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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 163 KB, 1000x667, KARELA-00356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18984131 No.18984131 [Reply] [Original]

I legit thought Yo Egg was real eggs. What's next, realistic-looking vegan steaks?

>> No.18984136

What the fuck is Yo Egg? Do you mean egg yolk?

>> No.18984139

I have egg, why would I want imitation egg?

>> No.18984140


>> No.18984145

while it does seem bizzare why do vegans want a visual replacement of the animal products they are avoiding, i assume a nondescript protein patty is less appetizing? i duno

>> No.18984155

That does not look real. It looks disgustingly uncanny.

>> No.18984161
File: 83 KB, 375x1024, 1674792216785537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all about tricking people into normalizing the belief of obvious lies. Eat these eggs that aren't made of egg. Eat this burger that has no burger. Vote because you have a voice. AR15s won't help you. This man is a woman.

>> No.18984164

This, it looks like an ounce of mustard on a slice of turkey.

>> No.18984171

The world you live in must be a terrifying and upsetting place since you're so paranoid you attempt to read 38 layers deep like everything is some deep state conspiracy. You people have never even heard of occam's razor.

>> No.18984173
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>> No.18984181

>"You people"
Got em.

>> No.18984197

looks like AI art

>> No.18984200

as i looked at the pic, I thought to myself "there is something fucking odd about how that egg looks." then I read the OP and realised it's because dat ain't no egg.

while I had no idea wtf the part that's s'posed to be albumen actually was or looked like, I def though the fake yolk (faux yolk? fauxlk?) was a perfectly circular glob of american-style mustard. I supposed it was jellied to hold its shape. Or that the whole thing was >>18984197

>> No.18984213

Just ask yourself which would be easier for bad actors?

1. Gaslighting the entire population of the earth into thinking the way you want, or
2. Hiring a few gray market organizations to shitpost on marginalized boards like 4chan to get the already vulnerable people there to think how they want and cause chaos

If you answered 1, you are a certified retard.

>> No.18984225

Good idea for a brand name.

>> No.18984235

Yes, but it should be vegan human meat. Folk. Fauxlk.

>> No.18984241

What babe?

>> No.18984247

I was trying to figure out if these come in actual egg shells, it seems like they probably come already "cracked" in a circle shape with the yolk in the middle. It was probably already white or gelatinous.

The reason I figure they come already in "sunny side up" configuration is that they seem to have a poached egg product coming per their website which implies you cannot just crack one of these into water like a regular egg.

>> No.18984249

It's more for people who aren't vegan but think plant foods are healthier, better for the environment, or more moral even though they're not willing to go completely vegan

it's stupid and the market for it is looking like it was overestimated

>> No.18984250

Jesus Christ, how unappetising.

The first one. Pig in the City was utterly charmless.

>> No.18984258

The babe with the power.

>> No.18984269

>think plant foods are healthier
I remember when it was called "margarine" and not "plant butter."

>> No.18984276

What power?

>> No.18984287

This is a mockery of Allah's creation.

>> No.18984297

Not saying it. Have some motorhead.

>> No.18984349

What Motorhead?

>> No.18984361

Looks like someone accidentally left their child's plastic toy egg on the stove.

>> No.18984387
File: 160 KB, 500x280, egg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose it looks like a real egg if you're a retard

>> No.18984393

Eggs don't harm animals why don't vegans eat them?

>> No.18984412

Hurts their feefees

>> No.18984417


>> No.18984424

I suppose the concept of bartering with an animal would offend some vegans sensibilities.

>> No.18984443

Based take

>> No.18984475
File: 461 KB, 1050x775, 1639259914297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This board is legit just a blank poster board for bots and shills to spam advertisements I swear. Fucking tranny jannies need to do their job

>> No.18984532
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>looks up store locations
yep, checks out

>> No.18984548

Most vegans eat meat and dairy during their childhood. Meat and dairy taste awesome, and their diet used to be based on them. Now they've chosen to swear them off, but it's not like it suddenly tastes worse, or they don't still crave their favourite foods.

My brother went vegan(for pussy), and he's all about the replacement meat and dairy products, while his wife, who was raised vegan, doesn't give a shit and just wants vegetables. Can't imagine simping that hard for a chick but it got him off heroin so w/e.

>> No.18984563

Ohh man wait till you see some of the other boards!
There's video games being posted on /v/, comics and cartoons being posed on /co/, and there's even music being posted on /mu/!
Absolute insanity I tell you what!

>> No.18984571
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>> No.18984574

laying eggs isn't 'chicken periods'

>> No.18984580

Not technically, but the process of laying an egg is comparable to a period.

>> No.18984589

In the same sense that an unfertilized ova that's of no use to the hen gets ejected, sure. Which begs the question, what exactly am I "stealing" from my hens?

>> No.18984612

When I was growing up, we had chickens in our backyard. We ate their eggs, but for a while, we couldn't find any eggs. We thought they had stopped laying until one day I was walking through the yard and stumbled upon a nest full of eggs hidden under a tree. They hadn't stopped laying eggs- they had been secretly laying their eggs in a secret hideout! I told my mom and she fed the eggs to our dog since they had been there too long to be edible for us. That was the day I realized that chickens don't want people to take their eggs.

>> No.18984625

No, it's closer to a mammals giving birth.

>> No.18984633

This is absolutely retarded. Chickens don't menstruate like women and aren't induced to make eggs they just fucking lay them on their own.

>> No.18984635

Yeah, that's my guess is that this comes in some prepackaged form as they are selling a "poached egg" and a "fried egg" as discrete items.

>> No.18984636

Some vegans and vegetarians believe that it's exploitation despite the fact that if you care for a hen as an "animal companion" (these same people refuse to use the word "pet"), she'll lay eggs regardless of what you do and would likely not give a halfpenny shit about having done so. These vegan/etarians are wrong.
I've literally seen hens drop an egg mid walk. One was striding along, sat down a second then got up to continue on her way, not giving a moment's thought that she'd just "ejected" "an unfertilized ova."
I'm with you, but you can't convince nutjob vegan/etarians otherwise.

>> No.18984641

Some hens go broody. Most hens do not.

>> No.18984654

Is it morally superior to let a hen lay eggs that eventually rot? I don't think so. These animals laid an egg almost every day before they were domesticated. Being ground nesting birds laying that many unfertilized eggs, almost all of those got eaten, too.

>> No.18984688
File: 37 KB, 715x709, A8F746FA-02F1-4454-B694-8BA39AE6383A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always buy free range eggs because I feel bad for how they treat laying hens for the generic eggs

>> No.18984698

They also taste better and orange is cooler than yellow.

>> No.18984712

>no more meat!!1!
>plant slop that looks like meat
Do vegans really?

>> No.18984713

Vegans want to kill all animals, they would rather animals not exist than be alive and have the chance of suffering pain.

>> No.18984736

vegans want to eat animals for taste reasons. They obtain from doing so for ethical or environmental reasons.

>> No.18984744

occams razor is completely retarded. go back to /x/ you projecting moron.

>> No.18984747

Vegans are the second most unethical people on the planet.

>> No.18984754 [DELETED] 

reporting this viral marketing thread and encouraging everyone to do the same

>> No.18984790

Plantations are worse for the planet than livestock

>> No.18984811

Those eggs were gonna rot, makes no sense to grieve over something that was never gonna be born
Stop anthropomorphizing chickens, they DON'T suffer if you take their unfertilized eggs, they don't give a shit
She only hid the eggs because her simple chicken brain doesn't have free will

>> No.18984828

It's not vegans pushing this. It's the (((company owners))) that find it funny to make goys eat and pretend to enjoy playdough tier food

>> No.18984957

Laying eggs takes a huge toll on their bodies.
I'm vegan and I don't think taking unfertilized eggs from a hen is "stealing". But the part about hens being induced to make eggs is true.
>We’ve also learned that if we keep taking the eggs away from the hens, they will keep laying them, because of the way their bodies work.

>> No.18984982

Which they would do if you eat them or not. Vegans are the stupidest mother fucking retards on the entire planet. I thank God every day I only know one and he is the most dysgenic looking person you have ever seen. Thankfully your diet sends you off this mortal coil quickly. But not always quick enough before you murder a child with your evil diet.

>> No.18985128
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>> No.18985211

>More expensive than egg
>Can't be used for 99% of what eggs are good for
>Less nutritional value
>Less shelf stable than eggs
>Puts bigger strain in the environment than eggs

>> No.18985217

>Vegans think chickens are mammals

>> No.18985221

Your dad was fucking the chickens and hiding the evidence

>> No.18985223

You're an idiot.

>> No.18985226

Vegans think that birds have human thought and feelings because they saw a video of a 2 year old hugging a chicken
Not only do they believe chickens are human they also believe that anyone who doesn't think like them is not

>> No.18985274

Read the article. It's a nice way of explaining it to children, but it doesn't address something brought up ITT: broodiness. Many hens will lay and not care about the eggs. Others will collect their eggs as a clutch, like the article said. If your hen is one which doesn't go broody, despite being vegan, you agree that there's no ethical issue with collecting her eggs, right?

>Laying eggs takes a huge toll on their bodies
Absolutely true. Besides the calcium issues mentioned in the article, laying larger eggs causes ruptures and bleeding so besides tasting better, it's also kinder on the birds to have them lay medium-or-smaller sized eggs.

>> No.18985283

You are not very smart. Not only did Anon agree that collecting the eggs is fine, the linked article explains that they would not, in fact, keep laying "if you eat [the eggs] or not."

>> No.18985303

This. I was a vegan for a while and some of those fake meme versions of meat are actually alright, there's a turkey one I forget the name of that tastes pretty damn good although it's not a perfect match for actual turkey. People just want to eat what they're familiar with and already enjoy, so if a company can make a substitute for animal products then that'll appeal to vegans because the alternative is
>eat this uuuuuuhhhhh "protein square"

>> No.18985305

>Vegans think that birds have human thought and feelings
I wouldn't go that far, but they certainly do ascribe some measure of anthropomorphism to non-human animals. What I find fascinating is that I've never met a biologist or even a bio major who is a vegan. A few vegetarians (very few), but to my knowledge, not a single vegan.
It's a lot like people who major in women's studies and complain that women are underrepresented in maths and the sciences. Well... why didn't they go into those fields instead of women's studies? Seems a silly thing to do.
I guess it's easier to be outraged by X than learning about or doing X.

>> No.18985307


>> No.18985323

1 is unironically easier, though, normalfags are retarded and you're able to employ economies of scale via mass media distribution. 4chan is full of contrarian autists who might be even dumber but who are still inherently resistant to propaganda.

>> No.18985334

Ever thought why trannies try to be ultra-feminine in their appearace, just like the GF they could never get. Exactly the same thing with vegans, they would crave to eat bacon and other forbidden foods but they can't so they twist the reality to somehow set off the dopamine system.

>> No.18985344

Breeding less of them in general due to lower demand is not 'killing animals'. Just like attempts to depop the human race wouldn't involve killing, but getting people to breed less (huh..... Interesting, innit?)
You can actually give hens hormones so they don't lay eggs anymore and it's apparently beneficial for them health-wise. I've not looked it up to verify, just something I heard. I don't generally eat eggs from a supermarket but if someone's got backyard chickens I'll go for it.

Also all the meat substitution stuff might be pretty tacky but I'm always down for having more stuff to eat. Pretty fucking bored of vegan burgers though

>> No.18985356

Can't live a cruelty-free life without breaking a few eggs

>> No.18985437
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When they say "plant", they don't mean flora.

>> No.18985481

spot on
>occam's razor
fake food is fake and gay. voting is fake and gay. gun control doesn't work (fake and gay). trannies are fake and gay
>1. Gaslighting the entire population of the earth into thinking the way you want, or
If you control legacy media and most channels of information you can easily do this. Also with corporations being as powerful as they are, the "free market" is an illusion. In most industries the biggest company controls like 60% market share and the second biggest company controls like 35%. If you want to boycott those companies you're left with the remaining 5% and those companies usually get bullied, can't compete, or bought out.

>> No.18985828

no I'm not, you are

>> No.18986388

It looks uncanny

>> No.18986408

Whats a feefee?

>> No.18986683
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>> No.18987236

My post is still up, yours was deleted. ;)

>> No.18987247

based fellow occam denier
what a brain dead way of discovering or substantiating anything

>> No.18987268

Based and correct anon

>> No.18987517


Anon, if it's not in the shape of an egg, and sold in an egg carton, just assume it's not an egg.

>> No.18987577

posts like this would have worked 7 years ago not anymore bruh

>> No.18987579

The world IS a terrifying and upsetting place.

>> No.18987600 [DELETED] 
File: 356 KB, 766x813, DCF4F667-51E7-43DC-8DDE-34D5B35F8E75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will build a chicken coop.

>> No.18987606 [DELETED] 
File: 700 KB, 828x1792, D4DBD6AC-E7B8-4529-BF31-689CD86D7D4E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>company address

>> No.18987614

it looks about as much like a real egg as keffals looks like a real woman, i.e. not at all

>> No.18987649

>4chan is full of contrarian autists who might be even dumber but who are still inherently resistant to propaganda.
Not at all, they simply have to present the propaganda in a countercultural, reactionary way. Like the alt-right and those who've warped it do.
>le altright don't believe propaganda
Every political movement employs propaganda with no exceptions.

1 is unpredictable and hard to control. There's a lot more luck involved in getting the spread in the internet age.

>> No.18987714

good lord, emma stone really hit the wall

>> No.18987736

>inherently resistant to propaganda.
massive cope lmao, you're beyond help

>> No.18987744

See, your reflex is to refuse to believe him. Check mate.

>> No.18988755
File: 79 KB, 1136x852, 5d129a259c5101255230cfda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meat eater here, i shape all my meat to look like vegatables

>> No.18988767

It looks like an ai generated egg lmao

>> No.18989105

>Like the alt-right and those who've warped it do.
Those are failed normalfags.

>> No.18989297

is it you heston?

>> No.18989473

It's called synthetic beef, and yes, unfortunately, it's a thing. They're also making stuff out of bug meat, so watch out.

>> No.18989599

I think the meatcarrot was sold by Arby's.

>> No.18989701

Because they don't want to not eat animal products. They want to feel like they're good people. They can suppress their want, but notperfectly, then they quit when the need comes

>> No.18989770
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>> No.18990198

>when the need comes
How often does anyone find themselves stranded on a desert island?

>> No.18990349

Give it time.

>> No.18991365

Vegans and vegetarians are a cult. Fake meat products are their attempt at indoctrinating outsiders.

>> No.18991950 [DELETED] 
File: 2 KB, 259x194, egggg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you people want everybody eating bugs and fake shit?

>> No.18992071

I want my chicken eating bugs, but I could do without the secondhand shit in my eggs

>> No.18993276

vegans dont care about the environment or animal suffering, all they want is feeling morally "superior" to everyone else

>> No.18993590

It explains why they're here

>> No.18993603

Well for starters growing egg laying hens results in 50% male chicks that they kill soon after birth by literally putting them in a meat grinder

>> No.18993614

Based, makes great fertilizer.

>> No.18993756

They either feed the soil or necrophages, chuds

>> No.18993858 [DELETED] 

>hey either feed the soil or necrophages
there it is, the progressive fat brown hand typing

>> No.18993863

Slowly digging a hole in which to feed your head to the earth.

>> No.18993907

you really thought that looked like an egg? it looks like mustard

>> No.18994109

Most margarine had animal products though. Usually in the form of dairy solids but sometimes fish oil. That didn’t really stop until 10 or 15 years ago when they started pushing seed oils as being ‘heart healthy’ for whatever reason.

>> No.18994157

Old bastards' hearts were giving out from traumas, vices, and generally treating their arteries like your landlord's drain pipes. Someone said aloud (probably originally to themselves): "Hey, these guys over here, they don't use bacon grease as food lube, and they live ten years longer than you chainsmoking, hard drinking, Nazi-shooting, Gook-slaughtering, prematurely ancient twats, maybe there's something to it?"

>> No.18994217

>Stop eating butter, think of your heart!
>Surely this emulsified and chemically stabilized rapeseed oil won’t give you colon cancer.
Fuck me, am I ever sick of food science. They move the goalposts every decade or so, introduce tons if shit into the market without any understanding of longterm effects, and steadily move us away from simple, hand-processed, natural foods.
I do get a sensible chuckle watching vegans eat plant-based, over-processed, chemical slop though. It’s the sign of laziness and insensibility that you can’t eat a meat free diet without resorting to packaged poison.
People are fucking stupid and covid didn’t take enough of them.

>> No.18994229

My point was the other stuff might have had a lot to do with it, but yeah.

>> No.18994236

In a sensible time, SARS-Cov2 would have been crushed quickly. I'm hoping it's a test for both the "MUH FREEDOMS!" crowd and overreactive, hyperPC government officials, to see if the next round of Pandemic's a winner.

>> No.18994293

No, I’m totally with you, it just triggered my rant.
In any situation where there is ambiguity or at least multiple contributing factors it is expeditious to single out and demonize one factor then present a universal cure-all as the solution. It’s pure hucksterism and it is so ingrained in our culture most people can’t even begin to think critically about it because they have no foundation from which to apply analysis or interpretation.
The veganism in this thread is a good example. It would probably be of great benefit for everyone that eats meat regularly to cut it out a bit. That would be ecologically and physically healthy. So the numbskulls that can’t see nuance just say MEAT BAD and mount a moral crusade against its consumption without any understanding of the consequences of factory farming of vegetables, particularly the ones desirable for chemical processing, what that does to the soil and water, and how the morality of doing something we have done for the entirety of our existence as sentient creatures has nothing to do with our biological needs.
Even in diet there’s a push to pick a side. It’s monumentally retarded. What the fuck happened to listening to your body?
Like that disgusting pig Lizzo who pushes a vegan diet that is absolutely oozing with sugar and corn starch, and emulsified oil products. How does that fool anyone?

>> No.18994312

Just devil's advocate (and rarely, if-ever for anyone on 4chan) - the vegans and vegetarians I know are just against intentionally eating animals, factory farming, wearing them, etc.
I get it, but when they get a little preachy, or try to bring tangential issues into it, I remind them that the only reasons I don't eat people are their terrible diets and the risk of consecutive life sentences.

>> No.18994393

I’d eat people to survive. Or like a guy that I killed defending my land or something. Other than that the risk of a degenerative neurological disorder is a pretty strong argument not to be a cannibal.
And, as you stated, the meats probs pretty yucky. Unless they’re vegans ironically…

>> No.18995660

You'd on on the news for months.

>> No.18995673

oh noes ze noos

>> No.18995727

But vegans don’t even eat eggs from backyard hens.

>> No.18995752
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That's only really a risk if you consoom the CNS tissue / CSF. If you aren't literally BRAAAINS, you should be fine. I mean, in theory.

>> No.18996088

In this case Occam's Razor *is* the ZOG plot for insidious veganism.

>> No.18996151

>Ne'urim St 41, Pardes Hanna-Karkur, Israel

>> No.18996181

Would you say that somebody that doesn't own a slave just wants to feel like they're good?

>> No.18996199
File: 38 KB, 640x492, 31948788_941873752640667_2723112220325052416_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retarded take. People who grew up non-vegan simply want to eat what they used to eat but without killing animals. It's that simple. People who grew up vegetarian (such as indians) dont start to make their food look like meat when they become vegan, because they didn't grow up with that and it's normal to be vegetarian there.

Also, historically vegans have been the most religious (extreme) people, not your libtards. Libtards and trannies are just as guilty of killing animals.
Chad brahmins used to eat no animal products except for excess, that required no killing. They only allowed lower caste to eat meat occasionally because they were barbaric savages that became violent if they didn't get their dose of animal flesh.

>> No.18996208

k ranjeet

>> No.18996255

And then there's the Jains... Root veggies are meat? Jain! Stop this crazy thing!

>> No.18996406


>> No.18997325

OP is a bug eater from a bug eater brand.

>> No.18997987

>comparing pet chickens to slaves

>> No.18998018
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here's a simpler answer;
the amount of people willing to actually buy and help sustain a business of meat replacements is low if they're just nondescript patties of plant matter. It's natural they'd go the novelty route and market them as "BEYOND BURGER" and "YO-EGG" than "Plant based meat substitute". It's just simple american capitalism, where appealing to the largest demographic for maximum gain is the game.

>> No.18998085

So it's certified NOT goyslop?

>> No.18998319

in the moledet, it's 100% kosherkrud.

>> No.18998564
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its from Israeli

>> No.18998810
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>> No.18998846

The rate at which we go through resources even for farming isn't sustainable
All the fake foods are shit right now, but if there ever comes a time where it tastes identical or even better, that's objectively a good thing because it could potentially be cheaper and more available once it's perfected.

>> No.18998866

This is yet another psyop from the food (((science))) industry. Talk to the actual producers of the major players of food. Much of their actual gross output is either discarded, or straight up destroyed, through governmental force. The lastest example is milk, in Canada. Actually, eggs now for some coincidental reason. So much valuable food is discarded, every day/week/month/year, and to know just how much would blow your fucking mind out. (((Scarcity))) is a completely manufactured myth, the straight up capacity to grow and harvest biblical quantities of food exists, and has for decades and decades.

>> No.19000157

What you are describing is also how oligarchs go by imposing something top-down.

>> No.19000196

>The time and place I was born into is the only one in Earth's history that is not only not corrupt but actually beneficial to its population. The fact that every other government, corporation, or other organizational entity in history has actively intended to harm their pawns has no bearing on my observation of the above facts. You are a dangerous conspiracy theorist if you disagree, all the experts agree.

>> No.19000245

you need nutrients in eggs that aren't in plants. Why would you eat that shit?

>> No.19000251

>occam's razor
you have a vocabulary and philosophy the size of a 12 year old

>> No.19000468

Not really. 12-year-olds are bigger than some adults.

>> No.19001335

Fucking unhinged

>> No.19001372

Like B12? I'm guessing people are eating the weird turmeric egg analogue because they don't like the idea of eating eggs. Chances are they're ok with eating shit-tonnes of nori or taking a supplement.

>> No.19001384

I was 6'/183cm and 160lbs/73kg when I was 12. I realize that I was a large child, but as far as dictionaries and manifestos go... it seems excessive if printed in 12pt.

>> No.19002021

Stupid thread and pointless. Herbs

>> No.19002036

Psyop thread #738495960583624143563586

>> No.19002728

Thanks for the reply