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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18994506 No.18994506 [Reply] [Original]

How's my first steak? I'm still learning to cook so I kept it simple for this one. Just salt, pepper, and olive oil. I think next time I want to try basting and a pan sauce. What are your favorite pan sauces?

>> No.18994514
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>> No.18994521

You ruined it. Feed it to the dog and try again.

>> No.18994575

dont care for the rice with my steak; rather have some greens, but how was it? the sirloin ive had lately (past year at least) has been really flavorless.

>> No.18994584

Looks good to me

>> No.18994603

I would eat it
> t. President of steak

>> No.18994616
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sorry op I'm cucking your thread
I just made this with a spicy compound butter with basque cheese

>> No.18994621

basques are muslim traitors and I dont even consider them white.

>> No.18994627

and yet they still make better cheese than you.

>> No.18994628

Looks good.

>> No.18994631

I freaking love basque cider. Holy crap.

>> No.18994638 [DELETED] 

Where's is the A1 sauce?

>> No.18994644
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>a1 sauce

>> No.18994789
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idk if it's the camera, but the actual pinkness to that is offputting as fuck, is it actually like that irl? Is it lengua?

>> No.18994820

Looks pretty decent, OP. You'll only get better as time goes on, so keep at it.

>> No.18994868
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looks pretty good dude. i don't usually bother with pan sauce. here's how i do it and it always turns out fabulous. sear one side with a high temp oil (higher temp than olive; veg is fine). shortly after flipping, chuck in an unreasonable amount of butter, a crushed clove of garlic, and some fresh tyme if you have it and butter baste that motherfucker till nice and brown and at the right temp. take out and rest steak. your pan will have lots of good buttery pan juices and fond. put one sliced onion (just cut into rough rounds) into pan and cook it up until nice and soft and just a little caramelized on medium-ish heat. once that's done your steak is perfectly rested. dump that buttery meaty onion goodness all over your steak and baked potato. credit to matty matheson for this idea. eat with a lazy ass ceasar salad bag. wa-la.

>> No.18994879

oh uh also a couple things i forgot. if you can salt the steak for at least a half hour before you cook it so that the salt seasons the meat all through, the moisture the salt has brought to the surface has time to reabsorb into the meat, and the meat has come to room temperature. fresh cracked pep just before serving rather than before cooking so as not to burn the pep and make it bitter. also take your steak resting juices from your plate and put back into your cooking onions before you take them off the heat. okay i think that's my entire routine. happy to share my baked potato method if you want; it's always a crowd pleaser. none of this is rocket science, mind you.

>> No.18994911

What's your baked potato recipe? I just brush with oil and seasoned salt cook, and then butter/sour cream/some cheese and chives on the inside.

>> No.18994921

filter because the light in my kitchen is washed out and uggo.

>> No.18994945
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I just make sure the steak isnt too cold and cook for about 4 minutes total, flipping once. Always comes out decent. I should probably make a little more effort, but fuck it.

>> No.18995020

For first steak really good. A bit of an uneven sear, and the middle looked like it might still be a bit cool. Somewhere between blue rare and rare. Try to get the pan/oil really hot for the sear and then lower the temp for the actual cooking process. Take my advice at face value. It looks like a good steak.

>> No.18995044
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>nobody can cook or recognize a quality steak
I miss when people like you were bullied relentlessly. How about you ask your absent fucking father how to sear some meat.

>> No.18995055

kill yourself fuckstain.

>> No.18995063

Oh boo fucking hoo zoomer. Learn to fucking cook before posting here again.

>> No.18995094
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A1 is the perfect compliment to steak you nignog. I buy whole prime rib roasts at my butcher, have them dry age it for me, get it cut into steaks when it's ready, take it home, sous vide, pan sear, baste with garlic and chili compound butter (using sprigs of thyme and rosemary as a brush), and then right to my plate, sliced and then as the finishing touch I dip each piece in a little bit of a1 before popping it into my mouth. sheer perfection anon

>> No.18995199

8/10 for a first try. Preheat your pan on medium heat for about 1-2 minutes or maybe a bit longer depending if it's a gas stove or electric. Your pan shouldn't be scorching hot but it should be hot. Add oil to the pan and place your already-seasoned steak in the pan within about 10 seconds of each other to prevent excessive smoke or your oil burning. Leave it alone and flip it once. Your pan looks pretty dirty for a single steak so you either moved/flipped it a bunch of times, seasoned the steak in the pan, or sloshed the oil around excessively.

>> No.18995204

Yeah burn the seasoning. Based advice bro

>> No.18995219

Your pan shouldn't be hot enough to burn your spices cooklet. Do you really believe restaurants and chefs season AFTER cooking? Maybe for some applications but the vast majority of proteins are seasoned before cooking.

>> No.18995227

Yeah for real I sear my seasoning not the steak ;)

>> No.18995229

the heat of the rice cooks the steak

>> No.18995233

Salt, sometimes pepper. Herbs are generally sauteed in the butter you finish the steak in. You put spices or herbs on a raw steak and they're going to char during the sear.

>> No.18995236
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Call me a weeb, but this is better.

>> No.18996213

Let the steak come up to room temp before cooking it. Youll get a more even interior. You almost never cook with cold ingredients

>> No.18996227

Here is something to try wrt seasoning: fry or grill the steak unseasoned and put salt and lemon on it when serving. Hard mode: donk knock it til you try it

>> No.18996233

>salt after cooking
always objectively incorrect
if salt is a textural thing on the end product then fine but it should never be 100% of the salt you put into the thing

>> No.18996381
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>> No.18996428


>> No.18997217 [DELETED] 

Basting will overcook the steak if you're basting with anything other than butter FYI

>> No.18997232

Basting it with a liquid like water or sauce will overcook it, FYI
Only baste with a flavored oil or clarified butter

>> No.18998124

pretty much. obtain big spud, poke with fork, thin coat of olive oil, salt, 400 degrees directly on oven rack ~1hr

>> No.18998145
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Dry aged and thrown on a bbq, that's a steak

>> No.18998185
File: 204 KB, 1200x1200, Creamy-Twice-Baked-Potatoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twice bake them so much better