005311

>Why not just do everything by weight
Yeah, this is the easiest method. Sometimes if I've already thrown stuff in a pan that's heating up, I'll weight the container of product, tare it, and remove some until it comes out to a negative of how much I want.

>> No.19005338

You fucking idiots, she was a TV chef. She would call out the real amounts but just slap in whatever because the mixed ingredients would never be used. There was always an already completed dish prepared she could pull out at the end.

She used to always have to remind Jacques that things didn’t needed to be cooked as long as the real thing because they were just filming for show.

>> No.19005432

>Measuring at all
My grandmother taught me to make amazing bread just based on the feel of the dough.

>> No.19005439

Americans will do literally anything to not use weight measurements.

>> No.19005457

My grandmother always told me that bread dough should feel like a titty.
She couldn't have foreseen that I am now 30 and have never touched a titty.

>> No.19005463

>Not asking grandma if you can feel her up
Explains why you never made it.

>> No.19005840

Shut up fag