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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18991171 No.18991171 [Reply] [Original]

Whats exactly is so bad about pouring vegetable oil down the drain? It's an unsaturated fat, it's not like it's going to coagulate in the pipes.

>> No.18991174

If you weren't willing to put it in your own body, you shouldn't be dumping it in something actually useful to others.

>> No.18991183

i would totally recommend filling the shaft that takes all the poo from you house.
do that.

>> No.18991239

It's just going to end up at the sewage treatment plant anyway, I really don't see the problem. Is there some mystical property about oil and drains I don't know about?

>> No.18991297

Not even remotely hilarious

>> No.18991327

I'm a plumber. I've dug up and cut open so many fucking drains that were completely blocked with congealed fat. Your shit and dirty dishes already put a significant amount into your sewage drains. It builds up and reduces the inner diameter of the drain. Then you dump some oil down there and it mixes with food particles and your grandma's pubic hair and gets clogged.

If you renter, though, by all means dump that shit down the drain.

>> No.18991331
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>> No.18991339

Vegetable oil is an unsaturated fat, it doesn't congeal like that.

>> No.18991346

You're wrong. You can test this by mixing margarine and water together and watch it turn into a white foamy solid. Any restaurant worker willl tell you what happens when you use a wet rag to wipe a greasy surface.

>> No.18991347

It's basically soap at this point, btw. Dirty, nasty fecal soap.

>> No.18991396

It's not the same thing as liquid oil that we are talking about.

>> No.18991402

I just mixed some vegetable oil with ice cold water and nothing fucking happened, the oil just floated to the top and remained liquid.

>> No.18991417

kek gotem. what a couple of fags lmao

>> No.18991423

Margarine can be liquid or solid.

>> No.18991428

Fat, oil and grease in liquid form may not appear to be harmful but they congeal when they cool down. Whether it is saturated fat, like lard, or mono-unsaturated fat, like olive oil or vegetable oil, they all congeal and harden.

>> No.18991437

>like olive oil or vegetable oil, they all congeal and harden
Nope. We arguing exactly about that. For liquid vegetable oil to become thick minus c temperatures needed.

>> No.18991439

Yeah, you're right. It's just an old wives tale. Dump all the unsaturated fat down the drain, you'll never have any issues.

>> No.18991440

I want to stick my dick in it

>> No.18991447

Even if it doesn't harden, it costs your drains with a film of oil, which then collect other debris and you end up with a clog. I understand your thought process, though.

>> No.18991466

Good. Clean it up wagie, chop chop!

>> No.18991479

Yessir, that'll be $2,300.

>> No.18991559

It will turn into solid goop when it contacts soap.

>> No.18991661
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>If you renter, though, by all means dump that shit down the drain.

>> No.18991718

it would be extremely painful

>> No.18991731
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>If you renter, though, by all means dump that shit down the drain.

>> No.18991930
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>If you renter, though, by all means dump that shit down the drain.

>> No.18991949

The oil from the pan lubes up the pipes.

>> No.18992069

turns the frogs gay.

>> No.18992072

>be unsaturated
>get poured down a water pipe and become oversaturated

>> No.18992079
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>> No.18992093

Thank you for finally answering OP's question.

>> No.18993855

This has never been documented before outside of the laboratory.

>> No.18995313

Not sure if tard question but what if I turn the water on hot and just let it run for an hour once a month? Would that help with greased pipes at all? Squirt some soap in there, idk.

>> No.18995321

At least Pour it into the toilet

>> No.18995328

Along with the plumber note, if you've ever spoken to a public works employee or read about the kind of stuff your municipal water treatment plant has to do to get that grease out of the water you would not be surprised at how expensive your sewage bill is

>> No.18995351

Why don' t you work as a sewage cleaner for a year and find out?

No? You silent?

Yeah, thought so. Bitch ass.

>> No.18995352

When you season cast iron you make solid film of polymerized oil. Same thing happen in sink but much slower.

>> No.18995357

Your toilet and sink tie into the same drain line you absolute tard.

>> No.18995361

God you're fucking dumb

>> No.18995703
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>sewage bill
lol wtf

>> No.18995906

jobs = created

>> No.18996044

Stay based king

>> No.18996306

>If you renter, though, by all means dump that shit down the drain.
Holy based

>> No.18996330

fat does this in the body too its why should you be afraid to eat lots of fat

>> No.18996339

because, you filthy little insect, SOMEONE has to pay to get it cleaned out. And since its usually apartment tenants that do this crap, I as the landlord wind up footing the bill

>> No.18996433


Feed me more class conscience, daddy

>> No.18996483

Because you are a retard if you somehow have a significant amount of leftover vegetable oil from cooking. You should strain and re use frying oil until it's dark and then you pour it on top of your compost/garden scraps pile.

If you are somehow shallow frying oil multiple times a week then your pipes WILL get fucked up and blocked sooner or later.

Basically you're a fucking retard it's like throwing your trash out the window instead of putting it in the garbage bin.

You made this thread because it's a meme you are fucking scum

>> No.18996491
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>> No.18996498

I just heat up the oil and dump it plus boiling water, that way it congeals farther away where its no longer my problem

>> No.18996508

A friend of mine just recently lost his whole deposit and ended up owing money when moving out because he completely fucked the pipes up in the apartment
Do what you want of course but I’m just saying

>> No.18996514

That’s really not how it works anon but you do you
Maybe paying the plumber is actually really fun after all

>> No.18996533

Part of the water bill is sewage as well retard

>> No.18996829

Why do leftoids seethe so much when they interact with people who work for a living?

>> No.18996853

I'm not the one who has to unclog shit filled pipes for a living, I'm also not a leftist.

>> No.18996863

NTA but you know that they use machines right? They’re not scooping it out themselves
Honestly this is really confusing. Sure they’re doing the work but in this scenario you’d be paying them a pretty penny to do it. So what’s your point? This is like saying
>Yeah I ruined my roof and have to buy a new one but this WAGIE has to do it
Oh yeah you sure showed them as you wrote the check

>> No.18996870

water bill?

>> No.18996871

As a NEET, I don't pay for anything.

>> No.18996878

Just don’t cry when mom and dad kick you out for clogging the pipes again

>> No.18996891

I'll be wiping away my cum and tears with dollar bills while you slave away for the state to fund gender reassignment surgeries.

>> No.18996899

>I'll be wiping away my cum and tears with dollar bills
lmao, sure you will
>while you slave away for the state to fund gender reassignment surgeries
Oh you’re seething now, poor boy

>> No.18996915

>you’re seething now
>n-no u
You live a life of hardship and misery so that I may live a life of comfort and pleasure.

>> No.18996924

>I wasn’t seething I just got defensive b-because
Keep trying to pretend you enjoy living with your disappointed parents, it never gets old

>> No.18996935

What do I need to defend? So far you've been trying to justify your existence as a literal slave, sprinkling in 'lmao' to hide your seethe while accusing me of doing the same thing despite living in objectively less hardship.
You couldn't project more if you tried.

>> No.18996940

>So far you've been trying to justify your existence as a literal slave
Says the guy justifying himself as a leech

>> No.18996949

>What do I need to defend?
Anon asked defensively

>> No.18996952

I don't need to justify myself as a leech because it is an objectively superior position to not have to work.
You have to justify wageslavery because not doing so would be admitting that you're being cucked by the state.

>> No.18996955

>I don't need to justify myself as a leech
Says anon before justifying himself

>> No.18996956

Yes, I am a leech. What are you going to do about it, wagecuck?

>> No.18996959
File: 153 KB, 982x726, ENVIRONMENT Fatberg 15361181A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW I get bored at work and google random things
>mfw I randomly Googled a dumb nickname my cat had
>mfw it autocorrects to "fatberg"
That's how I ended up learning about the fatberg problems in the sewers of major cities

>> No.18996962

Call you a leech again and get on with my life. Oh and also say a prayer for your poor parents I guess

>> No.18996965

>get on with my life
You have no life. You've been arguing for 30 minutes on a mongolian basket weaving forum with someone who gets paid to exist.

>> No.18996970

>You have no life.
I like how you typed this with zero self awareness

>> No.18996971


There's no fixing this.

>> No.18996974

Anon you’re begging to sound pretty upset and also hypocritical too

>> No.18996977

The difference is I have free time when you're stuck in a sewer cleaning up my shit like a janny.

>> No.18996987
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Hello. It's the plumber again. I think I can settle this disagreement definitely..

You're both huge insufferable faggots. Scurry off now.

>> No.18996989

>I’ve got a life
>I have nothing to do
Uh, got’em?

>> No.18996993

Hey anon don’t get mad at me just because you didn’t finish high school
Also clean t

>> No.18996997
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>> No.18997003

>You're both huge insufferable faggots.
Says the insufferable faggot unironically, hand covered in shit

>> No.18997005
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>i may have to toil my life away for shekelberg's 5th yacht and jamal's stimulus check but at least i have a life

>> No.18997008

I’m sorry that you have nothing to do all the time. I’d probably have killed myself, especially if my parents despised me like you

>> No.18997012
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Oh, and I'm gone long before any shit goes through the pipe. I don't have the stomach for that. I only do service work when people throw lots of money at me.

>> No.18997014

>you have nothing to do all the time.
I like how you typed this with zero self awareness

>> No.18997020

No we both just agreed that I have work anon, and a social life, remember?
Also don’t blatantly copy, it makes you look stupid

>> No.18997025

>a social life
You are arguing with me, you have no social life.
>don’t blatantly copy
I will waste no more effort making my own if your arguments work just as fine against yourself.

>> No.18997026

Fatbert, don't ask

>> No.18997029

>You are arguing with me, you have no social life.
Nah I’m just posting at work.
>I will waste no more effort making my own if your arguments work just as fine against yourself.
But they clearly don’t and they make you look stupid. If you wanna be stupid though that’s fine

>> No.18997041

>But they clearly don’t and they make you look stupid. If you wanna be stupid though that’s fine
To be fair he IS a NEET, looking stupid is kinda all they’re good for

>> No.18997052

Yeah I think I’ll just let it go. At some point it’s like pushing over a guy in a wheelchair

>> No.18997079

Not everywhere.

Where I live, both water and sewage are free

>> No.18997084

>Welcome to Zimbabwe. All the sewage you can eat.

>> No.18998075

>vocations aren't wagies
>>18991466 poorfag confirmed

>> No.18998102

Good fuck landlords, laziest faggot class in America besides the usurers.

>> No.18998111


>> No.18998155
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>>18991466 btfo by >>18991479

>> No.18998172

>He doesn't own property

>> No.18998203

actual mental retardation.
this would be the only thing that makes sense, but when I think about cooking with oil, I'm usually cooking some meat, which means fat rendering, which would form as a solid in the pipes.

>> No.18998241

In the presence of water, unsaturated fats can congeal and harden. Just because they're liquid when theyre in their pure state doesn't mean their properties can't change when they're in solution with other substances. Cockiness is a common trait of the ignorant.

>> No.18998270

What if I pour hot water and soap with it, and use a bottle of Drano every six months

>> No.18998286

Drano is basically a lye solution. Without the presence of a blockage to keep it in place it's not effective. If there's no blockage it just runs down the drain. Baking soda and vinegar, or soda crystals, followed by very hot water is generally enough to keep things flowing.

>> No.18998540

Not true

>> No.18998560

how about i fill your shaft with my penis

>> No.18998677

As an Australian I didn't know this was a thing
I suppose it's because most people don't deep fry these days but I do
I try to pour the oil into my garbage bin and then put detergent into the frying vessel along with hot water and then pour it down the drain
Sometimes I'm not lazy and I put it into a used container

>> No.18999321

>As an Australian I didn't know this was a thing
There was a youtube channel posted in one of these threads of an aussie plumber who deals with this shit on a daily basis, and while it's disgusting watching a man disassemble a toilet to pump out the litres of grease that some dumb fuck has emptied down it, he did it in such a devil-may-care fashion that made it entertaining.

>> No.18999532

Margarine is unsaturated fats hydrogenated into saturated fats, with extra trans fats due to the chemistry of the process

>> No.19000002 [DELETED] 
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oooh that bussy be begging for a lick