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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18993822 No.18993822 [Reply] [Original]

Well, im pretty much fucked.
How to eat poorly but maybe some good stuff every now and then. Rent is increasing by 150 and i have to pay off a 4000 debt within the next 3 years. I already live paycheck to paycheck.
I guess most my meals are going to be chicken, rice, and frozen veggies.

>> No.18993829

time to land a better job, buddy.
4000 debt is nothing, could be worse

>> No.18993836


>> No.18993838 [DELETED] 

I am wondering if I should increase the rent of my warehouse from 425.

>> No.18993861

start selling handjobs

>> No.18993867
File: 201 KB, 500x500, Ghost_-_Opus_Eponymous-LP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If its that bad, go donate plasma like a drug addict. Once a week will probably net you an extra $200

>> No.18993873

>I guess most my meals are going to be chicken, rice, and frozen veggies.

oh fucking no, whatever shall you doooooo?
Salt, pepper, garlic and onion powder will be all you need to elevate simple fare to deliciousness.

>> No.18993886

aaah good idea. Although I do smoke weed and drink heavily.....cant you not when doing that?

>> No.18993888
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>I guess most my meals are going to be chicken, rice, and frozen veggies.
OP you are a stupid motherfucker aren't you, like a paycheck-to-paycheck never heard of saving kind of stupid, huh?

>> No.18993903

you can. you probably won't have enough protein in your blood though.

>> No.18993914

Ive been tempted to once, but it felt like selling my soul so I left. Lay off the alcohol for 2-3 days before going.

>> No.18993937

imagine how much money you'd save by stopping smoking and drinking heavily

>> No.18993958
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This. Also, maybe improve your life with a better education and a career.

>> No.18993963

>oh noez I have to eat better than mediaeval peasants, the horror!

>> No.18993967

>I do smoke weed and drink heavily.
This is why you are a poorfag loser.

>> No.18993975

my friend used to sell plasma for the sole purpose of getting weed money. He would use a tablet while donating that had a weed leaf sticker on it, and people gave him dirty looks

>> No.18994248

dirt cookies

>> No.18994389

Lmao of course. Muh weed and alcohol dependency. No wonder you're a broke bitch.

>> No.18994417

i eat for ~$50 per month, and have done for about 4 years. no foodbank either. rice, tuna, corn. eggs are free from my chickens (no i dont pay for feed, they just eat random shit in the yard)

>> No.18994837

Gay advice from a person with gay music taste what a surprise

>> No.18994971

whats your secret desu

>> No.18994982
File: 830 KB, 720x742, meatbundles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shop better. 50lbs of meat, plus eggs and soda for about $160.

>> No.18995014

i mean theres no secret its just a different mindset to think of food as sustenance rather than to enjoy

>> No.18995047

Where is a poor person going to store 30 lbs of chicken, much less 50 lbs of meat? The lightning bundle deal is robbery, too.

>> No.18995076

> i have to pay off a 4000 debt within the next 3 years.
No you don’t. Ignore it.

>> No.18996316

Give me a way to contact you and I'll mail you 200 dollars or venmo or whatever the kids use or something

>> No.18996326
File: 67 KB, 700x643, 1671003229291427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>help me I'm broke
>I smoke and drink heavily

>> No.18996344

Why do redditors who come here have no empathy? Is it an attempt to fit in with le ebil 4chan?

>> No.18996395

You and I both know unless you live in a 3rd world country, "~50" USD for the month would net you next to no protein, so unless you're harvesting more than just the eggs from the chickens, I know for a fact you're bullshitting

>rice, tuna, corn, eggs

you sound like a hungry skeleton, and I would be incredibly surprised if you were able to sustain this horrible concept you've posited "for about 4 years".

>> No.18996597

Who the fuck gave you three years to pay back 4000$?
Get a part time job for 5-10 hours. If you got time for weed and drinking you obviously got time.

>> No.18997382

>Who the fuck gave you three years to pay back 4000$?
Too long or to short? Seems generous to me

>> No.18998039

Get on EBT dumbass

>> No.18998049

Bruh listens to Scooby Doo chase music, don't listen to him. Look for a Tesla and get hit by them, Tesla owners have the money for a settlement.

>> No.18998131

Why do stupid fucks who think eating meat, rice, and veg is horrible come here expecting anyone not to tell them off for being retards?

>> No.18999760

Except nowhere in the OP can you find that statement you assmad redditor

>> No.18999879

Suck it up and pay $40 to $80 for a steak now and then

>> No.19000016

4000 / 36 = 111

So if you can come up with a way to save 120gp a month you are golden. Just cut back to normal drinking and you'll pay denbts within the year.

>> No.19000130

Owning land. Did you know that you can save up lots of money for fresh fish if you take them from your own lake?

>> No.19000653

>already living paycheck to paycheck
"Hurr durr just get an education"

You can't seriously be this fucking stupid can you?

>> No.19000667

in many countries donating blood for money is illegal

>> No.19000690

bulk buy pasta, frozen veg, baked beans and canned tuna.
when hungry just boil pasta and vegetables, then throw in baked beans and tuna.
it's not great, not even that good, but you'll have all your macronutrients and it'll keep you alive.

>> No.19000740

>canned tuna
why the hell would you live on canned tuna as a poorfag

>> No.19000774


>> No.19000992

it's cheap, 50 cent a can

>> No.19001087

Imagine having debt, I can't.

Tortilla is cheap, you can add corn, beans, lettuce and tomatoes to your chicken and rice and make a burrito, or in a bowl.

Cut up and fry them for nachos.

A simple tomato sauce just needs garlic and a few spices, if you cheap out on olive oil.