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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18980437 No.18980437 [Reply] [Original]

Is anyone doing the Carnivore Diet?

>> No.18980453


>> No.18980457

No. I genuinely enjoy fruits, veggies and other plant foods and don't understand why anyone would want to go without them. Gonna make black bean burritos tonight with rice and cheese and such.

>> No.18980461

Do all meat eaters look this embarrassing

>> No.18980465

the repressed religious impulse in modern man manifests in strange ways

>> No.18980471

lol @ the part where he can't even eat the "testicle pop" on camera with a straight face

>> No.18980477
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>> No.18980489

nick mullen this is your future!
heed the warnings!

>> No.18980499

>Eating testicles multiple times a day.

>> No.18980506

the jordan and macayla b peterson testicle diet

>> No.18980508

I know he's doing this for attention but like... Why eat two pounds of carved up ribeye with butter, and a pound of bacon (on bread?) And all that other shit all in one day? Like macros still exist

>> No.18980529

With the BBBE diet, you just eat beef, butter, bacon, and eggs, and it makes you undergo extreme weight loss (like more than regular keto), and there's no portion control needed. Like, if you want to eat 16 eggs and 2 steaks, you can do that, and still be on track to lose weight.

>> No.18980548
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I like that the video of him making some pretty tasty looking grilled chicken with tzatziki sauce is tossed in the middle of the rest of his mental illness

>> No.18980557

That broth, steak and eggs does look good

>> No.18980577

he did NOT have to eat testicles.

>> No.18980679


>> No.18980681

Hey this is Nick Mullen. I've decided I want you to be my friend. How do I get in touch

>> No.18980690

>no portion control needed
>have to eat 0 portions of anything other than listed foods, i.e. have to control your portions
>no portion control needed

>> No.18980703
File: 28 KB, 474x262, evil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does he have that same, unsettling look that mark wiens always has plastered on his face?

>> No.18980714

I tried it for a while. I felt good, lost 40 pounds and my psoriasis cleared up, but something about eating nothing but meat didn't seem right. Like there had to be a catch or something. Now I just avoid processed food.

>> No.18980716

More schizo than vegans and thats saying something

>> No.18980721 [DELETED] 

Nick Mullen I want to be friends with you more and I used to fuck a chinese NYU girl who lived a block away from your apartment in bed-stuy

>> No.18980725

this dude look like someone who would slaughter a house full of college girls

>> No.18980743

Where do you think he gets the meat?

>> No.18980745

nick, i desperately want to be your friend, its just if i look into my heart I know I'm not ready yet, I need to get a little more funny and cool first. How about I reach out to you again when the time is right? its gonna be great bro

>> No.18980758 [DELETED] 

I know you didn't fuck her because I don't have herpes

>> No.18981014


>> No.18981040

>carnivore diet
>slices of zucchini can be seen

>> No.18981063


Double digits of truth.

>> No.18981071
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clearly not carnivore now resist capitalism and take back your health!

>> No.18981109

Because it is missing something; science. I love my high protein, high fat diet, but a muffin is god blessed superfood. Humans took massive amount of hard to process grain, milled it down to concentrate it to its most valuable protein chains, did magic with heat and yeast, and turned it into a muffin the size of your fist and with enough bioavailable energy in it to power a human for half a day. That wizard shit is what let us as a species get off the planet. When you abandon those supercarbs completely you just end up chained to your diet; no extra energy give.

>> No.18981123

>That wizard shit is what let us as a species get off the planet.

>> No.18981151


>> No.18981171

>Because it is missing something; science. I love my high testicle, high cum diet, but a dildo is god blessed superfood. Humans took massive amount of hard to process oil, milled it down to concentrate it to its most valuable polymers, did magic with heat and pink dye, and turned it into a dildo the size of your fist and with enough faggot energy in it to power a human for half a day. That wizard shit is what let us as a species get off the planet. When you abandon those fagshits completely you just end up chained to your bull; no extra energy give.

>> No.18981172

Did he just eat all of that in a single day?
No wonder he looks like the fucking frankenstein's monster.

>> No.18981182


>> No.18981284
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Does he wear a sleeping mask when going outside

>> No.18981327

This. I could never give up bread, rice, beer, fruit, potatoes and all of the other carb heavy foods I enjoy. Life is already hard enough without punishing myself by completely depriving myself of the foods I love instead of simply eating them in moderation.

>> No.18981330

This guy has been looking rough as this goes on

>> No.18981333

>If I consume 2 lbs of butter/5000 calories of protein&fat every day for the rest of my life I will never gain weight and will instead lose weight
Why are ketofags such delusional liars literally ALL of the time? Fucking cultists make Branch Davidians look sane.

>> No.18981351

No. I find eating a balanced diet better.

>> No.18981353

Losing weight is not always healthy and many people with more body mass are actually healither then skinny people.

>> No.18981370

Neither fat people nor skinny people are doing it for their health

>> No.18981403

>t. fatass

>> No.18981451

By the way, that thing he's eating after the chicken is what he calls a "Testicle butter dog."

>> No.18981454

meat is poison

>> No.18981496

it's a dietary based mental illness for conservatives

>> No.18981689

Carnivore diet is retarded, humans have been eating plants for a hundred thousand years.

>> No.18981694

Boiling water is retarded, humans have been drinking unboiled water for a hundred thousand years.

>> No.18981700
File: 124 KB, 818x1072, 1664983393935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eating meat is literally racism

>> No.18981735

This is what retards actually believe.
The fact of that matter is that meats and fats have a higher satiety factor so people inadvertently end up eating less overall.

>> No.18981746

I did carnivore for the month of january.
memers said you will never fart again.
that was a fucking lie because I farted non stop and they smelled like a rotting corpse, as my gut bacteria all died.

For the month of february I'm compensating by eating a ton of fermented food. Got my kefir and sauerkraut

>> No.18981762

>Still eating breads and vegetables
I eat meat with every meal but I don't try to make a half-assed mukbang out of it. This reeks of dumb poofery.

>> No.18981797

You scared off Nick Mullen. Where can you hear thst guy these days?

>> No.18981823

I'm love meat, and all for eating lots of meat, but that dudes gonna be shitting fucking concrete logs.

>> No.18981828

That looks expensive

>> No.18981831

Unironically my 65 year old mom, she changes her fad diet every few months and somehow she landed on this one. Boggles the mind.

>> No.18981833

What was the effect on you other than farts and a maybe upset tummy? Body. Energy. Feel good or bad? Etc

>> No.18981845

you will lose weight rapidly, but then again you will lose weight rapidly on ANY diet that keeps your insulin low for a long period of time. I did vegan keto one year for 30 days as a meme and it did the same thing.

Other than that, I would say mood starts to decline after a couple weeks. This could be due to the monotony of eating the same thing every day, but also because 90% of the serotonin in the body is produced by bacteria in the gut.

You really need to be eating insoluble fiber to feed your bacteria, who will turn it into all kinds of nutrients that you couldn't normally produce or absorb on your own.

>> No.18981847

>insoluble fiber
Such as?

>> No.18981864

>Such as?
for me it's steel cut oats

>> No.18981865
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not him but i made meat my primary source of nutrition a couple of months back and i dont feel bloated at all and feel more energy overall, i mostly eat a big piece of steak 1 or 2 eggs and some light salad with tomato, cucumber, onion, avocado sometimes with all those veg sometimes only tomato or cucumber, dressed with olive oil and balsamic. no starches at all. bad thing is i still crave them on the weekends and i end up eating stews, pizza, fries all that shit, i just dont see a point in denying myself tasty carbs at least on the weekends

>> No.18981873

>light salad with tomato, cucumber, onion, avocado sometimes with all those veg sometimes only tomato or cucumber
I was talking about being on pure carnivore.

>> No.18981901

I'm trying it due to health issues. I hate it so far but it's only been a few days.

>> No.18981986

>carnivore diet
>giant slab of butter

Is butter fucking meat? This is not being a carnivore, I don't think the t-rex was eating butter and biscuits

>> No.18982033

Bad example because it's not even remotely true.

>> No.18982041

I'm confused why someone would eat so much raw meat. Raw meat isn't bad, but cooking it makes it taste so much better.

Also I'm confused why he eats so many testicles in what is suppose to be his average day. Never had one, but why would you go out of your way to eat testicles specifically?

>> No.18982047

I did it for 11 days. My RA symptoms decreased by 80 percent, I'd say. Trying to get back on it after eating a bunch of cheesecake. Shit is hard, bros.

>> No.18982059

ever hear of sunglasses?

>> No.18982061

>why would you go out of your way to eat testicles specifically?
repressed latent homosexuality.

>> No.18982189

It comes from an animal. Milk is also carnivore.

>> No.18982213

>one guy works out and it’s almost certainly on peds or trt
>other guy is a skinny dyel
And this proves what?

>> No.18982305

I did only meat for three months once to see if I could

I lost a small amount of weight and surprisingly felt totally fine during that time, whereas when I tried doing normal meme keto the carb withdrawal headache was too much for me

I stopped because I missed vegetables too much

>> No.18982347

No because I'm not a retarded faggot who falls for pseudo science baby dick "masculine" trends. Eat all food groups in reasonable portions and exercise.

>> No.18982349

Holy fuck, he looks like he's mid 60s.

>> No.18982391

Both of these images and the skellingtons within have convinced me of omnivore superiority

>> No.18982399

imagine eating a steak without some mash and veges

>> No.18982456

left is achievable natty. doesn't have roid shoulders at all
keep coping vegan

>> No.18982475
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Does carnivore imply raw uncooked meat?
I would try an all meat diet if I could afford it.

>> No.18982482

He wears a domino mask since he is a superhero: CarnivoreMan.

>> No.18982490 [DELETED] 

t. Prey

>> No.18982494 [DELETED] 

It's a valid and evolutionary reliable diet for predators.

>> No.18982497 [DELETED] 

Hunter Gatherers have the killer of the prey eat the testes.

>> No.18982499 [DELETED] 

>Eat all food groups in reasonable portions
Why? Animal based foods are superior in nutrition and your body absorbs said nutriens better from animal foods.

>> No.18982500
File: 34 KB, 454x694, good_girl_grow_belly_morph__1__by_belliesturnmeeon_dfcrx87-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am anon, I just love filling my belly with all kinds of meat.

>> No.18982577

Oh this is an easy one. Because I'm not an autistic waste of space who cares about min maxing their nutritional density. Nearly no one should be doing this unless they're extremely poor which makes meat hard to get in the first place or they're training to compete in the olympics or some other prestigious athletic event. Everything else is autistic cope by people who either want to be special or use retard diets to restrict themselves from overeating (which never lasts).

>> No.18982584

Why does he become increasingly red in his face?

>> No.18982737

Because vegetables are good for you too, dipshit.
I'm not explaining any further obviously meat is great but there's a million reasons to eat vegetables and if you're too dumb to google why then there's no helping you

>> No.18982845

This man has a severe eating disorder

>> No.18982855


>doesn't have roid shoulders at all
>totally natural
>face looks 50 years old
>body looks 25


>> No.18982877

Vegetables are not good for except when heavily cooked and processed to the point almost all nutrients are destroyed anyway. Fruit, however, want to be eaten.

>> No.18982951

Left: Won't shut up about meat good haha meat lol
Right: Writes books and hosts a websites where he, every year, goes over every single scientific medical study and paper published in the US and shows the conclusions and recommendations. All book sales go to charity.

>> No.18982973

>body needs different kinds vitamins, fibre, antioxidants and minerals to work well
>lol maybe I should get rid of them
No, I'm not a fucking idiot and don't have an eating disorder.

>> No.18983159

John, haha. Where did you find this one?!

>> No.18983181

Eating is fucking simple, if you can either safely eat it raw or cook it without any processing and it tastes good, you eat it.
So ideally a "Paleo" style diet is the best a human being can get.

>> No.18983184

>I'm confused why someone would eat so much raw meat.
I'm guessing it's because raw meat is harder to digest. Meaning digesting it takes more energy, you feel full for longer and you don't get as many calories out of it.

>> No.18983211

Why would you let meat grease soak into your nice fucking wood cutting board? That shit isn't vegetable or seed oil, that stuff will get fucking nasty if you leave it on there. You'd either have the grease soak into it from doing this or you'd have to scrub it with soap and a dish brush until it's drier than an 86 year old nun.

>> No.18983359
File: 527 KB, 1070x1525, 7y43e29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hes not wrong - u reek of soy

>> No.18983369

Humans are omnivores, they can't exist on only meat like we can. It's just another silly meme perpetuated by retards and pseuds.

>> No.18983386

>So ideally a "Paleo" style diet is the best a human being can get.
except that most paleo diets are NOT paleo.

A paleo diet was highly localized extremely diverse and consisted mostly of subsistance foods overly high in fiber and whatever a human could find to eat. it was NOT high in meat. while a group of humans coming in to an area devoid of humans for thousands of years may find lots of meat, they will (in less than 2 generations) completely wipe out any megafauna and severely deplete the medium sized fauna (deer, elk, etc). after that they will subsist on small games like birds, rabbits, and anything they can trap.

the key thing is that there are almost zero foods in your local grocery store that are "paleo" everything in your store has been genetically modified over thousands of years and is no resemblance to foods available to paleolithic peoples.

all of what I said is supported by the fossil records and research recently done precisely on this subject.

cave men did not just eat meat and lots of it.

>> No.18983389

Unless you're eating raw meat, you won't be getting much vitamin C on this diet.

>> No.18983391

no they got the heart or the liver.

>> No.18983406

I got neurotic when just doing low carb. No way.

>> No.18983539

this isn't true. there's so much vitamin C in red meats that even after cooking there's enough, especially when eating that much

>> No.18983589

>Not just eating a normal, balanced diet

>> No.18983813

>I only know what macros are and I have no idea what micronutrients or what combinations of micronutrients do

>> No.18983955

Its actually the opposite. Raw meat digests more quickly

>> No.18983969

Great way to get gout

>> No.18983975

>you have to choose between a carnivore diet or vegan diet
>there is no in-between
why are carnivores like this

>> No.18984038

Think! How likely is it that our ancestral ancestors only, exclusively, ate meat? With an abundance of fruit (where a very high percentage is edible) and vegetables that are very low effort to get? How likely is that?

>> No.18984050

Our ancestral ancestors did a lot of things that, in hindsight, probably were not conductive to living long and healthy lives.

>> No.18984245

Do you carnivores (and vegan) niggas realize the vast majority of people are omnivore, making this comparisons are fucking retarded and useless.

>> No.18984627

what a dweeb

>> No.18984632

>that hairline

>> No.18984639 [DELETED] 

Very often, especially in europe where my ancestors are from and not niggerland like yours.

>> No.18984792

what is wrong with his hairline?

>> No.18984804

>he doesn't know
God, this place just keeps on giving.

>> No.18984827

I can understand its benefits. It's just not my cup of tea.

>> No.18984830

Why do people get suckered into meme diets. Is it because of autism linked to vaccines

>> No.18984854

High levels of testosterone is one of the causes of hair loss. Drink less cola and eat less hormone laced beef.

>> No.18984874

In Mark's case, chronic diarrhea.
In OP's case, chronic constipation.

>> No.18984913

these 'food is just fuel' bugpeople are the worst, also given their crank diets are meant to be health-giving, they never look well kek

>> No.18986264


>> No.18986425

its called a spray tan

>> No.18986463


He might have eczema around his eyes. Skin or autoimmune issues are common in people who bounce around between meme diets

>> No.18986466

No, Lent started today.

>> No.18986481

>All mammals are carnivores

>> No.18986502

I've seen a mule eating a dead cat, so I believe it.

>> No.18986527

I don't know what you're trying to say. But as far as the carnivore diet, you can eat anything that comes from an animal. Milk comes from an animal. Butter comes from milk. You might want to read the comment that I replied to.

>> No.18986574

In other words,
>Left: results
>Right: credentialism

>> No.18987102

Whatever makes you feel more comfortable with your Eating disorder

>> No.18987148

That was my first thought, like dude you're allowing yourself roasted zucchini and bread, you can eat a normal meal with extra protein instead of contracting salmonella in the most psychotic way possible

>> No.18987173 [DELETED] 

Testes are eaten

>> No.18987178 [DELETED] 

>y-you're right but muh feels
Done btw.

>> No.18987183 [DELETED] 

ALL nutrients can be find in an animal based diet and are more bioavailable there too.

>> No.18987188

It's political to them. It's not about the diet; it's about picking a side and blindly supporting your side no matter what.

>> No.18987332

Enjoy scurvy in 2023

>> No.18987335

>t. doesnt understand nutrition
your body needs more vitamin C to process carbs than it does fats / protein. beef has enough vitamin C for your body to function as long as youre in ketosis and not eating a substantial amount of carbs.

>t. did carnivore for a year with no negative health effecrs

>> No.18987338

I see you dont understand how quantity works

>> No.18987340

>did carnivore for a year with no negative health effecrs
Wow I guess a short term personal anecdote of a guy with an eating disorder who can't spell "effects" because of keto brain settles the issue

>> No.18987349

More compared to fat. For example, your body requires twice as much Thiamin to process carbs into energy than it does fat.

>wow you made a typo here haha sorry pal your argument is void
Why are you so deranged? Does it really tear you up inside that some random anon out there had good experiences on carnivore? You could try it yourself too and report back on your experiences.

>> No.18987357

I could, but I dont have an eating disorder. And eating only meat is disordered eating, as proven by the fact that you no longer eat that way

>> No.18987359

>More compared to fat. For example, your body requires twice as much Thiamin to process carbs into energy than it does fat.
Missed the point entirely

>> No.18987364

I stopped eating that way because its inconvenient. You have to prepare yourself one or two home cooked meals a day (each of which take 20-40 minutes) and require cleanup. Its not healthier than carnivore but its hard to beat 1200 kcal subs from my local supermarket for $10.

>> No.18987367

>because its inconvenient
Yes, thats what disorder is

>> No.18987369

im sure all college students with $50 in their bank accounts have a disorder because they have to cook every day instead of getting takeout.

>> No.18987371

This makes absolutely no sense but whatever makes you feel better man

>> No.18987375

eating nothing is carnivore cuz during a prolonged fast you are undergoing self-eating or autophagy so technically yes we carnivores when doing a fast even if you are vegan or carnivore when not fasting

>> No.18987530

Why would you eat meat raw? It's a waste of money to not cook meat.

>> No.18987698 [DELETED] 

It doesn't matter either way. Animal based diet =/= carnivore. I eat fruit and honey.

>> No.18987894
File: 67 KB, 780x520, A86D61F7-3E42-4641-9229-7F4F2174F507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the hell would I ever give up my delicious fruits and veggies? There’s a reason gorillas and other primates are omnivores, anon, and it’s because they’re fucking awesome. Why don’t you want to be awesome? If you want to have a more primal lifestyle you’d might as well eat your meats and your greens. We didn’t JUST kill mammoths to eat, you know. Foraging lead to us finding out how to farm, and it also lead us to realize how tasty our fruits are.