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File: 151 KB, 1300x866, shitckle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18994728 No.18994728 [Reply] [Original]

Do restaurants just not have the decency to server customers literally any other type of fry than crinkle cut?
They're always dry and taste like shit

>> No.18994733

Do not shit on crinkle cut.

>> No.18994748

Most restaurants that serve crinkle cut just use frozen shit. Avoid at all cost.

>> No.18994755

>always dry and taste like shit
By "restaurants" are you talking about your college's cafeteria? Fries are supposed to be salty af. If you're getting a weak, limp dicked fry then the place you're going to is bad to begin with.

>> No.18994764

Crinkle cut are the patricians choice, absolute texture bombs

>> No.18994778
File: 151 KB, 750x1000, o[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A place near me has these, I've never really seen this shape anywhere else. They're pretty good, assume they get them in frozen too though

>> No.18994786

I've almost never had crinkle-cut fried that weren't bland. Is the geometry of that specific style cut that makes the salt not adhere well or something?

>> No.18994803

Crinkle cut is shit and it annoys the fuck out of me that they're becoming the new meme fry. Arby's could've brought back homestyle fries and instead they gave us another variation of these boring ass shitter

Kino fry shape. I love when they're thin cut but have the consistency of wedges. I'd eat at this place twice a week

>> No.18994807

lmao every restaurant uses dirt cheap sysco dogshit. expect to pay out the ass for quality.

>> No.18994810

the only good thing at arby's are those triangle hash brown things

>> No.18994813

What restaurants serve fucking crinkle cut fries? It's probably been decades since I've seen them anywhere.

>> No.18994817

Shake Shack and a lot of places that are trying to be Shake Shack

>> No.18994818
File: 123 KB, 439x279, JoJos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah I like jojos with ranch that's a west coast thing I think

>> No.18994824

Shake Shack isn't a restaurant.

>> No.18994825

You shouldn't expect a restaurant to not serve frozen potatoes unless they are charging the fuck out of you or they don't speak English

>> No.18994834

Crinkle is the new meme fry. I blame Hattie B's and the whole Nashville hot chicken craze because all of these fucking places have crinkle cut for some reason

>> No.18994838
File: 174 KB, 360x360, 1650273357601824.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>used to go to the safeway deli with my dad and get a pound of boneless buffalo wings for $5 + a side of jojos
I wanna go back

>> No.18994847

I used to go to the butcher and he would give me as many as I wanted for free
When I bought vegetables they let me get as many brown bananas as I could carry for free too

>> No.18994877

What kind of a butcher sells bananas and french fries?

>> No.18994892

You're likely just ordering them plain and the place you're going to isn't known for their fries. If they have the option try getting fries with bacon bits and it should taste better as the salt will soak in properly.

>> No.18994910

I worked in restaurants with tiny fucking kitchens that could be run by a single person where a menu lunch cost like 15 bucks and the fries were made daily. Fucking lazy ass faggots don't deserve my money if they can't even bother with something that basic.

>> No.18994913

A german gorilla.

>> No.18994914
File: 187 KB, 1280x848, chiki and petes crab fries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These guys made millions on their shit crinkle cut fries

>> No.18995120

Crinkle cut is good for cheese fries though. Portillo's has some good ones.

>> No.18995131

>restaurants that serve french fries just use frozen shit
brilliant deduction, inspector jackass

>> No.18995151
File: 69 KB, 1440x921, curly-fries-recipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crinkle cut fries are the worst kind of fry. Curly fries are the best.

>> No.18995167

Arby's curlies are goated but every other place I've been to that had them served those terrible Aramark curlies that have 2-3 actual curly fries (which were typically soggy) and like 500 of the little chode pieces

>> No.18995333

Crinkle cut fries are an unnatural godless abomination, an affront to the LORD.

>> No.18995342

what fuckin restaurants are you going to that serves crinkle cut?

>> No.18995396
File: 693 KB, 1000x668, chips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the default chip in Australia.

>> No.18995400

Crinkle cut fries are the best fries fuck you

>> No.18995403

Yeah restaurants that dont serve shit right out of a bitch fry.

>> No.18995481

Why are you a moron and expect every restaurant to be psychic for you?

>> No.18995484

You're the one paying for it, why not ask for the style of cuts of taters that you want instead of what some restaurant wants you to want?

>> No.18995495
File: 9 KB, 320x186, 07310240085839_c1c0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's these baybies

>> No.18995509

Looks like prisoner food and even I would'nt do that.

>> No.18995529

Dry because they are frozen shit.

>> No.18996616

>They're always dry and taste like shit
that would be sonic.

crinkle fries are best fries.

>> No.18996648

EVERY restaurant does that lmao
and they're always superior to fresh fries, freezing actually removes most humidity

>> No.18997657

who goes to sonic and gets fries instead of tots? weird

>> No.18997840

looks pretty good desu

also looks like death so probably wouldnt eat it