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File: 83 KB, 1200x797, can-we-guess-where-youre-from-based-on-the-soda-y-2-29032-1455902993-0_dblbig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18988744 No.18988744 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.18988747

Do northern faggots call rollerblades in line skates too?

>> No.18988748

Is it true southerners call everything coke or is that an exaggeration?

>> No.18988749

why the fuck would anyone call fanta "coke"

>> No.18988759
File: 545 KB, 2364x3000, a72f36a9207f0bd12d433d73b5400a9c(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shows up to your inbred town
>Says youre a retard for calling pop, coke
>Proceeds to burn down your inbred town
>'heh nothing personal hick'

>> No.18988763

If it's brown and hasn't really been true since the 90s

>> No.18988770

Nobody calls any soda "Coke" here. I swear to god, this meme is either so stale it can hammer a nail, or was never true in the first place. I call Pepsi Pepsi, and so does everyone I know.

However, you don't use tissues here - you use a Kleenex.

t. SC and rural FL fag

>> No.18988778

The "coke" thing has to be a meme. Like, what if you want an orange soda?
>can i get a coke?
>what kind?
>orange coke
This can't be real.

>> No.18988790


>> No.18988805

It's pop

>> No.18988810

It's soda pop, one variety of which is called coke

>> No.18988818

I just call everything a drink because that's what it is

>> No.18988824

see >>18988770
it's not real, and i don't think it ever has been real, except maybe in 80's kentucky or some truly backwater places

>> No.18988833

Most the country calls it soda
Retard empty flyovers can't understand they're wrong
So what's the question?

>> No.18988858
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>> No.18988875

It's 100% a thing in New Mexico, to a point where locals make fun of it. Ironically it's under "pop" on the map, OP's map is just retarded.

>> No.18988879

It's also an urban/rural thing

>> No.18988884

It's sodie pop. And if you don't call it that you're either a pretentious faggot or a hick retard

>> No.18988887

I remember when my dad moved to NM from Minnesota he got made fun of for saying pop because no one else did it there. What retard made this map?

>> No.18988893

>the large hadron collider is a drink

>> No.18988894

It's also an age thing. Kids are more likely to call it pop, whereas adults more often call it soda unless speaking to a child.

>> No.18988905

Washingtonian here, no one on either side of the family (Washington and Idaho) calls it pop. I mean like 4 generations of people, *none* of them call it pop.

>> No.18988944

upper midwest dudes trying to project their "pop" belt
Soda 100% covers at minimum the entirety of PST and MST. Nobody in Colorado calls it pop or ever really has. My Great parents born in the 1920's didn't even say pop here

>> No.18988974

I grew up calling them coke

>> No.18988999

>SC and rural FL
Essentially a city slicker

>> No.18989033

Alright retards Atlantafag here, soft drinks are often referred to COLLECTIVELY as Cokes down here. So for example you might say you're going to the store to "buy some Cokes" and people would understand that you're buying soft drinks, not just specifically Coca Cola. In situations where specificity is required, you can't just say "Coke" unless you want a Coca Cola. Do you guys tell the waitress at a restaurant "I'll have a soda"? No because you have to fucking specify or else they're not gonna know what you fucking want. If you go to a restaurant here and say "I'll have a Coke" you will get a Coca Cola. If you want something else, you have to ask for something else. I have lived in this area my entire goddamn life and never once have I ever been asked "what kind?" when I say I want a Coke. Retarded ass meme that needs to die

>> No.18989047

I grew up in what the map indicates as a pop zone but in a state bordering a soda zone (WA) and I've generally used the term soda more frequently in my life. Never really gave much thought to what other people call it.

>> No.18989049

That map in incorrect
All of new mexico and southern colorado is in the Coke zone

>> No.18989093


>> No.18989102


>> No.18989104

Well what?

>> No.18989109


>> No.18989111

my large hardon will be colliding with ur ass if you dont stfu

>> No.18989112

I call it soda pop.

>> No.18989113

From Wisconsin, no one calls it pop. It's soda.

>> No.18989114

it doesn't matter what you call them, they're making you an unhealthy fatass

>> No.18989133


>> No.18989140
File: 121 KB, 971x585, Screenshot 2023-02-27 at 15-29-42 pop_vs_soda_map.gif (GIF Image 971 × 585 pixels).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've lived in St. Louis all my life. Never heard anyone say anything other than soda. Upgrade your map.

>> No.18989160
File: 365 KB, 1125x791, 3F2B41B8-62EE-4605-A343-02EC67050CAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spent the first 27 years of my life in Texas and never once heard someone refer to Sprite or Pepsi as “coke”.

We called it soda

>> No.18989181

Anyone in a major city says soda
around St. Louis or larger

>> No.18989184

i'm from the state inline skates were invented and everyone but me calls them Rollerblades even when they're a different brand. I have K2 brand inline skates. They mostly never call them anything because everyone is fat and feeble now. Zoomers never touch a vegetable so they're less ambulant than many seniors i know.

>> No.18989219

Again, regional.

Pop is by FAR less popular than Soda as a whole for the country, in all age groups.

The east and west coast account for the vast majority of the population in the US, and they overwhelmingly use Soda.

>> No.18989220

There might be a generational effect. The kids talk different.

>> No.18989231

Nobody in Utah calls it pop and I've lived about as far north here as you can get

>> No.18989236

I never heard an old person use “coke” as a generic term for soda either. This whole thing is a weird psyop

>> No.18989243

Nope. My ex was from Wisconsin and she and her family called it pop so my life experience eclipses the reddit thread where you got your info

>> No.18989260

its true. Ive been asked "what kind" after asking for a coke

>> No.18989281

The use of “coke” as a generic term for soda is kinda like non-rhotic southern accents: they basically don’t exist in the wild outside of a handful of 80+ year olds from isolated rural areas.

Idk why redditors keep reposting this map as some kind of own

>> No.18989305

>The east and west coast account for the vast majority of the population in the US
Wtf are you talking about? The Midwest and South combined have about 195,000,000 people which is about 59% of the US population

Are you even American or are you some thirdie who thinks they know everything about our country because you spend 20 hours a day on twitter?

>> No.18989392

In Maine, they have a very special type of cola I forget the name of.

>> No.18989396

the breakdown is more nuanced than that

>> No.18989403

Only sort of related but I moved to Arizona a few months ago, and culturally it’s like a 50/50 split between SoCal and Texas. Very odd place.

>> No.18989409

Yeah but ... there are cokes besides Coca Cola. So what would you call a Pepsi or other such variant?
>I would like a Coca Cola-variant coke

>> No.18989421

I can abide many names
Fizzy drink
Soft drink
I can even understand calling all tissues a "Kleenex", because a tissue is a tissue

But COKE? Do you refer to all meat as beef?

>> No.18989430

Any time this map gets posted, 90% of the comments are Southerners saying “No one here uses coke as a generic term for soda”

Then the other 10% are comments ignoring the other comments and saying “WOW LOL THATS SO STUPID”

It all feels very weird and inorganic

>> No.18989441

>I'll have a Coke
>we have Pepsi
There's nowhere that serves both so I don't see how this could ever be an issue but if for some reason they did have both and you asked for a Coke, you'd get a Coca Cola. If you want Pepsi, you need to ask for goddamn Pepsi. Of course this is Atlanta so you're liable to get your ass beat if you ask for Pepsi instead of Coke

>> No.18989443

Cola, retard. When there's no brand name, its a cola. "Coke" is slang for only Coca-Cola.

>> No.18989447

GA here, no one really calls everything "coke" any more. That's a turboboomer thing.

>> No.18989455

Better map but still 20 years old. I'd like to see an updated version of your map. OP's is just flat wrong and generalizes it way too broadly.

>> No.18989463

This. You hear it occasionally but almost everyone just says soda 99% of the time.

>> No.18989506

It's definitely a thing you just never hear it because you live in the city around transplant Yankee faggots. It is overstated how often it's used though, the whole "what kind" problem in restaurants has never happened to anyone

>> No.18989514

>non-rhotic accents
I'm sorry, but this is such a stupid term. I know it's in common use, but all nuance is lost when you just lump every "r-dropping" English dialect into the same group. No serious linguist uses it.

>> No.18989521

I’m from Chicago and the only time I’ve heard anybody call it pop was 20-something years ago when I was still in elementary school.

I say soda, all of my friends say soda.

>> No.18989528

I am not a retard for literally inquiring (i.e. trying to clear my misconception) about extremely different word usages for things that aren't really my world (sugary goyslurp), retard.

>> No.18989784

>I just call everything a drink because that's what it is

>> No.18990024

>not beverage
have fun never getting any pussy

>> No.18990126

>what can i getcha sweetheart
>mmkay what kind?

>> No.18990168

Is that an order?

>> No.18990241

I love going to the South and certain parts of the Midwest where waitresses talk to me like this

>> No.18990271

well yea, diet, cherry, coke zero, vanilla, etc

>> No.18990962
File: 473 KB, 578x422, feck off.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If its black its Coke, doesn't matter if its Pepsi or RC or Coca-cola or whatever. If its literally any other color its a soda - orange soda, cherry soda, etc. Its not rocket appliances man.

.t Texas

>> No.18990989

Shut up you fucking faggot you have not

>> No.18991002

It's soda. Served from a soda fountain, made by a soda jerk. Not a pop fountain, not a pop jerk.

>> No.18991040

Your meme prowess is subpar,
but its the

>> No.18991056

The south doesn't fucking call all soda "Coke," what is this retarded faggot map?

>> No.18991081

I have never heard anyone call them "cokes." I generally hear people say "cold drink" or "soft drink"

>> No.18991092 [DELETED] 

I'd argue as a lifelong St Louisan that the influence of Chicago and St. Louis is so great you're not going to hear "pop" in the Midwest outside of the most rural parts of Iowa or old people in Minnesota. That map is old.

>> No.18991096

this is in new orleans, if that makes any difference

>> No.18991105

Grandma, what are you doing here? You've been dead 20 years now.

>> No.18991111
File: 1.18 MB, 958x1078, Screen Shot 2020-11-30 at 10.59.30 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems to be more variable in the south than these maps give it credit for but here in east texas "coke" is the unspecific catch-all for sodas. However if you were say at a restaurant and wanted Sprite, Dr Pepper or Orange Soda you wouldn't call it a "coke". You would only do that when referring to all soft drinks.

>> No.18991169

They say pop in Chicago. Ever listened to Tim Pool?

>> No.18991198


Map is wrong. Nobody in Washington calls it pop. Source: I live in Washington, and have lived in both the northwest and southeast corners of the state. It is either soda, or soda pop. But never just pop.

>> No.18991203

I have lived all along the East Coast from NC to Florida, and I have never met anyone that calls soda "coke."

>> No.18991228

Peggy Hill called is sodey pop though.

>> No.18991234
File: 101 KB, 270x450, coca-cola-original-20oz[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you ask for a coke in greensville?
>I'll have a coke coke?

>> No.18991248

Do you go to a restaurant and just say "I'll have a soda"?

>> No.18991267

No i'm no fat

>> No.18991295

I’m from Florida. Soda and coke are generally interchangeable terms. No idea why this originated.

>> No.18991316

Poop and cock lmao

>> No.18991336

d'la liqueur.

>> No.18991367

Liar, I live in east tx and say "soda"

>> No.18991376

Who really cares? Just call it whatever the hell you want. You idiots will argue about everything like a bunch of petty women.

>> No.18991397

I've only ever seen some unfunny tranny fags in the Gold State call it Coke or Pop. Other than that, idfk

>> No.18991519

My town is better than your town

>> No.18991521


>> No.18991616

I live in eastern Oklahoma and here everyone says 'pop'. I have literally never heard anyone say coke meaning any soda. Personally at some point I started leaning towards just saying soda because it feels more like it's actually called but I could see myself saying either. I don't drink or discuss soda much though.

>> No.18991835

born and raised in Norman and i don't think i've ever heard the "generic coke" either

>> No.18992031
File: 164 KB, 1280x600, A4565443-11EA-4AD6-8132-7CF2E59D500C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

arkansanfag here. walmart calls it soda or cola so i do the same. don’t call it coke unless it is coke. simple as.

>> No.18992107

I'm starting to think "coke" is more of a mexican immigrant thing than a southerner thing.

>> No.18992120

I always called it booger sugar.

>> No.18992130

Kek no easier way to get an anon to doxx himself than to say something incorrect about his hometown
What's up with Oklahoma being full of NPCs anyway? Is the whole state an Indian burial ground?

>> No.18992132

shut up you stupid nerd fuck

>> No.18992138

Up in popland, "soda" refers to sparkling or mineral water. The kind you might put in a vodka soda

>> No.18992166

Then get the fuck out

>> No.18992194

I'm from the "Pop" region, and I haven't called soda "pop" since I was a kid.

>> No.18992225

I can confirm this is true. Coke owns everything around here.
t. Atlantanon

>> No.18992400

born and raised in florida and everyone here calls it soda. never heard anyone call it a coke here in my entire life. only time i've ever heard soda referred to as coke is when i leave the state and travel through shitty (more)inbred bible belt states

>> No.18992432


>> No.18992503
File: 13 KB, 166x304, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

South East, UK

Fizzy Drink


>> No.18992914

Soda is the only way. Maybe Southern fags inbreed too much but Coke is retartded.

>> No.18992928

>I live among Northern transplants and everyone talks like Northern transplants!
North FL is Coke country

>> No.18992947

am louisiana.
pop is a no go.
i might refer to soft drinks in general as "a soda", but usually i'd refer to them by what they actually are. coke, sprite, mountain dew. i wouldn't intentionally refer to a non-coca cola thing as being coke, because of the ambiguity.
a sprite would never be referred to as a coke.
but "soda" doesn't roll off the tongue correctly. and "soft drink" is too clinical. people usually just refer to the thing by what it is.

>> No.18993131

Unchecked dubtrips of truth in my /ck/ ???

>> No.18993176

I live in Ohio and called it pop when I was younger, but when I was in high school I started calling it soda.

>> No.18993200

In my country we call it gassy water.

>> No.18993266
File: 126 KB, 561x370, themoreyouknow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's kind of how like you'd call a vehicle a car. There are cars, vans, trucks, etc., but unless you needed to be specific, you'd broadly refer to personal vehicles as "cars."

>> No.18993285

Soda: Vaccinated suburban home-owner, stay at home wife, reads to their children

Pop: Dumb country yokel, never left small town, scared of sushi

Soda: Inbred meth addict low-iq retard, unvaccinated cousin fucker

>> No.18993294
File: 13 KB, 480x360, tape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pop

>> No.18993344

uh oh

>> No.18993364

i hate shit like the "polls" in OP's pic.
I have literally never heard someone say "what kind of coke" to a soft drink. i swear it's some bullshit that got started online and every southerner saw it and thought "oh fuck i don't do that but other southerners
do that so i'll do it too to look more stereotypical"

>> No.18993375

I apparently live in "pop" country, but I have rarely heard anyone say it. It's always soda.
Cokefags are literally mentally retarded.

>> No.18993384

>hates soda so much he had to put it twice

>> No.18993397

>"pop"-sayer pretending it's any better than redneck trash
I know "soda" is one more syllable, but c'mon.

>> No.18993402

we always just said soft drink

>> No.18993623
File: 269 KB, 1651x1125, 167663914799843714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Far more accurate Map
>but I live in bumfuck and say this!
Yeah don’t care

>> No.18993643

overlay that map with race
and then do it with household income

>> No.18993655

>Do you refer to all meat as beef?
Not quite, but in many languages, including mine, if you just say the word for "meat" without any qualifier, it's assumed you're talking about beef specifically.

>> No.18993672

Some Southerners do say Coke but I think people overestimate how often they actually use the generic term for soft drinks. You would never say "I'll have a soda" in a restaurant because that's retarded, you have to be more specific. But if you say "you shouldn't drink so much soda" is it really that difficult to imagine that some people say "you shouldn't drink so much Coke" instead? No one mistakes the generic term for the specific term, it's all about context

>> No.18993702

I prefer coled rink

>> No.18993711

This map is not accurate at all. Everyone in north Idaho and Montana says soda.

>> No.18993729
File: 214 KB, 535x585, 1615587288344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Orange coke
Do they still make that. I'll POP down to the gas station to grab one if they do

>> No.18993768

only retards live in northern florida. may as well be georgia

>> No.18993926


>> No.18993946

It’s accurate to about 30 years ago. The proliferation of californianisms in society didn’t set in until millennials became the dominant cultural force.

>> No.18993971

Nobody under the age of 40 does it

>> No.18993981

>CSA has a near-2:1 K/D with the USA despite having 50% the fighting force
>”w-well we burned some towns down so nyeh”

>> No.18993998

It originates with British linguistic studies, shitcunt.

>> No.18994017

family moved from southeast to northwest when i was 10. it triggered me so badfly when they called soda "pop" i tard raged once and hit an annoying 3rd grader. his sister started flirting with me after that

>> No.18994031

my older female relatives from massachusetts call it "tonic"

>> No.18994057

What the fuck do they tall it in Tennessee

>> No.18994151

Upper right should be "tonic"

>> No.18995108

>2:1 KD ratio
>still loses

>> No.18995118

Can confirm at least in my experience in Louisiana it is a “soft drink” or “cold drink” however soft drink is more common unless it’s an older person

>> No.18995207
