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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18995030 No.18995030 [Reply] [Original]

Is being able to cook really a turn on in dating? If so, what can I make that would really impress a woman. I'm thinking a dinner and dessert.

>> No.18995036

Some women think you are gay for cooking
They are a wild bunch

>> No.18995039

That's true. I like to bake but it's usually the women who accuse me of being gay. The men don't have a problem with it and ask if I made anything recently I could try.

>> No.18995042

those women are retarded then

honestly being able to cook is good, straight, gay, or etc.

Being independent is good

>> No.18995050

Women are absolutely fucking retarded. Making hamburger helper would impress most modern women.

>> No.18995051

Good cooks are usually fags or drunks, women like neither

>> No.18995054

Let's search Twitter for "my man cooked dinner for me" and post the results to test this little theory

>> No.18995066
File: 682 KB, 720x1221, boyfriend cooked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

may be onto something here..

>> No.18995073

>shit ton of asparagus
>thin slices of pork

what the fuck was in his fridge

>> No.18995080

What's the granular brown sugar pile on the right side of the noodles?

>> No.18995098

shit, that’s sugar? i thought that was garlic salt or some kind of spice

>> No.18995107

I won’t stand here while you insult Food Wishes and Townsends like this.

>> No.18995115

This pic reminds me of my fiancé, I’m really lucky :)

>> No.18995117

It doesn't help me in my teens and 20s but middle aged women, especially single moms, love it.

>> No.18995124

it shows that you're able to function. if i look in someones fridge and it's all pre-packaged garbage, it's a good indicator of how they live.

>> No.18995128


>> No.18995133

That breadcrumbs on Mac n cheese. 3rd worlder detected

>> No.18995137

>what can I make that would really impress a woman
six figures

>> No.18995253

thats a shit ton of asparagus to you?

>> No.18995285

make paella, ask her to bring some bread and wine that she likes. aperitifs and gelato for dessert

>> No.18995300

Snap your fingers and walk away

>> No.18995417

>make paella
the saffron alone is at least 40 bucks unless you buy a tiny amount for one serving that is 5x more expensive per kilo

>> No.18995423

>What is self checkout

I haven't paid for saffron or vanilla extract since they rolled these abominations out.

>> No.18995436

depends on the age

younger women tend to prefer strictly beige food and are more turned on if you buy it instead of making it yourself. don't waste their time watching you cook/cuck

>> No.18995439

If you don't know her, some form of comfort food will win it. If you know her and are able to bring up food in the conversation, remember her favorite and make it for her, she'll think you're a god.

Food always increases morale and for women it's no different. Feeding a girl is almost psychopathic manipulation levels of emotional response

>> No.18995444

Fuck all that noise.

Make something light so you're fucking on a full stomach. Nothing worse than trying to hold in farts while your bloated descended gut gurgles and sweats all over her.

>> No.18995450
File: 2.75 MB, 650x850, cute gf.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is being able to cook really a turn on in dating?
do we need to answer?

>> No.18995452

wow, she's really emotive.

>> No.18995462

ask her

>> No.18995464

>makes a small, rich pasta dish with some wine
>she loves it
>go to bedroom
>unbeknownst to me she has gastroparesis and IBS
>making a wobbly h
>the butter from your cream sauce has made it's way through her undigested at mach 5 speeds
>she gurgles
>shits alfredo sauce all over
>didn't make bread to soak up the extra
This anon speaks the truth. NEVER cook an actual meal for a 3D woman

>> No.18995471

One time I went home from the bar with a random fat girl. Hefty. About 230lbs at least. I was fucking her in the ass and about 5 minutes in she slurs out "I gotta pooooop” and I burst out laughing. Just ended up leaving while she was blowing up the toilet.

>> No.18995522

Lava cake, with powdered sugar on top.

>> No.18995528

>just steal bro

>> No.18995533

>how can I become more female, fellas??
don't forget to buy a nice pink apron to impress your date, anon!

>> No.18995582

zoomers can't meme

>> No.18995677

Comfort food is usually the way to go but don't go overboard. A bit of pasta, maybe eggplant parmesan or veal saltimbocca, some wine, and something light to finish like fruit and cheese and a small glass of dessert wine, you don't want her so full she doesn't feel like fucking.

>> No.18995774

i have a friend that bakes and his voice and laugh is the most flambe shit ive ever heard

>> No.18995779

Some women get really jealous because they can't cook but it's not usually the young ones and there is no reason to ever date a woman older than 25

>> No.18995781

It's a subtle way of telling her she is fat

>> No.18995786

Is there poop in those muffins?

>> No.18995787

Women love food. And when you feed them, their monkey brain tells them "he's a good provider".
Pretty much this. Well adjusted people can cook.
Hmmm I found it did help seal the deal a few times with younger women but probably by the time they agreed to come over they had already made up their minds

>> No.18995793
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>women are retarded
Breaking news, everyone!

>> No.18996230

Yes women love being pampered
Do you think they actually care about handegg or video games?
It's not for first dates or anything it's actually a pretty serious move for some women

>> No.18996241

Nothing but looks matters

>> No.18996245

>I [butterfly] U
Is that supposed to be mnemonic for "I butt you"?

>> No.18996273

Those women simply do not matter. Don't undersell yourselves by entertaining toxic women. Kindness is the #1 trait you should be looking for, but it's easy to forget that in our shitty world..

>> No.18996279

I've found that at the bottom of it it's because they can't cook and feel inferior/feel like they failed as a woman when a man that is otherwise stereotypically masculine is a much better cook than they are, which usually isn't hard either since the height of most women (and people in general) culinary expertise is putting extra pre-grated cheese on frozen pizza.

>> No.18996291

>remember her favorite and make it for her
How long would you say one has to know a woman before its creepy to remember her favourite dish?

>> No.18996292

t. Virgin

>> No.18996299

Doesn't matter, if she likes you she'll think it's cute you remembered, if she doesn't she'll think it's creepy. Timeframe doesn't matter at all.

>> No.18996346

>Doesn't matter, if she likes you she'll think it's cute you remembered, if she doesn't she'll think it's creepy. Timeframe doesn't matter at all.

>do something be attractive
>its cute
>do something be unattractive
>its creep
Its not a difficult concept guys. Also attractive as in 100% physical looks and 0% personality/bullshit stats

>> No.18996366


All the signs of a woman who is manipulative to the point where it becomes a mental illness.

Women don't care about cooking skills in a partner until a female in their social circle has a bf who cooks. Same goes for every other skill, asset or talent... apart from listening. Women need to talk and you need to listen.

>> No.18996415

But sometimes a fantasy is all you need...
That's what you commie bastards were drawn out of you from your kgb and stasi.
Billy Joel - Sometimes a Fantasy

>> No.18996688

>the information and stories on this website...

>> No.18997253

>Is being able to cook really a turn on in dating?
fastest way to get to her vagina is through her stomach
nah its more this>>18995779
women hate that men actually have hobbies, friends and take the time to be good at doing stuff

>> No.18997406

>Some women think you are gay for cooking
No matter what you do, some woman will think it's gay, likely because her boomer dad said men doing that is gay, and all women want to fuck their fathers.

>> No.18997463

yes but no bakery, fuck muffins and cupcake bs.. maybe bread but oven only

>> No.18997480

Steak (ribeye or NY strip), potatoes or risotto, veg and or salad.

Classic, easy to make, and don't go too heavy with the butter and oils etc since you don't want her to be too full (you either) in case and goes well and you end up fucking.

Wine or cocktails too obviously.

Whatever you decide in terms of food or drink run it by her so you don't make some shit she's allergic to or just plain hates.

Give her a drink right when she gets there. If this is a first date and she doesn't really know you make the drink in front of her so that she doesn't think you're slipping her some shit.

Follow these rules and you'll likely be fucking her within a few hours. Good luck lad.

>> No.18997720

Don't just cook get good at cooking for dinner parties and backyard bbq/events. Throw pot lucks and serve good booze at all of the above. This way you control your social circle and setting. Including the right to ostracize cunts and fucktards. It's a way better life than the hamburger helper one.
and/or scallops

>> No.18998013

beef wellington. its pretty simple to make actually, chef john from foodwishes on youtube has a really good recipe. filet can be sourced from safeway for like fifteen bucks and everything else should be pretty cheap

>> No.18998043

They're impressed if you're able to actually hold a knife and not slice off a finger, let alone not burning your food. just don't be a flamer about it and try "impressing" her, just cook something you'd eat.

>> No.18998352

>what can I make that would really impress a woman
A living.

>> No.18998394

Damn I'd eat three times as much asparagus, that shit looks tasty.

>> No.18998400

I made my gf/now wife eggplant parm for one of our first dates. First night we had sex too, to the Gus Van Sant classic Good Will Hunting, no less.

>> No.18998402

>putting extra pre-grated cheese on frozen pizza
literally me
I'm actually a not completely back-asswards terrible cook but I'm certainly not great, my girlfriend is way better than me and she loves to cook for us.

>> No.18998406

Worked for me. Women under 30 don't know how to cook unless their career plan is a man. Dinner depends a lot on what they like but dessert is easy: just figure out how to incorporate as much fat and sugar as possible. Ideally with chocolate.

>> No.18998418

Funny I base a woman on how well SHE can cook, like it should be
Make me a sandwich and soup! Mop the gaddamn floor it's filthy

>> No.18998460

thieve or improvise.

>> No.18998471

wellington is shit tier foodstuffs

>> No.18998488

>Is being able to cook really a turn on in dating?
No. I'm a good cook, no woman has ever cared. It's all lies.

>> No.18998521

They'll expect you to do all the cooking. Are you going to impress her with your cleaning the toilet skills while you're at it?

>> No.18998550


>> No.18998554

Ribeye, Asparagus and roasted red potatoes.
All super easy items, with ribeye's passing for being "Cooked well" simply by virtue of being a good/pricey cut of meat that you have to be a moron to fuck up.

Cheesecake is an easy as fuck desert to make that normies, for some unfathomable reason, think is fancy and hard to make.

Serve these two setups for dinner/desert and bluff your way into her heart.

>> No.18998559

Lol at the incel takeover of ck

>> No.18998594

The part of men cooking that’s a turn on for women isn’t really the end product, it’s the actual act of cooking. They like it when you look like you’re competent and in control. If you try to impress her with some fancy dish you’ve never made before and you’re all flustered and stumbling around the kitchen like a dumbass, that kind of defeats the purpose. Make something you’ve made a bunch of times that you can do confidently and effortlessly. If I’m cooking for a girl my go-to is pasta aglio olio just because I’ve made it 1000 times and can do it basically on autopilot.

>> No.18998601

Enjoying cooking has been the least cool hobby to have around the people I've known. The people I know who are impressed by cooking only care about how loudly you can toss around a pan or make a racket chopping an onion. I've yet to meat anyone who enjoys putting together a recipe and spending time doing it. I've had people straight up make fun of me for enjoying it.

>> No.18998604

If they didn’t want me to steal from self checkout they shouldn’t have made it so mindnumbingly easy

>> No.18998649

boobies sell...

>> No.18998803

>all women want to fuck their fathers.

>> No.18998841
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>> No.18998849

Being able to cook is only going to attract the obese blobs.

>> No.18999338

>Oedipus >:^(
>Oedipus, but female :^0

>> No.18999342

What kind of thirdie shithole are you from?

>> No.18999347

It's not so much the fact that you can cook, but rather the fact that you're a responsible adult who can take care of them damn selves and don't need a mommy replacement.

>> No.18999364

yeah it is, any pasta or fish dish works well

>> No.18999384


I made chicken piccata and rice for a date one time. It turned out quite well. We were still early on in our relationship but I think that it had more of an impact than just going out to eat. It was more meaningful and intimate that way (and cheaper).

We've been married for four years now

>> No.18999385

>but rather the fact that you're a responsible adult who can take care of them damn selves and don't need a mommy replacement.

Modern women are just as bad or worse in this regard.

>> No.18999390


Wtf is Danny Brown doing posting on this site

>> No.19000300

those dudes are still getting married and have kids
in fact, pieces of shit often get laid quite a bit

>> No.19000334

Yeah, cheers m8!

>> No.19000615

It doesn't matter anyway because women are pissy picky eaters. You can cook a perfect dinner and the fat bitch still has something to complain about and the next day her tard ass spends 20 quids on mcdonalds

>> No.19000678

I rather cook at home for a woman rather than going out. With some practice you can out cook any of your or hers favorite restaurant.
I have a nice breakfast bar they can sit at and watch. I feed them wine and samples of cheeses, meats, olives and almonds while they wait and watch. It's easy to hold a conversation and cook at the same time.
I never let a women help or clean up. They think that's nice but I'm afraid they would fuck things up in my kitchen.
I have always done all the grocery shopping, meal planning and all of the cookery. If they want something special I take the time to learn a good recipe if I don't know one and prepare it and take notes.
The women you zoomers are dating are even more worthless than us older (35) people. I would make it a priority to get good enough in the kitchen that they never want to go anywhere if I had to date.
Find out her favorites and master. Always have reasonably good wine. A decent chardonnay and/or merlot can be had for under $20 U.S.

Don't cook her chicken tendies in you air fryer and serve them with Kraft ranch and think she'll suck your dick.

>> No.19000702

dumbass bitch

>> No.19000717

shes sucking my cock right now

>> No.19000731

shes just playing up for the camera
idk if thats an accurate way to tell if she is a complete psychopath
if she acted that way while not in front of a camera, i would believe u

>> No.19000730
File: 72 KB, 924x924, cherry-tomato-chicken-pasta1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make pic related, perhaps with asparagus
>every woman I've ever met LOOOOOOOOVES asparagus for some reason
Buy a nice Cabernet with it
Buy a nice cheesecake from somewhere, don't attempt dessert yourself cause if you were good at it you wouldn't ask about it
Maybe offer French press or Moka pot coffee to go with dessert but don't make it unless she wants it. Pour over shows autism and drip coffee is... well, you may as well have taken her to McDonalds.

She'll want to kiss your peepee after all that

>> No.19000734

mogged by a paki flipping burgers for minimum wage
you must really fucking suck

>> No.19000736

fuck u bitch
see u tonight

>> No.19000741

id eat her pussy hehe

>> No.19000750

i made my wife fried rice with a little bit of my blood in it once when we were dating. i didnt tell her it was in it
been together ever since

>> No.19000789

From my experience, a guy who is already physically attractive that can cook significantly elevates his status. I don't think cooking if you're ugly or average will help, but between 2 identical good looking guys, the one that cooks will be more sought-after

>> No.19000815

That's deep dude
Surfs up!

>> No.19000825

That seems like some kind of magic, beware it can be turned on you.
Killing Joke - Eighties

>> No.19001554

It's 100% a turn on once you are already dating. Saying "I like to cook" on a first date (or at a party) is as interesting as saying "I like to snowboard" or "I like to volunteer at a soup kitchen" or any other mildly interesting thing, but once you're actually seeing each other it turns men and women the FUCK on. Everyone wants to be able to date someone who can feed them well. It's something they can show off, too.
t. been on both ends of it

>> No.19001974

A man unwilling to cook or at least help out or make an honest attempt is a sign of immaturity and absolutely unappealing. Their parents failed them.
The truth.

>> No.19002031
File: 583 KB, 1364x2048, media_Fb3FOWAVEAAxrRM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically gents, if you all take up cooking and have fun getting good at your favorite dishes we're all going to live healthier. The birthrate is going to go way up, the divorce rate way down, and we are all going to get our dicks sucked on the regular.

Learn to cook and then use it. It's rewarding.

>> No.19002050

Thanks Martha

>> No.19002056
File: 278 KB, 725x550, wyoming-archery-antelope-hunts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She cooks I hunt
Simple as

>> No.19002108

It was like that with my grandparents on my father's side, we'd go out and fish, chill out and bring back the fish for her to deal with, that's what women are for.

>> No.19002751

it's NOT what it's supposed to be like....

>> No.19002762

>.t underage incel

>> No.19002786

Not OP but I'm not sure how thats an incel take???

>> No.19002795

Agree with this. Cooking a girl a meal got me laid a hell of a lot when I was younger. Even now as a married man my wife loves it when I cook her and the kids dinner or grill something up on our BBQ out back. Cooking is a skill that benefits the bachelor and the family. Saves a fuck ton of money too. If you have the right spices, a piece of cheap meat and a crock pot you can turn dried beans and rice into a week's worth of stew. Knowing about cooking let's you smoke meats and make jerky. I'd say it even applies to brewing beer since there are a lot of the same processes going on when your making the wort. Seems pretty masculine to me if you want to get laid and drink beer.

>> No.19002847

Didn't I tell you to mop the goddamn floor?

>> No.19002854

>married with kids getting laid
stop lying liar

>> No.19003076

Tendies in the air fryer and ranch have gotten my dick sucked twice I'll have you know

>> No.19003084


>> No.19003088

>t. seething roastie

>> No.19003103

Nta but it happens. Just not every day. Tbh I don't need it to.

>> No.19003123

I acquired a wife by first asking if she wanted me to come over and make a pan-seared sirloin steak.

>> No.19003133

he spits hot fire?

>> No.19003237

Sounds fucking dull

>> No.19003271

gf broke up with me because I cook and she said she can't stand penny pinchers


>> No.19003296

Imagine caring about the opinions of children stuck in an adult female body.