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File: 73 KB, 924x1385, two-bowls-red-bean-paste-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18975169 No.18975169 [Reply] [Original]

I've never tried it - is red bean paste actually tasty? especially when compared to traditional western fillings like chocolate or whatever?

>> No.18975174

I tried it once with ice cream, it's sweet but it still tastes like beans.

>> No.18975178

Yeah, I prefer the bean taste to cocoa taste

>> No.18975189

it's mid

>> No.18975192

No, it really isn't. The texture can be compared to a fig or fruit filling but it is not sweet. If you want to try rice cake I recommend other fillings. If you want to try patbingsu get a fruit one instead. Asians only eat this because historically they didn't have chocolate.

>> No.18975231

eh, its ok. you probably wont be queeing your pants, but if you feel like something kinda sweet, but not too sweet and dont mind a bean like texture, its nice. Its a kinda particular profile, but it is satisfying if you are in the mood.

>> No.18975258

had some mochi with it in, has a sweet(not sugar sweet) earth bean taste but it wasn't smooth but bitty which was off putting

>> No.18975310
File: 521 KB, 1200x800, Two-Dollar-Eats-2125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not sweet, its just smashed red beans
>baleadas from honduras
The only thing I can't recreate is the cream called mantequilla. Pretty good

>> No.18975329

do you need a special kind of nippon-only beans, or would the red beans in my pantry also work?

>> No.18975354

where can i get red bean stuff in the USA? like in normal stores, i dont have those any of those asian supermarkets near me

>> No.18975356

Japan is part of the USA, it was conquered in World War II

>> No.18975413
File: 81 KB, 1200x1200, red-bean-soup-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's very mild, I think it's tasty. I sometimes crave this sweetened red bean soup you traditionally get at the end of wedding banquets.

>> No.18975424

You can order the beans online and make your own

>> No.18975477

tried it once, its surprisingly good.
not as good as chocolate, but a good flavor.

>> No.18975492

it's sweet and tasty i had it with pancakes

>> No.18975498

>japanese thing

>> No.18975513

red bean stuff is quite prevalent throughout asia, not just japan

>> No.18975524

weebs defend any asian. just japs above the rest.

>> No.18975690

Only in ice cream, especially in rock hard coconut milk popsicles. Otherwise, as a filling, it's usually pretty shit, since it's always too sweet or too sandy. You wouldn't want to eat more than a tea spoon of it at once. I have a seething hatred for red bean mooncakes and bao, and that hatred also extends to lotus seed paste(most of them are just too sweet).
Whole red beans are superior in every way, especially when cooked in syrup as a topping on shaved ice.

>> No.18975832

Yes, it's very tasty.

>> No.18975833

It's sweet

>> No.18975858

I prefer it over conventional sweets. Every sweet in America is either sour (citric acid) sweet or rich (corn syrup) sweet.

>> No.18975866

Honestly, I only like it homemade. I mash the cooked beans through a sieve to remove the skins then put into a pan with coconut oil, homemade vanilla sugar and a bit of water than cook, stirring often, until reduced and jammy. Spread that shit on toast or mix it into hot sweet (but otherwise plain) oatmeal or rice porridge and it's one of my family's favourite breakfasts.

Don't bother ordering proper red mung online. While red kidney beans aren't 1:1 identical the so called "small red beans" are very, very close. Like 90% similar. And, really, I've made bean pastes out of all sorts of beans other than red ones and they've all been generally good. Even did black eyed peas paste once and it was nice.

>> No.18975868

>hey let's create a substitute for meat for monks!
>oh yeah great idea let's use mashed beans!
>1000 years later, somehow added lots of sugar to it and make sweet pastries
You can blame vegan monks for this.

>> No.18975872

Tastes okay but I’d take nearly any other sweet over bean mash with sugar.

>> No.18975879 [DELETED] 

>it's always too sweet or too sandy.
Exactly why I (>>18975858) only like it homemade. Seems like mass produced ones just run the beans through a food processer, leaving the skins on. Makes it horrifically gritty. Or they oversweeten it. It should have a texture more similar to "refried beans," if you've ever had them.

>> No.18975882

Typical cu/ck/ with shit taste. Desserts and pastries should be sweet, and red beans should always be ground finely when used in dessert. I've had red bean paste, custard bao, lotus paste bao, and sesame balls from dozens of restaurants and they've never been half as sweet as the typical frosted cookie or cake slice you get at an Amerilard grocery. That is, they're just right. I could eat more than one but I don't want to since one is satisfying. That's how dessert is supposed to be.

>> No.18975884

Some local pastry places offer savoury red bean treats, and those are always better than the sweet ones in my opinion

>> No.18975892

>it's always too sweet or too sandy.
Exactly why I (>>18975866) only like it homemade. Seems like mass produced ones just run the beans through a food processer, leaving the skins on. Makes it horrifically gritty. Or they oversweeten it. It should have a texture more similar to "refried beans," if you've ever had them.

Sorry, I deleted it cuz I ref'd the wrong post as mine.
I've never seen savoury red bean in any Asian capacity. What sort of local place is it?

>> No.18975896
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I still find them too sweet. Burger standards are just ultra sweet from my POV.
Most red bean things, especially the factory processed stuff is just too fucking sweet. Picrel is a red bean desert that is nowhere near the sweetness of the average red bean bao for one. Sesame balls are alright since the filling is only a spoonful at most, at least

>> No.18975905

you're mom is too sweet or too sandy

>> No.18975907

I know some hawkers who use savoury red bean filling in fried stuff(the kind stalls that sell YouTiao and shit) around me, but they're pretty rare.

>> No.18975938

BRUH. I grew up in SG and we went to JB a lot for cheap shopping. I mean... I was a kid and I never really looked about for it, but I don't think I've ever seen kacang merah (or even kacang hijau) in anything other than sweet applications and that's certainly the only ways we've ever made them.
Bubur kacand hijau dan merah was a favourite. The pandan and the coconut cream and the practically melted rice and green mung with the whole-ish red mung throughout. So. Fucking. Good. It's basically a bean-y/rice-y kolak.

>> No.18975948

You probably do, but the paste is often kept in candy sections, from my experience.

>> No.18975979

They're just regular beans cooked in sugar

>> No.18976088

I like it in mochi due to the contrast in textures, otherwise I'm not a big fan.

>> No.18976308

Historically orientals use adzuki beans
No I don't know if kidney-red beans is the same

>> No.18976320

Obviously not the same, but I mean flavor wise, "soaked then cooked in sugar" wise
Before anyone gets to be a smartass

>> No.18976374

See >>18975866

>> No.18976500

Real nasty, same tier as carob.

>> No.18976520

milder taste but nice
and it is sweet, usually the cheaper the product the more sugar it has

>> No.18976685
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This looks like grape water ice, my favorite flavor

>> No.18976695
File: 88 KB, 1200x750, daifuku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh hell yeah anko is good af, as a hafu I was literally raised on anko, especially daifuku

>> No.18977573

if you've been to east asia you know their deserts might look great but are nowhere near as sweet as in the west
the bean paste is considered sweet by their standards

>> No.18977989

Filipino and Japanese desserts are definitely as sweet as the average american dessert in my experience. The only Taiwanese and Chinese things I've had weren't -too- sweet besides boba but even then that varies same as things like milkshakes and lattes. Korean, I have no idea. They serve the same stuff they serve at every "basic" Japanese place here

>> No.18978003

Yes. Go eat some, queer

>> No.18979170

Western filings like chocolate?... Are you an American or just council trash?

>> No.18979174

he's obviously referring to japanese food filled with sweet bean paste, mexitard

>> No.18979184

It's pretty nice. I have only had it in mochi. I wouldn't compare it to chocolate. It's less sweet and doesn't have as strong of a taste. It's good if you want something sweet but not too sweet.

>> No.18979870

sweet azuki paste is impossible to make at home like a lot but cant make it
always ends up crunchy and not good like in mochis

>> No.18979887

>always ends up crunchy
Have you considered cooking it more or using a sieve?

>> No.18980873

>special kind of nippon-only beans
the adzuki beans have a unique nutty taste similar to taro.

>> No.18980924

Sweet taro paste and taro cake taste good as well.

>> No.18981114 [DELETED] 

I associate red bean shit way more with smelly chinese bakeries than anything japanese

>> No.18982934

Its next to the miso at my weeb market. Refrigerated

>> No.18982937

It's ethnic food. If you don't like it, rest assured there's like 3 billion other people who do

>> No.18982976

I think the closest western equivalent pastry filling would be something like sweetened pumpkin puree since it's a mix of sweet and savoury taste. (yes I know they taste nothing alike fuck off)
It won't knock your socks off or anything but it's not bad at all. I would describe it as "pleasant", it's not overwhelmingly sweet.

>> No.18982990

I had it in a bun (rice flour bun), it was meh tier. Not really "sweet" compared to American sweet standards, not really savory. It just was a filling.

>> No.18983029

>but it is not sweet
only if youre a sugar addicted amerishart. yes, it is sweet
much like how "warm" water to the romans would be different to warm for us, as its the availability of hotter water, or the abundancy of sugar in all your food

>> No.18983062
File: 878 KB, 2500x1669, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's good. you can make something similar with white beans, like american bean pie.