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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18978313 No.18978313 [Reply] [Original]

Dad is unironically getting released from prison two days from now. What should his baby girl make him?

I'm definitely going to make salmon for dinner. I remember him liking salmon. Probably serving it with roasted potatoes and either green beans or asparagus (I haven't decided on the veggies yet).

Lunch?? BLT? Chicken salad? BBQ? What do fancy people eat for lunch? Need ideas for this.

For desert I already made tiramisu and some sticky toffee pudding (for lunch and dinner respectively)

I'm going out to buy some fancy vine when the sun goes up. Recommend me something for around 20-30 bucks.

Not worried about breakfast.

>> No.18978322

If you know how he likes it (you can ask, it's not gonna ruin much) I'd think either a ribeye or filet mignon cut of meat would be sufficiently classy.

>> No.18978326

>baby girl
>salmon with baked potat
Just do steak
Yeah that'll work
Yeah bullshit
Buc Bob golden rum. You did prepare multiple generations for a good dunder right?
>not worried about brekky
The most important meal of the day

>> No.18978327

Give him a taste of your bussy

>> No.18978332

I think salmon would be better tho since I remember him liking it. It might make him remember the fun old times lol

I need vine.

>> No.18978347

Dude you're talking about a criminal.
Either he appreciates a home cooked meal or eh wont remember the good times.
The rum is to knock his ass out if he doesn't remembet and needs a nap.

>> No.18978355

That "criminal" is my dad whom I haven't got to see half of my shitty childhood and yet he was one of the most supportive people out there for me. If you're going to keep being condescending you have to leave my thread

>> No.18978365

A good burger or a crab cake is what I’d be craving the most after getting out of the slammer. For Maryland style (aka the best) crabcakes get some lump crab meat and mix it together with an egg, breadcrumbs, mustard, mayo, and old bay, just enough to bind everything together, and pan fry in butter or broil until golden brown. I think a burger is pretty self explanatory and I want to have sex with Haruhi. BLT or barbecue are also good options but if you’re doing something like pulled pork you’d probably have to cook it overnight to have it ready by lunchtime, if you’re not comfortable with the fire hazard just make it another dinner idea. And since you need lots of ideas this is the best meatball I’ve ever eaten, I usually make subs with them

>> No.18978371

>If you're going to keep being condescending you have to leave my thread
This may be the most hilarious thing I have ever read on 4chan, if only because you are completely serious when you say it

>> No.18978379
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>leave my thread picrel
>released from prison
Your father is not a good dude.
If he's supportive like a good dad he will appreciate that you're putting effort into making him food.
More likely I'm correct with my assumptions and you remain to be heartbroken.

>> No.18978399

I have never prepared crab meat before so I don't to mess it up on the big day. Burgers and meatballs aren't fancy enough, sorry..

>I'm going be a dick on the Internet just because I can
Put on a trip so I can filter you

>Your father is not a good dude
Lol you don't know either of us
>appreciate that you're putting effort into making him food
Why are you assuming he's not going to? I just want to make the best meals he's ever tasted

>> No.18978413

I don't need to know either of you,
You do realize this is uncommon, and very rare for good law abiding citizens. He's a fucking criminal. Scraping the bottom of the barrel of good people in America. Probably poor and less likely to appreciate the finer things in life. Check your valuables after he leaves, would be unsurprising to find something missing. Assuming you have any considering your gene-stock.

>> No.18978418


>> No.18978422
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>> No.18978423


>> No.18978431
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Leave my thread or talk about food

>> No.18978437

Hey that actually looks pretty good! I don't know if he likes rice or not but I can ask him and make it on a later day for him

See >>18978431

>> No.18978447

daddy's gonna hope his baby girl has a new daddy and that's where i come in (You)

>> No.18978448

Food wishes is all good, you can probably find something your dad will like

>> No.18978466

>I'm going out to buy some fancy vine when the sun goes up. Recommend me something for around 20-30 bucks.

Make the salmon, I'm sure he'll love it. If you're going to make salmon, you want a wine that's going to pair with the fish, which is typically considered to be a dry (less sweet) white wine.

Personally, I'd look for a type of wine known as Riesling, which is typically very lightly sweet if at all and richly fruity. I'm biased though, it's my personal favorite type. You can get a good bottle for $20 easily, above that in general you kind of fall off in value. What I mean is, above like $25 it stops tasting better/fancier in a way that matters for your purposes. That's true to almost any wine you can get when you're not into it as a hobby.

>> No.18978474

Some good food. Good wine. Tight daughter pussy. Your convict dad is going to have it real nice.

>> No.18978476

make him prison ramen make fun of him being a loser criminal! :D what he get locked up for

>> No.18978478
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Is he ripped?
He'll probably want extra protein. ;)

>> No.18978695

your dad is going to just go straight to jail again after he beats his son brutally when he comes home and sees you wearing a dress pretending to be a woman

>> No.18978708

He's probably going to want to fuck for two days straight. After that plain pasta mixed with cheese and olive oil will be the best food to recover his strength.

>> No.18978724

Why'd your dad get imprisoned? And yes it's your fault for mentioning something more interesting than what you want. You could have asked for fancy salmon or wine recs but you just HAD to mention your dad and being a femoid. Could have said you were preparing a meal for someone you haven't seen in a while or something similarly innocuous but nooooo

>> No.18978727

So I should get in touch with a elementary or middle school?

>> No.18978731

>What do fancy people eat for lunch?
Isn’t it just a slightly smaller portion of dinner foods? If you can swing it maybe bake some fresh bread and make sandwiches with it or serve it with some nice soup. If he likes salmon maybe you could do a creamy smoked salmon pasta. Also if you can track down a turkey or good ham it might be nice to do a holiday meal.

>> No.18978765

To prevent him from wanting to reoffend, you’ll have to impress him.

>> No.18978789

>I'm definitely going to make salmon for dinner. I remember him liking salmon. Probably serving it with roasted potatoes and either green beans or asparagus (I haven't decided on the veggies yet).
How are you going to cook the salmon? Pan seared? If so don’t get lazy on the sauce, make it yourself. As for vegetables, keep it seasonal
>Lunch?? BLT? Chicken salad? BBQ? What do fancy people eat for lunch? Need ideas for this.
Make a nice pasta
>For desert I already made tiramisu and some sticky toffee pudding (for lunch and dinner respectively)
Sounds nice
>I'm going out to buy some fancy vine when the sun goes up. Recommend me something for around 20-30 bucks.
Salmon pairs with Chardonnay, buy the most expensive one for your budget

>> No.18978823

Prison is inhumane. Those guilty of criminality should be executed.

>> No.18978876

Because this is such good bait...
Your father has not been able to choose a meal for the duration of his incarceration. Anything made for him out of love will be appreciated.

>> No.18978895

Weird vibes from this op

>> No.18978933
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Please tell me that's a boy.

>> No.18978936

That's good to know anon. Thanks. I've never been much of an alcohol drinker, much less a vine drinker.

When I was spending time getting booted from one foster home to another I sent a letter to my dad really saying how depressed I felt. When I got a reply back for him I realised that I unwittingly came out to him and reading the letter was probably the first time I cried happy tears. If you think my dad (or any dad for that matter) is a shallow person just because he spent time in prison you'd be very very wrong.

I have to say that I have zero clue when it comes to lunch. I usually don't eat lunch to begin with. Making salmon for both lunch and dinner seems like bit of a bad idea and making just a BLT or something would also just come off as lazy I think. Even if it's not exactly "fancy" like I was hoping for, I was thinking maybe something like a shepards pie would be good since he can go for seconds if he wanted too. Hmm choices, choices.

>Pan seared?
I think I will pan fry it.
>Make a nice pasta
Recommend me some with some actual meat in it. The problem with making something like agilo e oilo is just there isn't any meat to them.
>Salmon pairs with Chardonnay
Between this and riesling, what's the best one to go with?

>Anything made for him out of love will be appreciated.
Yuh. I know that. I just want to make it the best I can, thats all.

>> No.18978937
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That's a man.

>> No.18978946

So you're a trans or a gay girl? I won't make fun either way I'm just invested now.

>> No.18978952
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Yay. Name/sauce?

>> No.18978958 [DELETED] 
File: 1.14 MB, 1221x1555, 1677321621412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not going to say which because the last time I did the janny removed my whole thread for being off topic or something :c

Tartaglia/Childe from Genshin Impact

>> No.18978965

That's ok. Hope it goes well with your pops

>> No.18978969

Thanks, anon <3

>> No.18978973
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Score one for the spank bank, thanks Anon.

>> No.18979077

This is cute anon. Don't let other jealous retards tell you otherwise. Make him the happiest dad in the world when he gets released for me!
t. family practically disowned me after I got incarcerated

>> No.18979093
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Completely irrelevant information. Tits or gtfo.

>> No.18979222

Thank you! I will try my best <3

>> No.18979648
