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File: 32 KB, 725x482, PorkBelly-8df1b2e0fd1d438b92711c6f8a0665b6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18993398 No.18993398 [Reply] [Original]

why aren't you eating pork belly?
>cheap af
>endless amount of recipes you can try
take the bellypill

>> No.18993399

Pork belly is not Kosher

>> No.18993424

Because I'm gay.

>> No.18993473

>cheap af

>> No.18993483

It's not that cheap. Pork shoulder is the cheap one, and even that's gone up.

>> No.18993497

Because I'm not Chinese

>> No.18993518
File: 544 KB, 1067x1600, How-to-Bake-Bacon-in-the-Oven-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pork belly is literally bacon

>> No.18993869
File: 594 KB, 632x610, 1670351078154678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Belly pill you say?

>> No.18993875
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Pork is my favourite meat you bitch.

>> No.18993922

you could try flaeskesteg

>> No.18993986
File: 38 KB, 300x300, p2512972_e_h9_ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could try fucking off

>> No.18994708

I am tho

Jew spotted

>> No.18994742

No bacon is cured pork belly. Uncured pork belly is called fresh side.

>> No.18994759

are there little bones in pork belly? there was this chinese place near my highschool that had this pork dish. it was cubed peices of pork in this really sweet brown gravy sauce. the pork was pretty fatty and some peices had these little soft long bones. ive always wondered what that cut of pork was.

>> No.18994912

Sounds like rid ends to me

>> No.18994916

Rib* the autocorrect is starting to get annoying.

>> No.18994920

I'm sorry to tell you this, but what you were eating wasn't pork. The thought of what ingredients might constitute that filth repuleses me.

>> No.18994924

Think smaller and more legs

>> No.18995034

So long as the legs are single digits it's all good

>> No.18995346

I don't eat bacon that hasn't been smoked

>> No.18995362

I already do. It's cheaper than mince beef around me

>> No.18995363

Sounds like lu rou fan or maybe red braised pork. Sure the bones weren't bits of skin?

>> No.18995367

>cheap af
no meat is cheap as fuck anymore
even the stuff that was supposed to be shit parts is expensive now

>> No.18995389

Too fatty and tasteless. Disgusting.

>> No.18995392

Pork belly is expensive everywhere.

>> No.18995411

So this got me looking at meat prices in the US and everything over there is so expensive.
Pork belly is $6.29 a pound and £5.75 a kilo here ($3.15 a pound). 20% fat mince beef is $4.78 a pound but £4.38 a kilo here ($2.40 a pound)
Why is it so much more?

>> No.18995427

Pork belly is a food that one could apply the age-old adage "Less is more." It is very fatty. I live in BFE where it is not easily obtained, and once I finally did obtain it and cook it in various manners, I got sick of it. I don't even eat bacon now. I'm sure I'll eventually have some again at some point, but for now I am going to abstain.

>> No.18995445
File: 37 KB, 600x399, chinese-rib-tips-8[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah that's exactly what it was

yeah there were these really soft and sort of flexible bones, and maybe some bigger ones too.

>> No.18995599

Turn it off, set yourself free.

>> No.18995616

T. Just order some crispy roasted pork from a Chinese BBQ.

>> No.18995621

wtf I thought americans had massive food subsidies?

>> No.18995623

>chinese place
>chinese peoples
nah I'm good

>> No.18995625

Why do you care? Mind your own business.

>> No.18995749

It's too fatty. The fat texture is icky.

>> No.18995763

Just braise it lol

>> No.18995784

Lol that's just for corn syrup

>> No.18996168

Cutting right now, and I already have oat groats stocked in my pantry to fill in for the spare calories. Gonna make chicharrones again as soon as I go back to maintenance.

>> No.18996172

Bacon is freaking awesome

>> No.18996173

It's cartilage. Just chew and swallow for the collagen gains.

>> No.18996195

I use it quite a bit. Making rillettes this weekend for instance

>> No.18996354


>> No.18997000

yeah i went from being able to make
3 pounds of pork carnitas with $12 worth of shoulder, now it's more like $22

>> No.18997011

>Jew spotted
it wasn't hard

>> No.18997225

Your immigrants (muslims) don't eat pork while our immigrants (mexians) love it, so prices for pork are higher. Also prices vary wildly depending where you are.

>> No.18997233
File: 333 KB, 514x870, 1666896100247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not cheap.

>> No.18997250

I have a restrictive diet where I only eat pork once or twice a month. And that pork dish will either be bbq, tonkatsu, or meatballs. But I usually have chicken katsu or chicken bbq instead of pork if I can, and meatballs have beef and pork. I also limit beef the same, only have meatballs or ragù once or twice a month.

I prefer chicken, and secondary lamb, turkey, or duck meat. I have gone years without beef or pork before, I may return to that diet.

>> No.18997457

>>cheap af
its like $12 for 2 small strips
shit is so expensive now that even the ""sausages"" that are 50% sawdust are fucking $10 for a 2lb bag

>> No.18997484

good. fuck the hook noses and fuck the orcs. satan's chosen people follow the stupidest rules

>> No.18997491

that's boomers and jews tighten the oppression. the day of the cutting off the hook noses grows closer

>> No.18997494

are you retarded? Its more than twice as expensive as pork loin (generally three times as expensive when loin is on sale).
And over FOUR times as expensive as Pork butt.

>> No.18997893

Pork belly is the don.
I have this retarded recipe where I get a bowl, mix a bunch of tinned tomatoes, onions, chilis, peppers, pepper, garlic, whatever sauce feels appealing, smother the strips with it, bake for 45 minutes, and eat it like that. So many things you can do with it though

>> No.18997960

just got some of this shit. gonna make some korean spicy pork. gochujang+pork is the best combo. beef and chicken can’t compare

>> No.18998036

I like Pork belly, but all the fat on it makes me hesitant to cook it in a manner where the fat is wasted or discarded; I PAID for that fat, I want to make use of it (I save all my bacon grease for cooking with for example, as it is a great seasoning agent).
This means that barbecuing it or other methods that would render the fat into an area where I can't save it are infeasible to me (though I do think barbecues pork belly tasted great when I made it).

Generally, the best recipe I've found to use it for is to fry it up for making Chow mein with, as the grease can be utilized to make a good sauce to toss the noodles and vegetables/cabbage with.

>> No.18999305
File: 60 KB, 500x500, siu-yuk-recipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there some way you could set up a tin foil boat underneath the barbecuing pork to catch the fat? Picrel is often cooked with the bottom wrapped in tin foil, then you can pour the fat off to save it.

>> No.18999351
File: 50 KB, 1080x562, Screenshot_20230302-120339~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a ridiculous price

>> No.18999357

Rib tips cut of from the spareribs

>> No.18999367

Your imaginary friend isn't real. He's not gonna hurt you if you eat some fucking bacon.

>> No.18999374

The past.

>> No.18999377

high in cholesterol
make you fat
make you unhealthy

do you need more reasons tubby?

>> No.18999378

Wegmans is a higher priced store.

>> No.18999413

but i will

>> No.19000661

>high in cholesterol
>make you fat
>make you unhealthy
Everything you've ever been taught is a lie.

>> No.19000689

He is right about cholesterol though. Not saying it's a bad thing.

>> No.19000705
File: 1.38 MB, 940x788, 1665631178017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its the only place in my area I can think to get fresh pork belly. Also cheaper than most other grocers even.
Actual butcher shops have it. But their prices can range from cheap, like pic, to more expensive than Wegmans fast.

>> No.19000707

Not really. Only mildly fattening. Pigs who were fed properly, lived a natural life (outdoors) and were butchered without stress are rich in healthy cholesterol and unsaturated animal fats (the kind your body/vegetables can't produce)

>> No.19000712

His conclusions are wrong. Cholesterol from animal products is fine. Your brain depends on it.

This guy gets it.

>> No.19000913

Incorrect on all counts, thicky.

>> No.19000959

it's way overpriced here
I guess people don't even know what bacon is made from so this is considered exotic or something

>> No.19001363
File: 28 KB, 600x600, 01636965-82A7-4701-8B66-C6CA3ABBEC4B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why dont you guys just buy pork belly from the asian supermarket if you have one? its inexpensive there and oftentimes they even sell it already cut up in little pieces.
also, lets post good pork belly recipes

>> No.19001404

I eat pork belly all the time. Hongshao pork belly is ludicrously easy to make and lasts me a good few days, and pork belly is my go-to stir fry meat. I don't eat streaky bacon much any more, but that's only because I used to always get that kind of bacon.
I buy pork belly from my butcher's desu

>> No.19002312

I've tried periodically pouring out the fat as I cook my pork belly when barbecuing it (I wrap it tightly in tin foil to insure it semi-pressure cooks to keep it moist and tender), but this never really works out well.

>> No.19002327

those pork belly videos on youtube look ravishing

>> No.19002580

Not a lot of Asians around here.
And a lot that are, are vegetarians Buddhists or Burmese Muslims.

>> No.19002594
File: 104 KB, 675x900, pig roast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get some pork belly from this

>> No.19002599
File: 251 KB, 1200x1600, pickled pigs feet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some feet too