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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18986510 No.18986510 [Reply] [Original]

Name a worse dessert than brownies. I'll wait. Overrated as fuck.

>> No.18986521

Frozen yogurt

>> No.18986529
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>> No.18986533
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>> No.18986770


>> No.18986772


>> No.18986779

Jell-O, or any other gelatine dessert.

>> No.18986787


>> No.18986792

I counter with alcohol jell-o dessert

>> No.18986793

Box cake

>> No.18986798
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>> No.18986801

Rice pudding.

>> No.18986830
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>> No.18986839

they're tasty though, does being overrated mean you're gonna refuse to eat them so you don't seem lame to an imaginary audience of people that care about whatever you do?

>> No.18986842

You shut the fuck up, one of my favorite cakes is some cheap ass box yellow cake with chocolate frosting from a can
I only make it like once a year but still

>> No.18986871

For thanksgiving my mom would just crack open a cold can of cranberry jelly for dessert, wiggle it out into a bowl with 4 spoons and let me and my siblings dig in. While it wasn’t a *bad* dessert by quality of taste, it was still a pretty shitty dessert.

>> No.18986889

Tragic, anon.

>> No.18986893

I don't like cranberry jelly to begin with and the stuff out of the can utterly repulses me

>> No.18986904

No, the real tragedy was the rotisserie chicken we had as a turkey.

>> No.18986907

By the time I was 10 I’d gotten used to it. If there was still some stuffing left I’d use that to make it bearable.

>> No.18986911

>store brand rice pudding that was $1 AUD jan last year now costs $1.75
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa fml, shit is great. It's 2 desserts (or breakfast next day)worth and you can jazz is up with honey/frozen fruit/milo. You have 0 taste.

>> No.18986918

I can't cook: The post

>> No.18986932
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>dubs of truth
Okay, tomorrow I’m going to buy some and if you’re wrong, fuck you.

>> No.18986948

Gotta get the coles brand one, it's just milk, sugar rice and vanilla (and made in NZ) woolies one has salt in it, stronger artificial vanilla flavour and made in the fucking Netherlands or something and is inferior

>> No.18986956

I liked the cranberry sauce in a can, had those ripples along the side from the can
good stuff

>> No.18987063
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how the fuck do you hate a wonderfully creamy semi-sweet item?
what are you, gay?

>> No.18987066

custard over bread and butter pudding is great

yes, i am a bong

>> No.18987073

not really that bad though is it, it just has a silly name

>> No.18987097

The point of it is that it's simple so any retard can make one himself according to his taste.
So if it's bad, you have only yourself to blame.

>> No.18987110


>> No.18987120

Rice pudding is literally just another subversive form of encroachment. No thanks chong

>> No.18987128

If I made brownies that I would actually like it would just be a chocolate cake. Brownies cant decide if they want to be cake, or fudge and end up being a shittier version of both.

>> No.18987136

watch chef john make his, might change your mind

>> No.18987152

You sound like a fruitcake or maybe a child. Brownies are way better than chocolate cake. A butter cake with chocolate frosting is maybe equal to brownies but brownies > chocolate cake

>> No.18987208


>> No.18987209

Brownies are like, basic bitch even a cooklet can do things. You just get the boxed brownie mix, combine with egg and milk or water or whatever liquid ingredients the box tells you and stir stir stir stir, pour into pan, into oven for whatever box tells you. ezpz

>> No.18987219


>> No.18987224

anon pls. nobody likes meringue

>> No.18987315

IDK what's the deal with brownies, they SHOULD taste good but they are kinda off. Like compare one with a chocolate muffin and you'll know.

>> No.18987348

Angel food cake
Eat better brownies

>> No.18987382

angel food cakes are great so long as you know what to do with them.

>> No.18987392

>usually low in calories
>makes vegans seethe

>> No.18987407
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Anything made with CoolWhip
I don't know how people eat that garbage.
BTW, you're getting shit tier brownies if you think they are bad.
I've made brownies so good before, the HOSTESS of the party disappeared with them with a female friend, and the pan came back empty 10 minutes later. No, she wasn't fat.
I put a cup of instant espresso powder in the recipe.
That's it.
Shit was like CRACK.

>> No.18987418
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>nobody likes meringue
The fuck, you say...

>> No.18987548

An entire CUP?! What's your recipe? I know of like 1 or 2 table spoons but never heard of an entire fucking cup kek.

>> No.18987549

what kind of person has a problem with spiced cake and dried fruit
I can only assume someone with a sense of masculinity so fragile that even thinking of the word "dick" sends them into a crisis

>> No.18987550
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>> No.18987563
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Yeah, they were fucking Crack brownies.
It was like a decade ago, so I don't remember exactly which Brownie recipe it was..
Probably just a basic bitch standard.
Hell, It could've even been a box mix, but I was making Angelfood cakes weekly at the time along with a lot of other baked goods, so likely not box.
I do remember the brand of powder.
>pic rel
It WAS a lot, but the batch was big enough to split into 2 9x9s.
They really were insanely good. The Stars must've just aligned perfectly or something
Weird too, I'm not usually one for really sweet desserts--
preferring the more Euro style which I feel has more character(flavor depth) and around 1/2 the sugar.

>> No.18988133

that's nice Anon, now I want to make some to try. I've got no chocolate bars at home so cocoa powder and instant coffee it is

>> No.18988173

I bet your wine also comes in a box

>> No.18988295

>if its fully cooked its dried af
>if you want it moist you have to undercook it, literally eating raw cake

>> No.18988311

>literally eating raw cake
Problem being?

>> No.18988324
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I would rather have a brownie than some dry biscuits.

>> No.18988326


>> No.18988331

Based taste

>> No.18988375

Unpopular opinion, but pretty much any Italian sweet. I'm fucking from Italy but goddamn, do I hate our sweets. I'd rather have a brownie than tiramisu, pastiera, babà, torta sbrisolona etc etc etc. The only exceptions for me are our torts/pies and chiocciola (especially the apple one with lemon custard, but most any will do). Fuck everything else. Gimme the goddamn brownies.

>> No.18988443

>boxed brownie mix

>> No.18988450

Carrot cake

>> No.18988569

brownies are great, sounds like a skill issue

>> No.18988675

Anything with fuckin' nougat.

>> No.18988697

Which dessert has the best ratio of taste:calories?

>> No.18988724
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>> No.18988733

Milk chocolate
Chocolate ice cream
Mint chocolate cookies

>> No.18988741

I love brownies and cry at how hard it is to find them here, and fuck baba. But I found mini brownies at the store, bought a bag and had to resist eating them all at once.

>> No.18988888

Difficult question. Fresh fruit salad. Grapefruit/citrus is almost always in season.

>> No.18988966

I could murder a pomelo right about now, sadly my old person teeth get very angry after a third and they don't keep well once peeled.

>> No.18988971

Sheet cake from grocery stores. Always dry despite being slathered in that cheap shitty frosting. And barely any flavor apart from "sweet".

>> No.18988976
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Pretty sure I used a cocoa powder recipe--
May as well also post this again outside of the Ice-cream thread, since we're talking aboutr cocoa powder...
I've made this kind of quick Ice cream several times. Haven't tried chocolate yet, but did one with spiced rum,homemade salted caramel swirl, and chunks of shortbread cookies(walkers,) and another one with diced peaches.

>> No.18988978

Yeah that's a pretty unpopular opinion. Brownies are generic and boring as fuck. Woooo, it's chocolate wow. Give me tiramisu any day over shit tier brownies. Then again I'm American and nearly every birthday party or holiday I went to growing up had brownies of some sort.

>> No.18988979

This is the one--

>> No.18990641

>t. ranny

>> No.18990723

>"its bad because....BECAUSE IT JUST IS OK??!!"

>> No.18990729 [DELETED] 

Fuck you bitch

>> No.18990742

Id also go with this. Even worse are the ones with frosting then covered in candy

>> No.18990776


>> No.18990848

>chocolate ice cream

>> No.18991675

Maybe it's a "familiarity breeds contempt" sort of thing. I'm intimately familiar with our sweets while foreign ones, like brownies, Dobostorte, cardamom rolls and carrot cake are novel to me.
Then again i hate Greek, Turkish, ME/NA and South Asian sweets even more than j do ours so maybe brownies are just good and sfogliatelle ricce are dry, crumbly shit. No, the pastry cream does not help.

>> No.18991779

>I don't know how to cook brownies

>> No.18991796


Most of the time it isn't cooked right, and the times that it is and people rave "it's the best flan I've had!" while it tastes no better than Jello pudding

>> No.18992414

>Problem being?

>> No.18992939

Cheesecake worse

>> No.18992974


>> No.18993705
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>cranberry jelly
This is it. Fuck everything else, this trash is unacceptable. I never liked it and I hate it now. Actual cranberry sauce is great on english muffins but pic related is disgusting.

>> No.18993801
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Every other normal cake is worse than Brownies, cause it is the third best cake. The other 2 are Bolo de Rolo and Bolo Souza Leão, specialty cakes that are very different from the normal cakes.

>> No.18993982
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>> No.18994045


>> No.18994052

Cute. Why does it look like Brock in the background?

>> No.18994062

Is this a Lego piece?

>> No.18994066

Is puddi good? Has anyone here had?

>> No.18995065

Turkish delight.


>> No.18995075

you're mom is a wonderfully creamy semi-sweet item

>> No.18995210

It's good and a lot of fun if you have kids or siblings.

>> No.18995619

Bread pudding.

>> No.18995646

1. overrated =/= bad
2. semen custard pie

>> No.18995650

What kind of person has a problem with a crusted chocolate cake

And yet this thread exists